Mount Hermon Summer 2012 Catalog

Post on 08-Mar-2016

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Catalog of 2012 summer camps and events.





Extending beyond the usual or ordinary. This is the definition of “epic.”

There is nothing typical or common about Mount Hermon’s summer camps. Week-long family camps, adventures for children and youth, and longer intensive programs with a specific emphasis for teens are alike in this…each is an epic experience! Waterfalls, ziplines six stories above the ground, gymnastics on horseback, half-pipes, surfing at dawn, whitewater rapids, unforgettable games, drama and so much more await you at camp. This would be enough to break up the doldrums of an ordinary summer, so when you add the amazing counselors, speakers and intentional programming months in the making, you know that epic is the only word to capture what happens at camp.

Camp is the perfect backdrop to tell the epic story of how our singular God reached down into the sweeping story of mankind, calling out a people, revealing himself to them in unfathomable ways, and ultimately making the heroic sacrifice that made it possible for us to draw near to him.

Whether you’re an eight-year old ready to spend their first nights away from home, or a grandparent donning a harness for a shared high adventure with a grandchild, you are about to embark on an adventure of epic proportions. Such experiences can be life-transforming…more so when you are open to what the God of the universe has in store! Step into the adventure this summer. We can’t wait to see you.


Lisa Olson Director of Program Ministries

Contents PAGeYouth Camp Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

KiddEr CrEEK | 888.226.7386Kidder Creek Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Timberline Classic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Ranch Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Whitewater & Wilderness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Timberline High Adventure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Kidder Creek Intensives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Custom Outback Adventures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Santa Cruz MOuntainS | 888.642.2677Santa Cruz Mountains Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Redwood Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15Ponderosa Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Santa Cruz Mountains Intensives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Youth Camp Schedule & Registration Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Santa Cruz Mountains Family Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Family Camp Speaker Line-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Family Camp Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Mini–Vacations & Concerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

LocationsMount Hermon isn’t a single place. It’s actually a family of camps at multiple locations, each with distinctive natural properties and personalities. Mount Hermon’s properties are in some of the most beautiful places on earth!

Our original site, nestled in the towering Santa Cruz Mountains redwoods, is just six miles from Monterey Bay.

Our Kidder Creek Camp, in the Scott Valley near Mount Shasta, sits against the stunning backdrop of the Marble Mountain Wilderness area.

Transportation available most weeks from points in the Bay Area,

including our Conference Center.



CaMps fOR CHiLdREN & YOUTHWe have camps for children and youth at Kidder Creek, our northern California wilderness location near the Oregon border, and at our central California site in the redwood forest of the Santa Cruz Mountains near the Monterey Bay. Each camp shares a time-proven foundation on which God works to transform lives.

CHRIST-CENTERED, INTERDENOMINATIONAL PROGRAMMINGWe major on the majors, not the minors. Campers learn about Jesus and how to take the next step in their relationship with Him. Distracting non-essentials are referred to the home church.

COUNSELOR-CENTERED PHILOSOPHYAll teaching is presented in a relational context. Whether provided by us or coming with your church group, counselors are an essential voice in helping campers process their camp experience.

BIBLE-CENTERED CURRICULUMThe Bible provides the content for experiential learning that springs from the camp adventure. Teachable moments allow for unique lessons geared to the maturity and knowledge of each camper. Fun, thematic hooks make the lessons unforgettable. Drama, music, speakers, small group discussions, one-on-one’s with counselors, and individual time in the Word are all used to equip campers to keep growing on their own.

CHURCH FRIENDLYWe see our ministry as a partnership with your church. Campers may register as individuals, or churches can register in group-blocks. Send your own counselors, use ours, or combine what’s best for you. (Discounts are available based on group size.)

MATURE STAFF200 college students and young adults serve in our camps each summer. Their passion for Christ and for kids is their foremost qualifier. Background checks, interviews and references ensure their character as role models for your camper. All receive one to three weeks of intensive training pertinent to their position before camp begins.

CREATIVE VARIETYMount Hermon’s youth programs include traditional camp experiences that provide a variety of activities. Specialized programs focus on particular skills, wilderness experiences take campers away from the home base, and intensive discipleship programs for youth develop leadership skills and spiritual disciplines.

SAFETYSafety for your children is our primary concern. We work closely with consultants, licensing agencies, vendors, and advisers to ensure best practices in medical care, emergency procedures, staff recruiting and hiring, activities, food service, and security.


RaNCH CaMp Ranch Camp is an intimate cluster of cabins, with its own dining and bathhouse facilities adjacent to the riding arena and saddling area. Horsemanship programs run here every week.

TiMbERLiNE CaMpTimberline Camp is farther up the mountain, serving campers with twelve cabins and its own dining hall and bathhouse. Classic programs for Primary and Junior campers happen here, and this center serves as the base camp for Junior High and High School high adventure programs.

OUTbaCk Outback camp sites are also abundant at Kidder Creek, enabling groups of various sizes to camp under the stars, under tarps, or in tents, as they enjoy the wilderness.


KiddEr CrEEKA jewel in the crown of our properties! Located in northern California just south of the Oregon border, the camps nestle at the base of the breathtaking Marble Mountains. Just two hours north of Redding, this wilderness setting includes 367 acres of timberland, horse pastures, bubbling creeks and a fabulous recreation pond. Whitewater river rafting, rock climbing on beautiful mountain cliffs, and natural waterfalls are all short day-trips from home base.

How Far Away is Kidder Creek?

FrOM diStanCE drivE tiMEMedford, OR 119 miles 1hr 26min

Ashland, OR 66 miles 1hr 14min

Redding, CA 124 miles 2hrs 13min

Sacramento, CA 278 miles 4hrs 30min

Santa Rosa, CA 314 miles 5hrs 50min

San Jose, CA 367 miles 6hrs 17min

Chico, CA 192 miles 3hrs 27min

Santa Cruz, CA 396 miles 6hrs 50min

Transportation available most weeks from points in the Bay Area, including our Santa Cruz Mountains Conference Center.



Timberline offers the best introduction to Kidder Creek for the young adventurer. Campers live in rustic cabins, and enjoy great meals at the Timberline Dining Hall. Days are filled with crazy games, competitions, outdoor activities, and target sports like archery and riflery. Daily water events at the pond include swimming, the water slide, fishing, and the aqua glide.

Lessons are taught by loving counselors in small group discussions, and reinforced at fun daily campfire times. Friendships and memories to last a lifetime!


Immerse yourself in stunning mountain scenery from our instruction arena and enjoy trail rides in the Marble Mountains. Campers ‘breathe, eat, and sleep the program,’ companioning with horses and wranglers all day long.

Introductory programs teach horse handling and riding skills through arena work and in classes in horse science. Horseback games and beginning vaulting (that’s gymnastics on a moving horse!), keep things interesting and fun. Daily devotions using the horses to illustrate scriptural truths complement the small group Bible studies.

Skills rise to the next level for Junior High and High School campers. Whether novice or advanced, our staff helps campers develop their riding and horsemanship ability. Arena games, trail rides, vaulting and choreographed formation riding all keep campers challenged. Afternoons provide a break where campers can enjoy the pond and all the water activities—aqua glide, waterslide—and evenings are filled with skits and campfire fun. All Ranch Campers participate in an end-of-the-week Showdeo after the closing ceremonies.


All of the excitement and challenges of the outdoors are wrapped into a backpacking adventure in this week of camp. You’ll raft, climb, leap and hike while gaining valuable wilderness camping skills. Working with your team you will learn to set camp, prepare meals, build fires and navigate life in the high mountain meadows.


Your adventure begins and ends in the cabins at Timberline, but in the middle you’ll head out to sleep under the stars at our Klamath River base camp. You’ll enjoy whitewater rafting, pausing to leap from the cliffs into deep pools–how high will you go? Hike into a spectacular waterfall, try your technical climbing skill on real rock faces, and test your courage on the Kidder Creek high ropes course. Paintball and pond time at camp complete the experience.

Lessons flow naturally from the many teachable moments embedded in the high adventure experience. Daily devotions, speakers, counselor-led discussions and individual time in the Word are built-in.

“This week I learned that I could do anything if I just let go and let God. God has a plan for us, even though we sometimes cannot see it.” KIDDER CREEK C AMPER

BOyS & girLS entering gradES 2–12

BOyS & girLS entering

gradES 2–6

BOyS & girLS entering gradES 6–12

BOyS & girLS entering gradES 6–12

CHURCH PARTNERS Group rates available.We love to work with churches to accomplish your objectives for your students. You can bring your own counselors and/or rely on us to provide them. We’ll help you prepare for a great experience.


WRaNgLER-iN-TRaiNiNg (W.i.T.)Assist wranglers with care of the horses, daily lessons and trail rides. Improve your own horsemanship skills through teaching and assisting campers in riding classes. An emphasis on leadership, team building and intentional spiritual growth makes this a great combination of growth in horsemanship skills and in discipleship. Deep friendships and weekend high adventure fun complete the experience. The one-week Horse Leadership camp is a prerequisite to attending WIT.


Summit is for the budding wilderness enthusiast who wants to improve skills in survival, rafting, rock climbing, ropes and backpacking. Assist guides during wilderness and high adventure activities, learn to work on a small, highly-skilled and interdependent team, and cultivate leadership skills. Intentional spiritual growth flowing from the many teachable moments in the wilderness is shared with the great friends you’ll make during Summit.


Many students have ‘been there, done that’ when it comes to classic camping experiences. They’re ready for an individual and spiritual challenge that involves personal cost. Ready to go deep and give back? Mount Hermon’s intensive programs offer a variety of personal growth and skill-building opportunities in areas of service, spiritual formation, and leadership. Choose the one that’s right for you!


ECHO campers live in cabins at Timberline. Their intentional community experience allows them to develop team skills and cultivate spiritual disciplines as they practice the rhythms of a life of discipleship. Fabulous, fun adventures including whitewater rafting, climbing and paintball are balanced by service through work projects that support the camp community. Deep friendships and exponential spiritual growth are inevitable outcomes.

Distinctives• Two Week program • Focus on the inner life, cultivation of spiritual disciplines • Service as a means to building character, not an end•

Spiritual Disciplines of prayer, fasting, meditation on and memorization of Scripture are daily practices.

“ There are not enough words to express the gratitude that I have toward this ministry. You truly have been Christ to me.” KIDDER CREEK C AMPER

BOyS & girLS entering gradES 9–12

BOyS & girLS entering gradES 10–12

BOyS & girLS entering gradES 10–12

appLiCatiOn rEquirEd

appLiCatiOn rEquirEd



Outback Trips are for those who would rather customize their experience. Start at our base camp at Kidder Creek–then select from a broad menu of recreational and high adventure options! You can provide your own speakers, curriculum and counselors, or ask us to give any support you need. We’re more than an outfitter–we’re your partner in designing a program that fits your group, budget, and objectives.

It’s two to ten days of nonstop adventure! Your group size, number of days, staff needs and selection of activities are the variables to be considered to create an experience that matches your needs and budget.

Choose Your Activities

Whitewater Rafting • Rock ClimbingWaterfall Hikes • Backpacking • High Ropes Course Hiking • Paintball • Zipline • Swimming Horse Back Riding

Per-Person Rate Schedule for a Custom TripTrip Length 14-28 people 29-42 people 43+ people

1 Day $97 $89 $80

2 Day $186 $171 $153

3 Day $256 $232 $226

4 Day $311 $300 $292

5 Day $415 $405 $394

aLL agES including


Call to explore options for your group adventure. 888.226.7386



Santa Cruz MOuntainS pONdEROsa LOdgE Ponderosa Lodge at the top of the hill is our Junior High and High School program magnet. The unique sand hills support both the towering Ponderosa Pines and the famous banana slugs. Extensive skatepark, paintball course, and adventure facilities make this the place teenagers want to be. Twenty-four cabins include enclosed bathrooms and showers.

REdWOOd CaMpRedwood Camp at the base of Mount Hermon is home to towering redwoods surrounding the picturesque waterfall pouring into Bean Creek. Its spectacular tree house and various high adventure facilities provide non-stop fun. Rustic cabins are set a short walk from centrally located bathhouses, and campers dine under a redwood canopy on the lodge deck overlooking Zayante Creek. Classic programs for Primary and Juniors find a home at Redwood Camp, as do selected intensive programs for High School campers.

CONfERENCE CENTER The Conference Center is set between Redwood Camp and Ponderosa Lodge. Home to Mount Hermon’s renowned Family Camps, it also serves ‘Amata’—our intensive program for Junior High and High School girls. The Conference Center is known for its world-class Redwood Canopy Tour, awesome fieldhouse/gymnasium complex, adventure courses and so much more.

“I really like the whole setting in nature because it makes me feel close to God.”REDWOOD C AMPER 2011

Mount Hermon’s Santa Cruz Mountains camps are in what is indisputably one of the most beautiful locales on the planet. A short six miles from the scenic cliffs and white beaches of the Monterey Bay, the mountain setting includes spectacular coastal redwoods, a rare sand hills habitat, streams that run year-round and our own private waterfall. More than 400 acres of land are the setting for hikes to high vistas and low river valleys. The adjacent Henry Cowell State Park and other nearby attractions make this site unparalleled for mountain biking, hiking, sea kayaking—and, of course, surfing! Three separate camp centers offer youth camp programs in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Each has its own pool, dining hall, and recreation venues.

How Far Away is Mount Hermon in the Santa Cruz Mountains?FrOM diStanCE drivE tiMERedding, CA 276 miles 4hrs 48min

Sacramento, CA 146 miles 2hrs 45min

Santa Rosa, CA 129 miles 2hrs 23min

San Jose, CA 31 miles 43min

Chico, CA 235 miles 4hrs 18min

Bakersfield, CA 256 miles 4hrs 34min

Fresno, CA 166 miles 3hrs 4min

Santa Barbara, CA 274 miles 4hrs 48min



While Primary and Junior programs run simultaneously, they are two unique programs with separate activities, schedules and curriculum designed for each age group.

A great introduction to the world of camping adventure, Redwood Camp allows small groups of campers to enjoy a variety of counselor-led activities. Nature hikes, arts & crafts, the treehouse, cabin challenges, and target sports like slingshots, archery and BB guns are part of the adventure for all campers. Everyone gets wet, too! A swimming pool with curvy slide and the beaches on Bean Creek, provide great times of refreshment.

Age-appropriate high adventures such as the flying squirrel for Primary campers, and the zipline and the Geronimo Swing for Juniors are there to challenge and be conquered. Skateboarding, walks to the Fountain and other options make each day unique.

At Victory Circle the group enjoys community singing and hilarious skits, meaningful dramas, campfires, s’mores and sharing times. These experiences, along with small group Bible lessons, time alone with God, and teachable moments, make for a rich time of spiritual growth.

DISTINCTIVES• Counselor-guided experiences and teaching• Age-appropriate activities• Flying squirrel for Primary campers • Zipline and drop swing for Juniors campers• Skateboarding • Beach Day

“I think it’s really cool that you can do ziplines and stuff and learn about Jesus and God.” R E D W O O D C A M P E R

BOyS & girLS entering

gradES 2–6


CHURCH PARTNERS Group rates available.We love to work with churches to accomplish your objectives for your students. You can bring your own counselors and/or rely on us to provide them. We’ll help you prepare for a great experience.


An indisputable good time full of new adventures, lifelong friends, fantastic counselors, team competitions, rockin’ concerts, exhilarating activities, challenging Bible studies, and crazy night events—all aimed at bringing students one step closer to Jesus. Your week at Ponderosa Lodge will be more than a mountaintop experience, it’ll be a life transforming event.

DISTINCTIVES• Intentional program and activity designed for Jr. High

and High School students• Students plug into God’s Word and God’s people• Opportunities to foster and promote healthy

relationships across all ages• Exclusive activities like surfing, kayaking, paintball, laser

tag, skate park, half pipe and more!

“This place is incredible. It’s because of Mount Hermon programs that I am the believer I am today.” HIGH SCHOOL C AMPER

BOyS & girLS entering

gradES 7–12


appLiCatiOn rEquirEd

Santa Cruz MOuntainSiNTENsivE pROgRaMs fOR YOUTH

Some students have ‘been there, done that’ when it comes to the classic camping experiences. They’re ready for an individual and spiritual challenge that includes personal cost. Ready to go deep and give back? Mount Hermon’s intensive programs offer a variety of personal growth, skill-building opportunities in areas of service, spiritual formation, and leadership. Choose the one that’s right for you! Options in the Santa Cruz Mountains include:

aMaTaAmata is Italian for Beloved. Teen girls have the experience of a lifetime living in a cozy cabin at the Conference Center, being mentored by college-age staff, and discovering their true beauty and worth in Christ while serving the families

at the Conference Center through providing child care.

DISTINCTIVES• One on one mentoring

• Treasuring scripture and building genuine friendships• Professional Child Care Training and hands-on practice

• CPR/Aid Certification Provided

“When we went through the’brokenness’ phase of the program, I was rocked. Amata has changed my whole life.”AM ATA C AMPER 2011

ECHO ECHO is a small intentional community experience that allows students to cultivate spiritual disciplines as they practice the

rhythms of a life of discipleship. Fabulous, fun adventures including surfing, ropes courses, and creek walking are balanced

with service through work projects that support the camp communities at all Mount Hermon properties. Deep friendships

and exponential spiritual growth are inevitable outcomes.

DISTINCTIVES• Two Week program

• Focus on the inner life, cultivation of spiritual disciplines

• Service as a means to building character, not an end

• Spiritual Disciplines of prayer, fasting, meditation

on and memorization of Scripture are daily practices.


CILT provides training in practical skills for those who desire to work in children’s or youth ministry.

The first week focuses on skills and training. In the second week each CILT assists a counselor in the cabin with campers at

either Redwood Camp or Ponderosa Lodge.

DISTINCTIVES• Specific training in leadership skills and character traits with an

emphasis on doing ministry NOW, rather than ‘when I grow up’• Opportunities for recreation and friendships to

develop throughout the experience• Preferred path for campers who desire

to serve on summer staff one day

girLS OnLy entering gradES 8–10

BOyS &girLS entering gradES 11–12

BOyS & girLS entering gradES 9–12



Week 0 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9Sunday-

Saturday June 17–23 June 24–30 July 1–7 July 8–14 July 15–21 July 22–28 July 29– auguSt 4 auguSt 5–11 auguSt 12–18

Primary grades 2–3

Primary $286

(StartS tueS)

Primary $438

Primary $438

Primary $438

Juniors grades 4–6

Junior $286

(StartS tueS)

Junior $438

Junior $438

Junior $438


Junior $438

Junior $438

Junior $438

Junior HigH

grades 7–8

Junior HigH $409

Junior HigH $556

Junior HigH $556

Junior HigH $556

Junior HigH $556

girlsgrades 8–10 amata $679 amata $679 amata $679 amata $679

HigH scHool

grades 9–12

ecHo $579 ecHo $579 ecHo $579 ecHo $579

cilt* @ redwood camP $754 cilt* @ PonderoSa lodge $754

HigH ScHool $556

HigH ScHool $556

HigH ScHool $556

HigH ScHool $556

Week 0 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8Sunday–Friday June 10–15 June 17–22 June 24–29 July 1–5

(endS tHurSday) July 8–13 July 15–20 July 22–27 July 29– auguSt 3 auguSt 5–10

Primary grades 2–4

claSSic $379 claSSic $313 claSSic $379

rancH intro $579

rancH intro $518

rancH intro $579

Juniors grades 4–6

claSSic $379 claSSic $313 claSSic $379

rancH intro $579

rancH intro $518

rancH intro $579

Junior HigH

grades 6–8

HigH adventure


HigH adventure

$457HigH adventure


adventure $457

HigH adventure




wHitewater wilderneSS


rancH $579 all girlS rancH $579 rancH $579 all girlS

rancH $579 rancH $579

HigH scHool

grades 9–12

HigH adventure


HigH adventure

$457HigH adventure






HorSe leaderSHiP

$579rancH $579 all girlS

rancH $579 rancH $579

HorSe leaderSHiP


wrangler in training*

$299wrangler in training*

$531wrangler in training*

$579wrangler in training*


Summit* $611

ecHo $552 ecHo $506 ecHo $552 ecHo $552

Camp Centers

Camp Centers

wilderneSS locationStimberline

conFerence centerPonderoSa lodgeredwood camP

rancH camP




• Go to • Create a New Account or Log In to your Existing Account.• Choose “Register Online.”

For all camp locations you will be asked to create an account for your family, or log in to your existing account with a user name and password, and then complete your transaction.

A $100 non-refundable deposit per person is due for each week of camp. The balance is due by May 15th for all camps, as are your health form and liability waiver. Please pay in full when registering after May 15th.

NO ACCESS TO A COMPUTER?Just call our registrars to complete a telephone reservation.Santa Cruz Mountains Camps: 888.642.2677Kidder Creek Camps: 888.226.7386

GROUP REGISTRATIONSPlease call the camp registrar at the location you prefer to find out about group discounts and how we can facilitate the registration for your campers.

ROOMMATE PREFERENCESIndividuals may select up to two roommates when you register. Our policy is to place no more than three friends together in a cabin. This may vary for Group Reservations depending upon group size and objectives.

CAMPERSHIP FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLEFor information about financial aid call the camp registrar at your preferred location.

TRANSPORTATIONTransportation from the Bay Area to Kidder Creek is provided for most weeks, for an additional charge. For details call the Kidder Creek registrar at 888.226.7386.

CUSTOM CAMP ADVENTURESTo design a custom wilderness adventure for your group, call our Kidder Creek office directly to consult with a program specialist.

• “Grade” = grade entering in Fall of 2012.• Prices quoted are for individual campers coming without a church-provided counselor. • Horse Leadership is a pre-requisite for all W.I.T. sessions (unless previously completed), but also open to non-WITs. • *Application required


Santa Cruz MOuntainS

KiddEr CrEEK


BIBLICAL TEACHING FOR ALL AGESWorld class Bible teachers and seminar leaders bring deep

insights and practical wisdom for today’s families. A shared curriculum tailored for campers age 3 to 100 encourages spiritual

dialogue that doesn’t happen by chance.

TIME TOGETHERInter-generational events blend fun and memories worth sharing.

Activities are designed to build relationships between family members! Campfires with songs and skits, train rides, shared worship,

tournaments and family adventures are around every bend.

TIME APARTAmazing programs with outstanding counselors for the children

and teenagers, and options for the adults, are built into the schedule each day. Kids adventures include Bible lessons, songs,

worship, crafts, games, activities and skits. Teens get crazy with a great band and speaker. Adults can focus on worship and teaching

without distraction, (or take a walk or a nap).

UNPARALLELED RECREATIONA tandem challenge course 70’ up in the Sequoias, indoor and outdoor climbing, mountain biking, sea kayaking, swimming,

crafts, boating, archery, sports, the incomparable Redwood Canopy Tour, and a brand new challenge course for elementary-

aged kids all beckon you to family camp.

AFFORDABILITYHousing and meal plans are available to provide an experience

that meets your needs and budget. If it’s still a challenge, let us know. Caring donors make it possible for dozens of families to

come every year.

SPECTACULAR ENVIRONMENTThe coastal redwoods of the Santa Cruz Mountains are one of the world’s most rare, precious and beautiful ecosystems. Meandering creeks lead to an impressive waterfall. Trails and ziplines provide access to immerse yourself in the rain forest. A mere six miles from the white sand beaches and cliffs overlooking the Monterey Bay, just being here will refresh your soul!

DEDICATED FACULTY & STAFFNot one, but two incredible speakers each week, plus pastors and scholars-in-residence, seminar teachers and awesome worship leaders rub elbows with the guests. In addition, dozens of carefully selected, screened and trained young adults serve as counselors, activity instructors, and service providers in every ministry zone.

CREATURE COMFORTSThe best ‘camp food’ on the planet is served buffet-style so that we can provide options to accommodate every diet, palate, appetite and picky eater. Espresso drinks at the coffee cart, plus shakes, hand-dipped ice cream and other specialties are always available. Baby-sitting lets you spend quality time with each of your kids. Sometimes there’s even a masseuse to be found!

UNIqUE TO MOUNT HERMONJack Pearson, our beloved Troubadour, plays banjo, nose flute, and fiddle to beat the band. The pancake flip is worth the hike to the ridge. The steam train through the redwoods drops you off at the one-and-only Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. Life coaching and pastoral counseling available by appointment. Vespers, organ concerts, a comprehensive Christian Book Shop, homemade donuts—we could go on!

“It’s a special time that [we] look forward to every year; coming up here and getting away from all the distractions, and really focusing on just being together.” FAMILY C AMP DAD 2011

Santa Cruz MOuntainSfaMiLY CaMps

For those who don’t want to just SEND their kids to camp, but want to share the experience—Mount Hermon Family Camps are the best thing going! Our flagship program for generations, Family Camp has something for everyone:


saMpLE faMiLY CaMp daY sCHEdULE 8:00 Breakfast in the dining hall, or in your cabin for those who

choose, or at Pancake Ridge

9:00 Inter-generational ‘Opener’ for all, with songs, drama, and a lesson teaser

9:30 All children and youth in sessions with their counselors, while adults enjoy world-class Bible teaching and worship in the Auditorium

10:45 Coffee break and famous homemade donuts and scones (Children’s and Youth Programs continue)

11:15 Seminars on a variety of topics ranging from in-depth Bible study to practical parenting help to nature hikes

12:15 Families gather together for lunch at the dining hall, or in your cabin

1:00 Activities abound! Swimming, sports, , crafts, adventure, biking, hikes, organized games, boating–so many options you can’t do it all!

5:30 Dinner in the dining hall or in your cabin

7:00 Children’s, Youth and Adult programs

8:30 Regroup for evening activities–group games, concerts, karaoke at the Fountain, dance parties, campfire skits, night hikes, and more!

9:30 Late night events such as Vespers or coffeehouse concerts

Some days are more special than others–Train Day, BBq and Carnival on the Meadow, Adult Dinner Night, youth and adult sharing and communion. Come to think of it, every day is special in its own way!

Come as a single family, with a group from your church, as a neighborhood group, or as part of an extended family reunion. Single men and women are fully enfolded into our family atmosphere. We promise to provide a week together that will meet your needs in ways you can’t begin to imagine.

“Mount Hermon has given us the chance to come back together and have some quality family time. It’s just an amazing place. I want to come back again and again.” FAMILY C AMP MOM 2011


faMiLY CaMp LiNE-Up

Japanese evangelical missionary societyJuly 1–7

This week is our 63rd annual camp in partnership with the Japanese Evangelical Missionary Society. Adults and children are at our Conference Center, while other age groups are at nearby camps. There is no ‘train day’ or Jack Pearson this week, and no inter-generational morning sessions.

Please register with JEMS directly at 213.613.0022 or

Dave Burns & BanDWorship pastor, composer, recording artist, and Director of Adult Ministries at Mount Hermon. Dave brings over 20 years of rich worship and praise

JOHn rOZeBOOMRev. John Rozeboom is a retired pastor of the Christian Reformed Church and a former director of Christian Reformed Home Missions. John and Linda Rozeboom live in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

PHil TuTTle President of Walk Thru the Bible Ministries, Phil’s unique blend of biblical instruction, real-life illustrations, and spontaneous humor make learning easy and enjoyable. Phil also serves as Teaching Pastor at The Bridge, a fast growing non-denominational church in northeast

TiM lunDY Teaching Pastor / Executive Team Leader at Venture Christian Church in Los Gatos, CA. Tim taught Doctoral Studies at Dallas Seminary and served on the Board of Trustees at John Brown

MargareT FeinBergis a bestselling author and speaker. Her published works include: Organic God, Sacred Echo, and Scouting the Divine. She has spoken at conferences, such as Catalyst, Thrive, CreationFest, and Youth Specialties. Margaret is from Morrison, CO.

alBerT TaTehas a genuine love for the Gospel, God’s people, and his dedication to mobilizing the Church, give him the ingredients needed to strike up this adventure with God’s community. Albert is the Senior Pastor at Fellowship Church in Monrovia, CA and also serves on the Advisory Council at the Fuller Youth

JackY BrigsTOck & BanDJacky Brigstock was appointed Worship Pastor and Worship Leader of Jubilee Christian Center in 2008. She is regularly involved in teaching and mentoring worship leaders and lecturing at Hillsong

kara POwell Scholar in Residence Kara is the Executive Director of the Fuller Youth Institute and Assistant Professor of Youth and Family Ministry at Fuller Seminary. Kara has not only taught and pastored, but also is an author of numerous youth ministry


Dave Burns & BanD: Worship pastor, composer, recording artist, and Director of Adult Ministries at Mount Hermon. Dave brings over 20 years of rich worship and praise

Mount Hermon Family Camp heads to Lake Tahoe for a cozier, quieter week on the lake. The same great speakers, worship, practical teaching and outstanding staff are wrapped in a slightly different package. With only one main session each day, there’s lots of time to enjoy family activities and the beauty of the area. Held at Zephyr Point Conference Center, this experience is a little-known jewel in the Mount Hermon crown.

Bill BuTTerwOrTH is an incredible communicator and author of over a dozen books such as Mountain in My Rearview Mirror and When Life Doesn’t Turn Out Like You Planned. Bill is also the founder of The Butterworth Communication

Week 1 June 17-23 Week 2 June 24–30 Week 3

Week 3

July 1–July 6


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Mark BaileYPresident of Dallas Theological Seminary, and author of several books including Follow Him: The Seven Marks of a Disciple. Mark’s experience as a pastor and instructor with Walk Through the Bible have given him the ability to make the Scripture come alive. He gives particular focus to the gospels.

This week is our 63rd annual camp in partnership with Dallas Theological Seminary. There is no ‘Train Day,’ inter-generational morning session or music with Jack Pearson.

raY JOHnsTOnPastor of Bayside Church, Granite Bay, CA, President of Developing Effective Leaders, and an author with 20 years in ministry, Ray’s down-to-earth teaching is profoundly life changing.

TrenT sMiTH & BanDA full-time worship pastor as well as a singer/song writer, Trent won Integrity Music’s “Best New Worship Song” award in 2008. Trent is known for his intense passion and deep poetic lyrics, matched by musical “chops” and a fiddle that will leave you breathless.

craig BarnesPastor of Shadyside Presbyterian Church, PA, Professor of Preaching at Pittsburg Theological Seminary, and author. His published books include Yearning, Hustling God, Sacred Thirst, and Searching For

Jack HaMilTOn Jack Hamilton has been the Executive Pastor of High Desert Church since 1984. Pastor Jack was a public school teacher, and then served as the Administrator of Hesperia Christian School from 1973 to 1984. He currently serves on the Board of Directors for Forest Home Christian Conference Center.

williaM wOODwarDScholar in Residence Professor of History William Woodward joined the Seattle Pacific University faculty in 1974. He specializes in the history of the Pacific Northwest, especially military history, as well as 19th century American culture.

Jesse BuTTerwOrTHDove-nominated recording artist, author and inspiring worship leader, Jesse has launched a new church in Seattle called Rain City Church. Together with his father, they’ll make this an unforgettable

Bill BuTTerwOrTHis an incredible communicator and author of over a dozen books such as Mountain in My Rearview Mirror and When Life Doesn’t Turn Out Like You Planned. Bill is also the founder of The Butterworth Communication

cHiP ingraMChip Ingram is the president and teaching pastor of Living on the Edge, an international teaching and discipleship ministry. His passion is to help everyday believers live like Christians by raising the bar of

Mark HiTcHcOckis a leading Bible prophecy expert, prolific author who has penned over 20 books on the end times, senior pastor, and adjunct faculty member of the Dallas Theological Seminary. Hitchcock has been a contributing editor for the Left Behind Prophecy Club for many

JaMes allManDr. Allman was professor at Mid-South Bible College/Crichton College for 18 years before joining the DTS faculty. Since 1987 he has been a visiting lecturer in Australia, Ukraine, and India, and also has conducted mission trips in those nations and in Siberia. He served as a translator for many of the psalms in the Holman Christian Standard Bible.

MicHael svigelAs a writer for Insight for Living Michael J. Svigel has written or coauthored numerous resources targeting a Christian lay audience. As a scholar he regularly presents papers at the Evangelical Theological Society and has published articles in Bibliotheca Sacra and Trinity Journal.

rené scHlaePFerPastor of Twin Lakes Church in Aptos, CA, René is also the author of Thrill Ride: Thriving Through Life’s Ups and Downs and Grace Emersion. René is a talented speaker who weaves together the power of story with biblical

Bill OuDeMOlenhas served for many years as senior pastor of Foothills Bible Church in Littleton, Colorado. Besides writing for websites for pastors, he contributed to the book The Art and Craft of Biblical

Dave Burns & BanDWorship pastor, composer, recording artist, and Director of Adult Ministries at Mount Hermon. Dave brings over 20 years of rich worship and praise

DOug gOins has served with Paraclete Mission Group, based in Peoria, Arizona since 2004, after twenty-six years on the pastoral staff at Peninsula Bible Church, Palo Alto, CA. He travels internationally, teaching the Scriptures and training national leaders.

This week features inter-generational teaching sessions in the morning. Jr. High and High School students will join the adults in the auditorium with Ray Johnston, then break out to their own small groups.


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faMiLY CaMp LiNE-UpWeek 4 July 8–14 Week 5 July 15–21 Week 6 July 22–28 Week 7 July 29–Aug 4



In its 16th year, the weekend includes all the best elements of a Mount Hermon Family Camp experience. Adult sessions are taught in Spanish, while programs for children and youth are taught in English. Inter-generational events make this a special time for the whole family.

sHerwOOD carTHenFounder/Director of Our Family Community Foundation, specializing in wholeness, wellness and faith. Chaplain for NBA Sacramento Kings and Pastor at Bayside of South Sacramento, CA.

Juan carlOs OrTiZis an evangelist and preacher who has ministered in churches, seminaries, crusades, conventions and universities around the world. As the former Senior Pastor of Crystal Cathedral’s Hispanic ministry, and Interim Senior Pastor, he has impacted innumerable lives with his

DarrYl DelHOusaYepastored in California before relocating to Arizona in 1981. He served as the senior pastor of Scottsdale Bible Church for 25 years, and is now president of Phoenix Seminary. Dr. DelHousaye is the author of Today for Eternity, and of the study notes for Acts in the Nelson New King James Study

Frank giralDOAfter many years serving with Dr. Jack Hayford at Church on the Way in Van Nuys, CA, the Lord led Pastor Giraldo to plant a church in the Santa Barbara area, Igesia Agua Viva. Frank’s musicianship on piano and astute sense of the Spirit’s leading bless those he leads in worship.

kara POwellKara is the Executive Director of the Fuller Youth Institute and Assistant Professor of Youth and Family Ministry at Fuller Seminary. Kara has not only taught and pastored, but also is an author of numerous youth ministry

enrique sanTisAs a teenager in Guatemala, Enrique was exposed to cross-cultural church planting, and he has been a part of that ministry in Los Angeles since 1984. He has served as a senior pastor, worship leader and consultant through The Vineyard Ministries and World

DaviD (HaBiB) & PHilliP BarDOwellDavid is the worship leader and pastor at The Gate, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA and recording artist and founder of Make Me Your Voice, a resource for worship leaders and worshipers. This week David is joined by his brother, Philip a national recording artist.

September 7–9 (Friday–Sunday)

August 31–September 3 (Friday–Monday)

raMirO & lisa quirOZreturn with their team to minister to our youth. 3rd Day Masters Commission is a discipleship program which uses worship, drama and the arts to reach our youth culture for Christ.

Mike rOMBergerserved as Senior Pastor at Chino Valley Community Church in southern CA before moving to Mission Hills in Littleton, CO in 2001. With graduate degrees from Talbot and Gordon-Conwell, Mike is well prepared to bring the Word of God to Mount Hermon, a significant home-base for his family each summer.

luis Palauand his ministry have shared the Gospel with more than 1 billion people through evangelistic events and media. Luis’ radio broadcasts in both English and Spanish are heard by millions on 3,000 radio outlets in 48 countries. Luis has authored over 50 books including A Friendly Dialogue Between an Atheist and a

ken wYTsMais a church planter and founding pastor of Antioch in Bend, OR. He also serves as the Lead Creative Director for World Relief’s creative development department and serves as the President of Kilns College. Ken received a MA in Philosophy, a MA in Biblical Studies and a BS in Mechanical Engineering.

BrenT elDriDgePastor of First Baptist Church of Lakewood in Southern California. Brent is both a conference speaker and author of Team: Six essentials for Building a Productive Team. His passions include strategic planning, leadership development, evangelism and teaching.

BranDOn YiPBrandon served as one of the worship leaders at Bayside Church for 10 years with Lincoln Brewster. He is now the full time Creative Arts and Worship pastor at Bayside West Community Church, one of the several church plants in the Bayside Family of earl PalMer

Earl is known for his warm-hearted, insightful, down-to-earth expositional preaching and for his expertise on Christian scholars such as C.S. Lewis, Karl Barth, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer. He has written broadly and authored 17 major books, including, Laughter in Heaven, The Parables of

Week 8 August 5–11 Week 9 August 12–18

Hosted by carlOs cOulTerPastor Carlos Coulter, shown with wife, Marta, was instrumental in initiating Hispanic Family Camp in 1996. Originally from Argentina, he spent his early years in the United States as the owner of a music reproduction company. Currently, he is Pastor of Iglesia De Cristo Rey in Los Altos, CA.

Labor Day Family Camp

Hispanic Family Camp

Para esPañOl visiTe MOunTHerMOn.Org/HisPanic

faMiLY CaMp LiNE-Up

A four-day version of our week-long camp. We pack in as much as we can! Register early as this camp fills to the max. It’s a great way to transition seasons with your family.


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REgisTERiNg fOR faMiLY CaMpRegistration for Family Camp is now online and easy.

1. Go to register.mounthermon.org2. Create a New Account or log in to your Existing Account.3. Choose “Register Online,” select “A Family,” and follow the prompts.

If you run into any trouble or want to make changes once you have submitted your registration just give us a call and we’ll help you out.


Lodging & Service OptionsPackage rates include accommodations, meals, all program fees, linens, use of Mount Hermon facilities and children’s and youth programs. Housing types and housekeeping services are as follows:• Master Deluxe Lodge (20 rooms) For 2–6 persons. Extended floor plan

with queen bed, two twins and a sofa-sleeper. All rooms equipped with refrigerators, coffee makers and alarm clocks. Housekeeping services include daily room cleaning, towel change and beds made.

• Deluxe Lodge (62 rooms) For 2–5 persons. Daily room cleaning, towel change and beds made.

• Wheelchair Accessible Deluxe Lodge (4 rooms) For 2–4 persons. Daily room cleaning, towel change and beds made.

• Standard Lodge (32 rooms) Various room configurations are available for 2–8 persons. Housekeeping services and clean towels provided three times weekly.

• Economy Lodge (31 rooms) Smaller rooms with various room configurations for 2–5 people. Housekeeping services and clean towels provided twice weekly.

Family Camp Rates Weeks 1-2, 4-9Guests of all ages are expected to participate in scheduled sessions and activities.

6-Night Room Rate Per Person Meals & ProgramAdult (13+) Age: 4–12 Age: 0–3

Master Deluxe $1035

+ $365 $255 No ChargeDeluxe $895

Standard $745

Economy $435

Dining OptionsConference Dining Package Rates include all meals–Sunday evening dinner through Saturday breakfast. Guests in cabins and those joining us for the day can purchase selected meals through our front desk.

Labor Day Family Camp Rates3-Night Room Rate Per Person Meals & Program

Adult (13+) Age: 4–12 Age: 0–3

Master Deluxe $519

+ $212 $147 No ChargeDeluxe $447

Standard $372

Economy $219

Tahoe & Hispanic Family CampPlease call for rates.


CABINSA limited number of cabins are still available in certain weeks. To inquire, or be placed on a cabin waiting list, call Registration at 888.642.2677

EXTEND YOUR STAYSigning up for Family Camp? Look into adding a Mini-Vacation! You will be able to settle in and enjoy a summer concert and Sunday morning worship service. See pages 34 & 35 for details.

CAMPERSHIPSThrough the generosity of many, a partial grant from the Campership Fund may make it possible for you to attend camp, even if finances would otherwise prevent it. Please call Registration at 888.642.2677 to apply.

MILITARY FAMILIESWe are pleased to host many military families through a special initiative where caring sponsors provide generous grants to underwrite the costs for those on active duty. If you are willing to help a military family, or are aware of a family who would benefit from this program, please let us know.


The auditorium opens to embrace the sounds and aromas of the surrounding redwood forest. Attendees can be up-close-and-personal inside with the artists, or relax on the mezzanine patio and take in the night while enjoying the beautiful music.

Concerts are free, though dinner guests get priority seating. Call to reserve buffet tickets in advance to secure your spot. Group rates are available for groups of 10 or more.


Kids (4–12)

Kids (0–3)

Individuals $19 $9.50 FREEGroups $17 $8.50 FREE



If you’re at a life stage where it’s difficult to get away for a whole week of family camp, consider a short weekend where you can get a taste of Mount Hermon.

There’s no “down time” in our summer. Between Family Camps we offer a great Mini-Vacation package complete with meals, recreation opportunities, a free concert on Saturday nights, and Sunday morning worship services with top-notch speakers.

Whether you’re picking up or delivering campers to Redwood Camp, Ponderosa Lodge, or the early morning bus to Kidder Creek, or if you just want to extend your week at family camp, a Mini-Vacation package is an affordable option to make your trip convenient and wonderfully worthwhile.

SAMPLE SCHEDULESaturday 1:30 Pool open, Redwood Canopy Tour available (extra

charge)5:00 Sumptuous buffet dinner7:30 Free Concert with world-renowned artists

Sunday8:00 Continental breakfast9:30 Sunday School for all ages11:00 Traditional Worship Service with hymns and great

Bible teaching12:30 Special lunch buffet available (optional)1:30 Pool and fieldhouse open, Redwood Canopy Tour

available (extra charge)

Enjoy recreational facilities, fitness center, trails, and the surrounding area on your own schedule.

sTeve green

June 16

JulY 14

Dave TalBOTT &alex russell

cYnTHia clawsOn

June 30

JulY 28

liBerTY quarTeT

BuDDY greene

JulY 7

celeBraTiOn cHOir

augusT 11

People Singing Together

Strengthening our Comm




augusT 4

cHrisTian eDiTiOn

June 23

JulY 21

Dan Miller

sUMMER CONCERTsMount Hermon’s nine-week summer concert series is unparalleled in our area for an evening of exceptional musical entertainment.

Pricing & availaBiliTY

Please call regisTraTiOn aT 888.642.2677


Santa Cruz MountainS

dads & Sons WeekendApril 13–15, 2012

Moms & daughters WeekendApril 27–30, 2012

dads & daughters WeekendSeptember 28–30, 2012

Moms & Sons WeekendOctober 19–21, 2012

Kidder CreeK

Mother/daughter ranch Camp WeekendJune 22–24, 2012

quality & quantity time in one weekend

Kidder CreeK June 22–24, 2012 $195 PPCALL 888.226.7386

Make Mount Hermon your tradition.

thanksgiving Family CampNovember 22–25, 2012

Great for extended family reunions, single parent families & families far from loved ones.

parent -Child Weekends“It’s a special time that [we] look forward to every year; coming up here, getting away from all the distractions, and really focusing on just being together.”Parent 2011

Spring & SuMMer




How EPIC is your summer?

Online Registration is now available.



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