Montreal Girl Geeks: Building the Modern Web

Post on 21-Apr-2017

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Building the modern webRachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks, February 2016

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Dancers do not need to use computers

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

The web gave me a community

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

“Knowing HTML” was a marketable skill

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Learning something one day - teaching it to

someone else the next

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

The web gave me a new career.

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

The web was accessible, and had a culture of sharing knowledge.

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Font tags and nested tables

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

<script type="text/javascript"><!--function MM_reloadPage(init) { if (init==true) with (navigator) {if ((appName=="Netscape")&&(parseInt(appVersion)==4)) { document.MM_pgW=innerWidth; document.MM_pgH=innerHeight; onresize=MM_reloadPage; }} else if (innerWidth!=document.MM_pgW || innerHeight!=document.MM_pgH) location.reload();}MM_reloadPage(true);//--></script>

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

The “Netscape Resize Fix”

If the user resized their browser window positioned elements lost their positioning values.

The “fix” was to reload the browser window on resize.

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

… basic support of existing W3C standards has been sacrificed in

the name of such innovation, needlessly fragmenting the Web

and helping no one.—

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Our goal is to support these core standards and encourage browser

makers to do the same, thereby ensuring simple, affordable

access to Web technologies for all.


Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Encouraging designers to care about web standards

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

The IE6 years

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Front-end developer 2005?

Browser bugs expert

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Thanks to the hard work of countless WaSP members and

supporters (like you), Tim Berners-Lee’s vision of the web as an open, accessible, and universal community is largely the reality.—

here-is-done/Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Browser vendors are implementing standard things in a standard way

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Innovation happens through the standards


Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Show stopping browser bugs when doing

straightforward things in modern browsers are rare

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Is it all easy now?

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Studies show that a todo list is the most complex JavaScript app

you can create before a newer, better framework is invented.


Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

We’re creating complexity

Hiding the simple languages of the web behind tooling and process

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

<div class="header"> <h1>My website</h1> <div class="nav"> </div></div>

<div class="article"></div><div class="sidebar"></div><div class="footer"></div>

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

<header> <h1>My website</h1> <nav> </nav></header>


Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Web Video Text Tracks Format (WebVTT)


100:00:22.230 --> 00:00:24.606This is the first subtitle.

200:00:30.739 --> 00:00:34.074This is the second.

300:00:34.159 --> 00:00:35.743Third

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Time-dimensional pseudo-classes


:current(p, li, dt, dd) { background: yellow;}

:past(p, li, dt, dd) { background: transparent; color: #999999;}

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

CSS Grid Layout

<div class="wrapper"> <header class="header">Header</header> <aside class="sidebar">Sidebar</aside> <article class="content">Content</article></div>

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

.sidebar { grid-area: sidebar;}.content { grid-area: content;}.header { grid-area: header;}.wrapper { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 120px 10px 120px 10px 120px; grid-template-rows: auto; grid-template-areas: "header header header header header" "sidebar . content content content";}

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

“I’ll take a look if you create a Sass Mixin …”

— via my inbox

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Emerging specifications like Grid remove the need

for a lot of the preprocessing

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

.ag1 { @include span(2 of 10);}

.ag2 { @include span(6 of 10); @include clearfix; }

.ag3 { @include span(2 of 10 last);}

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

/* declare a grid and set up a 10 column grid with gutters */.container { width: 90%; margin: 0 auto 0 auto; display: grid; grid-template-columns: [col] 4.25fr repeat(9, [gutter] 1fr [col] 4.25fr ) [gutter]; grid-template-rows: auto repeat(5, 100px);}

/* boxes positioned like so *//* heading in row 1 full width */h1 { grid-column: col / span col 10; grid-row: 1 / 2;}

/* left hand sidebar */.ag1 { grid-column: col / span gutter 2; grid-row: 2 / 3;}

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

We should be all over a spec like grid. This is the


Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

By leaning on frameworks, are we masking the issues?

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Only by working with the specifications can we be part of improving them

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Sheer frustration drove much of the Web Standards


Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

My fear is that our reliance on frameworks will stop us

pushing for better solutions

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

There are always compromises. They

shouldn’t be the same for every project.

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Standardising on tools should not be at the

expense of learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Use your tools and frameworks lightly

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Be ready to put them aside when they don’t suit a


Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Don’t become an expert in one brand of hammer.

Become a master carpenter.

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Develop timeless skills

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

It is HTML, CSS, JavaScript

How you get there is just process.

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

The “space junk” of the web

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Will we be still using frameworks to abstract away layout hacks, long

after there is any need for the hacks?

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Best practices can become anti-patterns

HTTP/2 will see many of our best practices become bad practices.

— Image Sprites

— Domain Sharding

— Concatenating CSS and JavaScript Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Whose time are we saving?

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

We write code once.

It runs 100s of 1000s of times in the browsers of our visitors.

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

“When I look around, I see our community spending a lot of time coming up with new tools and techniques to make our jobs easier. To ship faster. And it’s not that I’m against efficiency, but I think we need to consider the implications of our decisions. And if one of those implications is making our users suffer—or potentially suffer—in order to make our lives easier, I think we need to consider their needs above our own.”—

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

The myth of temporary

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

The web is inherently accessible. We choose to

protect that, or to break it.

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

I believe progressive enhancement is still the best approach we have

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

“a robust site or application in the more traditional sense minimises its dependencies. The minimum

dependency for a web site should be an internet connection and the

ability to parse HTML.”—

accessibility/html/progressive-enhancement.shtmlRachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Start with the core experience

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

What is the minimum that I need to ship?

How can I ensure as I iterate I protect the core experience for everyone?

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

We Ship. We Iterate.

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

How should we integrate third party code?

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Not Invented Here

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

“Are you afraid to write code? Does the thought linger in your brain that

somewhere out there somebody has already done this? Do you find yourself trapped in an analysis cycle where nothing is getting

done? Is your product mutating to accommodate third party components? If yes, then perhaps you are suffering from

invented-here syndrome.”—

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Avoid turning shortcuts and third party code into


Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Dependency Inversion

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

“High level modules should not depend upon low-level modules. Both should depend upon abstractions.Abstractions should never depend upon details. Details should depend upon abstractions.”—

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Progressively enhanced UI

— JavaScript implementation based on the regular HTML5 Video element

— Static maps that become draggable and zoomable - avoiding creating a dependency on one maps provider or library

— Ordering items via a form input - that become drag and drop if the user has JavaScript

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

You can’t do everything

You can do something

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

“A 100% pure progressively-enhanced website may not be practical on every single project you will ever encounter. While that sort of purity can exist, it’s unlikely in many business scenarios.

Budgets, timelines: these things exist. Progressive enhancement isn’t a zero sum game; it’s a continuum, just like the Web.”


Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

If your site doesn’t load who misses out? What do they lose?

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Giving back

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Where does our next generation of web

professionals come from?

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

If you have been doing this for a year, there is someone

6 months in who you are ideally placed to help.

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

You will learn by teaching

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Contribute to the standards that make up the web

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

What do authors think?

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Learn how the modern standards process works

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

If authors do not offer feedback, the final specification will reflect

our needs as understood by people who do not build


Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

To make an impact on a specification you need to do so while it is still a draft

There is no point complaining about something that is finished. You have your chance to make your case during the open standards process.

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Grid Layout and “gutters”

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

.wrapper { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 120px 10px 120px 10px 120px; grid-template-rows: auto; grid-template-areas: "header header header header header" "sidebar . content content content";}

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

.wrapper { display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(11, [col] 4fr [gutter] 3.5fr ) [col] 4fr [gutter]; grid-template-rows: auto repeat(4, [row] auto [gutter] 15px);}

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

I believed the grid needed column and row gaps much like

multi-column layout has the column-gap property

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

.wrapper { display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(11, [col] 4fr [gutter] 3.5fr ) [col] 4fr [gutter]; grid-template-rows: auto repeat(4, [row] auto [gutter] 15px);}

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

.wrapper { display: grid; grid-column-gap: 1em; grid-row-gap: 1em; grid-template-columns: repeat(12, [col] 4fr ); grid-template-rows: auto;}

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Solving the gutter problem


— Post to the CSS WG list about the issue

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Put together use cases. Show issues clearly.

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Look for the issues already listed in draft specifications

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

I am hopeful that contributing to standards is

going to get easier

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

The CSS Working Group may move to GitHub for

issues in 2016

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

The Web Incubator Community Group


Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

“Their goal is to take the lessons learned during the RICG’s

responsive images slog and adapt web standards to match.”


Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

The Specification Forum

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Keep an eye on CSS Houdini

A task force working on drafts that seek to explain and expose different parts of CSS. This should ultimately make it easier to polyfill, innovate, experiment and create entire new features.



Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Browsers vendors and the CSS WG alike are looking for “signals” from authors

— are people talking about this spec?

— are they writing about it, speaking at conferences?

— are they directly requesting the features?

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Make a noise so that browser vendors hear what

we want implemented

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Adopt an emerging specification!

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Some final thoughts

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Things are changing fast. Solid understanding of core

web technologies has proved timeless.

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Ensuring maximum accessibility should be at

the heart of all you do.

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Find ways to contribute

Your voice & the voice of the people you build sites for is important.

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Thank you.


Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks