Motivational Quotes For Success: Part 2

Post on 06-Apr-2016

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Here are more inspirational quotes from some of our favorite keynote speakers!




"Always do your best. What you

plant now, you will harvest later."

- Og Mandino

“If you can dream it,

you can do it.”

- Walt Disney

“It isn't always easy to live the life you

were meant to, but the lessons learned

and the rewards are immeasurable.”

- Amilya Antonetti

“The American Dream is still alive out

there, and hard work will get you there.

You don't necessarily need to have an Ivy

League education or to have millions of

dollars startup money. It can be done with

an idea, hard work and determination.”

- Bill Rancic

“You can't force anybody, especially a

grown man to do anything because

you want them to, change is voluntary.”

- Anne Mahlum

“When I had challenges, it taught me to be

more on top of it for the future. Things go

wrong all the time when you're running

your own business, but it's how you

perceive it and deal with it that matters.”

- Lori Greiner

“My life is not determined by

what happens to me, but by how

I respond to what happens. It is

not about what life brings to me,

but rather what I bring to life.”

- Chad Hymas

“Procrastination? Career-killer.

Joy-spoiler. Relationship-ender.

Don't wait for tomorrow to be

happier and more successful.”

- Connie Podesta

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