More cell review. Best Microscopes For? View living organisms under 1000 X? View surfaces, dead...

Post on 14-Dec-2015

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More cell review

Best Microscopes For?

• View living organisms under 1000 X?

• View surfaces, dead organisms 1000X -1,000,000X?

• View internal structures up to 1,000,000 X?

• LM




• 1._____Parfocal• 2. ____Clarity• 3..____Field Diameter• 4.____Magnification

• A. width of view• B. stays in focus

even if change objectives

• C. apparent increase in size

• D. resolving power; distinguish 2 different objects


• 1.__B_Parfocal• 2. __D_Clarity• 3..__A__Field

Diameter• 4.__C__Magnification

• A. width of view• B. stays in focus

even if change objectives

• C. apparent increase in size

• D. resolving power; distinguish 2 different objects

Microscope How To’s:

• 2 places to carry?

• Objective to first view?

• Where stage is to first view a slide?

• Arm and base

• Lowest (4X)

• Closest to objective

How do you find?

• Total magnification?

• How does the field diameter change as the magnification gets larger?

• Multiply eyepiece by objective magnifications.

• DECREASES in the same proportion (EX: if the magnification is 10X’s greater, the diameter is 10X’s smaller)

How do you make a wet mount?• Tools?• Object on Slide• Eye dropper of water• Coverslip on top of

water drop

Put metric prefixes in order:from km to Å

• Kids have dropped over dead converting metrics meeting nice angels

• Km hm dkm m dm cm mm µm nm Å

3 3


• 5 mm = _____µm = _____nm

• 6 mm = ____________ nm

• 55 nm = ___________ Å

• 100 cm = ________mm = _______µm


• 5mm = 5000µm = 5,000,000nm

6 mm = ____600,000__ nm

• 55 nm = ___550___Å

• 100 cm = __1000__mm =__100,000__µm

What happens…

• To the surface area to volume ratio when a cell gets larger?

• The ratio decreases

Cell sizes

• Largest?

• Ostrich egg

• Smallest?

• mycoplasmas



• Nucleoid

• Capsule

• Pili

• No membraned organelles


• Nucleus

• No capsule

• No pili

• Membraned organelles (like mitochondria, chloroplasts)

What 2 structures do…

• Plant cells have that animal cells do not?

• Chloroplasts and cell walls

What 2 structures…

• Do animal cells have that plant cells do not?

• Centrioles and cilia/flagella

What type of organisms have?

• Ribosomes?

• All (prokaryotic, plant and animal)

• Plasma membranes?

• All (prokaryotic, plant and animal)


• Where would you find it in a cell?

• In nucleus

• How is chromatin related to DNA?

• Chromatin is DNA + protein


• How is Rough ER different from Smooth ER?– In structure?– Rough ER has ribosomes embedded in it,

smooth ER does not– In function?– Rough ER carries materials to ribosomes to

assemble amino acids into proteins, smooth ER makes lipids

How do vacuoles differ?

• In plants?

• Large central vacuole

• In animals?

• Smaller (usually lysosomes around them)

Put in order from largest to smallest in an animal cell:

• Mitochondrion ribosomes nucleus lysosome vesicle

• Nucleus • Mitochondrion• Lysosome• Vesicle • ribosome

How are cilia and flagella different?

• Length?

• Cilia are shorter and flagella are longer

• Number?

• Cilia are very numerous and flagella usually only one or a few

How are they different?

• Golgi Apparatus

• Attached or not connected?

• Repackage proteins or carry materials?

• ER

• Attached or not connected?

• Repackage proteins or carry materials?

How are they different?

• Golgi Apparatus

• not connected

• Repackage proteins

• ER

• Attached

• carry materials

In animal or plant cell?

• Mitochondrion?

• In Both animal and plant cells

• Chloroplasts?

• Only in plant cells

In animal or plant cell?

• Mitochondrion?

• In Both animal and plant cells

• Chloroplasts?

• Only in plant cells

Chloroplast or Mitochondrion?

• Wavy membrane interior?• Mitochondrion• Green• Chloroplast• Site of photosynthesis• Chloroplast• Powerhouse• mitochondrion

Trace the path of protein. Which happens first, second…?

• A. Vesicles carry protein to Golgi.• B. Proteins are assembled in ER• C. Proteins are stored in the cell• D. Golgi repackages the proteins

• ANSWER: B, A, D, C

• See diagram on the next slide

Path of Proteins


• What are the three types of cytoskeleton?• Microtubules microfilaments centrioles

• What is the purpose of centrioles?• Cell division

• What are some jobs of microtubules?• Support, movement

Which cell covering?

• Is around all types of cells (prokaryotes and eukaryotes)?

• Plasma membrane• Is around only plant and prokaryotes

cells?• Cell wall• What covering is also outside the

prokaryotic cell?• Capsule

Cell Theory

• What scientist made the first microscope?

• Leewenhoek

• Who first coined the word “cells?”

• Hooke

Cell Theory

• Fill in the blanks:

• All cells come from:

• Pre-existing cells

• The basic unit of life is a:

• Cell