Motorcycle Mustang - Photography by Ewen Bell · The Royal Enfield bike are sturdy, good for...

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Motorcycle Mustang 16 day exploration of the Mustang Kingdom to raise money for Nepal

# b r i n g y o u r s m i l e t o n e p a l

Royal Enfield motorcycles will be our chariots across the remote landscapes of Mustang and the Annapurnas. This adventure will make use of very basic guesthouses in the mountains, and take place during the winter month of December. There will be snow on the ground in places and the nights will be sub-zero in many places. They have no heating in these guesthouses, just warm sleeping bags and solar showers. It’s a slow ride along a dusty trail, not a road race. You need to be a confident rider and be prepared for adventure. The unexpected is highly probable.

By joining this trip you are raising money to help people in Nepal rebuild their homes and their lives, and helping them to work through tourism.


Day 1: KathmanduArrival Day. Meet the group and complete last minute shopping.

Day 2: PokharaMorning flight to Pokhara where we meet the motorcycles.

Day 3: Tatopani 1,190m/105kmBig ride day as the road gets windy and starts to climb. We enter the small hills of the Annapurnas and are rewarded with a soak in the hot-springs of Tatopani by the side of Kali Gandaki River. Some sections of open road along the way while be thrilling on the bikes.

Day 4: Marpha 2,680m/44kmSlow ride as we climb into thinner air and work the road along boulders. We share the path with buses and trucks, but the speeds are very slow. The terrain changes as we leave the forests and enter the mountains.

Day 5: Kagbeni 2,800m/15kmWe make a short hop to the town of Kagbeni for one more night of acclimation to the altitude. By going slowly we avoid the risk of illness. Kagbeni is a pretty town at the edge of the Lower Mustang. The trail will be cold at this height, with morning ice in places. We can stop along the way to enjoy the views and hot cups of tea.

The Plan

Day 6: Muktinath 3,600m/16kmStunning day of riding ahead as we climb through the Annapurnas and see the massive peaks all around us. Muktinath is an important sacred site for Hindus and Buddhists, and we want a little time to visit.

Day 7: Chele 3,060m/33kmWe dip leave the Annapurnas and head across to the Mustang Valley. Chele is a little lower and the trail is narrow. Not a big day of riding, but very pretty.

Day 8: Tsarang 3,560m/30kmWe head deep into the upper section of the Mustang Valley and gain views of entirely new snow capped peaks.

Day 9+10: Lo-Manthang 3,840m/18kmWe reach our destination, the capital of the Mustang Kingdom. We have an extra night here and will make a day trip to the edge of the Tibetan border

Day 11: Samar 3,540m/15kmWe begin the descent towards Pokhara and take a different route home.

Day 12: Kagbeni 2,800m/48kmThis section of riding is more direct than the way we came up, flanked by massive snow capped peak all the way down and following the river.

Day 13: Tatopani 1210m/64kmOne more chance to soak our bones in the hot springs before the big ride to Pokhara the next morning.

Day 14: PokharaWe have over 100kms to cover on our final ride day, arriving back in Pokhara for some comfortable lodgings and to say farewell to the bikes.

Day 15: KathmanduWe fly back to Kathmandu around lunchtime and have a little spare time in the old town before a finale dinner with our group.

Day 16: Departure

The Royal Enfield bike are sturdy, good for cruising and easy to repair in case of a breakdown. These machines will be pre-shipped from Kathmandu so that we can start our ride in Pokhara. We do this to avoid the major highway chaos between Pokhara and Kathmandu, which is a rough and dangerous way to get familiar with any bike.

We will not be able to pick and choose the machines. They will be the best available to us, and some may be better than others. Our man in Kathmandu is keenly aware of the need for reliable bikes and has a long standing relationship with the rental business.

You will be required to present an “international drivers license”, which is readily available from your state based automotive club such as RACV, RACWA, RACQ, etc. You will also need to have full evacuation insurance as part of your travel insurance, to the value of $10,000 or higher. This is usually standard in your insurance but please check your coverage for details.

You do not need separate vehicle insurance for this trip. Repairs and damage to bikes is insured for this journey, but we naturally ask that you take good care of the machine, and yourself in the process :)

You can also bring your own helmet and gear for this trip, but please make sure you have warm layers beneath the leathers so you can keep warm during the high altitude rides. Good gloves are essential :) A helmet can be provided locally at no extra charge and may be much easier than flying over with your own.

The Bikes

My name is Ewen Bell, and Bring Your Smile to Nepal is my personal project. This is my way of giving something back to the people of Nepal, and while I know it is not nearly enough I also know that it will make a difference to the loves of many. That is all I can hope for.

I am a travel photographer, which is one way of saying I have no useful life skills. I can’t build houses or repair motorcycles, so my way of helping Nepal is through this campaign and raising a few dollars.

I have included a selfie of myself in front of a chorten in the Annapurnas in an effort to convince you that I am an outdoors type who likes to climb mountains. The truth is that I’m a dedicated traveller but rather fond of basic comforts, and climbing up hills is my least favourite thing in the world.

I am giving up several months of my life this year to try and raise money, and I feel good about it. I am lucky to work for myself and have the freedom to walk away from my work and pursue this goal. I realise most people are not so fortunate, but hopefully there are enough who can join me for two weeks in Nepal instead.

I will be leading the motorcycle tour into the Mustang Valley, it’s been a dream of mine for many years to do this. Several of my friends from Australia and Bhutan are going to join us, like minded souls who have a sense of adventure and a deep connection with the Himalayas.

About Ewen

Bring Your Smile to NepalSHARING IS CARING

It has amazed me that so few travellers have discovered the charms of Nepal. The blend of cultures and depth of kindness I find on my travels is unmatched anywhere else in the world. All I ask of you is to consider Nepal for your future travels, and share the idea with others.

If you have been to Nepal before you will already know what I mean. You may even consider making time to return again. But please share the word, share the love.

Many people will already have plans to visit Nepal and may be thinking about changing those plans. Please reconsider, please continue your plans to visit. Most of Nepal is undamaged from the earthquakes, but the tourism industry is devastated. You can do a lot of good simply by being their and sharing your smile.

If your tour company has cancelled trips to Nepal, please email them and ask them to reconsider, for the sake of the local guides and hotels who need the business.

In addition to adding to the local employment this campaign hopes to raise additional funds to go towards rebuilding projects. All profits from these tours I am running are being donated for the benefit of rebuilding in Nepal.

My goal is to raise a total of $20,000.

Just a quick reminder about why I’m doing this.


My connection with Nepal covers a dozen trips in recent years to lead photography tours, and I know just how critical the tourism industry is to the people of Kathmandu, the Annapurnas and other regions. I heard news of the April earthquake within minutes, and have been in daily contact with friends in Kathmandu since that time.

Some parts of Nepal were utterly devastated, but most of Nepal is untouched and safe for travellers. Indeed the biggest impact for survivors of the earthquake will be the economic downturn from tourism. Empty hotels and unemployed tour guides will make the next 12 months incredibly hard for locals.

My travels in Nepal have been a big part of my career, having helped me to advance my photography but also learn deeper respect for humanity. I owe a debt of gratitude to the people of the Nepal. It is time for me to repay their kindness.

Tony Wheeler, the founder of Lonely Planet, elegantly described his debt to the people of South East Asia and Sri Lanka following the 2004 Tsunami. He donated $1million of his own money and instigated a policy to encourage all staff to spend a day a week working with charities of their choice.

He did not spend money advertising his generosity, or use the act of charity to promote a brand. Tony’s generosity was driven by the need to help. That’s all that really matters.


The majority of the fund raising will benefit the work of Care Australia and their efforts to assist with rebuilding in Nepal. Care have been operating in Nepal for 35 years and have a very established program of community support and development. 80% of the staff are local Nepali people and they have an excellent overview of where the money can best be spent to achieve the most good. I have a personal connection with people at Care Australia and hence a high level of trust that in sending a little money their way we can make a positive impact on the lives of many people.

My goal is to raise $20,000 across the tours. To achieve this I am donating my time to design, run and promote the tours. If we fill every seat on the trips then we will achieve the target. If not, we will still raise considerable money. Every little bit helps.

Where the Money GoesThere are three reasons I’m running this trip to Nepal. Firstly to raise awareness and encourage other travellers to visit. Second to create a little work for the families I work with in Kathmandu and the Annapurnas so they have some income this year. The third reason is to directly raise money for rebuilding. ALL profits from this journey will go towards rebuilding and helping people in need.


Separate from the donation to Care Australia, US$200 from every passenger who joins a tour is going directly to a school rebuilding project in the village of Taruka. This is on the edge of the Lantang region that was so heavily affected by the earthquakes. It is a personal commitment from my guides to help get the community back on it’s feet, and they are donating their time and effort to rebuild the school house.

Across these fund raising tours (Mustang Motorcycles and Gourmet Nepal) we aim for make a donation of US$5,000 to the school. It’s not all the money they need, but it will make a big difference. The funds are administered personally by the owner of Makalu Adventures in Kathmandu, a personal friend of mine, they are not going through a government agency or NGO.

Simply visit the website for RAW Travel and sign up for the tour. A non-refundable deposit of $1,500 is required to confirm your place on the tour. This link below will take you

How to BookDates- December 4 to 19, 2015

Price- US$5,500 excluding your flight to Nepal- Upgrade to a single room for additional US$400

Group Size- Maximum of 8 people

Not Included- Flight to Nepal- Entry Visa for Nepal- Drinks- Tipping- Riding gear except for the helmet

Included- All meals and Accommodation based on twin share- Transfer to an from Kathmandu International Airport- All permits and fees for access into Mustang and Annapurnas- Bike hire, vehicle insurance, helmet and petrol- Sleeping bags for the mountains- Local guide and support team- Western guide experienced in the Annapurnas

# b r i n g y o u r s m i l e t o n e p a l

e w e n b e l l . c o m/ b r i n g y o u r s m i l e