Momentum 2014

Post on 07-Apr-2016

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Schreiner University



Celebrating Two Great Years of Campaign Success


Table of Contents

5 Campaign Goals Celebrating Early Progress

6 Pardon Our Dust Yep, the gym is going up!

12 New Faces, New Talent

14 Faculty Insights Building a Premier Place of Learning

16 Enjoying Purposeful Living Jarrett Aldrich, Master Teacher

18 Reaching Out In a Changing Global Society

21 Financial Facts

23 Honor Roll of Donors

Cover Story: Faculty Insights see pages 14-15.

:: Editor

Karen Davis Kilgoredirector of development and planned giving specialist

:: Art Direction and Design

Stephanie Lopez Kellerassistant art director of creative services

Schreiner University does not discriminate in admissions, educational programs, extra-curricular programs or employment against any individual on the basis of that individual’s race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, veteran status or ethnic origin. Inquires/complaints should be forwarded to the Director of Human Resources, at 830-792-7375.



Even as we move confidently into the new academic year, we do so with keen appreciation for all of you who are part of our momentum, those of you whose support for Schreiner fuels so much of our progress into the future. Your scholarships, capital gifts and annual fund contributions make you valued partners in the excellent learning enterprise that is Schreiner University.

As you read this year’s record of contributions and progress, you will notice that Momentum offers a new twist. Without fanfare or public notice, our board of trustees and administration launched a comprehensive campaign in June 2012. We are delighted to report significant “momentum” in accomplishing this five-year, $50-million effort. At press time, we are nearing $24 million in outright and planned gifts for all purposes. We invite you to read about our “Fulfilling the Promise” campaign and—if it is appropriate for your family—to consider helping with these worthy projects, as well.

The good that is accomplished with your assistance

is partially visible in the facilities, laboratories,

campus pathways and gathering places. But much

of what annual and campaign giving accomplishes

is not always apparent to the eye—the faculty

and staff we are able to attract, the high-impact

educational practices we introduce and the learning

community that results from our common values.

As the parent of an incoming freshman commented

to me recently, “You all are to be commended for

doing a beautiful job of making us feel welcome

and helping us appreciate what your educational

values are all about.” Don’t doubt it—you are

partners in creating that distinctive quality and

the premier place of learning that results.

All the best,

Tim Summerlin, President

A Message from the President

Dear Friends,


:: Schreiner University’s facilities, services and campus ambience will reflect our commitment to “Learning by Heart.”

:: Schreiner’s reputation as a premier place of learning will be widely known through the strengths of our faculty and the achievements of our graduates.

:: Schreiner will begin its second century from a position of ever-growing financial strength.

Our Goals are ambitious and far-reaching.


First Capital Priority Nearing Completion

:: Athletic and Event Center reflects commitment to new conference and adds much-needed space for campus and community

After years of hoping and dreaming, SU’s athletic

and event center has become a construction reality, thanks to generous support for the $11.1 million project. Gratitude permeated the campus last December when the final gifts arrived to complete funding. President Tim Summerlin joyfully notified the J.E. and L.E. Mabee Foundation of Tulsa that its $1 million challenge grant had inspired the remaining gifts and pledges needed before Huser Construction of Kerrville could break ground. Less than a month later, building activity began at a feverish pace.

Gifts from 52 families and

organizations put the campaign

over the top. These included staff members’ payroll deductions, lead gifts from Schreiner’s board of trustees, and generous participation by the City of Kerrville, charitable foundations, alumni and Hill Country neighbors.

Scheduled to open in December, the 35,000 square foot facility

—adjacent to Mountaineer Fitness Center—will make a substantial impact for student athletes, campus life and Hill Country organizations that will also be able to use the center, when available. Equally important, the modern gym meets the expectations of SU’s new conference, the Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference

(SCAC). Shortly after inviting Schreiner to join in 2012, officials notified SU that no tournament play would take place on campus until a new facility was ready.

This fall, observers will see completed roof and masonry, an installed elevator and windows and doors in progress. According to Huser Construction superintendent Rick Spence, fall activities will include installation of items safely kept off the jobsite until the near-end. By semester close, exciting additions will be visible: basketball goals, bleachers and wooden floors.

Schreiner thanks every person and organization that helped turn this decade-long dream into a glistening new building.


— Charlie Nunez ’15An English major and scholar-athlete from El Paso, Nunez plans to attend

law school next year.

I remember being promised a new gym when I arrived at Schreiner my freshman

year. My anticipation grew throughout the years, and I learned to appreciate how

packed the stands get in Edington gym. Finally being able to play in this new,

wonderful building is exciting and will mean so much—not only to my teammates

and me, but also to the university as a whole. It is the perfect way to end a great

career. All there is left to do is leave our mark with a championship banner!

All of us know that this project is happening because a lot of generous people care

about Schreiner and care about us.”


:: Campaign will upgrade facilities for music and theatre arts by repurposing Rex Kelly Pavilion

A Schreiner Renaissance:

The arts are central to our academic mission, providing a timeless, universal

language that helps us make sense of our lives and the world around us. They illuminate the human spirit not only to delight and entertain, but to enlighten, engage and inspire. Indeed, when Schreiner adopted seven student learning outcomes in 2013, “aesthetic appreciation” was one of these.

Innovative plans for repurposing the Rex Kelly

Pavilion and refurbishing Hanszen Fine Arts

Theatre will demonstrate Schreiner’s belief that

experience in the arts is an important part of a

coherent intellectual experience for everyone. The

envisioned arts zone on the north side of campus

will include landscaped walkways, plazas and

outdoor demonstration / exhibit/ performance

spaces for the larger community to enjoy, as well.

With 11,000 square feet, the Music Education

Hall will provide an orchestral-sized practice

space appropriate for the Symphony of the Hills

(which began at SU) to use for rehearsals. Also,

an ensemble studio, individual practice rooms,

classrooms, recording studio, music library, climate-controlled spaces and faculty offices will unify the rapidly-growing music program in one location.

Currently, music faculty are scattered among several facilities across campus, classes take place in awkward settings, and space permits only three sound-proof practice rooms. Musical groups now number three vocal ensembles, a concert band, a string ensemble and a chamber group, comprised of majors and non-majors alike.

Renovations for theatre arts will upgrade plumbing and electrical systems, replace black box theatre seating, improve storage and expand instructional technology capabilities. This building, now called the Alice Hanszen Fine Arts Center, bespeaks of Schreiner’s evolution; it began as an armory in the days of Schreiner Institute!

This project supports the renaissance of the arts at Schreiner in a highly tangible way. As with all building projects, SU policy requires that 100% of the construction, contingency and endowment costs must be pledged before construction can begin.



A landscaped plaza will connect the Hanszen Fine Arts Building and the Music Education Hall, creating an outdoor performing arts zone just awaiting creative uses.

First Floor

Second Floor Music Education Hall and Renovation of Hanszen

Estimated Cost

Music Education Hall $2,188,186Site Work $51,426Fixed Equipment $155,000Furniture and moveable equipment $50,000Hanszen Renovation (Includes fixed equipment) $100,000Landscaping $100,000Professional Fees $143,155Contingency $93,914Maintenance Endowment $437,637Total Project Cost $3,319,318Funds in-hand $1,174,050Amount yet-to-raise $2,145,268




Campus Ministry and Worship Center Will Reflect Schreiner’s Values

Schreiner is proud of Presbyterian heritage, as well as its vibrant, ecumenical campus

ministry program. After years of study and discussion, we have concluded that Schreiner does not need a 600-seat “chapel.” Instead, we need more intimate spaces for daily activity—study and prayer groups, informal worship, counseling, fellowship and reflection.

Architects have just completed drawings that transform the existing Dietert Chapel/Auditorium (built in the ’60s) into flexible spaces for much smaller groups. From fellowship and office spaces to a 100-seat recital hall and a 208-seat chapel, the “new” complex will likely be one of the most popular spaces on campus. The Campus Ministry and Worship Center will also offer places for peer counseling and community service initiatives, as well as settings for discovery of vocation.

In addition, a quiet meditation area outside—a garden or labyrinth, perhaps—will provide a handsome setting for solitude and reflection.

Repurposing for Lively Use:Campus Ministry & Worship Center

Chapel/ Auditorium

Recital Hall


MOMENTUM 2014 11

Estimated Cost

Building Renovation $2,345,701FFE $72,581Sound System $55,000Exterior Signage $5,000Soft Costs $170,900Contingency $281,440Professional Fees $64,128Building Maintenance Endowment $469,140

Campus Ministry space will grow sixfold through renovation of Dietert Auditorium.

Recital Hall


Worship Center

Total Project Cost $3,463,890

Funds in-hand $1,069,710

Amount yet-to-raise $2,394,180

Estimated Cost


Mission Statement Anchors PrioritiesSchreiner University, a liberal arts institution affiliated

by choice and covenant with the Presbyterian Church (USA), is committed to educating students holistically. Primarily undergraduate, the university offers

a personalized, integrated education that prepares its students for meaningful work and purposeful lives in a changing global society.

David Reast and his family fell in love with the Hill County many years ago when their daughter attended Texas Lions Camp. First Rosalie and David’s son, Adam, moved to Kerrville, promptly followed by his parents. The couple’s daughter, Rachel, is a Schreiner senior majoring in psychology.

Before coming to Schreiner, Reast taught, coached and mentored in the Texas public schools for 25 years and served UT Pan American as an administrator in the college of education.

“My first goal at SU is to implement a new work-study initiative call Schreiner GROW.” Reast explains. “That acronym stands for Guided Reflection On Work. Our student services/campus ministry team will help students identify their talents and strengths and then see how they might use this knowledge for greater self-understanding as they begin to shape vocational plans.”

If you would like to help Reast as a volunteer or potential employer, contact him at 830-792-7451 or through email at

Immediately attracted to the campus and the Hill Country, Noelle Avenmarg recently completed her master’s degree in Student Affairs at Mississippi State University and has started her career as Coordinator of Purposeful Lives and Volunteer Services.

“I have several goals for developing the culture of service and community engagement at Schreiner,” she says. “The first, however, is to listen to what faculty, staff and students are already doing, what they aspire to achieve, how I can help them to move forward.”

Avenmarg will engage community non-profit organizations to help unlock the potential of Schreiner’s students to serve the world and become valuable and proactive citizens after graduation.

Are you part of an organization that would like to engage college students? Contact Noelle at 830-895-7106 or write her at

Reast Serves as Coordinator of Meaningful Work

Avenmarg leads new initiative for Purposeful Lives and Volunteer Services

Representatives from area non-profit agencies gathered at Schreiner in June to welcome Avenmarg to the community. Afterward, Campus Minister Gini Norris-Lane and her new colleague from Mississippi discuss the well-attended event.

MOMENTUM 2014 13

:: Schreiner University’s reputation as a premier place of learning will be widely known through the strengths of our faculty and the achievements of our graduates.

Campaign Goal

Avenmarg leads new initiative for Purposeful Lives and Volunteer Services


Creating a Premier Place of Learning Starts with Great Teaching

When one hears a Schreiner faculty

member describing goals and dreams, the word “we” is noticeably present. Whether these academics have worked a year or a decade at SU, they have a joyful sense of building a premier place of learning. Together, they are creating a fine harmony among the three schools: sciences and mathematics, liberal arts, and professional studies. Kiley Miller, Mary Grace Antony and Clay McClure are quick to point out that an atmosphere of opportunity and innovation permeates campus.

Miller came to Schreiner as a soccer-playing freshman, graduating in 2000. Knowing that he wanted to teach college chemistry, hopefully at his alma mater, Miller immediately pursued more schooling and work experience. He returned to teach in 2006 after earning his

PhD at MIT and working for

a Fortune 500 company as a

research chemist.

“I really like the opportunity to

show students that you can come

from humble beginnings and still

achieve lofty goals,” he explains.

“I try to help students tap into

their life experiences to shape

their educational decisions. We

do a lot of talking to arrive at a

plan where each of them can

choose a career path that makes

the world a better place.”

Mary Grace Antony visited

campus three years ago to

consider a teaching post in

communication studies.

Immediately she perceived that—

unlike many large schools—SU

fostered genuine interest and

mutual appreciation between

teachers and students.

“I have really enjoyed getting to

know my students,” she reflects. “It gives me a deep sense of professional fulfillment to watch them evolve from tentative freshmen to competent graduates—ones who see themselves as social agents and not just passive consumers.”

Joining the academic team just last year, Clay McClure grew up in a small town and appreciated the virtues of small communities. He hopes those outside the walls see Schreiner the same way he does, as “an institution that embraces excellence, integrity and innovation and expects the same from its graduates.”

“I view teaching as mentoring,” says McClure, who teaches graphic design. “I set an example by actively creating exhibit sculptures and works on paper to model how we as designers must practice continuous creativity.”

MOMENTUM 2014 15

Kiley Miller, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Chemistry

Clay McClure Assistant Professor, Graphic Design

“We try to create opportunities for students to explore real-world applications in undergraduate

research, field work and internships. These activities beyond the classroom help our students understand

that they are already building their lives and their futures. We help them envision meaningful work that

will enrich and sustain them and their families.”

“My peers have integrity, passion for their disciplines and respect for their colleagues. We are a team working toward a common

goal of excellence and innovation.”

Mary Grace Antony, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Communication Studies

Charlie McCormick, Ph.D. Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

“As someone who grew up abroad and has traveled widely, I create assignments that push students to contemplate larger global trends and issues. I am delighted as my students begin to grapple with the awareness that they are globally connected in an increasingly cosmopolitan society.”

“Gifts from our friends for specific programs help us recruit great faculty. This year, for example, we were able to tell prospective faculty about the RGK Foundation’s Ethics Match, the Labatt, Syers and Patton Endowed Lecture Series, and the Loftis Family Science Center and Observatory. In addition, we have Margaret Hosler and Elmore Whitehurst endowed awards to support teaching excellence. Not every small college has such wonderful offerings, and all of us know this!”


:: Alumnus Follows His Heart By Helping Others Dream Big

“They’ll always be my boys,” quips Aldrich as two of his seniors ready for graduation. Pictured left is Zachary Williams and (in Aldrich’s arms) Holden Black. Both are now college students.

Living Purposefully Beyond the Classroom, too

Jarrett Aldrich, Master Teacher

For the past four years, Aldrich has spent part of his summers around the globe as a reserve naval officer and was recently promoted to lieutenant. Here he is aboard Navy Patrol Craft USS Tornado as his crew welcomed the USS New York into the harbor. “The USS New York has a special place in our hearts since she was constructed using the iron from the World Trade Center remains,” explained Aldrich.

MOMENTUM 2014 17

— Former student Zachary Williams

Mr. Aldrich was more than just a teacher. He inspired us to think outside of the box. Since this class was a dual-credit course, we were treated like actual college

students and not just high school kids. He was intelligent and passionate and went above and beyond in all his lessons. One of the best teachers at East Central!”

Sometimes, it takes dark moments to incite the

brightest change, and Schreiner University provided the setting for one thankful alumnus who remembers exactly how his transformation happened. After his young sister suddenly died, Jarrett Aldridge vowed to change his “driftless” ways and become a person who could bring pride to his family, hopefully partially filling the void his sister’s death had caused.

The 2004 graduate speaks softly. “It was time to end years of adolescent bravado channeled into carefree nothingness.”

Within three days, Aldrich had a bold new plan. He sold everything he owned and then did something the young man had not done in a long time; he prayed. He also began Internet searches for a college that might encourage his starting over. He hoped his prayers would lead him to a Christian atmosphere in a setting that could empower a powerful new beginning. He laughs as he recalls the time of searching.

“The results were astonishing. Every Internet search, no matter which keywords I entered, came back with the same thing: this funny-sounding word—‘Schreiner’—in a city just an hour away from my family. I had a lackluster and irresponsible academic past that indicated I should not even attempt admission, but I absolutely knew I was supposed to enroll at Schreiner University.”

A poor academic transcript in hand, Jarrett drove 300 miles

to approach registrar Darlene Bannister, who was polite, but unimpressed. Nevertheless, the admissions committee must have seen something hopeful, for he was accepted on probation.

Dr. Loren Scribner, the campus minister, became Aldrich’s academic advisor and invited him into his office.

“We talked about life, love, parents, decisions, heartache, excuses, successes and failures,” Aldrich remembers. “He never interrogated my lack of direction and mediocre grades. On behalf of this college with a weird name, Dr. Scribner welcomed me.”

However, it was difficult for an old dog to learn new tricks. On his very first day, Aldrich overslept an 8:00 a.m. class with none other than Dr. Scribner! About 8:15 a.m., the phone rang. Professor Scribner was on the other end, asking his new student’s whereabouts.

“The rest of us are waiting on you, Mr. Aldrich,” calmly announced Scribner. “And we will not begin until you arrive.”

Within 10 minutes, Aldrich was in class and never missed one again. Quickly he learned that no one was going to give him an A in response to charisma. Dr. Scribner and his colleagues (especially Darlene Bannister, Judith Ferguson, James Harris and David Byrne) pushed him hard…sometimes uncomfortably hard…and challenged him toward larger goals.

Whether in the classroom or the library or the Schreiner Diner,

everyone played a part, recalls Aldrich. The librarians, professors, custodians, cooks and staff people in every office became his family following his sister’s death. He worked hard, holding down a demanding job at a nearby children’s camp and completing his coursework in two years.

“I was so excited to graduate that I wore my cap and gown to all my final exams for two days!”

The grand finale had arrived, with his Schreiner chorus of encouragers urging him to start on a new round of accomplishments. Within a year, he had finished flight school and in the following year, he earned a master’s degree and dedicated his first book to Dr. Scribner. Aldrich knew what he must do next.

Now Aldrich uses his somewhat zany personality teaching English in San Antonio’s East Central ISD. He combines his love for young people with his delight in literature and mixes up recipes for fun. One class assignment, for instance, asked his students to portray the characters in Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird” in rap language. His students were hooked!

Aldrich never spends a day wondering if he has chosen the right profession.

“I am honored whenever a student comes to me for help or inspiration. It is an unspeakable gift to nudge young people in the right direction and accept them for who they are. When I am wondering how to do this, I just treat each of them the way Schreiner’s entire community treated me. That’s it!”


Preparing students for a changing global societyrequires open minds, study, travel, experience, reflection

This fall the Global Scholars Living and Learning

Community welcomes freshmen students (pictured above) who want to broaden their worldviews while living as a close-knit community in the newly renovated Delaney Hall. Students will take one course each semester with an international focus, visit international and cultural events throughout the region, and—undoubtedly—engage in countless discussions about world affairs.

After their first year, these students will begin their quests to become global scholars by attending the Korean Studies Summer Program for three weeks at Hannam University in Daejeon, South Korea. Hannam has broad academic offerings,

including seven graduate schools, 58 departments, 32 research institutes and 190 overseas sister institutions in 41 countries.

When our students return, they will be eligible to enter Schreiner’s prestigious honors program and share their international perspectives with others.

“This program aims to help students achieve these goals by giving them the best of both worlds: the chance to have a small-group experience within our campus and the opportunity to expand their horizons through a study abroad experience in South Korea,” adds Jones.

Want to know more?

From Canada and Norway to the heart of Texas

Dr. Sonja Lind directs SU’s new program in A Changing Global Society. As a dual citizen of Canada and Norway, Lind has lived and traveled in nearly 50 countries and describes herself as passionate about the opportunity to teach and mentor international students who will come to SU and to inspire our students to study abroad. New to the southwest, the adventurous educator has started learning Spanish.

We live in an increasingly globalized world. Schreiner students need to be equipped to communicate across cultures and prepared to compete in an international job market.”

— Seabrook JonesProgram Director

MOMENTUM 2014 19

Pan American-Schreiner Agreement (PASA) extends opportunities

Learning by Serving Others

A successful international tradition began in 2002 when Schreiner and Presbyterian Pan American School (PPAS)

in Kingsville, TX, entered into an agreement to provide new opportunities for outstanding high school graduates. SU funds half of a full scholarship for three PPAS graduates, while

churches and friends around the state contribute matching funds.

This joint venture has enabled the campus community to enjoy

bright young people from other countries, primarily Mexico. PASA

students have made many lasting friends in Kerrville and often

have continued their educations in distinguished graduate schools

as far away as Canada and Spain.

From South Korea, Hyunchuk Choi, known as “Choi”, was an

unanimous choice as this year’s new PASA student. Not only

does he excel in the classroom, Choi also plays baseball and is

an accomplished pianist. His father is a Presbyterian pastor in

South Korea.

Two connections through International Service

Learning (ISL) are adding more latitudes and longitudes to Schreiner’s global classrooms. Based in Corpus Christi, TX, ISL enlists medical and educational teams to volunteer in under-served populations in Central and South America, Mexico, the Caribbean and Africa. Students from more than 100 universities participate.

“We reached out and lent a helping hand,” says BSN director Dr. Lena Rippstein, describing a summer work trip she and her students took to Cuba. “By

helping those less fortunate than

ourselves we realized how truly

blessed we are to live in the

United States of America.”

Meanwhile, another faculty

member was making

connections for future economics

projects in Belize and Costa Rica.

Jay McCormack, Visiting

Assistant Professor of Business,

won the 2014 Elmore Whitehurst

Award for Creative Teaching last

May and used his stipend to

explore a pilot project where SU

students will learn first-hand

about micro-financing in those


McCormack also hopes to make

connections soon for Schreiner

students to study business in

London. Summer sessions in Italy

are a Schreiner tradition already.

McCormack’s award is a gift

from the Hatton W. Sumners

Foundation in Dallas, who

established the endowed fund to

honor their former colleague, the

late Honorable Elmore

Whitehurst. Dallas natives,

Whitehurst and his wife, Ruth,

lived in Kerrville many years

after retirement and enjoyed a

hearty friendship with SU

students and faculty.

Dr. Frank Zamora (left) is a medical director with International Service Learning. Here he helps orient Schreiner’s nursing students at University of Havana.

Welcoming a New Mountaineer

Schreiner trustee David Evans celebrated high school graduation in Kingsville with Choi last May. David and Linda Evans support the PASA program every year and keep up with PASA graduates as they earn advanced degrees, marry, begin careers and have children.


Campaign Goal Schreiner will begin its second century from

a position of ever-growing financial strength.

We are grateful that Schreiner’s endowment has more than tripled since 1997 and now surpasses $63 million. At the same time, the size of one’s endowment is more than a safeguard

against turbulent economic times; it is one of the most visible and lasting markers of a strong university.

Endowments are managed to preserve the principal and grow over time, which provides predictable and steady

support and enables the administration to plan realistically for the future.

We welcome outright and planned gifts designated for the endowment. With these, SU will increase its ability to:

• Attract, retain and equip excellent teachers through academic endowments;

• Increase student access and success through endowed scholarships, grants, campus employment,

undergraduate research opportunities and exchange programs;

• Maintain and improve campus grounds and facilities that undergird curricular and co-curricular learning;

• Enhance our library collection and sustain innovative technology that enables campus citizens to

communicate efficiently with each other and effectively with networks across the globe;

• Respond to new opportunities as our fast-paced world presents them.

MOMENTUM 2014 21

Students Total Endowment

Endowment Equivalent per Student

Endowment earnings per student (assuming a 5% spend rate)

The above numbers are unaudited. Fiscal year concludes May 31.

SCAC Endowment ComparisonsSCAC: Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference Schools (including city and date established)

2013-2014 Selected Financial Statistics

Assets Cash and Cash Equivalent $6,705,075Accounts and Pledges Receivable $3,823,564Other Assets $2,672,556Investments $60,474,360Land, Building and Equipment $59,554,630Total Assets $133,230,185 LiabilitiesAccounts Payable $2,115,014Deposits and Deferred Revenue $2,674,959Notes Payable $16,523,827Total Liabilities $21,313,800 Net Assets Unrestricted $54,207,294Temporarily Restricted $19,710,521Permanently Restricted $37,998,570Total Net Assets $111,916,385

Total Liabilities and Net Assets $133,230,185



Auxiliary 29%

Gifts and grants9%


Net tuition and fees54%

Institutional support 25%

Student services 18%

Academic support 7%

Instruction 30%

Auxiliary 20%

It is a pleasure for the Board of Trustees to watch Schreiner’s growth in fiscal strength with every passing year. These good results come from a combination of generous gifts, market growth, sound fiscal management and a commitment to the future. The best is yet to be!”

— Bill HarrisonChairman, Finance Committee

Trinity University, San Antonio (1864) 2525 $1,005,691,000 $398,293 $19,915Colorado College, Colorado Springs (1874) 2026 $593,488,000 $292,936 $14,647Southwestern University (1840) 1394 $252,950,000 $181,456 $9,073Austin College (1849) 1260 $124,800,000 $99,048 $4,952Centenary College* Shreveport (1825) 776 $89,500,000 $115,335 $5,767Texas Lutheran University (1891) 1318 $82,734,000 $62,772 $3,139Schreiner University (1923) 1126 $57,269,000 $50,861 $2,543University of Dallas* (1956) 2576 $45,633,744 $17,715 $886

SU ranks 7th of 8 in total endowment and endowment per student. SU is the next-to-the-smallest school.SU and Univ. of Dallas are the only schools established in the 20th century.Data derived for fiscal year 2013 from NACUBO (National Association of College and University Business Officers) except where asterisked.*Asterisks indicate 2012 figures taken from internet web pages.


2014-2015 Board of Trustees

Campaign Steering Committee

University Officers

Officers of the Board: Chair: Mr. Mike Pate Vice Chair: Ms. Jane Ragsdale Secretary: Mr. Ron Tefteller

Chair: Richard Cree Honorary Chair: Royce Faulkner

Dr. Tim Summerlin President 830-792-7345

Mr. Mark Tuschak VP for University Advancement 830-792-7215

Ms. Karen Davis Kilgore Director of Development 830-792-7205

Term Expiring 2015Mr. John Brantley (1) Houston, TXMr. Rick Cree (1) Dallas, TXMr. Page Foshee (1) Austin, TXDr. Demmie Mayfield (2) San Antonio, TXMr. Michael Pate (2) Alexandria, VAMs. Nancy Paup (2) Fort Worth, TXMs. Jane Ragsdale (3) Hunt, TXMr. Karl Ransleben (1) Fredericksburg, TXDr. William Reid (3) Horseshoe Bay, TXMr. Robert Scott (3) Falfurrias, TXMr. Max Sherman (2) Austin, TXMr. Ron Tefteller (1) San Antonio, TX

Term Expiring 2016Rev. Dr. Stuart Baskin (3) Tyler, TXMr. Bud Benning (1) El Paso, TXDr. Carlos Campos (1) New Braunfels, TXMr. Phillip Hering (3) Waco, TXMr. Frank Maresh (2) Hunt, TXMr. Granger MacDonald (1) Kerrville, TXMr. Dan Ostos (1) Kerrville, TXMr. Nicholas Serafy (2) Brownsville, TXMr. Brian Sullivan (2) Austin, TX

Term Expiring 2017Ms. Nancy Anguish (2) Midland, TXMs. Estela Avery (1) Fredericksburg, TXMr. Tom Baldwin (2) San Antonio, TXMr. Mark Clements (2) Spicewood, TXMr. Warren Ferguson (1) Kerrville, TXMr. Bill Harrison (3) San Antonio, TXMs. Janet McKinney (2) Kerrville, TXMs. Lea Nye (2) San Antonio, TXMr. Robert Parker (2) Houston, TXMr. Israel Pena (3) Boerne, TXRev. Dean Pogue (2) Katy, TX(1), (2), or (3) indicates which three-year term is being served.

Advisory Trustees Mr. J. B. (Bubba) Coskey* (2016) Houston, TXMs. Sue Cummings (2015) Kerrville, TXRev. Dr. David Evans (2015) Austin, TXMr. Steve Daniels (2015) Kerrville, TXMr. Bill Wilson* (2016) Kerrville, TXMr. Walter Workman (2016) Kerrville, TX

Trustees EmeritiMr. James Avery Kerrville, TXMr. Peter Baldwin Dallas, TX* denotes inactive status

Susan & Randy Brooks San AngeloJanet & Kent McKinney KerrvilleViveca & Nick Serafy BrownsvilleLaura & Weir Labatt III San AntonioAnne & Rick Cree DallasRebecca & Bill Harrison San Antonio

Jerry & Mark Clements SpicewoodNancy Paup Ft. WorthNancy Anguish MidlandBarbara & Mike Pate Arlington, VAJudy & Warren Ferguson KerrvilleSandy & Jim Alsup Midland

Dr. Tim Summerlin President

Mr. Larry Cantu VP for Enrollment Services

Dr. Charlie McCormick Provost and VP for Academic Affairs

Mr. Bill Muse VP for Administration and Finance

Dr. Candice Scott Associate VP for Academic Affairs and Student Success; Logan Library Director

Ms. Lane Tait Assistant VP for Marketing

Mr. Mark Tuschak, VP for Advancement

Ms. Karen Davis Kilgore Director of Development

DeansDr. Diana Comuzzie Trull School of Sciences & Mathematics

Dr. David Smith Cailloux School of Professional Studies

Dr. William Woods School of Liberal Arts

Liaisons to the Steering Committee

MOMENTUM 2014 23

A-1 TransmissionsA3 StudioWynell AabergAACU Association of American Colleges

& UniversitiesABBA FoundationBrenda & James AbbatielloAnn & Ray AbbottJulie AbernathyAcapulco RestaurantCarol & John AcetiMidori AckerAckman Pharmacy Inc.Buff AdamsCarol & Baxter AdamsIone & James AdamsSherry & Jim AdamsMolly & Jerry AdamsDebby AddisonCoral AdemaSandra & Brian AdkinsAetna Foundation Inc.Affordable PrintingKenton AhrensTim AjaxAlamo ToyotaErin AlbrechtAshley & David AldridgeKay Alexander†Traudl AlgerMarie AlgiereAll Creatures Animal ClinicDarleen AllanDalis AllenFrances & Bill AllenRoland Allerkamp

Marsena & Robert AlleyCarolyn & Speedy AllisonMimi & Robert AllisonSandy & Jim AlsupJanie AltgeltAlbert AlvaradoGuadalupe & Alfredo AlvaradoAnabel AlvaradoClarice AmannCaleb AmbroseShannon AmentRobin & Bill AmerineDenise & Gordon AmesAMG Charitable Gift FoundationAndrea AndersonMargaret & Dick AndersonLaverne & Jay AndersonSandra & Kurt AndersonPhilip AndersonLeta & Glenn AndrewCheryl & Frank† AndrewsTracy Andrews & Mike GrantLynnette & Stephen AnfinsonDonna & Oscar AntopiaAPEX Real Estate Co.Aqua-TechArgo Group USBlanca & Fred AriasArkansas Community FoundationChristopher ArmijoAmy & Mark ArmstrongDonna & George ArmylagosCarol & Bill ArnoldDiane & Aaron ArnoldLiz Arp

Travis ArreagaCarrie & Scott ArringtonPatsy AshworthRick AssuntoCarrie AstoriaCathy & Samuel AtkinsNancy & Cecil AtkissionRobin & Michael AtteberryAnonymousBill AverittRuth & Chris AveryGaye & Paul AveryEstela & James AveryBeverly & Bob AveryMelanie & Gregory AyersJene & Jackson BabbKaren & Steve BackorAlice Ann BaconBarbara & Gary BaconLynn & Rodney BaconDebbie BadingBaehre Real EstateDenise & Russell BaehreBafidis Enterprises Inc.Angela & James BaileyRena & Marshall BaileyBarbara & Bob BakerChristopher BakerChad BakerLinda & John BakerRita BakerSarah & Howard BakerKathy & Conner BaldwinSue Dale & Sonny BaldwinTeeka & Peter BaldwinEleanor & Ray BaldwinFelicia & Tom Baldwin

Kathy & Charles BalserBalser’s Northside Automotive Inc.Margaret & Billy BalthropBandera County River Authority & Groundwater

DistrictDarlene & Dewayne BannisterPatricia & Eric BarefieldMack BarhamCarol & David BarkerKassie BarlowHenrietta BarnettMargaret BarnhartJulie & Ned BaronJoyce & Bob BartonIvette & Enricue BascuesAmy & Stuart BaskinLaura BatchelderBaublit JewelersSam & Dayton BaublitAngie BaumanMichael M Baumann & Co.Judy & Mike BaumannCandy BeachJames BeachBrenda BeatyCindy & Mike BeckerCynthia & Peter BeemanJune & Samuel BegemanDenise BegleyTammy & Brian BehrPhyllis Muska & Dan BehringerRoberta BelangerArthur BellLynn & Wendell BellKatchen & Mark Benak

Verna & Joe BenhamBenning Construction Inc.Mary & Bud BenningCarolyn & Tarilton BentonJudith & Jo BeranTisa & Scot BercuttPaul BergJennifer & Steven BergmanBonnie & August BeringTheresa & Francisco BernalAnn & Ed† BerrioSally & Raymond BerryDarla & Ricky BerryCathy & Bruce BerryhillBonnie & Ralph BesetznySlim BethuneKenneth BethuneCathy & Barry BettesKathleen & Wynn BettyHelen & Richard BialekAnita & Carlton BiermannMargaret & Milton BierschwalePatrick BiesiadeckiSandra & Billy BillingsleyBetty BillsCamila & John BinnionBeverly BishopDon BishopCindy & Byron BitnerMaxine BizerJeannette & Arthur† BlackWilma & Thomas BlackMarilyn & Harold BlackshearDebbie & Robert BlackwellMargie & David BlairBlanco Auto PartsRita & John Blanks

Continuous Thanks

Thanks to our donors, Schreiner enjoyed another banner year in fund-raising in

the 2013-14 fiscal year. Schreiner’s friends pledged $7,737,400 in outright and planned gifts. These new commitments bring the “Fulfilling the Promise” campaign to $23,355,182 since its launch on June 1, 2012.

Gifts for operations—predominantly to support student financial aid—totaled $1,412,981. Largest contributor to this good result was the Hill Country College Fund (HCCF), providing tuition grants for students in Kerr and contiguous counties. With dozens of enthusiastic volunteers assisting, the HCCF inspired $609,316 for current Hill Country Tuition Grants and $130,721 for the fund’s endowment.

The largest piece of the fund-raising pie, $4.3

million went to complete funding for the Athletic &

Event Center. This was an especially joyous

milestone because SU policy requires 100% of the

project’s construction, contingency and endowment

costs to be pledged before ground can be broken for

a new building.

Schreiner booked 2,170 gifts for all purposes. These

came from former students, parents and former

parents, volunteers, faculty and staff, trustees,

charitable foundations, Presbyterians and friends.

More than half came from the Hill Country.

We thank every person and organization for an

exciting year!

Honor Roll of Donors

† - deceased


Margaret & Edlar BlantonLaurie & William BlewettSpencer BlockerLynn & Theo BlueNathan BoardmanSally & Roger BobertzBob BoekerKathy & Art BogieSara & Matt BoglerMegon BoglerCharlene & Pat BoldenShelly & David BoltonEric BoothBoots ‘n BritchesBethany & Chris BorakAnn & Larry BorchersDiana BostJeannette Boster†Beth & Rex BourlandR.J. Bowen Inc.Debby & J.D. BowenJanice BowenMarianne & Bob BowersPeggy & Michael BowieKathleen & Ted† BoyceBarbara & William BoydGloria & Malcolm BoydMarvin BoydEileen & Bill BoydTracy & Ray BrachAnne & John BrackinMary & Chester BradleyJohn BradshawVicki & Dondi BrameJoan & John BrantleyShelby Braswell Insurance AgencyMeredith & Andrew BrewerIrene BrewsterJane & William BriggsDavid BrightMelissa & Kenneth BrinkleyL. D. Brinkman CorporationCarol & Harvey BrinkmanBrink BrinkmanRyan BrisbinBriscoe HallMasako BritoBroadway National BankBroken Arrow RanchNancy & John BroocksAlice BrookBarbara & James BrooksSusan & Randy BrooksBrown Foundation Inc.Kathy & Austin BrownSherry & Charles BrownPatti & Dan BrownBetsy & Douglas BrownNancy BrownNatalie & Cody BrownKristina & Robert BrownStephanie & Houston BrownPat & Tom BrowneBirdie & Roy BruemmerCharlotte BrundrettRobert Brunk†Barbara BrunoBryan Finley & AssociatesToni Bryant

Joan BrysonMerri & Dick BundyStarla & John BurdittLisa BurrowMichelle BurrowsBetty & Allie BurtonRose BurtonRussell BurtonKyle Busing & Carrie WestSuzanne ButlerByron BuzziniBetty & Bill ByrdLinda & David ByrneCherylene CaddyLynn & Michael CaddyAnonymousThe Cailloux FoundationThe Kathleen C. Cailloux Family FoundationMaria & Pete CalderonSharon CaldwellBrent CalongneCalvary Temple ChurchCamelot Hills Group, LLCPaul CamfieldCamp Flaming ArrowCamp La JuntaCamp Mystic Inc.Camp Stewart for Boys Inc.Camp Verde General StoreCamp WaldemarCampaign Sports, LLCMary & Charles CampbellKathryn CampbellUrsula & Stuart CampbellAnonymousMary & Rene CanalesMary & William CanavanBrandon CancinoAnne & Douglas CannonEdwina CantuTheresa & Larry CantuLisa CantuTonya CantuCapital Pumping Inc.Brittany CardwellJanel CarlileCorinne & Acree CarlisleMichael CarlisleCarole & Bob CarlsonElva & Joaquin CarpenterHelen CarrollTonya & Conn CarsonMissy & Jarred CarterSusan CarverDarlene Kee-Casper & David CasperCarrie & Alan CatalaniKelly Jo & Steven CatalaniJudy & James CavenderCecil Atkission MotorsElizabeth CenicerosCentennial BankCentral Texas Collision ServicesOfelia & Raul CesarGladys ChamberlainBoardman ChambersLaVerne ChandlerJim Chaney

Dale & Elizabeth ChapmanJay ChapmanRed ChapmanBeth & Eugene ChappellFrances & Jon CharlesChartwellsDale ChaseJenny & Chip ChaseSandra ChaseSusan & J.M. ChastainSonia & Rogelio ChavezCarol & Ronnie ChestnutChevron Matching Gift ProgramChicken Express KerrvilleChili’s Grill & BarChurch’s Fried ChickenMary Walker-Chyle & Valerian ChyleCity of Kerrville Economic Improvement CorporationPeggy ClantonCarol ClarkPatricia & John ClarkMeg & Clayton ClarkTina & Michael ClarkVirginia Ruth ClarkeHolly & Kaci Clark-PorterJerry & Mark ClementsCraig ClemmerMaria ClyburnBetty & Steve ClyburnCarolynn & Stan CobbsGary E. Cochrane Co.Vickie & Gary CochraneSylvia CodayCoffee HomesMargie ColeMarge & Albert ColemanDan ColemanLoyce & William CollenbackFrancelle & Dennis CollinsRoma & Howard CollinsAnn & James CollinsKathleen & Jim CollinsMary Kathryn & Maurice CollinsCommercial Realty ServicesCommunity Foundation of the Texas Hill CountryDiana & Tony ComuzzieLindsay & Carson ConklinEllen ConnellyConocoPhillipsBarbara & Pat ConwayMildred & Edwin CookMike CookNancy & John CookeJennifer CooperLana & Edward CopJoe CopeYlanda & James CopelandMary & Dub CorbinStacy & Mike CortezShirley & Bubba CoskeyThe Council of Independent CollegesBeverly & William CountsCandace & Mark CourmierBrandon CovarrubiaMartha† & Frank Covert

Valerie & Mark CoveyCowboy Steak HouseCamilla CowdenMark CowdenJoan & Thomas CraftNeva & Charles CramerJennifer & Donald CrandallBailie CrawfordGlenn CrawfordDebbie & Jerry CrawfordTracy Crawford-GournayFrances CreeAnne & Rick CreeCrenwelge Motor Sales Inc.Crenwelge MotorsTim CrenwelgeGrace & Neil CritesRobbie & Harold CrockerJoanne CrockerLela & David CrockettLana & Sidney CroftKate & Robert CrosbySylvia & Ronald CrosslandDavid CrottyJanett & Harlan CrousePriscilla & Gary CrozierJaney & Bill CrumPamela & William CrumrineMagda & Jesus CruzDavid CruzeCuernos Loco LLCCulligan South West Inc.Culligan Water Conditioning of Kerrville, Inc.Jo Ann & Darlis CummingsSue CummingsElizabeth & Bob CunninghamAnne & Dan CurranPeggy & Tom CurrieSharon & Bruce CurryCustom PlumbingHilde & Irving CutterDavid CzarneckyD. W. ElectricCarol & Sam DaltonTom DanielAmy & Steve DanielsCharlotte & Thomas DanielsTerri DanzCarolyn & Henry DardenSandra & Milton DareBeverly & Ralph DaughertyLaurie & Les DaughtryJudith & Jim DavenportRuth Ann & Billy DavenportDavidson, Freedle, Espenhover, & Overby PC.Davis Bonding Co.Barbara Davis†Benjamin DavisJeanette & Carl DavisBrenda & Hugh DavisD. C. Davis Dahlia DavisDeborah DavisGloria & Ralph† DavisBillie & John DavisDee & Charlie DavisMarlena DavisRaemon & J. Robert Davis

Dorothy & Robert DavisAlexandra & Robert DayClyde DayVal & Douglas DayDayton Foundation Depository, Inc.Ramon De LeonSan Juana & Cleofas De LunaFredericka DeBerryRachel & Jim DeerCourtney & Anthony DeHoyosAusten DelahayePamela DiazPatricia & Clement DickeyNancy & Philip DickinsonSusie & Victor DietzelChristy & Rian DillJoanne & Neal DixonDeborah & Dick DobieBeverly & Alvin DoddsCarol & Stephen DodgeJoan Dell DolceDominion FoundationIrene DonnellyKaren & John DooleyMarcy & Wes DormanJudith & Rogers DouglasCaroline & Clarence DoveFane DownsMary Margaret DoyenJana & Stephen DraneBetsy DrapelaElaine DreebenDucks Unlimited, Inc. Kerrville ChapterLucille & Lindsay DuffStaci Duff & Terry GlenJean & Jim DuncanJulie & Frank DunlapJodie & Jay DunnahooMilda DurrinGeraldine & Joe DursoLeslie DurstSue DykeLisa & Tim DylinaCynthia EarlTweety & Dick EastlandCourtney & Gene EbnerJohn EddlemanEdward JonesCandice & Michael EdwardsDeborah & Carlton EdwardsMarkeeta & Douglas EdwardsLawren & Scott EichmanCooper ElamMelinda & Tom ElderPatricia EldredgeThe Elkins FoundationPat EllebrachtDee & John ElliottKeith Ellis†George Anne & Teak ElmoreMarsha ElmoreKeli & Rex EmersonSylvia & Murphy EmmonsEmployee Incentive Plans Inc.Carol & Woodrow EppersonJarett ErschStephanie & Richard ErtelBeauford Erwin

MOMENTUM 2014 25

Christi EscamillaEspecially YoursCindy & Allen EspinosaPaco EspinozaMary EtheredgeLinda & David EvansDiane EvansDonna & Jimmy EvansEthan EvansJoan EvansKaren EvansKay & John EvansRandy EvansElaine & Marshall EverettSabrehna EverettChristina ExumExxonMobil Foundation Inc.ExxonMobilJudith & George EychnerKaren & Bill FairRichard FairchildKimber FalkinburgFamily Sports CenterCatharine FarmerDonna & Royce FaulknerBeth FelnerMichael FeltsSusan & Bob FendleyCarol FennellMaisha Fennell

Eddie FergersonJudy & Warren FergusonPeggy & Keith FerrisFidelity Abstract & Title Co.Fidelity Charitable Gift FundJulie & Scott FiedlerRolanda & Bennett FieldsJessica & Ray FierroCasey & Pepe FilipponeDelores & Robert FinchBimmie FindlayGordon FindlayJulia FingerCurtis FinleyFirst American StorageFirst Presbyterian Church - AustinFirst Presbyterian Church - Big SpringFirst Presbyterian Church - BryanFirst Presbyterian Church - DallasFirst Presbyterian Church - Fort WorthFirst Presbyterian Church - GeorgetownFirst Presbyterian Church - KerrvilleFirst Presbyterian Church - Kilgore

First Presbyterian Church - MidlandFirst Presbyterian Church - San AntonioFirst Presbyterian Church - TylerFirst Presbyterian Church - UvaldeFirst Presbyterian Church- Dallas FoundationFirst United Methodist Church - KerrvilleMattie FirstFrances & B.D. FischerRay C. Fish FoundationCarol & John FisherJulie FisherMichele & Trey FisherDiane & Dick FitchJudy & David FletcherPaul FlettKathy & Theodore FlocaFloors Inc.Sophia & Apolonar FloresLucrecia & Danny FloresJo Ann & Luis FloresJimmy FluegelBradley FlumeShelley & Michael FlumeCharlene & Bret FordBertha Forester

Judith & John ForisterMartha & William ForrestPage Foshee & Robert BracewellNorma & Stanley FoskettPeni & Henry FosterKevin FosterNaty & Thomas FowlerCorrina & Travis FoxFoy Family Foundation Inc.Martha FoyLeyva FramingBarnita FrancisFrancisco’s RestaurantEddie FrancoAubrey Frank & Frank GutierrezFranklin Family FoundationSonya & Bill FranklinCharlotte & Larry FranklinMignonne FrantzenFredericksburg Vintage Car ClubCarolyn & Wally FreemanDayna & David FreyJudy FreyRhonda FridleyMichael FriederichJoyce & Ferdinand FriederickPatricia & Bernard Fritz

Mary FroelichFrozen ConcoctionsJune & Randy FugateFull House ProductionsMichael FurbushWeesie & Bill FurbushWilliam FurbushDena FuselierLorna & Charles GaddyConnie & Gregory GaddySheila & Robert GalbreathThelma GallantJude Gallik & Clint ColesDebra & David GallowayLaura GambleSylvia & Frank GamboaPamela & Allen GannLauren & Matthew GantJoyce & Wayne GanzeGuadalupe GarciaNancy & Esteban GarciaPaul GarciaPatsy Toman-Garcia & Abe GarciaDiane & Saul GarciaZitlaly GarciaDonna & Logan GarrettCornelia GarrisonSusan & James GarrisonDawna & Rusty Garvin

Join us for “The Big Read”

— Dr. Charles M. HueberDean of Students

Each year Schreiner University chooses a theme or ‘big idea’ to help us identify what are the big ideas and issues – both

contemporary and enduring – that we want and need to contemplate at length and in depth. Our new academic year’s

theme is ‘The Art Battling Giants,’ and we will use Malcolm Gladwell’s book “David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and

the Art of Battling Giants” to serve as a common reading for the campus. Together we will explore and discuss the curious nature of advantages and disadvantages and how

each can—under certain circumstances—become its opposite.

This common reading experience provides students, faculty and staff with a shared, enjoyable academic

experience. For our freshmen, this book serves as an introduction to an educational community where

intellectual discourse is fostered and valued.”

Would you like to be part of the discussion? If you use Facebook, log in at:

† - deceased


Sofia & Will GaryCecilia & Ernest GarzaFred Garza Sylvia & Johnny GarzaRose GarzaDeborah & Dale GaudierDonna & Creston GayRebecca & Danny GazawayGeneral Electric FoundationGEO Shipyard, Inc.Karen & Larry GeorgeDeborah & Ronald GerthAmy & Jeff GeurinGeorge Gibbons IIJune & George† GibbonsGibson Discount CenterGifted Creations Beauty SalonGipson Appraisal CompanySue & Beck GipsonGivens Center Davidson & Company PCLyndsay & Reagan GivensMartha GivensJudy GlazeMarie & Dennis GlenewinkelSuzanne & Hubert GodbyLois Ann & Gary GodfreyErnest GodoyJoan & Gary GoebelVicki & Stephen GoebelKathy GoertzLinda GoertzGold’s Body Shop Inc.Lesvia GonzalezLulu GonzalezMillie & Dwight GoodeSusan & Roy GoodwinBecky & Thomas GoodwynGary GoolChristine GordonPat & Bill GordonLaura & Jon GoswickLucy & Tom GouldMark GraffSamuel GrantGrape & Grain LiquorsJake Grasshoff

Cindy & Stephen GrasshoffSally & Ghent GravesTasha & Bobby GravesDebbie & Mike GraxiolaSuzanne & Doug GrayRuth Gray†Diane & Bob GreenHelen GreenVanessa & John GreenleeCecilia GreggClaire & Joe GregorcykMary & Butch GregoryLaurie & Heath GregoryDarcee GriceMeg & James GrierSandra & Gerry GriffinMarilyn & Dick GriffithGrimes Funeral Chapels Inc.Susie & John GrimesDebbie & David GrinnanGwynn GroggelJanie & Dale GrollPatti GrotaKathleen GroveRuth GrubesicGuadalupe National BankJennifer & John GuderyahnAnna GuerreroIrma & Mike GuerreroVanessa & Mario GuevaraMartha GuinGulf-Tex Co Inc.Nancy & Lee GunnersonDoris GurdCassity & Abel GutierrezZaira & Andres GutierrezCarlos GutierrezJason GutierrezJavier GutierrezVeronica GutierrezLisa & Richard GuzmanDayna GwaltneyRuth & Hagi HagigholamLorraine HaglundLou Ann & William HahnKerry HaleEdith & Gaston Hallam Foundation No 2

Fanchon & Howard HallamMichele & Donnie HallmanMartha & Pete HamelHamil & Hamil, PCDeryl & John HamiltonCarolyn & Ed HamiltonGeorge & Mary Josephine Hamman FoundationGaylia & Tom HammondEljean & Fred HannahJane & Dick HarbenMichele & Shaun HardimonBeverly & H. HarlanMolly & Benjamin HarperAnonymousCaren & James HarrisLarry HarrisNovia & Ross HarrisSusan HarrisBetty & Otto† HarrisonBrenda & Vernon HarrisonRebecca & Bill HarrisonHarry A. Parrish & AssociatesGlenda & Jim HartCarolyn & Houston HartePat HarteClaire & William HartmanAudrey & Don HarveyPatricia & Gary HatchLinda & John HatchelAnn & Frederick HausheerChristine & Robert HausserAngie & Matthew HawkinsChaille HawkinsMary & Rufus HayesAmy HaynesHank HaynesPam HaynesPeggy HaynesLaura & Ronny HaynesSusan & John HaysPatricia & John HaysHearing CareHeart O’ The Hills Girls CampH-E-BSug & Don HedgpethJoann & Ken HedrickMartha Heimberg

Gretchen HeinsElva & Bill HellenGrinstead Henderson Family, L.P.Betty & Donald HendersonSharon HengenDavid HeningtonMiranda & Roman HenkeAngela HenleyDenise HennekeFred HennekeCathy HenryMandy & Todd HerberHelen HerdHelen & James HergetDeedie & Phillip HeringHeritage Investment Management, LLPCara & Bruce HerlinEstella HernandezHerrington Inc. dba Holiday CleanersHewitt Engineering Inc.Debra & John HewittBrandon HickeyMichelle HickmanDaniel HicksMary & John HicksJean & Mike HigginsTracy & Harvey HilderbranHill Country Dental AssociatesHill Country Medical EquipmentHill Country Memorial HospitalHill Country Pest ControlHill Country Telephone Co-Op, Inc.Isabelle & Tyler HillRobin & Jay HillDonna & T. A. HillinMary & Jerry HiltonPolly & Charlie HinesAnn Messer & Timothy HinesRoy HinojosaFannie & John HinrichsJoann & Carl HintzeMarjorie & Bob† HirschBruce Hoak

Jane & Kyle HobinCynthia & Steven HodgesShirley HodsonJulianne & Bill HoegemeyerJeffery HoffhineFrances HoffmanCynthia & Mark HoffmannKelly & Donald HohneHerbert HolchakMonica & Heath HolcombGlenda & Richard HolcombDon L. & Julie Holden FoundationJennifer & Kenneth HolecekPatsy HolekampWende HollandWilbert HollekLiz & Michael HollisRobert HollowayBob HollowayJunell HolmerGloria & Grady HolmesGena & Randy HolmesWilliam Knox Holt FoundationHomegrown Energy- McBryde Oil CompanyHometown Hero LLCSheri & Gilbert HoneaMelinda & Gary HonishGalina & George HopkinsShirley & Bill HopperMiles HortonLinda & Bobby HouseLori & Baron HouserCarole & Howard HovdeDiana & Larry HowardSheryl HowardSheila & William HowardJudy & M.D. HoyleIrmtraut & Paul HruschkaRyan HubeleRobert HuckabayMeg & John HuddlestonKathleen HudsonSarah & Charles HueberBarbara Taylor & Peter HueyCharlotte & Mike Huff

Baxter and Carol Adams encourage year after year

Giving to Schreiner has never been an obligation, but a privilege. It has given us the opportunity to express our appreciation for the kind of students

that Schreiner prepares—young persons who care about what kind of people they become.

— Patrons of a new endowed scholarship for the Hill Country College Fund,

Carol and Baxter Adams enjoy hearing from Dana Carman’14 about her new

position as a development officer.

MOMENTUM 2014 27

Linda HuffmanLaurie & Marshall HuffmanBeulah & Bill HugginsElizabeth & Mike HughesJulia & Thomas HughesMary & Robert HughesAnn & Jerry HuieJudith & Steven HultquistBonnie HuntDee & Charles HuntHunt-Ingram Gas Co.Donn HuotHuser Construction CompanyShawnna & Steve HuserShirley & Tom HuserJudy & John HutchersonNell & Gene HutzlerIBM International Foundation (IIF)Sandra & Richard IgauMichelle ImholteIngram Ready MixDonald IsomSusan & Ronald IsomTrey IversonJan & Wade IvyKathleen IvyTanya & Benjamin JacksonBen JacksonAngela & Charles JacksonCristy & David JacksonJack JacksonLynda JacksonPat JacksonSusan & Mark JacobAngela & Shawn JacobArlene & Lawrence JaffeeJames Avery Craftsman, Inc.Diana JamesMary & Ben JarvisMary JelleySusan & Robert JenkinsDorinda & Randle JenningsMichelle & Matt JepsonDonna & Asa JewellGingus JezJim Morris DesignerTanya & Jessie JimenezJM Lowe & CompanyMargaret JobesJohn Calvin Presbyterian ChurchBetty & Andrew JohnsonBarbara & Charley JohnsonCheryl JohnsonEdith JohnsonDeborah & Joe JohnsonMichelle & Kyle JohnsonL. Beth & David Johnson

Laura JohnsonLee JohnsonMary & Sam JohnsonPriscilla & Gregg JohnsonShantil & Thomas JohnsonVirginia & Hamp JohnstonBurnis JonesSuzanne & Chucker JonesMarilyn & Donald Wade JonesJo Ann & Richard JonesKaren & Bart JonesBetty & Bob JonesSherri JonesWayne JonesMiriam & Hugo† JordaJordan Restoration Inc.Joseph Financial PartnersElise & Russell JosephMarian JostJPMorgan Chase FoundationMary & Saul JuarezJennifer & Ed JunkerNancy & Dick JunkinDon Beth & Fred JunkinAdele & Sam JunkinRobbie & Glenn JurekJWI Shoes & More, LLCMichael KahlCourtney & Jeffrey KalinoskiEllen Leonard & John KammerdienerBeverly & Fred KapelleSusan KaplanKass Auto Body & PaintHeather Kattawar-Engstrom & Phillip EngstromPatsy & Kenneth KayeJulie & James KeaheyWill KeatonTeri & Garry KecklerDonna KeelingKaren KeeseMartha & Victor KeilmanStephanie & Carey KellerIsabelita & Ben KellyLinda & Arthur KellyJennifer & Jacob KelmSuzanne KelseyButch KelsoJulia & Bill KeltonKristen & Russell KempWanda Kemp-MaxsonKen Stoepel Ford Inc.Ruthie KendrickPatty & Bill KendrickAmber KennedyRod Kennedy†Kenpo Kids AcademyKerr County Abstract Co. Inc.

Kerr County Farm BureauKerr County Federal Credit UnionKerr County Optimist ClubKerrville City GovernmentKerrville Daily TimesKerrville Drug Co. Inc.Kerrville Funeral HomeKerrville Landscaping & Lawns Inc.Kerrville Public Utility BoardKerrville Sunrise Lions ClubKerrville TrailblazersMargaret & Gary KerseyKick & Click CloggersKickapoo Kamp Inc.Karen Davis KilgoreShannon Kilgore & Farrel FarhoudiDolores & Charles KimballJill & Frank KimballKathy & Charlie KimmeyDaniel KinchenJames KingRoberta & David KinnebergMeagan & Greg KirkhamMuriel & George KirkpatrickBrenda & Tip KirwanBeverly & Henry KitzmanGay & Tom KlaernerPhyllis & Jerald KlettMonte & Alan KlossenMartha & Robert KlutingShannon KogerNancy & Tom KogerDavid KokernotBrenda & Sidney KokesRansey Koschak Glen KostBillie & Dan KrausseJames KrauterFrances & Maurice KrollJay Conor KruczkowskiPhillip KruczkowskiSharon & Michael KubikJamie & Bob KuempelDana & Timothy KurtinSheri & Doug KuykendallDianne KyleL. Duff Enterprises Inc.La Hacienda Treatment CenterLaura & Weir LabattMelissa & John LackeyMarsha & Kye LaffoonGina & Kevin LagroneLouise & Paul LajtiElizabeth & Nicholas LandesCarolyn & Ken LandrumMandy & Danny Langbein

June LangeBrenda LangleyLenore Langsdorf & Vernon CrawfordShirley & Mike LanhamMissie & Sam LanhamGale LaningJane & Lee LarkinBernadell Larson & Stu ThompsonGloria LarsonDiane & Phil LathamAnn & Jim LaughlinMarie & John LaughterMaryjane & Richard LaurinRosa & John LavenderDoyle LawhonLarry LawrenceRobert LawrenceLarry LawsonPeg Layton & Steve SpahrMelissa LebronJunie Ledbetter & Gaston BroylesPatricia & Brad LeeVicky & Gary LeeMelissa LeeSherri & Stephen LeffingwellGail & Kevin LehmanKatherine & Henry LehmanEdwin LehmannSandra LeinweberLemeilleur’s RV Truck & Equipment Repair Co. Inc.Bill LemoineLemon Tree CleanersMaria & Mark LenzoJennifer & Donald LeonettiMonique LermaDeidre & Scott LesleyLynda & Craig LeslieJoyce LespreanceErvin LettJohn LetzBarbara LewisMary & Charles LewisElizabeth LewisSandy & Peter LewisStacey & Tim LewisLou & Bill LewisCaroline & Denny LiebersbachIrene & Randall LightLynn & Michael LindleyDiane & James LindnerShanna & Larry LindnerMary & Lawrence LindnerPerline LittleMargaret & Bart LittleKay & Arturo LlanosCharles Loftis

Heather LoganElizabeth & Charles LoggieFred LohmeyerKim & Rob LohmeyerBonnie LongMarty LongbottomJean & John LongwayJeff LooperJose LopezLeslie & Andrew LopezLisa & Ralph LopezAbel LoraLoring Cook FoundationJudy & Steve LoudenNiki & Kevin LoudermilkLove Creek OrchardsTonie LoveladyKitty & Jim LovelessTori LovelessJabby LoweSonia & Pedro LozanoRafael LuebbertCourtney LutzLisa & Thomas LutzLynch, Chappell & AlsupJ.E. & L.E. Mabee FoundationMacDonald & AssociatesKathy & Granger MacDonaldLinda & Dwaine MachannSue MaclayGary MaclinGerry & Robert MacoskoAnna & Ron MacoskoJoanna MagrumStephanie MakarGloria & Michael MalonePatricia MaloneJanet & Bob MalsonMamacita’s Restaurant & Cantina, Inc.Donna & Darryl MamroshRodrigo MancillasCynthia & Rex ManerMangold Roofing & Sheet Metal Inc.Wanda & James MannRobert ManskerMollie & Frank MareshEmily & Andrew MargrettRichard MarhoferEstella & Adrian MarinCarolyn & Everett† MarleyMarshall W. Morgan, D.D.S. M.S.D. Inc.Aaron MarshallAnn & Gene MarshallMartin Landscape CompanyPam & Kyle MartinMolly Martin

The Honor Roll of Donors salutes generous friends whose gifts to all purposes enable Schreiner to provide a quality teaching and learning environment.This year’s edition includes the names of all donors who have supported SU in the past two fiscal years—since our comprehensive campaign began on June 1, 2012.

We have made every effort to present our donors accurately. Please call 830-792-7201 if you have questions and accept our sincere apology if we have made a mistake.

† - deceased


Rhonda & T. Roy MartinArt MartinezCristina & Jorge MartinezGloria MartinezJuan MartinezIrene & Richard MartinezLinda & Larry MarwedelLyn & Randall MasonElizabeth & Philip MasqueletteMassey, Itschner, & Co. PCMasterson InsuranceConstant & Neill MastersonJim MatthewsPamela & Neal MatthewsBaird MattizaTrudy MaupinMartha & H.D. MaxwellMary Beth & Jim MaxwellKathleen Maxwell-Rambie & Steve RambieSamye MayMary Jane & Wendell MayesRhonda & Clayton MayfieldDemmie MayfieldKristen McAlexanderMary & Ronnie McBeeBecky & Nowlin† McBrydeJim McCallSusie & John McCallaJennie & Harry† McCamentClay McClureSally & Donald McClurePat & Phill McConnellJay McCormackSuzanne & Tom McCormackBarbara & Junior McCormickCayce & Charlie McCormickMcCoy Corporation #044Susie & Joe McCrackenMarcia McCulleyMarie & Rayburn McCullohDenise & John McCulloughJennifer & Richard McCulloughAlice McDanielJoyce & Luke McDanielDon McDonaldJay McElroyJodine & Lynn McFaddenGus McFarlandLinda & Joe McGeePamela McGoughMcGuire Family FoundationSara & Tom McKeonJanet & Kent McKinneyMcLaughlin Doty FoundationArden & John McLeanDawn & Rob McMillanMimi McMillenDiane McRaeSteven McRaeLindsey McSwainNancy & Gary McVeyLeila & Dick MeachamLena MeadowsEthel MeadsNalga & Paul MebaneStefan MecayKris & James MechelayJoyce & Donald Mechler

Mendy & Kevin MeierCarrie & Andy MeinPam MelloVictoria Grona & David MendezElizabeth MendezElizabeth MendiolaTheresa & Jimmy MengesJoyce & Paul MercerMerrill Lynch Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc.Merritt TemporariesLindsay MerrittKaren MeyerMargaret & Robert† MeyersMG Building MaterialsLori & Paul MichelMidway USA Foundation Inc.Jane MifsudCindy & Ben MillerLavonne MillerStephanie & Cris MillerKenneth MillerTish & Kiley MillerLauren MillerKay & Leon MillerMelba & David MillerAdele MillerSherry MillerStephen MillerLaurie & Phillip MiltonMini-MartBarbara & Roy MintonMission PresbyteryBlaine MitchellGail MitchellKerr MitchellBarbara MizeBetty & Tom MobleyJudy & Ricky MoelleringCarol & Robin MoffatSylvia & Greg MolinaMaribel MolinaRaul MolinaNina MollerPeggy Monroe†Jane & Scott MonroeViola & Corando MontemayorPatricia MontoyaMarilyn & Otis MooreSusan & David MooreMoore’s Home Furnishing CenterChris MoralezThe W. T. & Louise J. Moran FoundationDiana MoranBrenda & Randy MoranLowanda & Abel MorenoGloria & Lupe MorenoClare & Don MorganMorris Glass Co.Janet & Charles MorrisToni & Bill MorrisNickolaus MorrisonJoy MorrissMarilyn MoyeNancy & Robb MuilVicki MullinsMumme’s

Shelley & Brandon MundNikki & Reese MundkowskyKevin MundtKathleen MundySonia Munoz-Gill & Jeff GillJanie & Adalberto MurilloMarie Murnane†Liz & Pat MurrayLucy & Jack MurrayLinda & Randall MurryMary & Bill MuseDale MyersMichael MynattAngela & Albert MyresPamela NabersRowena NadigCarol NagleRose & Joe NallKathy & David NaylorIngrid & Steven NeelChieko NegishiSuzette & Walter NegleyChrystal & Cody NelmsMaria NelmsEvelyn & Gary NelsonJulie & Mack NelsonPatricia & Frank NelsonJoanne & Phil NesslerKathy & Don NeuenschwanderNew Braunfels Presbyterian ChurchPatsy & Larry NewboltFrank NewmanJane NewtonLala & Vic NiemeyerJean NixonGenevieve NomerJeri & Reed NormanGini Norris-Lane & Wes LaneCarolyn & Bob NorthcuttNorthwood Presbyterian Church - San AntonioJulia Norton-KeidelJoan & Chester NowakJoan & Mike NoyesJim NugentLea & Kyle NyeAlice & Erle NyeJosefina OakesM. & J. E. OatesSteve O’BryantNancy & Richard O’CampoKitty OckerBecky & Ralph O’ConnorTamie & Ronnie OdomRita OdomLesa & William O’DonnellAnde & Chuck O’DonnellDon OehlerMichelle & Wade OehlerMisty & Patrick O’FielVicky OhlmanSteve OkonBonnie & Jim OlafsonRose & A. M. OlanderGloria OlsenMe-J & John O’NealScott OrrGloria OrtegaJ. D. Ortiz Construction

Carolyn OsbornAnna & John OsbornSylvia & Dan OstosOwens Outdoor Sales, Inc.Charlene & Sam OwensIsabel & Richard OxfordFlo & Bob† PacharzinaKelley PageIngrid & Lloyd PainterPappas Restaurants. Inc.Vicky & Harris PappasTom PappasCee Parker & Carlos IbarraMargaret & Larry ParkerRisa & Robert ParkerJanet & Jack ParksAnonymousDebra & Bob ParmleyDianne & Harry ParrishBarbara & Mike PateSuzanne & Kirk PattersonNancy & Ted PaupMary & J.S. PautlerElaine & Sonny PayneJeanetta & Malcom PayneRolando PazBeverly PearsallKathleen & Burt PeeplesEmily & David PeeplesFather Mike PeinemannTricia & Israel PenaSusan & William PenlandBarbara & Mickey PenningtonCynthia & Douglas PeoplesJanelle PeraltJose PerezPaula & Michael PerichLaRue & Brian PerkinsPerry & Ruby Stevens Charitable FoundationGerald PersynRae & Jimmie PeschelTerry & Bill PeterekFred PetersAndy PetersenHal & Charlie Peterson FoundationGretchen & Brian PetersonKristi & John PetersonLeslie & Gary PetersonKaren & Robert PetersonSally & Ronald PetersonEmily & Bill PettyKrystal & Jason PettyBonnie & Gary PflughauptVerne PhilipsMargaret & Andy PhillipsMary Jo PhillipsRoberta PierenRosalie & Eddie PinsonPipeline Skid Service Inc.Linda & John PipkinCarlo PirainoMarylyn & Dennis PisseriCarol & Paul PittsThe Plant Haus 2Cindy & Phillip PlattGeorgia & David PogueTricia & Dean PogueDorothy & Lacy Pogue

Pamela & George PoiteventJudith PonderSusan PoseyJohn PottsTony PowelJ.E. PowellKenda PratherMissi & Jack PrattThomas PrejeanLesa PresleyAmber PresslerJohn PriceLena & Mark PriceMildred & Holt PriddyNelda & Todd PrinceJane & Don PriourCaitlin ProbandtCarolyn & Tom PruettNorma & Roberto PuentesNelson Puett FoundationCaroline & Nelson PuettMyrna & Tom PurifoyCarolyn PyeattCharles QuereauMaki & Rexford QuickCeneesa & Raymond QuiggCarla & James RaatzKaren RachalSally & Dee RaganAna & Scott RaggoJane Ragsdale & Dick HowellJeepers RagsdaleKathy RagsdaleRails...a Cafe at the DepotAlissa RambeauMary & Charles RambeauHeather RambeauPaul RambeauDeandra & Rene RamirezEdna & Uvalde RamirezAlison RamosChan & Dolores RamosCarrie & Shaun RandallCarol & Kevin RandoG.A. RandolphThelma RaneyMary & Karl RanslebenLauree & Kevin RassoJerri & Bill RaySusie & Michael RayVickie RayDeborah & Dan RayfieldDonna & Jim RaymondRE/MAX KERRVILLEAmy & Phillip ReadBetty & John ReaganDalene & Robert ReaganJames RectorLyndia & Bill RectorReed Millwork, LLCKaren & Bill ReedPatricia & David ReedKatie & Michael ReedSeth ReedLouise & Joseph ReehCharlene & Jim ReevesMeredith & Jeffery ReidElise & Bill ReidTracy & Russell ReinenLinda & Ralph Reinhardt

MOMENTUM 2014 29

Karol & Tim ReinhardtSandra & Alex RemschelMary & Domingo RendonRenkens Nursery Inc.Paula & Thomas RepkaRepublic Waste ServicesGeorge ReynoldsRGK FoundationEric RhodaBetsy & Alton RhodenRice Interests LtdJeff & Darrel RiceJennifer RiceCheryl & John RichDarlene & Albert RichardCarol & Terry RichardsCythina & Allan RichardsonSandra & Billy RichardsonAngie & Ed RichmondRicks Furniture CompanyMargaret & Ken RicksLeota RicksPhyllis RicksTommie & Charles RidgawayDebbie & Howell RidoutLaurie & Robby RiggsAlexis & Pat RileyDarla & Charles RipleyLena RippsteinSally & Andy RitchJean & David RittenhouseRiverhill Women’s ClubAlice & Ronald RiversJake RoaTammi & David RoachPatsy & Tom RobbKathy & Bill RobbinsBob RobertsDianna RobertsJan RobertsBetty Johnson-Roberts & John RobertsStephenie & Randy RobertsJerre & Bill RobertsMartha & Martin RobertsonMary Robertson

Janet RobinsonMyra RobinsonYvonne & William RobinsonGerald RobisonJoe RodriguezRyan RodriguezWalter RoemerSusan & Charles RoetterThe Rogers FoundationMaura & Christopher RogersLillian W. Rogers†Linda RogersMadeline RogersRobyn RogersAndy RollinsAnita & J. R. RolloDeborah & Ross RommelNancy & Robert RookeCarl RosalesEmma RosasTerri & David RoseLarry RoseValerie RosenAnn RossLaura & Tom RossRotary Club of KerrvilleLaura RothCheri & Bill RothermelLisa RowanElizabeth & Robert RowanRoyce Graff FarmsVicki RugeleySherry & Steve RundzieherLinda & James RunkelLindsay RutkowskiPaul RyanLois RyeSergo RynoS & N TowingS.M. MotorsPaula SaenzSafari Club International Hill Country Chapter Inc.Jose SalazarSarah & Victor SalinasJ.B. & Kathryn Sallas

Charitable FoundationCharles & Kelle SalterSan Angelo Area FoundationSan Antonio Area FoundationSan Pedro Presbyterian Church - San AntonioJolanda & David SanchezMaria SanchezMaria & Rene SanchezJune Cortez-Sanchez & Richard SanchezCamille SanduskyKaryn & Bryant SanerDorothy & George Santa CruzLorraine & Charlie SappSaunders FoundationGayle & Fred SaundersMarcus SaundersMidge SaundersEddie SawyerStephanie SayersHale SchalebenScharbauer Foundation, Inc.Laurie & Brian ScheveStephanie & Todd ScheyerNan SchiavoJulie & Darrin SchievelbeinJoyce & LeRoy SchlechteDonna SchlossLuanne & Ivan SchmedemannShirley & Bob SchmerbeckRolinda & Arthur SchmidtLiz & Ken SchmidtLoretta & Charles SchmidtSara & Nathan SchmidtClara & Ed SchneiderKelley SchneiderMelissa & Richard SchneiderSuzi & Vic SchneiderBilly SchneiderEllen & Paul SchoenfeldCarolyn & Walter SchulleKrissy SchwarzSusan & Jay SchweitzerMaria & Thomas Schwennesen

George Anne Schwethelm William SchwethelmDiana & Steve SchwindElaine ScoginKristen & Taylor ScoginCandice Scott & John ShoemakerDeborah ScottAnonymousMeg Scott & Richard JohnsonNancy & Bill† ScottNeel & Robert ScottMark & Cathy ScozzariDeborah ScudderGerry† & Frank SeamanSecurity State Bank & TrustIsmael SeguraJanice SeilerCindy SengelAlexander SenieJulie SentellMary & Herb SentesiSerafy FoundationViveca & Nicholas SerafyOscar SethJan & Bill SetzlerPhyllis & Peter ShaddockKent ShaneMary SharplessCarol & Ryan ShaveMary & Alan ShawSusan & Jerry ShawMilton ShawBarbara & Eldon ShefferAudrey & Dell SheftallSheftall’s JewelersShell Oil Company Foundation, Inc.Fronie SheltonCapri ShepherdSusan & Randy SheplerFrank SheppardGene & Max ShermanSherwin-WilliamsJerold Shetler

Alida & Joe ShimekKari & Jake ShortMaxine ShortLaura & Scott ShortLaura & Greg ShraderTammie & Dean ShultsMary Helen & Randall SibleyA.S. SidharthanSylvia SiekerSierra ConstructionJose SifuentesBob SilmanTita SimoneDorothy Sippy†AnonymousPaula Skidmore & Bennie SimmonsSylvia & Sidney SkinnerMarlyss & Walter SkipwithLeigh & Duffy SladeSusan & Bill SlivaJill & Peter SmetekMimi & Allen SmithLisa & Kent SmithCheryl & Blake SmithJeanie & David SmithDiane & Ricky SmithDonna & Don SmithGene SmithSharon & Ford SmithLori & Jimmy SmithJerrod SmithJill & John SmithCarole & Kenneth SmithLe Ann SmithRosabel SmithJoanne & Roy SmithLinda & Terry SmithWard SmithBrandon SmootJoan SniderCody SobolakSolbrig Hearing Center Inc.Linda & Donald SomervilleAnnette & Larry SondockGilda & Guillermo Soria

† - deceased

Helping Schreiner Forever

We made an estate plan for Schreiner because we support its vision to become a widely-recognized premier place of learning. By becoming Schreiner Oaks Society members, we are helping deserving

students pursue a quality college education in the beautiful Texas Hill Country. In a small way, we

are enabling the Schreiner experience to continue its powerful legacy in the lives of future students.”

— Steve Daniels is president of the Schreiner Former Students Association (SFSA). He and

his wife, Amy, live in Huffman, Texas.


John SouthSouthwest Wheel Co.Lois & Dan SowardsMary & Bill SpanglerAmanda SparksDorede & John SpeakerScott SpeckLee & Luke SpeckmanEric SpencerSt. Mark Presbyterian Church - BoerneSt. Peter’s Episcopal Church - KerrvilleSt. Philip Presbyterian Church - HoustonJeanne & Philip StacyBarbara & David StaggsBobby StanleyPolly & James StarrState Farm InsuranceClarice & David† StaubleJennifer & Scott StaudtStacy & Michael StavinohaJan & Ed StearnsMarissa StearnsSteele RanchSue & Jack SteeleBarbara & Gregory StehlingMariann & Paul SteldtG.A. & R.J. StemplePollyanna & Steve StephensSterling-Turner FoundationBart StevensPat Chastain & Fred StevensFrances & Jack StevensHolly & Chris StevensonMarilyn & Don StewartSandy & John StewartNancy & Keith StewartTeri & George StierenMarsha & Jerry StilesSusan & James Stinson

Joan & Jeffery StockJanice StolleKathi & Ronald StotzPatricia & David StrattonStrey Insurance Agency, LLC.Mildred & Art StricklandLouis H. & Mary Pat Stumberg FoundationLauren & Justin StumbergMary Pat StumbergPaula & Columbus StutesSuburban Child Care Center Inc.Cynthia & Brian SullivanCarmen & Charles SullivanClaudia SullivanDanny SullivanMary Ellen & Tim SummerlinHatton W. Sumners Foundation Inc.Glen SundermanRegina & Matthew SuttleShelley SwanGary SwannerLa Nell & Dick SwantnerRonel & Frederik SwardtCarole & William SwartJoyce & John SwiftRuth SwiftMark SwindellKeiko & Mike SykosSynod of the Sun Financial ServicesLane TaitCaryn & Jeff TalaricoRobert TamexLynn TandyKaren & Stephen TannerLinda TarrantRalph TateMollye & Tommy TateJonathan Taylor

Judy & Roy TaylorRhonda & Billy TaylorRoy TaylorSam TaylorSandra TaylorTeagle FoundationTerry & Barney TearneySherry TeelMary & Charles TeepleNeena & Ron TeftellerJane Ann & Devereaux TempleTerminix/ABC Pest ControlJeanne & Phil TerrellElaine & Tom TerrellTerry Maxwell Electric, Inc.Texas First GroupTexas Hill Country Senior Softball League Texas Pioneer FoundationTexas Presbyterian FoundationTexas Purple Sage ServicesThe John F. Clark Company, Inc.The Leo & Emogene Burton Case FoundationThe Ultimate Gift of Life FoundationThe Williams Companies Inc.Blythe & Bill ThomasBillie ThomasIrene Thomas & Dean MillerCarolyn & James ThomasJohn ThomasBrenda & Curtis ThompsonCharlotte ThompsonDeanna & Joseph ThompsonRoy ThompsonKarla & Tom ThompsonAmanda & Brandon ThomsonDanetta Beaushaw & Andy Thomson

Rebekah & Mike ThorntonKatherine & Win ThurberNan† & Clifford† TiceMary & Kerry TielkeSue TiemannJeanette & Tobin TilleyTime Warner CableMarcia TinsleyMary & Joseph TisdelArdyce & Jerry TobinSusan ToewsLora TomblinBenard ToomeyEleanor & Paul ToopsDru TorianDelmar TorresCarrie & Charles TortiFelipe TovarConnie & Don TownsendThe Cloyde & Ethel Lee Tracy Foundation, Inc.Susan TracyTessie & John TrappeyMarie & Edmunds TravisTRC Engineering Services IncKevin TreibsJ.T. TrewTrinity UniversityJean & David TritenbachJoyce & Walter TroegelKerri & Randall TruelockTrull FoundationRhonda & Reggie TuckTucker FoundationBetty TuckerMargarete & Bill TuckerDorothy TuckerDebbie & Brian TufteeEdith & Alfred TumlinsonLynnae & Alfred TumlinsonSylvia & Truman TurkLisa & David Turner

Maxine & Doyle TurnipseedShannon & Mark TuschakDebbie & Jeffrey TysonJesse UgarteAmy & Busty UnderwoodUnifirst CorporationUnion State BankUnitarian Universalist Fellowship - KerrvilleUpper Guadalupe River AuthorityPaul UrbanNan & James VadenLaura ValadezDaniel VallesValley Valve & Pipe SupplyKathy & Adrian Van DykeMargaret Van LandinghamJanise Van TasselLee VanceKristy VandenbergSandra & Robert VandornPatricia & Samuel VargasSilvestre VasquezJeanette & Gary VaughanJudy & Graydon VaughtVanessa VazquezTeresa & Michael Ver SchuurJerrelyn & Richard VerrettLanie & Cully VickersVillarreal Dry Wall IncStephanie VillarrealDolores & Joseph VinasAshton VincentLorie & Matt VincentDanette VinesVision SourceMark VoelkPhyllis & Fred VogtLorna & Alton VranaCarolyn & Brian WaheedMary & Robert Wahl

VP for Enrollment Services Describes an Ideal Student

An ideal prospective student is one who is ready for an incredible journey of personalized attention through his/

her academic track. This person will be one who is open to grow, learn and be

part of an amazing group of individuals in an extraordinary community.”

— Coming from a large Houston university two years ago, Larry

Jose Cantu’ chose Schreiner because he sensed a deep synergy among faculty and staff. He was

promoted to vice president of enrollment services last January.

MOMENTUM 2014 31

Catherine WahrmundToni & David WahrmundThomas WaitsBetty & Jack† WalcherLynette WaldonHelen & Bobby WalkerMary & Rob WalkerKathleen WalkerLeslie WalkerJanna & Rex WalkerStuart WalkerWallace, Jackson, & LohmeyerTommie & Howard WallaceJanice WallaceNancy & Ed WallaceSana & Bob WallerJohn WallerMarla & John WallerCarol & James WallsHarold WalslebenJohn WaltersKaren & Jon WaltersMichael & Beth WalterscheidtWalton Distributing co., Inc.Adele WardDeeAnn & Bill WardJean & Steve WareLynn & Stephen WareIvanna & Kurt WarnkenMeriruth & Ryan WarnkenDeborah Wartko-ConnerSylvia & Phin Washer

Melinda & Jim WassonWater Street ChiropracticBryan WatersTina WattersMichelle & Arthur WavellCynthia & Del WayWe Energies FoundationBill WebbA.D. & L.B. WebbWebberville Propane Inc.Jean & Thad† WeberLibby & Michael WeedMary & Dave WeekleyDarryl WeidenfellerJanet & Alfred WeinzierlWelch FoundationLisa & Andy WelchWells Fargo Bank BanderaWells Fargo Bank ComfortWells Fargo Bank IngramWells Fargo Bank KerrvilleDan Kirkland Wells FoundationMarion & Fred WellsLori Mayles-Wells & Tom WellsMary & Chris WendelMindy Wendele & Raymond HollowayAlice & Alan WerchanLinda & Kit WerleinCharles WestJoe Westerledge

Shawn WetzelCarole WeverCarolyn & Danny WheatWhelan Plumbing Co. Inc.James WhetstoneMarilyn & Gene WhiteNichelle WhiteWilberta WhiteMonica Whitehurst & William NewcombeOlin WhitescarverBrenda & Michael WhitfiledMatt WhitfillLaShelle & Russell WhitmoreLari & Lewis WhittenAnn WickhamJeffery WiedeLeroy WieseJudith & Arthur WileyRhonda Wiley-Jones & Bert JonesLiz & Eric WilfongRaynell WilkeBilly Wilkinson & John KerriganLisa & Charles WilliamsDominique & L. D. WilliamsAmanda & David WilliamsO’Gene & Lewis WilliamsAmy & Lonny WilliamsJulie & Neal WilliamsMichelle & Randy WilliamsMerna & Marvin Willis

Skipper & E.C. WillmannGenevieve WilmarWilson Family ChiropracticAndrea & Keith WilsonDeborah & Hiram WilsonElizabeth & Reginald WilsonVictoria & David WilsonMarion & Bill WilsonJohn WiltonWing KingJoseph WingerJanis WinnJohnny WinslowWisenbaker Builder Services Inc.Marianne WoffordAlex WolfClinton WolfeSandy & Jon WolfmuellerWolfmueller’s BooksMary Louise & Oliver WoodCheryl & William WoodMark WoodhullTina & John† WoodsDeborah & Kenneth WoodsKim WoodsMary & Larry WoodsStephanie & William WoodsCatherine WooleryWordyisms IncJerri & Walter WorkmanWorldwide TubularsDana & John Worrell

Ida WorthingtonCherry Wright & Jim BradfordPriscilla WrightKaran & Buck WrotenKelvin WuConnie WunderlichDeborah Burks & John WursterBryan WyattHeidi WyattCheryl & Wreno† WynneCraig YarosJames YeisleyJerry YencharisYMCA of Greater San AntonioMartha YorkGeorge & Fay Young FoundationBarbara & Robert YoungDavid Young Meg & Richard YoungPhyllis & Bob YoungStacy YoungJesse ZamarripaLaura ZapataMichelle & Harry ZdanskyJudy ZdanskyJan ZennerKatherine & Ted ZgouridesPatty & Paul ZohlenBillie & Rand Zuber

† - deceased

New grad immediately thanks her professors

Dear Dr. Cramer, Dr. Backor and Dr. Addison:

As you know, the teacher education program at Schreiner had me in the classroom when I was a freshman. Every class had a hands-

on, student interaction opportunity, which helped me realize that teaching was exactly

what I needed to be doing with my life. I will forever be thankful for those opportunities that reassured me that I was on the right path. Now

I get to put what I learned into action. When I can go to graduate school in a couple of years, I

hope to return to Schreiner for my master’s.”

— Emilee Lockridge ’14 is a Tyler native who has just begun her first teaching job at Velma Perry Elementary in Lindale in a

self-contained second grade class. She is also a Hatton Sumners Scholars alumna.

:: If you have a change of address or question, please contact the Office of Advancement and Public Affairs at 830-792-7201.


Current Members

Carol & Baxter AdamsLinda & Don AdamsTraci & Daron AllenSandy & Jim AlsupClarice AmannTiffany AndresenNancy AnguishH. C. ArbuckleCarrie & Scott ArringtonRick AssuntoEstela & James AveryTeeka & Peter BaldwinDarlene & Dewayne BannisterCorey & Raymond BarkerCynthia BeckerLea† & Arthur BellVerna & Joe BenhamAnonymousAnita† & Spencer BlockerLynn & Theo BlueChica Greenlee & Allen BoatwrightMarianne & Robert BowersCheryl & Chris BrattonLloyd BrinkmanPat & Tom BrowneGaston BroylesBarbara BrunoHazel Anne BurnettDebbie BurressBetty & William ByrdPaul CamfieldWilliam CampbellAtanacio CamposIsabel & Carlos CamposDiana & Anthony Comuzzie

Mary & Rene CanalesMissy & Jarred CarterSusan CarverHelen Hagens & John CasbergueJames ChamleeBeth & Eugene ChappellDale “Chip” ChaseVirginia Ruth & Jack† ClarkeJerry & Mark ClementsCarolynn & Stan CobbsEllen ConnellyShirley & Julian CoskeyMartha† & Frank CovertAnne & Richard CreeJanett & Harlan CrousePriscilla & Gary CrozierBeverly & David† CummingsElizabeth & Robert CunninghamPeggy & Thomas CurrieGloria & Ralph† DavisRachel† & Clyde DayCynthia Diaz de LeonJoan Dell DolceKaren & John DooleyElaine Murray Dreeben & Sam DreebenCarol Jean & Walter DunlapJeannine & Patrick DunnLaura Lewis DutyJulie & Wayne EberlyLinda & David EvansKamron FarhoudiDonna & Royce FaulknerJudith & Warren FergusonPage FosheeAlta & William† FosterMartha & Joe† FoySonya & Bill FranklinMignonne FrantzenCarolyn & Wally Freeman

Mike FrickB.K. & Fred GambleNancy Nixon GarciaJessie† & Victor Earl† GarrettMary Florence & Daniel GarzaDonna & Creston GayPatsy & William GoertzElizabeth & John† GoforthHelen & Dan† Goodwin Louise GorelickGena & Neil GriffinSusie & John GrimesMildred GrinsteadZaira & Andres GutierrezPeggy & John HaineyElizabeth Hall†Elizabeth HalmJane & Richard HarbenCharlotte & Roy HarrellNovia & Ross HarrisRebecca & William HarrisonClaire HartmanMary & Rufus HayesGrinstead Henderson Family, L.P. Carolyn & Kelly HildebrandRobin HillMary & Jerry HiltonJane & Kyle HobinM. Frances HoffmanHerbert HolchakPatsy HolekampElsa Hopkins-CalvinKathleen HudsonBeth & David JohnsonEdith & James† JohnsonAileen & Arthur JonesFran & John JonesNancy & E. Dixon JunkinDon Beth & Fred JunkinAdele & Sam Junkin

Susan JunkinCarole & Fred KellyRobert KellyKaren Davis KilgoreRobert KnightLaura & Weir LabattCarolyn & Kenneth LandrumLouise† & Garland† LangMissie & Sam LanhamAnn & James LaughlinPeg Layton & Steve SpahrElizabeth LedyardBill LemoineMary Pennington Loftis & Dennis† LoftisGill MacGregorSue & Doug MaclayMollie & Frank MareshCarolyn & Everett† MarleyRichard MarrsAnn & Gene MarshallLorraine & Bill MartenTricia & William MatthewsDemmie MayfieldKaren & Maurice McAshanCayce & Charlie McCormickCarol McDonaldJanet McKinneyAnnmarie & Douglas MilesRobert Glenn MillerBetty & Tom MobleyJoanne MosleyJohn MoyerLinda & Leland MurphyMary & Bill MuseCarol NagleLois & Harvey† NewberryJean NixonLawrie NomerNancy & Robert NorrisGini Norris-Lane & Wes Lane

James NugentLea & Kyle NyeKathleen OckerGloria OlsenDot & Bill O’NealMe-J. & John O’NealJane & Joe OwenJennifer PalmerBarbara & Mike PateBetty & Ralph PeltonGerald PersynRae & Jimmie PeschelJoann PfeisterLavon† & Verne PhilipsSusan PhilipsSuzy & Richard PollardHarriet† & Harford PowelCaroline & Harwood PuettCharles QuereauLou & Henry† QuiniusMary & Karl RanslebenDalene & Robert ReaganElise & William ReidAngie & Ed RichmondStephenie & Randall RobertsJanet RobinsonMyra RobinsonCarolyn RodenGary RodriguezLouis RomeroElizabeth & Richard† RyanAmmie Rose & Forrest† SalterShirley & Bob SchmerbeckElaine & Garland† ScoginNeel & Robert ScottSharon & Loren ScribnerGerry† & Frank SeamanCindy SengelBetty & Joe SheelerBarbara & Eldon Sheffer

Schreiner Oaks Society helps SU build a strong future

New Members AnonymousCarol & David BarkerBud BenningAmy & Steve Daniels

Jean & Mike HigginsCee ParkerRaymond Perrotta†Lena Rippstein

Danette VinesWilliam L. Walker†

The Schreiner Oaks Society recognizes those friends who have included Schreiner in their estate plans. While most of these commitments will not be

fulfilled for many years, our entire learning community is encouraged by the knowledge that Schreiner’s financial future grows stronger by each gift. If you have included Schreiner in your will or other means—or if you would like to know how to do so—please call 830-792-7205. You do not have to disclose specific details of your plans to qualify as a member of the Schreiner Oaks Society.

MOMENTUM 2014 33

Fronie & Robert† SheltonSusan & Randy SheplerAbby ShupeMarvin SingletonBetsy & Gary SladeSusan & Bill SlivaJanet & Tom SmithJeanie & David SmithMarty SorellLois & Dan SowardsMary & Walter SpringallSue & Jack SteelePat Chastain & Fred StevensRalph StormClaudia SullivanMary Ellen & Tim SummerlinLane TaitMark TalbotNeena & Ron TeftellerLois & Jack† ThurmondBetty TuckerDorothy TuckerAnne TurnerLisa & David TurnerShannon & Mark TuschakBarbara Von Brandt- Siemers & Paul SiemersDanny & Ed† WagonerCatherine WahrmundBetty & Jack† WalcherKathie WalkerBarbara & Barton WallaceNancy & Ed WallaceLinda WattonvilleRebecca & Scott WeaverKit WerleinCaroyl WheelusRuth & Elmore† WhitehurstDuane WhitlowAnn & Bill WildeBilly Wilkinson

Marion & William WilsonJohn WiltonJane & Ron WoellhofMarianne WoffordDavid WolffLinda & Louis WomackStephanie & William WoodsLouise & Stan WoodwardJerri & Walter WorkmanBob WrightRobert YoungRon Zarychta


Evelin Abernathy Willard AmannAutie M. Anderson Ima Andrews Mardi Ashley Jeff Austin Louise & Jack Barbee Richard Barnes Joyce A. Bellomy Billy & Francis Benton Marion Bergin Martha & C.W. BocockEarl BrunoElaine Byrd Kathleen & Floyd Cailloux Cecilia Shepherd Cambias Joseph Cavitt Jewel Childs Dollie Cline Coralie Croom Virginia & Randall Cutlip Estha Davis Jonnie R. Davis

Nancy & Ralph DenhamLyde & Charles Devall Alma Dietert Doris & Clarence Dietert Merle & Raymond Dietert Eleanor & William Dozier Jeannette Early Carlton Eaton Marguerite & Andrew Edington Rosemary Egan Ruth Fagan Gladys & Ralph Fawcett Frances & Marion Ferguson Doris Fowler John FurmanDixie Garison Averill Gouldy Agatha & V. J. “Tex” Graham Joan & Carroll GriffinFred GrinsteadDavid Guin Mildred & Walter Guin Zelma Hardy Inez & Frank Harrison Florence Hayes Jean Herlin Ann & William Hollocher Wilba & Wrather Holmgreen Margaret & Richard Hosler Ben E. Jackson Maud Jennings George Junkin Isabelle Kitch Nell Schreiner Labatt Judy & Jack Lander Fern Laughlin Henry Lewis Elizabeth & Charles Liggett Luise Livingston Charlene & William Logan

Esther LloydMichael Looney Rachael Luna Michael MacGregorJames Thurman Mackey Ruth Marten Mae & James Martin Gail & Mark Maxwell Mary Margaret Mayfield Edna Ann McMurray Evelyn & Leon Miller Luella Milner Oleta & Jacob Mixon Ida Rose Dietert & C. E. Moore Daisy Morris James MosleyDouglas MotleyJulie & Park Myers Bennett Nance Nancy Neal Beryl & Erwin Nevill Jean Worthington Onion Lucy Page Louise Paine Wilma Palmer Lucile Pampell Ernest & Josephine Parker Laura Patton Lillian Peek Raymond PerrottaDavid Perry Alpha Mae Pollock Kathryn & Robert Porcher Ray Presley Paul Prestwich Cleo Burk PrestwoodRuth & Nelson PuettSara & Tom Ratcliffe Ann & Browne Rice Hazel Richmond

Clara Rickbeil Herbert Rigsbee Betty Robinson Mary & Raymond Roche Lillian Rogers Mary & Bernard Rohe Emmy & Moak Rollins Josephine Romero Caroline Ross Elinor & Robert Ross Eloise & Ruben Rusche Jonathan Sallas Edith Schmerbeck Beulah & Creighton Secor Mary Frances Sherlock Shirley ShermanMary Sivley Jeanne & Robert Slobod Helen Snow Bernice Springall W. C. Steed Jean StormHettie Streithoff Mary Galen Thomas Ethel Lee Tracy Robert Trull Gordon TuckerLaverne Turner Roberta Van Alstyne Mary Wagoner William WalkerMargaret & Dayton Walkup Eva WassonJune & George Weitz Gordon Wellborn Cleve WheelusMary Wight L. A. Wilson Toddie Lee Wynne

President and Mrs. Summerlin (far left) and trustee family Neena and Ron Tefteller (far right) welcomed the newest members of the Schreiner Oaks Society who were able to attend the February dinner. From left: Carol and David

Barker, Bud Benning, Steve Daniels, Bobbie Jean and Mike Higgins, Danette Vines and Cee Parker.

† - deceased


(Red type names the honoree.)

Schreiner Appreciates Tribute Gifts

Schreiner appreciates gifts made as tributes or as memorial recognition. In

most instances, these gifts support general scholarships—always Schreiner’s greatest need. However, we also welcome gifts for other purposes: an academic or co-curricular program, the library, campus ministry, buildings and grounds, general endowment, etc.

The families of those being remembered receive a tasteful card that informs them of the gift and its purpose. Donation amounts are not disclosed.

If you would like more information about memorial or tribute giving, please

call 830-792-7430. Or visit us online at

Admission & Financial Aid Staff Caroline Randall

Darlene Bannister Carolynn & Stan Cobbs

BSN future graduates Carlo A. Piraino

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Burroughs Susan & William Penland

Boardman Chambers Katherine & Win Thurber

Clyde W. Day Carolynn & Stan Cobbs

C.W. Ferguson Rhonda & T. Roy Martin

Judy Ferguson Rhonda & T. Roy Martin Ann & James Gibbs Susan & William Penland

H.L. Jennings Dorinda & Randle Jennings

Russell C. Joseph Becky & Ralph O’Connor

Mr. and Mrs. John Scott Mooring Susan & William Penland

Lea & Kyle Nye Alice & Erle Nye

Verne D. Philips Page Foshee

William H. Reid The Rogers Foundation

Stephenie & Randy Roberts G.A. Randolph Jerre & William Roberts

Elizabeth R. Ryan Julia Norton-Keidel

Jack Steele Lauren & Matthew Gant Sue Steele

Charles T. Summerlin Carolyn & Arthur Allison

Tribute Gifts

MOMENTUM 2014 35

“Let us not grieve beyond letting go— for in the tree of life our roots are

forever entwined.”

– Anonymous

(Red type names the honoree.)

William Astoria Carrie Astoria Mary Jelley Walter Fay Averitt Neena & Ron Tefteller C.E. Berrio Charlotte & Roy Harrell John G. Bishop Francisco Bernal Beverly Bishop Michelle Burrows Maria Clyburn Joanne Dixon Barnita Francis Kenneth Miller Patricia Montoya Stephanie Scheyer Anonymous Thomas Waits Denise Blomstrom Lena Rippstein Ronald Bowen Janice Bowen Theodore Boyce Kenton Ahrens Arthur Allison Walden Freeman Barbara & Eldon Sheffer Bays R. Bryant Roy Harrell Martha Covert Jean & Dennis Murphree Cathy & Ray Renner

Thomas David Krystal Petty Marian & Lawrence Davis Laura & Weir Labatt Mary Ellen & Tim Summerlin Texas Presbyterian Foundation Wilbur Dunk Bret Ford Bronson Evans Elizabeth Lewis Pat McConnell George Reynolds Stephen M. Furbush Anonymous Mollie & Frank Maresh John McLean Michael Furbush Richard Goldberg Jerold Shetler Ian Hannay Mary Ellen &

Charles Summerlin

William S. Hollocher Linda Tarrant William M. Jackson David Jackson Richard Jones Kayser Priscilla & Gregg Johnson Coach Albert “Monk” Keith Amy & Steve Daniels

Evelyn Latimer Darlene & Dewayne Bannister Laura Batchelder Michael Looney John Greenlee Joe E. Maxwell Kathleen Maxwell-Rambie Sam A. May Ann & Jerry Marshall Peggy S. Monroe Barbara Bruno Priscilla & Gary Crozier Julia Finger Scott L. Murphy Cathy & Samuel Atkins Garrett R. Mynatt Michael Mynatt

Robert J. Pacharzina Joyce & Bob Barton Susan & Randy Shepler E.H. Patton Sue & Jack Steele Lillie Picard Kristen McAlexander Ilene Roemer Walter Roemer Elinor & Robert J. Ross Robert T. Ross

Iva I. Ryan Stacy & Mike Cortez Lana & Sidney Croft Laurie & Les Daughtry B.D. Fischer Bobby House Barbara Lewis Phil Nessler Susan & Randy Shepler Todd W. Schwennesen Thomas Schwennesen Gerry Seaman Mary Ellen & Tim Summerlin Shirley Sherman Nancy & Lee Gunnerson Dan Smith John Walters C.W. Sunday The W.T. & Louise J. Moran

Foundation Pat Tinley Harvey Brinkman Robbie & Harold Crocker Kittredge Werlein Ed L. Wagoner Anonymous Carolynn & Stan Cobbs Thad L. Weber Sue & Jack Steele Barbara Winslow John Winslow


CMB 62292100 Memorial Blvd.Kerrville, Texas 78028-5611

When we arrived in North Carolina, we were ranked 16th. But we took the lead the very first day and never relinquished it. All of us were envisioning holding up

the National Championship trophy… and it looked like it just might happen. I’m honored to be on one of the most deserving and hardworking teams whose dream

of that moment became a reality. My team-mates and I will never forget it!”

— Cheyne Kendall

Kendall, a senior graphics arts major from Houston’s Deer Park, hopes to become a professional golfer when he graduates. He does have a Plan B, however, and

that is working as a graphic designer for one of the major golf companies.