Morning Report Anne Lachiewicz September 22, 2009.

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Morning Report

Anne LachiewiczSeptember 22, 2009

Broncholitis obliterans organizing pneumonia

(BOOP) Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia Inflammatory lung disease Intraluminal organizing fibrosis in distal

airspaces (bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and alveoli)

Reversible fibrosis Dx by lung bx. VAT preferred to

transbronchial bx to obtain sufficient tissue to exclude other diagnoses with overlapping features

Classification of BOOP Idiopathic (most common) Rapidly progressive Focal nodular Postinfection Drug-related (case reports) Rheumatologic or connective tissue related Immunologic disorder Organ transplantation (lung, bone marrow) Radiotherapy (breast cancer) Environmental exposures Miscellaneous

Intra-alveolar stages Fibrinoid inflammatory cell clusters, fibrin

bands with cells (esp. lymphocytes) Fibroinflammatory buds, fibroblasts migrate,

proliferate & develop Mature fibrotic buds: concentric rings of

fibroblasts alternating with layers of connective tissue (mainly collagen bundles, few inflammatory cells (usually in the center of the buds)

Mild interstitial chronic inflammation in alveolar walls with reactive type II cells

Increased foamy macrophages in the alveoli without buds

Histologic features

Copyright restrictions may apply.

Epler, G. R. Arch Intern Med 2001;161:158-164.

A, Intraluminal organization and polypoid granulation tissue within a small bronchiole

Preservation of lung architecture Patchy distribution, rarely unilateral Uniform temporal appearance Absence of

interstitial fibrosis granulomas neutrophils or abscesses necrosis hyaline membranes eosinophilic infiltration vasculitis


Males = Females Mean age 50-60 years 2x more in non-smokers/ex-smokers Flu-like illness, malaise, fever Persistent nonproductive cough Progressive mild dyspnea Weight loss of greater than 10 pounds

(57%) Inspiratory rales or focal sparse crackles 25% normal pulmonary exam No clubbing

Clinical presentation


Labs: 50% leukocytosis, elevated ESR, CRP, no eosinophilia

PFTs: mild-mod restrictive defect, only 20% obstructive (all former smokers)

BAL: Mixed pattern (mild increase in lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils)

Imaging: 3 main patterns of COP

1) Typical – multiple alveolar opacities, usually bilateral, peripheral, and often migratory, may see an air bronchogram

2) Focal – solitary opacity, often upper lobes and may be cavitary, not a characteristic pattern, may have false + FDG-PET uptake

3) Infiltrative – infiltrative opacities associated with interstitial & superimposed small alveolar opacities, may be a polygonal , perilobular pattern

Copyright restrictions may apply.

Epler, G. R. Arch Intern Med 2001;161:158-164.

A, Chest radiograph of a 54-year-old man with a flulike illness, bilateral crackles, decreased vital capacity, and a decreased diffusing capacity that shows bilateral patchy infiltrates in the lower


Treatment & Prognosis Treatment: corticosteriods, no precise dose or tx duration

established Prednisolone IV bolus, then prednisone 0.75-1.5mg/kg/day then

taper, tx for 24 wks to 1 yr Reports of spontaneous improvement or response to abx,

especially macrolides

Prognosis: excellent without sequelae (65-80% cured with steriods)

Relapse is common (13-58%) but not associated with increased mortality or long-term functional morbidity

Pts may risk relapse rather than taking high-dose steriods for a year

Solitary pattern usually does not relapse after surgical excision


Cordier, J-F. Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia. Eur Respir J. 2006;26:422-446.

Epler, GR. Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia. Arch Inten Med. 2001;161:158-164.

King, TE. Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia. In: UpToDate, Basow, DS (Ed), UpToDate, Waltham, MA, 2009.