MOTD Presentation for Studio

Post on 14-Jan-2015

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‘Mark of the Deity’ Game Project

J.L. Laquinte

What this project is.

• My project is the beginning architecture of what will be a full game.

• This is a digital game.

• This game will be a 2D action and adventure game with a strong narrative focus.

• The game will be accessible through the web.


• Shadow of the Colossus (2005)-Story told through the game mechanic. Great example

of ‘show don’t tell’ in games. We connect to the characters emotions by doing, not watching.


• Braid (2008) (indie award winning game)

– Created by indie game developer Jonathan Blow. Braid is 2D Action/Puzzle game. Most of the game was created by Blow himself. Braid took Blow three years to make.

Why a game?

• There is so much rich story telling potential in games.

• The technology to create games has become very accessible to independent developers.

• Indie developers are in a moment where they can push the boundaries of narrative in games and make something more than just an addictive “Flash Game.”

Mark of the Deity - Story-The story of my game centers around these three characters and the intersection of their stories.

-The main themes of the story is pride, betrayal, and meddlesome gods.

Kino Mullen Lucia

Mark of the Deity - Story-Plot: You play as the main character Kino. A course of events leads the main character Kino to fall into a cave.

Nearly all of the game takes place in the cave, and it follows the conflicts and challenges the she faces in a struggle to leave the cave.

In the cave she will meet allies and enemies, experience happiness, experience tragedy, and will have to make a moral choice that could doom her people.

Mark of the Deity - Mechanic

-The gameplay mechanic will center around struggle, climbing, and the main character’s use of smell to find things.

-I’m still working on how these will all play off each other in the game.

Responses from Play Testing

- Jump button needs to change- A way to go through text faster- Physics need to be tighter- Wall jumping feels a bit clunky- Good music design (contributes to the mood)- Intro narration draws you into the game.- Has good potential

Notes and Future Work

- Art assets- Better sprites- Animation- Background

Coding-Decrease slowdown and lag

Story-Work on dialogue and story cohesiveness

Early Design / Prototypes

Early paper prototyping

Early Design / Prototypes

Early paper prototyping

Early Design / Prototypes

Early Alpha of game