Moving up the Continuum: Building Systems to Support Tier II and III Interventions

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Moving up the Continuum: Building Systems to Support Tier II and III Interventions. Tim Lewis, Ph.D. University of Missouri OSEP Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Starting Point…. We can’t “make” students learn or behave - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Moving up the Continuum: Building Systems to Support Tier II and III Interventions

Tim Lewis, Ph.D.University of Missouri

OSEP Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

Starting Point….

• We can’t “make” students learn or behave• We can create environments to increase

the likelihood students learn and behave• Environments that increase the likelihood

are guided by a core curriculum and implemented with consistency and fidelity




DATASupportingStaff Behavior


SupportingStudent Behavior

PositiveBehaviorSupport OUTCOMES

Social Competence &Academic Achievement

Academic Systems Behavioral Systems

1-5% 1-5%

5-10% 5-10%

80-90% 80-90%

Intensive, Individual Interventions•Individual Students•Assessment-based•High Intensity

Intensive, Individual Interventions•Individual Students•Assessment-based•Intense, durable procedures

Targeted Group Interventions•Some students (at-risk)•High efficiency•Rapid response

Targeted Group Interventions•Some students (at-risk)•High efficiency•Rapid response

Universal Interventions•All students•Preventive, proactive

Universal Interventions•All settings, all students•Preventive, proactive

Designing School-Wide Systems for Student Success

Across the Continuum• Teams - Administrator• Social behavior curriculum developed / adapted• Data-based decision making• Problem solving logic• Access to Technical Assistance• Working toward district/regional support• SW-PBS is a Marathon, not a sprint

Focus across is on what students should be learning versus what they should not be doing

Creating Environments

Environments that increase the likelihood are guided by a core curriculum and

implemented with consistency and fidelity

Creating Environments to Increase the Likelihood: Universals

• Annually:– Revisit your set of expectations and teaching

activities– Assess and address “problem spots” across school

environments– Assess effective instruction and management in

each classroom • High Rates of Positive Feedback

Teach & Practice……..

Post expectations across school settings…

4:1 Positive Ratio?

Creating Environments to Increase the Likelihood: Classrooms

• Keep in mind:– Most problem behaviors occur in the

classroom– Effective social and academic instruction is

essential for ALL classrooms– Classrooms are “personal”

Inverse relationship between increased probability of compliance induced by effective teaching on the rate of

disruptive behavior

(Gunter, Shores, Jack, Denny, & DePaepe, 1994)

Importance of Effective Instruction (Sanders, 1999)

• The single biggest factor affecting academic growth of any population of youngsters is the effectiveness of the classroom.

• The answer to why children learn well or not isn't race, it isn't poverty, it isn't even per-pupil expenditure at the elementary level.

• The classroom's effect on academic growth dwarfs and nearly renders trivial all these other factors that people have historically worried about.


So one of our own is now blaming everything on the teacher!!

If classroom teachers are struggling, it is a systems issue NOT

an individual teacher issues

Creating Effective Classroom Environments

• Insuring ALL faculty and staff engaging in effective instruction and classroom management

• Align resources to challenges– Work within existing organization structure– Raze and rebuild

• Must build an environment that simultaneously supports student and adult behavior

Top Eight1. Classroom expectations/rules defined and taught 2. Classroom routines defined and taught 3. “4:1” positive feedback 4. Active supervision 5. Students actively engaged 6. Multiple opportunities to respond7. Minors are addressed quickly and quietly/privately 8. School wide procedures for majors are followed

Creating Environments

• Focus on socially important behaviors• Inviting atmosphere / Friendly & Helpful • Connections / relationships between:

– Staff-staff– Staff-students– Students- adults

Is your school a place where you would want your own child to attend?

Core CurriculumEnvironments that increase the likelihood

are guided by a core curriculum and implemented with consistency and fidelity

Core Curriculum

• Based on local issues/problems – “What do you want them to do instead”

• Clear goal/purpose• Matched to student need• Research-based• Accompanying training and support for all staff to

implement– Mini-modules + “tip sheets”– Performance feedback

Meaningful PD Outcomes


Change inTeacherPractice

Change in Student


Change inTeacher Beliefs

A Model of the Process of Teacher Change

Guskey, 1986

Peer Coaching with Performance Feedback

• 2 schools – one high SES, one low SES• 4 teacher “cool tools” on instructional talk,

prompts, feedback, and wait time• Implemented school-wide; provided a tip

sheet and mini in-service on each, weekly email reminders from administrators

• Each cool tool 4 weeks long - cumulative

Instructional Talk for all Participants









1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



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Consistency and FidelityEnvironments that increase the likelihood

are guided by a core curriculum and implemented with consistency and fidelity

Consistency & Fidelity

• On-going, sustained, and purposeful training• On-going access to technical assistance• Periodic checks

– Student outcomes– Student perceptions– Adult perceptions

• Working toward a District-Wide PBS initiative that will sustain over time

Assess for Fidelity of Implementation

Consistency & Fidelity

• Boosters based on data• Apply logic of SW-PBS to adult learners

– Tell-show-practice– Data / Feedback– Data Decisions

• Align Initiatives to SW-PBS work– Eliminate competing initiatives that do not

produce measurable outcomes

Aligning Initiatives

Tier II & III Essential Features

Emphasis is on continuum and interrelated components of data,

practices, systems

Are School Teams Ready?• Universals in place (80% or better on SET)• Action plan to maintain Universals• Use data in team meetings• Create a decision rule to identify students in need• Assessment to identify what supports students

need• Strategy to implement classroom-based supports• Equal emphasis on practices, data and system


Tier II & III Basics

• Teach/build pro-social replacement behaviors• Attend to possible function of the problem

behavior• Build maintenance and generalization

strategies to promote use– Connect points to universals

Tier II & III Interventions

Consider• Not fixed group of students• Student’s needs vary across continuum over

time and within academic/social area• Least intrusive but matched to student need• Response may be environmental changes

without direct student intervention

Structural Analysis Setting Factors Assessment Tool

• Level 1: Classroom Set-up and Structure

• Level 2: Context Specific Activities

• Level 3: Instructional Delivery and Tasks

• Level 4: Student Behavior

Stichter, J. P., Lewis, T. J., Johnson, N., & Trussell, R. (2004). Toward a structural assessment: Analyzing the merits of an assessment tool for a student with E/BD. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 30, 25-40.












Baseline Level 1 Level 1 & 2 Level 1, 2 & 3 Follow-Up

Mean Percent of Teacher Behavior

High Structure Materials Accessiblity Rules Visible Assistance Consistent Answering Consistent

When Implementing Tier II & III Supports

Common misperception is that these strategies will “fix” the student and the classroom teacher does not need to be an active participant since “specialists” or outside staff are often involved in the intervention – Important to stress that these interventions will require high level of involvement among ALL staff within the school building

Critical Points for Success

• Part of a continuum – must link to school-wide PBS system

• Efficient and effective way to identify students• Intervention matched to presenting problem but

not highly individualized• Staff implementing interventions have skills and

support• ALL staff aware of interventions and their part in

promoting generalization

Phase 1: Provide Adequate Instruction

Phase 2:Identification Process

Phase 3:Function-based Intervention

Phase 4:Evaluate Outcomes & Make Decisions

Academic Support(s)

Check In/ Check Out

Mentoring Social Skill Club

Targeted Environmental Interventions

Avoid Tasks?

Obtain Attention?

Skill Deficit?

Step 2: Teacher & Team synthesize data to 1) Define Problem 2) Develop Hypothesis 3) Identify Replacement 4) Select Intervention

Step 1: Teacher and Team Partner collect data.

Teacher/Parent Nomination

Data Decision Rules

Universal Screening Instrument

Nonresponder as compared to typical peer? Full access to Tier 1 supports? Is

Identification process accurate and durable?

– Classroom System – Nonclassroom System– Schoolwide System

Tier 1 implemented with fidelity?

If Yes, then

Analysis and/or Full Assessment

Obtain Attention?

Process for Accessing Support

Gentry Middle School



School-Wide SystemsMatrixLesson PlansSchool-Wide DataAcknowledgementCommunication

Core Team RepresentativeDistrict PBS Support

Building Administrator and Counselors

*Meets Monthly

Core Team Representative

SAT PartnerCore Team Teachers

*Meets Weekly

Core Team/ClassroomsImplement AISMonitor ProgressRefer to SAT

SAT ProcessTeacher Training and SupportTargeted InterventionsIndividual Student Plans

SAT TeamAdministrator

CounselorBehavior Specialist

Process for Disseminating Practice

Provide Skills-Based Training

• Training Model– SAT members with behavior specialist

• Behavior basics and management• SAT process• Function-linked strategies

– SAT members with STAT team representative– SAT and STAT with core team teachers

Provide Tools

• Tools for Teachers– SAT flowchart– Pyramid to Success– RRKS TOC– AIS guide (Alternative Intervention Strategies)

Classroom Teacher IssuesOut of seat, Talking to classmates, Talking out, Off-task, Violation of class rules, Inappropriate language, Lack of

materials, Gum, Disrespect, Cheating, Tardies, Minor destruction of propertyMethod for handling student behaviors

Proactive: Positive call to parents, Use praise, Use Rewards, Daily/Weekly Goal sheets, Proximity to instructor, Provide choices, One-to-One assistance, Pre-correct for transitions/trouble situations, Regular breaks for exercise,

Give a job, RRKS Review, Reward lunch with teacher, etc.Corrective: One and only one REDIRECT, RRKS Review, Safe-seat, Buddy Room, Think Sheet, Parent Phone call,

Lunch Detention, Recovery Study Hall, Removal of privilege in classroom, etc.

Team IssuesRepeated minor & major disruptions in multiple classrooms, Throwing things, Hallway/Lockers problems, Attendance,

Repeated disrespect to peers or adults, Cheating, Inappropriate to substitute, Insubordination, Chronic DisruptionsMethod for handling student behaviors

Proactive: Parent contact (mandatory), RRKS review, Team conference, Team conference with student, Team conference with Parents, Team conference with Administrator/Counselor, Triage in the AM with the student, Triage at lunch with

the student, Team Focus, etc.Corrective: Removal of privilege on team, Recovery Study Hall, Buddy Room, etc.

Office IssuesBus referrals, Truancy, Chronic offender, Threatening student or adult, Fighting,

Refusal to go to or Disruptive in Buddy Room, Sexual harassment, Weapons, Drug/cigarettes/ tobacco/alcohol, Assault – physical or verbalTeacher Method for handling student behaviors· Referral Form – send student to office with completed form

·Process with student before re-entryOffice Method for handling student behaviors

Proactive: RRKS Review, Parent ContactCorrective: Loss of Privilege, Saturday detention, Opportunity Center, Suspension, etc.

Pyramid to Success for All

Some Final ThoughtsOn Building a Continuum

of Supports

Remember, Building a Complete Continuum is a Marathon not a Sprint

All of us will have set-backs on the journey

Allow yourself plenty of time to get there

Remember to bring the kids along

No matter how tempting….. Stay Positive!

Teach & Practice, Teach & Practice, Teach & Practice……

Big IdeasUnderstand interaction between behavior and the

teaching environmentBehavior is functionally related to the

teaching environment• Build Positive Behavior Support Plans that teach

pro-social “replacement” behaviors • Create environments to support the use of pro-

social behaviors (practice, practice, practice)– Around individual student need / self-management– Classroom – School-wide

Moving up the Continuum: Building Systems to Support Tier II and III Interventions

Tim Lewis, Ph.D.University of Missouri

OSEP Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports