MoMo #10 - Christine Karman

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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Mobile -15y +15y See the video at:


A brief history of technology...

...followed by an even briefer future of technology

From -15 years to today

From to today to +15 years

Al Gore, the country's leading advocate of the information superhighway, suggests:

"One helpful way is to think of the national information infrastructure as a network of highways - much like the Interstates begun in the '50s."

Information overload


If you want to predict the future... have to know what makes people go

Agricultural revolution took 10k+ years

Industrial revolution took 100 years

-10.000 -1000 -250 -80 -15

-10.000 -1000 -250 -80 -15 now +15


We talk.

If today, people can have working camera eyes, then why shouldn't we all have them, say five or ten years from now?

15 years from now, we will talk 24/7 to everyone. We will share thoughts.


We will be a Hive Mind.

You do have a cell phone, right?
