Mother’s Health During Pregnancy - Meigs County · During Pregnancy by Kala. What Should Mom...

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Mother’s Health During Pregnancy



What Should Mom Experience During Each Trimester?

Trimester 1:

Missed menstrual period

Swelled breasts

Frequent urination



Abdomen growth

Weight gain of 2-4 pounds

What Should Mom Experience During Each Trimester?

Trimester 2:

Continued change in size

Early discomforts leave

Increase in appetite

Stomach growing becomes apparent

Slight movements begin to be felt

Weight gain of 10-12 pounds

What Should Mom Experience During Each Trimester?

Trimester 3:

Increased size affects posture

Discomforting aches & pains are felt

“lightening” is felt

Uterus becomes the size of a small watermelon

False labor pains may begin

Weight gain of 18-30 pounds

The development of the fetus…

Trimester 1:

Cell multiplication begins

Egg attaches to the uterus

Internal organs form and heart begins to beat

Arms and legs begin to form

Embryo is ¼ to 1 inch long

The development of the fetus…

Trimester 2:

Fetus is 3-10 inches long

Weighs up to 12 ounces

Hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows appear

Teeth develop

Organs mature

Fetus becomes active

Breathing movements begin

The development of the fetus…

Trimester 3:

10-18 inches long

Weighs 1 and ½ to 6 pounds

Fetus may react to loud noises

Fetus will move into birthing position

Mommy’s Nutrition Needs

Take prenatal vitamins everyday!!

Choose a healthy diet including fruits & veggies,

whole-grain breads & pastas, milk products,& low-

fat protein sources

Take a 400 gram folic acid multivitamin before &

during pregnancy

Mom’s Exercise Needs

Participating in 30

minutes of moderate

exercise is recommended

Exercise will lead to

improves fitness and will

prevent forms of diabetes

& high blood pressure

Examples include walking,

swimming, yoga, etc.

What is appropriate medical care

during pregnancy?

Take folic acid Do not smoke, drink alcohol, or use illegal drugsStay healthyAvoid infections, hazardous chemicals, & stressSeek prenatal careGain a healthy 25 to 35 poundsDo not try to lose weight

Screening and Diagnostic Tests


Quad Screening Test~

a blood test that

checks for AFP, hCG,

Estriol,& Inhibin-A

Triple Screen Test~ a

blood test that looks

for AFP, hCG,& Estriol


CVS (chronic villus

sampling)~ identifies


abnormalities and other


Amniocentosis~ tells

whether or not specific

disorders may be present

in your baby

Sample schedule for health

care visits…

1st visit around first 8 weeks of pregnancyVisit every 2-3 weeks during the 1st trimesterVisit twice per month during the 2nd trimesterVisit weekly during the 3rd trimester


Brisbane, Holly. The Developing Child. Peoria, IL: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill,1994.

March of Dimes. 2008.

American Pregnancy. 2000-2008.