Monitoring and Accounting in EGEE/LCG Jeremy Coles (for Dave Kant) ARM-6 Barcelona Based on GridPP15...

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Monitoring and Accounting in EGEE/LCG

Jeremy Coles (for Dave Kant)

ARM-6 Barcelona

Based on GridPP15 talk

ARM-6 Barcelona, Jan 2006 - 2


• Overview

• Monitoring Service Availability Monitoring

• Service Availability Monitoring Environment• The Sensors• Schema

• Accounting Status of Batch Support in APEL

• Condor and SGE LCG-RUS

ARM-6 Barcelona, Jan 2006 - 3

Service Availability Monitoring

• Grid Operations Activity (CERN lead)

… with contributions from anyone who wants to participate

• Work started at 4th EGEE conference Pisa (October)

• Implementation of sensors, metrics and alarms for services in EGEE/LCG infrastructure to ensure smooth grid operations Good sensors Meaningful metrics Controllable Alarms

• How to contribute

ARM-6 Barcelona, Jan 2006 - 4

Contributions to Sensors

• Substantial Metrics document in circulation which defines 50+ metrics

• Home Page not yet available.

• Section 6 concerns the services

BDII AsaiPacific Min Tsai

Catalogue CERN James Casey

CE CERN Piotr Nyczyk

FTS CERN Gavin McCance

MyProxy SEE-Greece / CERN ? / Maarten Litmaath

RGMA UKI and CERN Laurence Field, Antony Wilson

RB UKI and Italy Dave Kant, Sergio Andreozzi

SRM UKI Dave Kant, Jens Jensen, Greg Cowan

VOMS Italy Valerio Venturi

ARM-6 Barcelona, Jan 2006 - 5


• All sensors publish into RGMA using a common schema

• Publish frequency depends on the sensor: SFT every 2 hours; RB every 30 mins; SRM once-a-day

• Alarms generated according to thresholds e.g. RB alarm if match make time exceeds 90 seconds

ARM-6 Barcelona, Jan 2006 - 6


Preliminary Releases Expected

• Sensors: Feb 2006

• Summary Generator Indian Team ?

• Metric Generator: Re-use Lemon Components?

• Displays: Feb 2006 Based on SFT

• Alarm System: March 2006 Sure/Lemon Piotr RSS Dave Integration with CIC portal (Lyon?)• Work in progress

• Community working together

ARM-6 Barcelona, Jan 2006 - 7

Sensors for Service Monitoring

RB Active Monitoring Track a test job through the Grid; from UI to Worker Node Functional Test: Can RBs Match Jobs to Resources requested Frequent Job submission: Sample functionality every 30 minutes Tools on the UI (edg-get-job-info) RGMA Publishers on RB and WN Sceen Shots: Job Summaries, RB Summaries, Metrics

ARM-6 Barcelona, Jan 2006 - 9

Example: RB Service Monitoring

Shows Results of the latest round of jobs sent to RBs

View details of individual tests

ARM-6 Barcelona, Jan 2006 - 10

Track a test job through the Grid; from UI to Worker Node

UI edg-job-output

RB L&B Info

RB Publisher

WN Publisher

ARM-6 Barcelona, Jan 2006 - 11

Recent History for a RB

Derive Metric Data Capture time to matchmake

the job Capture availability in a 24 hr

periodNumber of Jobs to reach DONE


Total number of jobs submitted

ARM-6 Barcelona, Jan 2006 - 12

Passive Monitoring

Passive Monitoring (Italy: Sergio Andreozzi)Processing of log files• Workload Manager Component

WaitingRequests InputFileListSize

• Job Controller WaitingRequests InputFileListSizee

• Network Server submissionRate (requests/600s)

• WM Proxy ServerPoolSize

• Whole System InJobs in last 10 mins OutJobs in last 10 mins

• Hosting Environment Load (1,5,15), memory (used, free, total, real, virtual)

ARM-6 Barcelona, Jan 2006 - 15

APEL, Job Accounting Flow Diagram

[1] Build Job Accounting Records at site.

[2] Send Job Records to a central repository

[3] Data Aggregation

ARM-6 Barcelona, Jan 2006 - 16

Accounting for Grid Jobs

• Build Job Records at Site• APEL mapping grid users to the resource usage on local


Job Records In via RGMA



SQL QUERY TO Accounting Server 1 Query / Hour

On-Demand Accounting Pages based on SQL queries to summary data

1 Record per Grid Job (Millions of records expected)

Summary data refreshed every hour (Max records about 100K per year)


e P



User queries



Consolidation of Data

ARM-6 Barcelona, Jan 2006 - 18

APEL Status

APEL has been in production for 1 year

• 156 Sites , 5.4 Million Job Records

• 100K Job records per week -> Linear rise (c.f exponential)

continues despite growth in CE. -> More site doesn’t mean more

Jobs or more users.

ARM-6 Barcelona, Jan 2006 - 19

Demos of Accounting Aggregation

Global views of resource consumption.

• LHC View Data Aggregation across Countries

• EGEE View

Data Aggregation across EGEE ROC• Based on LHC View and Data Mining • Displays Official EGEE VOs (12) and Regional VOs• Tables to show which GOCDB sites haven’t published recently• … which ones publish but are not listed in GOCDB

• GridPP View

Specific view for GridPP accounting summaries for Tier-2s Comments from GridPP users -> Prototype -> EGEE view changes

Aggregation of Data for GridPP

Aggregation of Data for Tier2

Data Aggregation at Site Level

Breakdown of data per Vo per month showing Njobs, CPUt, WCT, record history

Total CPU Usage per VO

Gantt Chart NB:Gaps across all VOs consistent with scheduled downdowns in GocDB

ARM-6 Barcelona, Jan 2006 - 23

Batch Support in APEL

Currently Available in LCG 2.6• OpenPBS, Torque, PBSPro and Vanilla PBS

~80% Sites in LCG/EGEE• Load Share Facility (Versions 5 and 6)

CERN, Italy

In Development• Condor ( )

Requested by Canada, UK Was due for release in Nov/December but delayed Deal with multiple parses of large batch files: Condor does not self-manage its logs,

so they grow to > 2GB in size, multiple parses via APEL in-efficient.

• Sun Grid Engine ( ) Requested by UK (Imperial College) Format of Log records unclear to us: Missing information in message logs LCG-SGE job manager format is not LCG Compliant (PBS, LSF and Condor all

are!). Substantial changes to APEL required unless this is addressed more carefully.

ARM-6 Barcelona, Jan 2006 - 24


• Publishing Missing Records Options available to users are limited <publish>all</publish> Republish mean republish everything: exceeds internal memory limits in Java causing APEL to

crash.• RGMA Archiver is growing in size

• It takes longer to traverse the database• About 2 minutes to run the summary generator• Benefit to move to Oracle

• Batch Support is still limited (!)• Condor and SGE should be seen by the community to be important extensions to the

application. • APEL and gLite (!)

• Will Apel work in this environment. Nb. The web summary views are independent of APEL• Data Privacy and Security

• Sites don’t publish User DN … its private data• Restrict access to private data via RGMA client• Data needs to be shifted from produces to consumers in a secure way

• Restricted to Fixed Schema in RGMA?• Cannot easily add new fields to the database• Unable to capture information about Jobs in batch logs e.g. exit status, time in queue, etc (STEVE FISHER COMMENTS: NEW FIELDS CAN BE ADDED)

ARM-6 Barcelona, Jan 2006 - 26

More Wider Issues

• How important is accounting? Compute resource viewed as a grid currency Need a guarantee that the data has not been tampered with in an un fair way How does normalisation fit into this? The concept of a raw usage records has no

meaning if internal scaling is applied to Heterogeneous farms.

• Recognise that accounting isn’t just about “job usage” its about Resource usage which encompasses many things:- CPU Usage Also Storage & Network Usage Treated Differently ? CPU is consumed; Storage is Occupied and can be recycled

• Getting Data from All Participants Hasn’t been easy to get all sites in EGEE to send data to us. Many reasons: some technical, some political How do we account for usage in wider communities which span grid projects e.g. LHC?

ARM-6 Barcelona, Jan 2006 - 28

Challenges Ahead

• Usage Reporting at what Level? Anonymous level: How much resource has been provided to each VO Aggregation across: VOs, Countries, Regions, Grids, Organisations Granularity: summed over units of Hours, Days, Weeks, Months?

• User Level Reporting? If 10,000 CPU hours were consumed by Atlas VO, who are the users

that submitted the work? Data privacy laws A Grid “DN” is personal information which could be used to target an

individual. Who has access to this data and how do you get it? Can CA policies change to support anonymous DNs and reverse DN

mappings? What are the consequences? Are there any lawyers in the audience?

ARM-6 Barcelona, Jan 2006 - 29

World Wide Accounting Service for LCG

• Project involves combining results from all three peer infrastructures and presenting an aggregated view of resource usage for LHC VOs to the RRB

Peer Infrastructures in LCG• Open Science Grid + Others (Ruth Pordes, Philippe Canal, Matteo

Melani)• Nordugrid (Per Oster, Thomas Sandholm)• LCG/EGEE (Kors Bos, Dave Kant)


ARM-6 Barcelona, Jan 2006 - 30

Resource Usage Service

• Based on emerging GGF standards and Web Services GGF UR, OGSI

• An implementation exists in “Market for Computational Science” – UK e-Science project. What does DGAS provide?

• Use case might be: A user invokes the query service through a web browser, using SSL for client

authentication, to ensure that usage information at user level belongs to the user. Servlet sends query to RUS web service and gets user data.


InterfaceRUS WS Application



Web Service Container

Work started with Akram Khan and Xiaoyu Chen at Brunel

ARM-6 Barcelona, Jan 2006 - 31


• Very Busy Year Ahead

• SGE and Condor support need to be completed

• Improve some features of APEL that cause difficulties

• Investigate LCG-RUS

• Service Metrics Activity – very important - beginning to consume effort.