Monday 13th July Alphabetical Order · She can see what she is doing clearly. Everything she sees...

Post on 16-Jul-2020

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Monday 13th July

Alphabetical Order

Tuesday 14th July

Reading Comprehension - Read Chapter 11 of ‘Oliver and the

Seawigs’. If you find it tricky to read, there is a video on

the website where you can listen to me read it.

Write the date and the title in your books then answer the

questions. The page numbers will help you find your answer.

Tuesday 14th July 2020

Reading Comprehension

1. Use page 183. Why were Mr and Mrs Crisp very meek on

their way home?

2. Use page 184 Why did the Crisp family not need to worry

about money anymore.

3. Use page 184. Oliver still unhappy when he got back to

Deepwater Bay but why?

4. Use page 185 Why did Mr Crisp say to Oliver not to worry?

5. Use page 186. When the beach optician saw Iris he was

surprised . Why?

6. Use page 188. How did the Crisp’s pay for building their new

home on Cliff?

7. Use page 188 Why was the Watermole not suited to being

out in the open air?

8. Use page 189 Iris had hung up several mirrors in the

Watermole but why had they all cracked?

9. Use page 192 Why did Mr Culpeper decide to stay at

Deepwater Bay?

10. Use page 193 How are the Crisp family able to go

exploring now that they are back home at Deepwater Bay?

Wednesday 15th July 2020

There is a video on the watch it first! It is called Wednesday

Design a pair of glasses for Iris Tutorial.

Thursday 16th July 2020
