Movie 300

Post on 20-Nov-2014

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From 300 MovieFrom 300 MovieSuccess Lesson From The Movie

The plot revolves around King Leonidas, who leads 300 Spartans into battle against Persian "god-King" Xerxes and his army of more than one million soldiers. The story is framed by a voice-over narrative by the Spartan soldier Dilios. Through this narrative technique, various fantastical creatures are introduced, placing 300 within the genre of historical fantasy. Here are 10 great lessons from 300 :

Just as King Leonidas chose the Hot Gates as the perfect location for Sparta’s stand against the Persians. Do your research and pick an avenue where your skills will thrive and your competition will fall. Choose a plan of action that highlights your skills while taking away advantages of your predecessors. Just make sure you cover your back at the goat path! You never know who’s sneaking up behind you!

Lesson # 1 : Know your surroundings, and choose the battleground that most suits your strengths

The Spartan 300 stood against the million Persians for days because they were strong, well trained, and powerful. A well done business, where the owner takes the time to build a community and continually support it has the best chance for success against hundreds of competitors. Any successful formula requires repeat business, and you can’t get repeat business if your soldiers died in battle!

Lesson # 2 : A handful of well trained soldiers can out-perform thousands of weak ones.

The Spartan 300 drew their strength from their family of fellow soldiers on the battlefield. When it comes to online business, take the time to actually contribute to community sites like Digg, DigitalPoint, or even blogs you read every day. In the end, it will take you much farther by becoming a respected community member then a single comment that is never revisited ever could.

Lesson # 3 : A few good friends is better then an army of acquaintances.

Queen Gorgo: Spartan! Queen Gorgo: Spartan! King Leonidas: Yes, my lady? King Leonidas: Yes, my lady? Queen Gorgo: Come back with Queen Gorgo: Come back with your shield, or on it. your shield, or on it. King Leonidas: Yes, my lady. King Leonidas: Yes, my lady.

King Leonidas knew that the Ephor were wrong when they advised him to stand down on the eve of battle. Taking the wrong advice can cut you off from avenues that may be right for you, even if it wasn’t for the person who gave it. Always do what is best for yourself, and never be afraid to experiment. The Gods were all in the same position as you at one point in time. Remember that!

Lesson # 4 : The gods aren’t always right, do what’s best for yourself, above all else.

At a moments notice, the Spartans were ready to march into battle, with no hesitation. The same applies to EVERY area of business. Never stop learning, experimenting, and improving yourself. The moment you drop your guard, is the same moment your opponents take away your land.

Lesson # 5 : Keep your skill set sharp, cause you never know when you might have to defend yourself.

Even to the bitter end, King Leonidas and his 300 fought for Greece, never retreating and never surrendering. A lot of people quit because it gets too tough to maintain their difficult jobs. If you retreat, if you surrender, you’ll never know if a month or two more of hard work might have paid off. You’ll also never be a Spartan!

Lesson # 6 : Never retreat, never surrender.

When the Persians dispatched Rhinos, the Spartans adapted and prevailed. When they charged in with elephants, they adapted and once again came out the victor. Technology is CONSTANTLY changing. If you want to stand atop a mountain of defeated competitors, you have to stay on the bleeding edge of technological advances to ensure your ready to ride the new wave the second it arrives.

Lesson # 7 : Constantly adapt to your changing situation, it’s the only way to survive.

When the Persian messenger delivered his ultimatum to King Leonidas, he was cocky and backed himself up by the past accomplishments of the Persian Empire. While success is great, always look to improve on what you’ve done and never underestimate your competitors. Don’t let your business get kicked into the pit. THIS IS SPARTA!!

Lesson # 8 : Never be satisfied with your past accomplishments, it might just get you kicked down a bottomless pit.

King Leonidas proved that even the seemingly untouchable Xerxes was capable of bleeding after all. It is easy to look at the true juggernauts in a specific field and think it’s impossible to compete against someone of that size. No one is untouchable, and great ideas rule the world. Be innovative, be cutting edge, and most of all be fearless even in the face of god-like competition.

Lesson # 9 : Even a man-god can bleed.

Even in his hideously grotesque form, Ephialtes knew the value of networking. He made friends with Xerxes who ended up helping him to both riches and companionship. Know your strengths and know your weaknesses, and use networking to take advantage of both. If you can’t be successful in one route, look at others. keep your best interests at the forefront of your decision making process.

Lesson # 10 : Even if you’re a hideous, misshapen troll, the right networking can get you riches and women.

The Spartans changed tactics as needed to face down the latest wave of attackers. We must learn how to set up our battle plan that best suits our desired results  This story will always be told not necessarily cause they won but because they were brave. Great leaders are brave and bold not bossy and cold! How about you???

Thank You Very MuchSompong Yusoontorn