Movylo shop marketing

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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Boost your sales via mobile with

Get more revenues from your customers, via mobile

Boost your sales via mobile with

Every one has a mobile phone …

People are already buying via mobile …

Why selling via mobile?

Boost your sales via mobile with

Increase revenues from existing customersYou have your customers, they trust your brand and shop online your products. You’ve done the hardest part! Now imagine to have your store in their hands 24/7 …

Work on promotions and appealing dealsImagine to engage them with deals and limited promotions via mobile and have your products a few clicks away from their impulse purchase …

Limit unsold inventoryWhy not converting your inventory in new discounted and appealing deals?

Acquire new customersMobile traffic will be broader than web: just think how many of your customers have a mobile phone, but maybe they’re not so skilled via PC …

Why selling via mobile?

Boost your sales via mobile with

Turn your products into mobile deals

The Koln Concert

Regular Price: $ 9.99

Pieces in stock: 127

Discount: 5%

Current price: $ 9.49

Your product Your promo Your deal

1 click to buy or gift!

Boost your sales via mobile with

Single upload

Bulk upload

API integration

How can I start selling mobile?

Upload your deals






Bill your customers:


(mobile express check


Credit cards

Call center / Phone


In store couponing

Real time promotions

Deal of the day

Last minute deal

Top selling

Last arrivals …

… and measure results and sales!

Set Look & Feel Set billing Live!!!Promote

your dealsAnalyze

Boost your sales via mobile with

How can I market my deals via mobile?

Your deal

Natural search + Google! (mobile redirect) /

Promotions via e-mail

30% of mobile users read mail via mobile

Promotions via SMS

Highest conversion rates on ALL mobile are SMS

QR codes

Print the code on leaflets, magazines, fliers…

Twitter & Facebook

Share your deal with friends!

Boost your sales via mobile with

Do’s for your mobile strategy

Start slow, grow strong, learn by doing.

upload some products, customize your mobile store and communicate it to a restricted set of customers and get their feedback. Then grow the business and analyze results

Present deals “mobile minded”

if I can choose to buy it now via mobile or later via PC, I choose PC, more comfortable. If it’s a limited promotion, if I don’t take it now, I can miss it forever (last 10 pieces, only for the next 2 hours, click here to buy). Always present a dedicated discount/advantage to buy it via mobile.

Focus on top selling products

the customer has to find a convenient deal via mobile, if he needs information or to think about it…he’ll probably abandon the mobile cart

Cluster your audience and work on promotions

An SMS campaign can be very powerful with high conversion rates, but needs to be well targeted: work on clustering campaigns and target the correct deal for the correct customer (… at the correct moment)

Use natural URL & search

Direct the mobile traffic to your natural URL (Preferences>Domain). By doing this all people watching your URL via mobile or finding you via Google will see your mobile optimized store.

Boost your sales via mobile with

Dont’s for your mobile strategy

Don’t upload all your inventory!

Mobile is NOT for heavy browsing, mobile customers need straight forward processes to an easy shopping experience: do not upload 100.000 SKUs Or browsing will be impossible!

Don’t use the “wait & see” approach

Creating your mobile store for presenting your deals via mobile is the first step, but not enough: work on how to engage your customers working on promotions and limited deals

Don’t intend mobile like “another channel”

If the deals you present via mobile are the same your customers find via web, you’re not going to sell, PC is more comfotable. Focus on the mobile experience: impulse, limited, always in the hand, ..

Don’t hide your mobile store

Use the natural URL and redirect the mobile traffic to the mobile store: By doing this you will get ALL the mobile traffic optimized for mobile and not reaching your web store in a small screen. Customers arriving from Google search will see the mobile store too! The natural URL converts much more than or

Boost your sales via mobile with

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