MR 29 Agustus 2014

Post on 13-Feb-2018

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  • 7/23/2019 MR 29 Agustus 2014



    August, 30th 2014

    SUPERVISOR : dr. Agus Thoriq, SpOG

    ! : S"#ti, A$u, Ri", %u&i

  • 7/23/2019 MR 29 Agustus 2014




    (OR!A) )A*OR 1


    1. G2P1A0L1 36-37 weeks/S/L/IU head presentation wPR! " 12 ho#rs


  • 7/23/2019 MR 29 Agustus 2014


    CASE 1

    Name : Mrs. N

    Age : 23 years oldAddress : LangkoL!ngsarAdm!""ed : 2#$%2$1&No. RM : 113'('

    G2PA0L0 36-37 weeks/S/L/IU head

    presentation with PR! " 12 ho#rs

  • 7/23/2019 MR 29 Agustus 2014


    Time Subject Object Assessment Plan


    Patient 'a(e to )*+ G,reered Sieronan P,with G2P1A0L1 36-37weeks /S/L/IU headpresentation with PR!" 12 ho#rs

    Patient 'onessed water

    'o(e o#t ro( her ainasin'e 2%-0%-201& 11.00.She didnt 'onessa4do(ina5 pain 45oods5i( - and 8! 9.

    ,istor o :! - ,* -asth(a -.

    L!P ; 1&-12-2013> k U8,; 27'( head presentation.

    General status

    G ; we55GS; ! !6+P ; 120/%0 ((,,R; %% =/(RR; 22 =/(*; 36> @

    Local statusU8,; 2$ '($=/(in

    G2P1A0L1 36-37 weeks/S/L/IU headpresentationwith PR! "12 ho#rs

    4s. !otheta5 we55

    :! 'o to *G and /6 h GP

    :oin * InB.a(pi 1

  • 7/23/2019 MR 29 Agustus 2014


    Time Subject Object Assessment Plan

    ,istor o USG ;-,istor o a(i5 p5annin ;inBe'tion 3 (onths)e=t a(i5 p5annin ;inBe'tion 3 (onth

    ,istor o o4stetri' ;1. Preter(/ 2600/ (a5e/

    (idwie/ )*+ G,/ &ears o5d/ 5ie2. *his

    ?* ; C 1 '( e. 0 D a(nion -'5ear head pa5pa45e ,I deno(#n'5ear #npa5pa45e s(a55 part oet#s/ #(4i5i'a5 'ord

    PS ;eri' di5atation 0 '( ; 0eriks 5enth & '(; 1

    'eriks 'onsisten' sot; 2eriks position posterior; 0Station , I; 1*ota5; &


    ,G+ E 122.$ /d5R+ E &22 F/#5+ E 1362 !/#5,* ; 366 DPL* E 2>2 !/#5

    ,+sA E -

  • 7/23/2019 MR 29 Agustus 2014


    Time Subject Object Assessment Plan

    Chronologist : at Sigerongan PHC (02-0-

    20!" 0#$%0&

    S : Patient 'onessed 5ank pain and a4do(ina5pain sin'e esterda . +5ood s5i( - ater'o(e o#t ro( her aina 9 sin'eesterda 8! 9.

    O : G ; we55ons ; !

    +P ; 100/%0((,,R ; %0=/(RR ; 20=/(* ; 36U8, ; 27'(L1 ; 4ree'hL2 ; 4a'k on the 5et sideL3 ; headL& ; &/>8,+ ; 1&&=/(

    U ; -?* ; C 1'( e 2>D a(nion 9 head

    pa5pa45e ,I #npa5pa45e s(a55 part o et#s/#(4i5ika5 'ord

    A : G2P1A0L1 36 weeks/S/L/IU with PR!

    P ; a(o= 1 = >00 (Reered to )*+ G,

  • 7/23/2019 MR 29 Agustus 2014


    Time Subject Object Assessment Plann

    o *G to GPSP? ad; ind#drip o= > IU

    I< patient anind#'tion

  • 7/23/2019 MR 29 Agustus 2014


  • 7/23/2019 MR 29 Agustus 2014


    Time Subject Object Assessment

    1&.00 U ; -8,+ ; 11-12-12 1&0=/(in

    Start d

    1&.30 U ; -8,+ ; 11-11-12 136=/(in

    1>.00 A4do(ina5 pain U -

    8,+ ; 12-11-11 136=/(in

    1>.30 A4do(ina5 pain U ; 2 = 10 30H8,+ ; 11-11-12 136 =/(inC > '( e. >0 D a(nion - '5ear headpa5pa45e ,I deno( #n'5ear #npa5pa45es(a55 part o et#s/ #(4i5i'a5 'ord

    16.00 A4do(ina5 pain U ; 3 = 10 2>H8,+ ; 12-12-12 1&& =/(in

    16.30 A4do(ina5 pain U ; 3 = 10 30H8,+ ; 12-11-12 1&0 =/(in

    17.00 !other want to 4earindown

    U ; & = 10 &0H8,+ ; 12-13-12 1&% =/(inInspe'tion ; openin o #5a 4#5in operine#( press#re o an#s

    2nd o 5a4or

  • 7/23/2019 MR 29 Agustus 2014


    Time Subject Object Assessment Plannin

    17.2> +a4 was 4orn. (ra(. &% '( AS 9. onenita5 an

    17.30 U ; we55

    U8, ; 2 iner 4e55ow #(4i5i'#s

    3rd o 5a4or P5a'enta was 4or

    o(p5ete. >0+5eedin 2

    Time Subject Object Assessment

  • 7/23/2019 MR 29 Agustus 2014


    Time Subject Object Assessment

    1$.30 G; we55 'ons;!6 +P; 110/70 ((, PR; %2=/( RR; 20=/( *; 36> 0 U; 9 we55 U8,; 2 iners 4e5ow #(4i5i'#s

    2 ho#rs post part#( 4seratio4ein S#est (



    G; we55 'ons;!6

    +P; 110/70 ((, PR; %&=/( RR; 20=/( *; 36& 0 U; 9 we55 U8,; 2 iners 4e5ow #(4i5i'#s A'tie 45eedin; - Lokea r#4ra 9

    1 da post post part# 4sered

    S#est ( s#est ( S#est (

  • 7/23/2019 MR 29 Agustus 2014


    CASE 2

    Name : Mrs. ES

    Age : 2% years oldAddress : S)m*a+aAdm!""ed : 2#$%2$1&No. RM : 113'3%

    G1P$A$L$ 3% +eeks,G,LL,I- ead/resen"a"!onead /resen"a"!on

    +!" a0"!e /ase o la*or

    Time Subject Object Assessment Plan

  • 7/23/2019 MR 29 Agustus 2014


    Time Subject Object Assessment Plan


    Patient 'o(e to )*+ G,reered +ranrea P, withG1P0A0L0 9/-3$ weeks G/L-L/IU.Patient 'onessed a4do(ina5pain sin'e 2%-0%-1& 22.00water 'o(e o#t ro( heraina - sin'e 1&-0%-201&01.00 45ood s5i( 9 2$-0%-

    1& 03.00 and 8! 9.

    ,istor o :! - ,* -asth(a -.

    L!P ; &-12-2013

  • 7/23/2019 MR 29 Agustus 2014


    j j

    ,istor o USG ; 1 ti(esLast USG; 30 J#5i 201&Res#5t; G1P0A0L0 e(e5i.

    ,istor o a(i5 p5annin ;-)e=t a(i5 p5annin ;inBe'tion 3 (onths

    ,istor o o4stetri' ;I. *his

    ?* ; C 6 '( e. 60 D a(nion -'5ear head pa5pa45e ,I deno(#n'5ear #npa5pa45e s(a55 part oet#s/ #(4i5ika5 'ord

    Pe5i' e=a(ination;Pro(ontori#( #npa5pa45eSpina is'hiadi'a not pro(inents 'o''e#s (o4i5e

    Ar'#s p#4i' " $0 deree

    PS ;eri' di5atation > '( ; 2eriks 5enth 3 '(; 1eriks 'onsisten' (i5d ; 1eriks position posterior; 0Station , I; 1

    *ota5; >

    Lab:,G+ E 12.& /d5R+ E &20 F/#5+ E 13.7& !/#5,* ; 30E7.0 DPL* E 26$ !/#5,+sA E -

    Ti S bj t Obj t A t Pl

  • 7/23/2019 MR 29 Agustus 2014


    Time Subject Object Assessment Plan

    Chronologist : at 'rangrea PHC (2-0-

    20!" 02$00&

    S : Patient 'onessed a4do(ina5 pain sin'e 2%-0%-1& 22.00 water 'o(e o#t ro( her aina- sin'e 1&-0%-201& 01.00 45ood s5i( 92$-0%-1& 03.00 and 8! 9.

    O : G ; we55ons ; !

    +P ; 110/70((,,R ; %&=/(RR ; 20=/(* ; 36>L1 ; 4ree'h 4ree'hL2 ; 4a'k on the 5et and riht sideL3 ; headL& ; &/>U8, ; 33'(

  • 7/23/2019 MR 29 Agustus 2014


    Time Subject Object Assessment Plannin

    1&.30 A4do(ina5 pain U ; 3= 10 30H8,+ ; I 13-12-13 1&%/(in II 11-11-12 136=/(in?* ; C %'( e 7>D a(nion -head pa5pa45e ,I #npa5pa45es(a55 part o et#s/ #(4i5ika5 'ord.

    Pro5on a'tie phase -4s. !other and4ein

    -:! pro *G GP

    res#5t is rea'tie

    SP? SP? ada''e5erati

    -4s. Proest

    16.30 U ; 3= 10 30H

    8,+ ; I 12-12-12 1&&=/(in II 12-11-11 136=/(in

    -Start drip o=to'in

    17.00 U ; & = 10 30H8,+ ; I 12-12-13 1&%=/(in II 11-12-12 1&0=/(in

    = drip; 12

    17.30 U ; & = 10 30H8,+ ; I 12-12-12 1&&=/(in

    II 12-12-11 1&0=/(in

    = drip; 16

    1%.00 U ; & = 10 30H8,+ ; I 12-12-12 1&&=/(in II 12-12-11 1&0=/(in

    = drip; 20

    1%.30 U ; & = 10 &0H8,+ ; I 12-12-12 1&&=/(in II 12-12-11 1&0=/(in?* ; C $ '( e %0D a(nion-head pa5pa45e ,II #npa5pa45es(a55 part o et#s/ #(4i5ika5 'ord.

    Pro5on a'tie phase = drip; 2&

    Time Subject Object Assessment Plannin

  • 7/23/2019 MR 29 Agustus 2014


    j j

    1$.30 U ; & = 10 &0H

    8,+ ; I 11-12-13 1&&=/(in II 12-13-12 1&%=/(in

    = drip; 2&

    20.30 !other wont to4earin down

    U ; & = 10 &0H8,+ ; I 11-12-11 136=/(in II 12-12-12 1&&=/(inInspe'tion ; openin o #5a4#5in o perine#( press#re oan#s

    2nd stae o 5a4or ond#'t (other down

    20.>> 8ist 4a4 was 4or1>00 ra(. && '(

    An#s 9. onano(a5

    U8, ; 1 iner a4oe #(4i55i'#sU ; & = 10 &0H

    8,+ ; I 11-12-11 136=/(in?* ; C $'( e $0D a(nion -head pa5pa45e ,II #npa5pa45es(a55 part o et#s/ #(4i5ika5 'ord.

    21.20 !other wont to4earin down

    Inspe'tion ; openin o #5a4#5in o perine#( press#re oan#s

    2nd stae o 5a4or ond#'t (other down

    21.30 Se'ond 4a4 we(a5e. 2600 ra(

    >-. An#s 9. oano(a5

    Time Subject Object Assessment Plannin

  • 7/23/2019 MR 29 Agustus 2014


    1$.30 U ; & = 10 &0H8,+ ; I 11-12-13 1&&=/(in II 12-13-12 1&%=/(in

    = drip; 2&

    20.30 !other wont to4earin down

    U ; & = 10 &0H8,+ ; I 11-12-11 136=/(in II 12-12-12 1&&=/(inInspe'tion ; openin o #5a

    4#5in o perine#( press#re oan#s

    2nd stae o 5a4or ond#'t (other down

    20.>> 8ist 4a4 was 4or1>00 ra(. && '(

    An#s 9. onano(a5

    U8, ; 1 iner a4oe #(4i55i'#sU ; & = 10 &0H8,+ ; I 11-12-11 136=/(in?* ; C $'( e $0D a(nion -head pa5pa45e ,II #npa5pa45es(a55 part o et#s/ #(4i5ika5 'ord.

    Se'ond 4a4 we(a5e. 1>00 ra(

    7-$. An#s 9. ano(a5

    1&.0> U ; we55

    U8, ; 2 iner 4e55ow #(4i5i'#s

    3rd o 5a4or P5a'enta was 4or

    o(p5ete. >0+5eedin &

  • 7/23/2019 MR 29 Agustus 2014


    Time Subject Object Assessment

    UC : wellUFH : 1 finger bellow umbilicus

    3rd of labor PlaceCo


    #3.3 $C: well cons:%"&5'( !P: 1)* mmHg

    P+: ,#-)m ++: #-)m : 3(/( C UC: 02 well UFH: 1 fingers below umbilicus !leeding 02

    # ours post partum 4bserat 6uggest



    $C: well cons:%"&5'( !P: 11)* mmHg P+: 9"-)m ++: 19-)m

    : 3(/" C UC: 02 well UFH: 1 fingers below umbilicus ctie bleeding: 082 ;o7ea rubra

    1 da< post post partu 4bsered 6uggest suggest m 6uggest

  • 7/23/2019 MR 29 Agustus 2014


  • 7/23/2019 MR 29 Agustus 2014


  • 7/23/2019 MR 29 Agustus 2014


  • 7/23/2019 MR 29 Agustus 2014



    4an!n "eram*a"dan ke0!l masakeam!lan