MONGOLIA - - Miksture August 2013.pdf · Mongolia conjures up...

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Welcome to Mongolia birding tour with Miksture

Tour leaders: Dr. Gombobaatar Sundev (professor and general director of the Mongolian Ornitho-

logical Society) and Miksture/Michael Westerbjerg Andersen

In Mongolia the nomadic lifestyle, even today is still the norm, a land of awesome landscapes, profuse wildflowers and

fantastic birdlife. Mongolia conjures up images of endless grasslands, the wastes of the Gobi Desert, yurts and wild

horsemen. This is the land from whence came the hordes of Genghis Khan and his successors, newer less colorful histo-

ry followed and today Mongolia is an unknown land, far away in the heart of Asia, about which one hears little.

With its tiny population of only two and a half million scattered across a huge area, it is one of the least densely settled

countries on earth – a true wilderness where most of the land is still the domain of wild creatures rather than man. Mon-

golia is the crossroads of East Asia. In the north is the southern edge of the Siberian taiga, in the center the seemingly

endless steppe and in the south the sands of the Gobi Desert. Adding further diversity to this mixture are the mountains

and a multiplicity of lakes and marshes.

The wide range of habitats is reflected in an exciting avifauna which encompasses both Siberian and Central Asian spe-

cies, including species unique to Mongolia and its immediate surroundings. Prime specialties include Oriental Plover,

Asian Dowitcher, Swinhoe’s Snipe, Relict Gull, Pallas’s Sandgrouse, Mongolian Lark, Hodgson’s Bushchat, Red-throated

Thrush, Chinese Bush Warbler, Azure Tit, Henderson’s Ground Jay, Saxaul Sparrow, Père David’s Snowfinch and Pine

and Pallas’s Reed Buntings, while a rich supporting cast includes Swan Goose, Stejneger’s Scoter, Pallas’s Fish Eagle,

Upland Buzzard, Amur Falcon, Demoiselle and White-naped Cranes, Mongolian Gull, Hill Pigeon, Asian Short-toed Lark,

Pale Martin, Blyth’s Pipit, Brown Accentor, Güldenstädt’s Redstart, Eyebrowed Thrush, Thick-billed Warbler, White-

crowned Penduline Tit, Steppe Grey Shrike, White-cheeked Starling, Mongolian Finch and Grey-necked Bunting.

Late summer is a delightful season when birds are still in breeding plumage, and migrants are passing through on their

way south. Marvelous birding and travel through wide open spaces with very few people make for a wonderful and nev-

er-to-be-forgotten experience. A real adventure in fact.

This journey provides excellent birding in this great country, and Miksture and our Mongolian team knows thoroughly the

locations and the birds of course - in short: the best and most rewarding birding. Our team provides good meals, and we

always make the journey as comfortable and smooth as possible. We don’t make any compromises, however we always

make priority not to flush and frighten the birds.

Tour start: In Copenhagen, Denmark August 2013. Departure from other countries is of course possible, to meet in

Ulaanbaatar. Pls contact Miksture for further details – we would be happy to organize and assist to book the flight!

Friendly greetings

Miksture/Michael Westerbjerg Andersen, Bishkek October 2012

Mongolian birding when it’s best!

Expected: 200-220 species of birds and 10-12 species of mammals

Mongolia is one of the important breeding and stopover sites for Palearctic species. Breeding birds occur in

many different habitats (from taiga forest through different steppes to Gobi desert including wetlands). Migra-

tory birds pass through Mongolia from Siberian Taiga to wintering grounds. It means that you will have a

unique opportunity to see not only breeding Palearctic species but also migratory species during both breed-

ing and migration seasons. Untouched landscape and nomadic lifestyle give chance to discover a new spe-

cies for the birds list of the country. The peaceful country and friendly field company attract many birdwatch-

ers to Mongolia.

The very name Mongolia conjures images of a vast, remote and distant land; the land of Genghis Khan

(Chingis Khaan) and the Mongol hordes. While Mongolia is certainly vast and much of it is remote, it is also

home to an exciting array of poorly known and rarely observed birds that occur only here. As we traverse this

vast land, we will often be travelling on rarely used roads, and occasionally driving across steppe grasslands

using GPS to navigate our way to exciting wetlands where no roads venture. Starting in the capital,

Ulaanbaatar (Ulan Bator), where we expect to see the delightful watch Daurian Jackdaws and Pacific swift

above the city, or perhaps come across Upland Buzzards and Saker Falcon, Steppe Eagles. But soon we

will leave the city far behind as we venture into Mongolia’s hinterland. We will move to Hustai Nuruu National

Park. On the way, larks on the steppe and breeding Demoiselle Cranes close to nomad families, and also

Pére David’s Snowfinch will tease us as it bobs and weaves through the shimmering grasses. Whenever

possible throughout our exciting adventure, we will stay in tourist ger (yurt) camps, (locally known as ‘gers’)

for accommodation. But in some places, there is no accommodation, and here we shall camp. Fortunately

we shall be accompanied throughout by our highly-experienced camp crew, who will take care of all the

camp chores, leaving us free to enjoy the wildlife in the very best places – exactly where we are camping.

What could be better than camping beside our personal lake, watching Relict and Great Black-headed Gulls

cavorting along the shore line. Breeding Steppe Eagle, Upland buzzards, and Saker falcons on small rock

boulders, electric poles and pylons and feeding nestlings, and flock of Cinereous and Himalayan vultures

feed on carrion on middle of steppe. Eventually we return to Ulaanbaatar, but before concluding our exciting

tour we visit the Siberian taiga forest. Here in the cool broadleaf forest, the birds are quite different to those

we have encountered so far, with many woodland species typical of Siberia starting to appear. Here we may

come across singing Siberian Rubythroats dazzling us with their ruby-red throats. Nearby, Pine Buntings

wheeze from a tree-tops and, while Nutcrackers and Siberian Thrushes call to attract our attention. But the

icing on the cake would be the mighty Black-billed Capercaillie; just believe it is possible.

Pls note, some of the species are rare, but this is our target birds! Black Stork, Bar-headed Goose, Swan Goose, Ruddy Shelduck, Dalmatian Pelican, Smew, Stejneger’s Scoter , Booted Eagle, Eastern Marsh Harrier, Steppe Eagle, Himalayan Vulture, Eurasian Black Vulture, Steppe Eagle, Pallas Fish Eagle, White-tailed Eagle, Upland Buzzard, Long-legged Buz-zard, Saker Falcon, Amur Falcon, Lesser Kestrel, Black Grouse, Black-billed Capercaillie, Hazel Grouse, Altai Snowcock, Daurian Partridge, Japanese Quail, Macqueen’s Bustard, Demoiselle Crane, Common Crane, White-naped Crane, Pacific Golden Plover, Oriental Plover, Greater Sandplover, Marsh Sandpiper, Terek Sandpiper, Red-necked Phalarope, Rufous-necked Stint, Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Broad-billed Sandpiper, Pintail Snipe, Asian Dowitcher, Relict Gull, Mongolian Gull, Whiskered Tern, White-winged Tern, Pallas Sandgrouse, Hill Pigeon, Oriental Turtle Dove, Oriental Cuckoo, Eurasian Eagle Owl, Eurasian Scops Owl, Grey Nightjar (Caprimulgus indicus), Pacific Swift, Chukar, Daurian Partridge, Grey-faced Woodpecker, White-winged Woodpecker, Three-toed Woodpecker, Mongolian Lark, Greater Short-toed Lark, Lesser Short-toed Lark, Horned Lark, Richards Pipit, Blyth’s Pipit, Olive-backed Pipit, Citrine Wagtail, Brown Shrike, Isabelline Shrike, White-cheeked Starling, Azure-winged Magpie, Spotted Nutcracker, Daurian Jackdaw, Mongolian Ground Jay, Alpine Accentor, Mongolian Accentor, Brown Accentor, Chinese Bush Warbler, Pallas Grashopper Warbler, Dusky War-bler, Paddyfield Warbler, Oriental-Reed Warbler, Barred Warbler, Desert Warbler, Arctic Warbler, Greenish Warbler, Lemon-rumped Warbler, Yellow-browed Warbler, Taiga Flycatcher, Dark-sided Flycatcher, Asian Brown Flycatcher, Ru-fous-tailed Rock-thrush, Daurian Redstart, White-winged Redstart, Siberian Rubythroat, Siberian Blue Robin, Orange-flanked Bush Robin, Pied Wheatear, Isabelline Wheatear, Desert Wheatear, Red-throated Thrush, Naumann’s Thrush, Scaly Thrush, Azure Tit, White-winged Snowfinch, Small (Davids) Snowfinch, Asian Rosy Finch, Mongolian Finch, Pallas Rosefinch, Geautiful Rosefinch, Long-tailed Rosefinch, Pine Grosbeak, Pine Bunting, Meadow Bunting, Palla’s Bunting, Black-faced Bunting, Yellow-breasted Bunting, Grey-necked Bunting, etc.

Prior departure Miksture mail a detailed list of birds.

Active birding! Early up, luncbreak, and short siesta if it’s hot. No climbing, but participants should be ready for shorter or longer hiking in different types of terrain in order to find the birds.

Desert, wetlands, forest, mountains and semi-desert.

Predominantly dry and sunny, but some overcast weather and rain is likely and wind is a regular feature of the desert. Temperatures generally range from warm to cool, but it can be cold at night at higher altitudes and sometimes it gets hot in August

The hotels in Ulaanbaatar are of normal standard. The ger lodges are quite simple, consisting of large and very clean, rondavel-like rooms (the gers) each with several Mongolian styles attractively painted beds, a heating stove and a washbasin. In addition to the gers, there are separate dining and toilet/shower buildings. For the camping nights, each participant will have to share with one of the other participants, but we might try to get as many tents possible. Couples may of course are accommodated together. The only camp assistance group members will be asked to give is erecting and dismantling one’s personal tent (an easy and rapid task) on those occasions when the camp crew has limited time. In addition to the individual sleeping tents, there is a large dining tent, a toilet tent and a shower tent. Roads are gener-ally poor (or even completely lacking in some places, where one merely drives across the steppe or desert!), but our transport consists of sturdy 4x4 vehicles and a well-equipped camp truck which can easily cope with the conditions.

Opportunities are quite good.

East and Central Asian dream species, beautiful landscapes. Interesting mammals, reptiles, flora and creeps. Nomadic culture and hospitality – and few people.

Mongolia 2013

Day 1. August. Flight to Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia with Turkish Airlines via Istan-

bul from Kastrup Airport, Copenhagen at lunchtime.

Day 2. August. Arrival Ulaanbaatar and transfer to Hustai Nuruu National Park.

Day 3. August. Hustai NP – Lake Borogchin – Zaan Complex near Dashinchilen.

Day 4. August. Zaan Complex near Dashinchilen - Lake Ugii.

Day 5. August. Lake Ugii.

Day 6. August. Lake Ugii - Kharkhorin Monastery.

Day 7. August. Kharkhorin – Khujirt - Arvaikheer town.

Day 8. August. Arvaikheer town – Caragana steppe.

Day 9. August. Arvaikheer town – Lake Sangiin Dalai - Moltsog Els.

Day 10. August. Moltsog Els - Erdenesant Sum.

Day 11-12-13. Erdenesant Sum - Terelj Taiga forest: 26, 27, 28 and 29.August.

Day 14. August. Terelj - Ulaanbaatar.

Day 15. August. Heading home from Ulaanbaatar – Welcome home!

Day-to-day program

Miksture always try to make the journey according to

program, but sometimes it can be necessary to

change routes, and order of the locations. Miksture

always try to optimize the birding hence we can add

extra locations or change locations. One month be-

fore departure Miksture mail an updated program.

Miksture is of course always ready to answer ques-

tions and for more information. Please feel free to

contact us. Please note following meals provided dur-

ing the days is agreed with the place where you stay.

B (Breakfast), L (Lunch) and D (Dinner)

Day 1. Departure Copenhagen August. Flight to Ulaanbaatar, the capital of

Mongolia with Turkish Airlines via Istanbul from

Kastrup Airport, Copenhagen at lunchtime.

Day 2. Arrival Ulaanbaatar and transfer to Hustai Nuruu National Park August. Meeting point Ulaanbaatar - Welcome to Mongolia! Arrival Ulaanbaatar town and transfer to Hus-

tai Nuruu National Park. 100 km paved road from Ulaanbaatar. The Hustai Nuruu National Park, is the place re-

introduced Przewalski’s Wild Horse (Equus przewalskii) in the country. On the way to the park, we will walk

along cultivated areas and steppe for searching for Mongolian Lark, Greater Short-toed Lark, Pere David’s Snow

Finch or Small Snowfinch. At the meantime, we can see soaring Upland Buzzard, Saker Falcon, and Steppe

Eagles along hill sides. We will have a lunch in the park restaurant. After lunch, we will drive to the Khustai Na-

tional Park Research Centre to meet with a researcher of the park and visit wonderful birding site in the park.

Saker Falcons, Upland Buzzards, Eurasian Hobby, Amur Falcons, Golden Eagles, Black Vultures, Lesser Kes-

trels, Daurian Jackdaws, Rock Sparrows, Meadow Buntings are fairly common there. After this birding, we will

drive to water point (spring) of the horses where they drink water, afternoon. We will back to the National park

restaurant and will have a dinner with Mongolian cold beer. Overnight in tourist ger camp. LD.

Mongolia is a landlocked country in East and Central Asia. It is bordered by Russia to the north and China to the

south, east and west. Although Mongolia does not share a border with Kazakhstan, its western-most point is on-

ly 38 kilometers (24 mi) from Kazakhstan's eastern tip. Ulan Bator, the capital and largest city, is home to about

45% of the population. Mongolia's political system is a parliamentary republic. The area of what is now Mongolia

has been ruled by various nomadic empires, including the Xiongnu, the Xianbei, the Rouran, the Gökturks and

others. The Mongol Empire was founded by Genghis Khan in 1206. After the collapse of the Yuan Dynasty, the

Mongols returned to their earlier pattern of constant internal conflict and occasional raids on the Chinese border-

lands. In the 16th and 17th centuries, Mongolia came under the influence of Tibetan Buddhism. At the end of the

17th century, all of Mongolia had been incorporated into the area ruled by the Qing Dynasty. During the collapse

of the Qing Dynasty in 1911, Mongolia declared independence, but had to struggle until 1921 to firmly establish

de facto independence from the Republic of China, and until 1945 to gain international recognition. The country

came under strong Russian and Soviet influence; in 1924, the Mongolian People's Republic was declared, and

Mongolian politics began to follow the same patterns as the Soviet politics of the time. After the breakdown of

communist regimes in Eastern Europe in late 1989, Mongolia saw its own Democratic Revolution in early 1990,

which led to a multi-party system, a new constitution in 1992, and transition to a market economy. At 1,564,116

square kilometers (603,909 sq. mi), Mongolia is the 19th largest and the most sparsely populated independent

country in the world, with a population of around 2.75 million people. It is also the world's second-largest land-

locked country after Kazakhstan. The country contains very little arable land, as much of its area is covered by

steppes, with mountains to the north and west and the Gobi Desert to the south. Approximately 30% of the

population is nomadic or semi-nomadic. The predominant religion in Mongolia is Tibetan Buddhism, and the ma-

jority of the state's citizens are of Mongol ethnicity, though Kazakhs, Tuvans, and other minorities also live in the

country, especially in the west. About 20% of the population lives on less than US$1.25 per day. Mongolia joined

the World Trade Organization in 1997 and seeks to expand its participation in regional economic and trade re-


Day 3. Hustai NP – Lake Borogchin – Zaan Complex near Dashinchilen August: After breakfast in the restaurant, we will head to west to the steppe lake (Lake Tsegeen) where we

watch Ruddy Shelduck, Shoveler, Pintail, Whooper Swan in the lake and larks, Pallas’s Reed Bunting at sur-

roundings of the lake. Walk around the lake and reach reed beds: Citrine, White and Yellow Wagtails, and Orien-

tal Reed Warblers and Redshanks, Whooper Swans, Paddyfield Warbler, Pallas’s Grasshopper Warbler, and

Bearded Tits. If we are very lucky, we can see the local breeding pair of White-naped Crane here. Overnight in

tourist ger camp. BLD

Day 4. Zaan Complex near Dashinchilen – Lake Ugii August: After breakfast in local restaurant, we will head to west to get large fresh water lake (Lake Ugii)

where can see Bar–headed Goose, Swan Goose, Pallas’s Fish-eagle, Whiskered and White-winged Black

Terns. We will drive around the lake for search for Pallas’s fish eagles. After lunch one hours rest, we will start

bird watching around the lake. We will see thousands of Swan Goose at south-western end of the lake, and

Ruddy Shelduck, Bar-headed, Dalmatian Pelican, Pintail, Shoveler, Common Goldeneye, Pochard, Black-tailed

Godwit, Common Tern (longipennis), Mongolian Gull, Rock Sparrow etc. This site is one of the best in Mongolia

to watch Pallas’ Fish Eagle, Relict Gull, White-tailed Eagle etc. Steppe Eagles, Upland Buzzards, Demoiselle

Cranes, Saker Falcons and others come to the lake to drink. Overnight in tourist ger camp. BLD

Day 5. Lake Ugii August: After breakfast, we will continue to drive to the west of lake. We will search for Pallas’s Fish-eagle,

Steppe Eagle, Upland Buzzard, Saker Falcon, and Short-toed Larks (both Asian and Greater). After long day’s

bird watching, we will back to our ger camp for overnight. BLD

Day 6. Ugii - Kharkhorin Monastery August. After breakfast, we will drive to the south-west of the lake to get next tourist ger camp. On the way,

we will identify different larks including Asian, Mongolian, Horned, and possible Lesser Short-toed Lark in the

steppe. We will visit Kharkhorin or ‘Karakhorum’- the century imperial capital of the Mongol Empire. We

have an opportunity to visit the ‘Erdene-Zuu’ Monastery, one of the largest monasteries in Mongolia. Night in ger

camp. BLD

Day 7. Kharkhorin – Khujirt - Arvaikheer town

22.August. After breakfast, we will drive to the south to get accommodation. On the way to the town, we will see

steppe raptors, larks, Demoiselle cranes and Hill Pigeon. Overnight in local hotel. BLD

Day 8. Arvaikheer town – Caragana steppe August: After breakfast, we will drive to Caragana steppe in order to see Asian Desert Warbler, Greater

Sand Plover, and Pallas’s Sand grouse, etc. Overnight in tented camp. Breakfast in a local restaurant; lunch on

the way and dinner at tented camp. BLD

Day 9. Arvaikheer town – Lake Sangiin Dalai - Moltsog Els

24. August: After breakfast, we will drive through Sangiin Dalai Lake which is the large freshwater lake on the

way to Erdene Sant Mountain. We will see Black-throated Diver, Eurasian Spoonbill, Bar-headed Goose, breed-

ing Whooper Swan, Eurasian Coot, Citrine Wagtail, breeding Mongolian Lark, Pied Avocet and other waders. On

the way to get local ger camp, we will visit a granite mountain with high cliffs and rock column. We will see

breeding Saker Falcon, Steppe Eagle, Upland Buzzard, Golden Eagle and Bearded Vulture. Breakfast in a local

restaurant; lunch on the way: and dinner at ger camp. Nnight in ger camp. BLD

Day 10. Moltsog Els - Erdenesant Sum

25. August: After breakfast, we will drive to the east on paved road to get boreal forest. On the way we will see

Upland Buzzard, Saker Falcon and larks. Breakfast in the ger camp; lunch on the way and dinner in our ger

camp. Overnight in ger camp. BLD

Day 11-12-13. Erdenesant Sum - Terelj Taiga forest

26, 27, 28 and 29.August: After breakfast we will drive to Terelj National park and reach local tourist camp site.

Near tourist camp site will see Chinese Bush Warbler, Siberian Rubythroat, Olive-backed Pipit, Oriental Cuckoo,

breeding Daurian Jackdaw, White-cheeked Starling, Yellow-browed Warbler, Dusky Warbler, Pine Bunting, all

woodpeckers that listed in the list of birds etc. If it is necessary we will move to bird site near tourist ger camp

near river valley. We will cook a traditional meal “Khorkhog” by traditional way at the camp site near river valley.

Overnight in ger camp. All meals in the tourist camp. BLD

Day 14. Terelj - Ulaanbaatar August: After breakfast, we will watch birds around tourist camp sites. Afternoon we will drive back to

Ulaanbaatar. Shop for souvenirs, original pure cashmere gifts and garments. Farewell dinner. Overnight in a

hotel in Ulaanbaatar city. BLD

Day 15. Heading home from Ulaanbaatar – Welcome home! August: After early pre-breakfast transfer to airport for departure. Arrival your home according schedule.

This is an active journey. Participants should tolerate and be

ready for active birding. The activity level will be adjusted so it fit

all clients, and everyone can enjoy this journey. There is certain

flexibility, so individual wishes and pace can be respected. We

don’t climb mountains or endure tough levels of activity, but this

is birding and participants should be ready getting up early – and

should be ready to endure changing climatic conditions. We visit

deserts, semi-deserts, mountains, etc. when this is said, it

should be stressed that Miksture and our team are very experi-

enced in handling these tours. We know the areas and the con-

ditions. We are well prepared, and make sure the participants

achieve the best possible comfort – tasty, healthy and enough

food! Comfortable accommodation whenever it’s possible. There

will be nights in tents because no other possibilities are present,

but its solely an advantage as we are close or right in the center

of the best birding sites. Our vehicles are comfortable and in-

creasingly better year for year, and our drivers are always sober

and experienced. Many companies here in central Asia offers

rotten service for the participants and made silly excuses that

other possibilities are not present…We don’t – we value and

respect uttermost the clients, and Miksture have many clients

that already have been on 3 or 4 journeys with us here in Cen-

tral Asia. When it’s said please remember that tourism and ser-

vice are not the same high level here as in many other parts of

the world. Tourism is new here and it took years before guest-

houses and hotels were available. So please bear this in mind

and be patient if the breakfast on the guesthouse are served ten

minutes later than agreed, or the breakfast served is different

than at home etc.

We will have to camp for part of the tour, but our experienced outfitters do a wonderful job, in particular providing

appetizing meals in the middle of nowhere, good quality sleeping tents, a large dining tent with tables and chairs,

and toilet and shower tents, so camping is quite bearable or even great fun (depending on your viewpoint), and

of course we are right there where the birds are amidst some of the most remarkable wilderness scenery on our

planet! Roads are pretty poor dirt tracks in most of the country, so it takes a long time to cover any distance, but

we have allowed for this in the itinerary and so there will still be lots of time for birding.

Walking: The walking effort during the main tour is mostly easy to moderate, although there will be one or two

optional harder walks in the mountains. For those taking the extension, there will be at least one, and possibly

two, strenuous hikes in the Khentiy Mountains in search of Black-billed Capercaillie.

Meals: The food is delicious. When we are in the field we bring our own kitchen team who serve three meals a

day: Good, healthy and delicious food! We provide mineral water during all tour, and serve tea and coffee to all

meals. When possible and wished we make tea and coffee-breaks.

What to bring…?

Prior departure, and usually at booking confirmation, we send a detailed packing list and information

about what to bring. Miksture are of course always prepared to assist and explain, so please feel free to

ask us about every matter.

CUSTOMS: On entering Mongolia you need to declare all equipment such as cameras (especially camcorders)

and money. Usually it goes smooth and without any problems and frankly… the customs and authorities in Mon-

golia are very friendly and service minded.

ACCOMMODATION: The hotels in Ulaanbaatar are of normal standard. The ger lodges are quite simple, con-

sisting of large and very clean, rondavel-like rooms (the gers) each with several Mongolian styles attractively

painted beds, a heating stove and a washbasin. In addition to the gers, there are separate dining and toi-

let/shower buildings. For the camping nights, each participant will have to share with one of the other partici-

pants, but we might try to get as many tents possible. Couples may of course are accommodated together. The

only camp assistance group members will be asked to give is erecting and dismantling one’s personal tent (an

easy and rapid task) on those occasions when the camp crew has limited time. In addition to the individual

sleeping tents, there is a large dining tent, a toilet tent and a shower tent. Roads are generally poor (or even

completely lacking in some places, where one merely drives across the steppe or desert!), but our transport con-

sists of sturdy 4x4 vehicles and a well-equipped camp truck which can easily cope with the conditions.

For some days you will be under canvas accommodation. You will need to bring a 2-season sleeping bag.

Karrimot, are provided; though if you prefer pls bring the more modern self-inflated Thermorest' mattress. There

are no air mattresses.

MEALS: All meals have been paid. Lunches could be packed and be basic. Some evening meals will be in the

hotel or in a restaurant close by. Dinners are with plenty of food and a variety of communal dishes. Soups are

often included as well as both meat and vegetable dishes. Meal times are generally very flexible and the group

will eat together.

TIPPING: Tipping is generally as always - welcomed!

Price per person (in shared double-room) 2600 EURO

(1835 EURO excl. flight). The price is calculated for a group

of ten. To book a seat on this tour a non-refundable deposit

on 300 EURO per person should be paid (if Miksture cancel

100% this deposit will be returned, of course) – You are not

reserved a seat before the deposit is paid. The remaining

amount 2300 EURO per person should be paid LATEST

June 2013.

Pls note above mentioned price include flight: Copenhagen –

Ulaanbaatar – Copenhagen. If you don’t wish flight from Co-

penhagen the price is less 765 Euro. Pls note we have in-

cluded the best and cheapest option, but prices can

change hence 765 Euro is only guaranteed until

December 2012 – later bookings might increase the

flight price slightly!

International flights - the earlier it’s booked – the cheaper. If bought later then classes and

price will be different. It’s important to notice; don’t wait until few months’ departure! Miksture of

course assist and we book gladly for you; pls let us know if we should book your tickets. We book

from all countries and cities! We recommend Turkish Airlines which have the best, most com-

fortable and swift service on this destination.

Price include: International flight: Copenhagen – Ulaanbaatar – Copenhagen ● Guiding by Dr.

Gombobaatar Sundev (professor and general director of the Mongolian Ornithological Society) and

Miksture/Michael Westerbjerg Andersen ● Local (English-speaking) interpreters ● All private trans-

portation by 4WD and other domestic transportation according program ● All accommodation in

Mongolia according program: 2 nights of accommodation at a hotel in Ulaanbaatar city, 11 nights

in the specified tourist ger camps, hotels and 2 nights camping in tents ● Full board in Mongolia ●

Bottled water each day ● All permits ● Services of tour leader & administration from Miksture ●

Local entrees and fees according day-to-day program: National Parks, museums and monasteries

● Sightseeing specified cost ● Specified cultural program ● Rental of kitchen equipment’s ● Horse

and camel trekking ● Road taxes ● All expenses at the nomadic families ● Visa support invitation

letter. Mongolian poor roads conditions & changing weather conditions ;)

Price does NOT include: Alcoholic drinks at meals in restaurants and cafes ● Personal expenses

for eventual extra arrangements not mentioned in the program ● Tips to drivers and interpreter ●

Travel insurance – mandatory! ● Extra arrangements not mentioned in the program ● Money for

own expenses – actually very little needed ● anything strictly personal (e.g. laundry, phone calls,

any excess luggage charges, snacks) ● Visa to Mongolia (Miksture recommend to obtain Mongoli-

an visa prior departure as it’s much easier and much cheaper (only 25 USD, whereas 100 USD

upon arrival) ● Sleeping bag and any optical equipment (binoculars).

NB! Miksture customers get 20 % discount in Fjeld & Fritid i København. Pls contact Miksture for in-


Visa fees and applications will be explained prior departure.

Single room: Please note that, single room accommodation may not be available at some places,

but this will be explained and agreed prior departure. Is possible for surcharge in some accom-

modation; guesthouse and hotels - a single room surcharge will apply for anyone not sharing.

Booking procedure:

In order to book a seat on MONGOLIA 2013, pls insert deposit 300 Euro per person to Mikstures

account – your seat is booked when deposit is paid. As soon Miksture registries deposit, we mail a

receipt and you seat is booked. If Miksture cancel the tour the deposit will be refunded 100%

1. Deposit of 300 Euro per person should be paid to Mikstures account (pls mark it: “Deposit


2. When deposit is received, Miksture mail a receipt of the received amount, together with list

of birds of MONGOLIA 2013 and Practical Travel tips MONGOLIA 2013 which essential is a

little booklet of all practical matters and a pack list

3. Mail a JPG file of the “picture-page” in your Passport, or a scanned copy of the page to

Miksture. This will be used for obtaining permits, and book flight and accommodation. Pls

note – the copy of the Passport SHOULD is the same as you will use during MONGOLIA


4. Visa – we assist with this matter. When your seat is booked Miksture inform you about the

visas. Our Mongolian partners and Miksture recommend to arrange it in advance. It is pos-

sible but more expensive to purchase it upon arrival at the destination

5. The remaining amount of tour price is paid latest June 2013.

6. One month before departure Miksture mail an updated program

Account: Miksture


Bankadress: NORDEA, Helsinge afd., Østergade 7, 3200 Helsinge, Danmark. Phone: +45 48 79 47 50

Reg nr: 2418

Accountnr: 8976114257

IBAN: DK5220008976114257


All birders are welcome and on our travels there usually is a mix-ture of nationalities. Language is no prob-

lem – Birders talk the same language! English, Russian, French, German and Danish are spoken. Miksture

was established with the purpose of encourage and combine Eco-tourism and biological scientific research in

Central Asia; mainly Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. The approach of combining Eco-tourism and Nature Con-

servation is in many ways opposite activities, but in Kyrgyzstan we have done it without severe compromises

for the visitors and the environment. Our tours are the result of friendship and strange ideas and our careful-

ly planned itineraries and intensive approach have since 1994 given those who travel with us an unusually

experience. Miksture is an independent company, established and owned by Michael Westerbjerg Andersen.

You will always be in contact with Michael when you contact us. All itineraries in Central Asia are accompa-

nied by the staff of Kyrgyz-Travel who possesses the knowledge and experience to make the tour wholly suc-

cessful. They know the areas thoroughly and take pride in showing those who travel the local hotspots, con-

fidently coping with any problems that may arise and so greatly increasing the chance that everything will

run smoothly. Leading a tour in Europe or North America is one thing, leading one in Central Asia where lo-

gistical problems are a fact of life is quite another! Where practicable and necessary we obtain the assistance

of local leaders who have both an intimate knowledge of their home areas and the ability to look after the

group to the required standard.

Welcome to MONGOLIA 2013

Friendly greetings!

Michael Westerbjerg Andersen, owner of Miksture