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Harcourt Public School Stage 1 Offline Learning Activities

Harcourt Public School – Stage One (Years 1 & 2) Term 4, Week 2 – Offline Learning Unit

These tasks can be completed in your Homework book and returned to the school for marking when

learning at school returns.



Organisation: Have a look at your pencil case. Are there some things you could do to be

ready for school next week? E.g Sharpen pencils or buy a new rubber.

Morning English Reading

Activity: Complete 2-3 assigned tasks on Reading Eggs.

Please note: Parents we would appreciate that students complete the assigned tasks on

their own as it will help us assess their knowledge and progress.


Learning Intention:

We are learning to understand what ‘persuade’ means

Success Criteria:

• I can give an opinion

• I can give a reason for an opinion

Harcourt Public School Stage 1 Offline Learning Activities

Activity: Look at the statements below. In full sentences decide if you agree or

disagree. Give a reason for why you think that. (An example is given below)

1) We should brush our teeth every day.

2) All families should have a pet.

3) All kids should not eat junk food



Middle Mathematics Warm Up

Using the numbers chart complete the following activities.

1. Find a number that is10 more than 90.

2. Find a number that is10 less than 68.

3. Find a number that is greater than 22 but less than 25.

Year 1 & Year 2

Activity: Complete 2-3 assigned tasks on Mathletics.

Please note: Parents we would appreciate that students complete the assigned tasks on their own

as it will help us assess their knowledge and progress.

Harcourt Public School Stage 1 Offline Learning Activities



Afternoon Science Living World

Activity 1: With a family member brainstorm all the different things you know about

living things. NOTE: Explain to your child that living things are people, animals and

plants. They all have basic needs including air, food and water.

Activity 2: Go to your backyard or for a walk to the local park with a family member.

What living things can you see? Do you know what they are? Draw a picture of the

living thing/s you see. Explain why they are living things.

Harcourt Public School Stage 1 Offline Learning Activities

You may use these images to help.

Harcourt Public School Stage 1 Offline Learning Activities

Harcourt Public School – Stage One (Years 1 & 2) Term 4, Week 2 – Offline Learning Unit

These tasks can be completed in your Homework book and returned to the school for marking when

learning at school returns.



Helping Others: Today you can plan to help someone in your house. You could help

make lunch or make your bed. Write down:

1. What you plan to do and how that will help someone in your family

2. How you think you will feel?

Morning English Grammar

Learning Intention:

We are learning to recognise and write compound sentences.

Success Criteria:

• I can recognise a compound sentence has two simple sentences.

• I can use a conjunction (joining word) to join two simple sentences.

What is a compound sentence?

A compound sentence is when you have two simple sentences and add a joining word

(conjunction) to make one long, complete sentence.

e.g. Here are my two sentences –

1 The dog ran in the park

2 He chased a ball.

I would like to put these two sentences together to make one long sentence, but to do this,

I need to add a word that will join the sentences together.

What joining word would fit best?

and but so or

The dog ran in the park and he chased a ball.

Activity: Choose a conjunction from the box to complete these sentences.

1. I went to bed very late _______________ I am tired.

2. I listened to the weather forecast _______________ I put an umbrella in my bag.

3. I enjoy hockey _______________ it is not my favourite sport.

Harcourt Public School Stage 1 Offline Learning Activities

4. We can go to the beach _______________ we can go to the cinema.


Write your own compound sentence/s.


Activity: Complete 2-3 assigned tasks on Reading Eggs.

Please note: Parents we would appreciate that students complete the assigned tasks on

their own as it will help us assess their knowledge and progress.


Learning Intention:

We are learning to give an opinion about a topic

Success Criteria

• I can give an opinion about a topic

• I can explain the reasons for a choice

The Best Sport is...

Today you are going to describe your favourite sport. Think about what you like about that

sport. It might be that you can play in a team, or you can learn interesting skills and trick.

For Example:

My favourite sport is AFL. AFL is the best sport because you can play in a team, and you

can make lots of new friends. You can also play this sport by yourself, by just taking the

football to the park and kicking. AFL is also a great sport because it can help you stay

healthy. In AFL you have to do a lot of running and this can be very good to keep you fit.

Activity: Today you are going to write a short paragraph about your favourite sport.

Give 3 reasons why it is the best sport to play. Don’t forget to write in complete



Middle Mathematics Warm Up

I am a number

I am 4 digits long

3 and 5 are 2 of my many digits.

What number might I be?

Harcourt Public School Stage 1 Offline Learning Activities

Year 1 & Year 2

Activity: Complete 2-3 assigned tasks on Mathletics.

Please note: Parents we would appreciate that students complete the assigned tasks on their own

as it will help us assess their knowledge and progress.



Afternoon History (See Appendix 1) Past and Present Life Learning Intention:

We are learning to complete a timeline.

Success Criteria:

• I can organise simple information on a timeline. What is a timeline? A timeline is a list of events in a chronological order, which means it is

in the order that the events occurred.

We use timelines to help organise information in a chronological sequence so that we

can better understand growth, change, recurring events, and key events of historical,

social, and scientific significance.

Have a look at the example of a timeline (See Appendix 1)

A timeline shows events in a straight line. A timeline can be made using years, months,

days and even hours as the time periods. They can use images, pictures or drawings that

are related to the events. A timeline can start and end at any time. Timelines can be about

a person’s life, events in history, inventions or anything that shows information about


Harcourt Public School Stage 1 Offline Learning Activities

Activity: Complete the timeline worksheet (See Appendix 1)

• Using the information in the pictures and thinking back to last term when we learned about communication over time, cut out each picture and past them in order from oldest to newest on the timeline.

Appendix 1

Harcourt Public School Stage 1 Offline Learning Activities

Harcourt Public School Stage 1 Offline Learning Activities

Harcourt Public School – Stage One (Years 1 & 2) Term 4, Week 2 – Offline Learning Unit

These tasks can be completed in your Homework book and returned to the school for marking when

learning at school returns.



Draw an animal that could live here.

Morning English Grammar

Learning Intention:

We are learning to recognise and write compound sentences.

Success Criteria:

• I can recognise a conjunction (joining word) in a compound sentence.

• I can recognise a compound sentence has two simple sentences.

• I can use a conjunction (joining words) to join two simple sentences.

Compound sentence.

Yesterday we learnt that

compound sentences have two

simple sentences and have

joining words (conjunctions) to

make one long, complete

sentence. We can use the

acronym FANBOYS to help us

remember our different


Harcourt Public School Stage 1 Offline Learning Activities

Activity 1: Underline the conjunctions in the compound sentences below.

E.g It was cold outside so I put my jumper on.

Activity 2: Add to these simple sentences to make them a compound sentence.

E.g Nathan likes to play football and he enjoys scoring tries.

Nathan likes to play football but he prefers to play basketball.

1. Nathan likes to play football ___________________________________.

2. The Maths test was hard ______________________________________.

3. Pizza is my favourite food _____________________________________.

4. Bananas are good for you _____________________________________.


Write your own compound sentence using yet as a joining word.


Activity: Complete 2-3 assigned tasks on Reading Eggs.

Please note: Parents we would appreciate that students complete the assigned tasks on

their own as it will help us assess their knowledge and progress.


Learning Intention:

We are learning the difference between facts and opinions

Success Criteria

• I can identify facts

• I can identify opinions

Harcourt Public School Stage 1 Offline Learning Activities

Fact or Opinion

What is a fact?

• A fact is something that is always true.

• They can be proven.

• We can find facts by doing research.

For Example: Dogs need food and water to survive.

What is an opinion?

• An opinion is what you think or feel about something.

• It cannot be proven

• Your opinion might be different to someone else’s.

For Example: Cats are the best pets ever.

Activity: Read the following statements. Decide if they are facts or opinions. Write

the word 'fact' or 'opinion' next to each statement.

1. Cats are so cute and pretty.

2. My mum’s chocolate cake is the best in the world.

3. Bananas are a type of fruit.

4. Whales swim in the ocean.

5. Sydney is the best city in the world.

6. The movie was boring.

7. Herbivores only eat plants.

8. The Sydney Harbour Bridge is in Australia.

9. Pasta is the best food.

10. Koalas are marsupials.


Middle Mathematics Warm Up

Find today’s date on the calendar.

Count how many days until the end of the month and work out the date 10 days later.

Show your working out.

Year 1 & Year 2

Activity: Complete 2-3 assigned tasks on Mathletics.

Harcourt Public School Stage 1 Offline Learning Activities

Please note: Parents we would appreciate that students complete the assigned tasks on their own

as it will help us assess their knowledge and progress.



Afternoon Art (See Appendix 1)

Monster Surprise!

Learning Intention: I am learning to draw different shapes for faces

Success Criteria: I can copy the different shapes provided and assemble them into a

monster face.

You will need: Die/spinner, coloured pencils/textas, blank paper

Activity (See Appendix 1)

Today you are going to draw a monster!

Step 1: Roll the dice. Whatever number your dice falls on, you will need to draw that picture

for the body part. Start with the body and work your way down the list.

Step 2: When you have finished the outline, colour it in.

Step 3: Outline your monster in black.

Step 4: Draw a background.

Harcourt Public School Stage 1 Offline Learning Activities

Here is what my monster looked like!

Draw as many monsters as you like and post them on Class Doj

Harcourt Public School Stage 1 Offline Learning Activities

Appendix 1

Harcourt Public School Stage 1 Offline Learning Activities

Harcourt Public School – Stage One (Years 1 & 2) Term 4, Week 2 – Offline Learning Unit

These tasks can be completed in your Homework book and returned to the school for marking when

learning at school returns.



School Uniform: Today try on your school uniform. You might want to wear your school

uniform today while you complete your work.

Morning English Reading

Activity: Complete 2-3 assigned tasks on Reading Eggs.

Please note: Parents we would appreciate that students complete the assigned tasks on

their own as it will help us assess their knowledge and progress.

Writing (See Appendix 1) Learning Intention:

We are learning the difference between fact and opinion

Success Criteria

• I can identify facts

• I can identify opinions

Activity: Using the sentences on the Fact Vs Opinion Sort worksheet (See Appendix 1) read the sentences and sort them into two correct groups. If you cannot print the

worksheet, you can write the sentences in your book under Fact or Opinion.

Harcourt Public School Stage 1 Offline Learning Activities


Middle Mathematics Warm Up

Year 1 & Year 2

Activity: Complete 2-3 assigned tasks on Mathletics.

Please note: Parents we would appreciate that students complete the assigned tasks on their own

as it will help us assess their knowledge and progress.

Harcourt Public School Stage 1 Offline Learning Activities



Afternoon Fitness (See Appendix 2) Gymnastics

Learning Intention:

We are learning to balance and control our body to do some gymnastics movements.

Success Criteria:

• I can follow the action cards and do the movements.

• I can balance and control my body to do the gymnastics movements.


Warm-up – Follow the stretches on the cards

Follow the Gymnastics movement cards in the appendix. (See Appendix 2)

• Make sure you find some space with a soft surface before you start.

Harcourt Public School Stage 1 Offline Learning Activities

Appendix 1

Harcourt Public School Stage 1 Offline Learning Activities

Appendix 2

Harcourt Public School Stage 1 Offline Learning Activities

Harcourt Public School Stage 1 Offline Learning Activities

Harcourt Public School Stage 1 Offline Learning Activities

Harcourt Public School – Stage One (Years 1 & 2) Term 4, Week 2– Offline Learning Unit

These tasks can be completed in your Homework book and returned to the school for marking when

learning at school returns.



How do you feel about going back to school?

Draw a picture of how you feel about going back to school. Talk about your picture with a

family member.

Morning STEMs Build a straw bridge

Learning Intention:

We are learning to build a straw bridge

Success Criteria:

• I can build a bridge that can stand up using the correct support

Before diving into the project, we need to consider some basic bridge structures so we can

plan our work. Below are five examples:

STEMs Challenge

Activity: Build a bridge using the materials listed that can be supported and can

stand up without collapsing. Post a photo on Class Dojo of your bridge.

Harcourt Public School Stage 1 Offline Learning Activities

Materials you will need:

• Paper straws

• Scissors

• Tape

Examples of different bridges


Afternoon Wellbeing Learning Intention:

We are learning to perform a puppet show.

Success Criteria:

• I can talk about the characters and how they are feeling.

Click on the link and watch the video Puppet Show

Activity: Today you are going to perform a puppet show using your toys or cut out


You will need:

• Pencils.

• paper or sticky notes.

• Toys

• Table.

Steps to follow:

Step 1: Write your own play.

Step 2: Set up a place to perform.

Step 3: Get your puppets

Step 4: Talk about the character in the show.

Step 5: If possible, reach out to grandparents and connect with them online so that they

can watch as well.

Step 6: Perform your Puppet Show!


• How did you perform the Puppet Show?

• How did you feel after the performance?