Mohammed hilal alismaily 12s10125 - is obesity a disease ?

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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ObesityMohammed Hilal Al-Ismaily12s10125

a disease ?


Main PointsObesity DefinitionObesity FactsObesity is not a disease . Why ?What is obesity than !!

First - What is Obesity?

•Obesity is:

That you have a high amount of fat in your body .

Second - Facts

•Global Problem (2005)• 1.6 billion adults overweight (age 15+)• 400 million adults obese• 20 million children under age 5 overweight

• Current Trends – by 2015• 2.3 billion adults overweight• 700 million - obese

Still on Facts

Third – Why obesity is not a disease !!

True that obesity rates have been on the rise.

Old strategies does not work.

American medical association declared obesity as a disease, (AMA,2013) against the recommendations of the committee that was formed to explore obesity.

Is it a great move ?

Don’t believe it for a second

Third – Why obesity is not a disease !!

There is absolute widespread agreement that the very measure used to determine obesity – BMI – also known as body mass index – is absolutely flawed. BMI does a poor job of measuring your overall lean muscle tissue

and body fat composition.

What is obesity than !!

Obesity is not a disease.It’s a symptom

This does not lessen the importance of addressing obesity. In fact, it strengthens it.

A symptom means: something that points to something else

Here’s what I would like to suggest

Headache points to :

Concussion while playing a sport Too much caffeine in your diet Food allergies Lack of sleep

Extra weight is always pointing to somewhere else

Eating too much poor quality food Eating too much sugar Too much soft drinks Diabetes Brain tumor

For all this reasons, obesity is not a disease

it’s a symptom


Obesity is letting us to know :• That something else needs to be addressed.• That somehow life is out of balance because the body is caring

more pounds than it needs to.

Obesity is not a disease It’s our collective bodies screaming at us that our lifestyle need a course correction.


o Mohammed A Qazzaz.(June 2013).Obesityo

Retrieved 2015-11-22o  Marc, David(March,2015) "Is Obesity a Disease? with Marc


marc-david/ . Retrieved 2015-11-22

I hope this was helpful
