Mrkt Chpt 3

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Mrkt Chpt 3


Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

Learning Objectives

• Describe the environmental forces that affect the company’s ability to serve its customers.

• Explain how changes in the demographic and economic environments affect marketing decisions.

• Identify the major trends in the firm’s natural and technological environments.


Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

Learning Objectives

• Explain the key changes in the political and cultural environments.

• Discuss how companies can react to the marketing environment.


Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

First Stop: Microsoft: Adapting to the Fast-Changing Digital Marketing Environment

• The success of Windows increased Microsoft’s revenues, profits, and stock price.

• A lag occurred after the millennium from decreased PC sales growth.• People moved on with new digital devices and


• Transformation—released new, improved, or acquired digital products and services


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Marketing Environment

• Outside forces that affect marketing management’s ability to build and maintain successful relationships with target customers

• Microenvironment: Actors close to the company that affect its ability to serve its customers

• Macroenvironment: Larger societal forces that affect the microenvironment


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Figure 3.1 - Actors in the Microenvironment


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Figure 3.2 - Major Forces in the Company’s Macroenvironment


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Demographic Environment

• Demography: Study of human populations in terms of size, density, location, age, gender, race, occupation, and other statistics

• Marketers analyze:• Changing age and family structures• Geographic population shifts• Educational characteristics• Population diversity


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Economic Environment

• Economic factors that affect consumer purchasing power and spending patterns:• Industrial economies• Subsistence economies • Developing economies

• Changes in consumer spending • Differences in income distribution


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Natural Environment

• Physical environment and natural resources needed as inputs by marketers or affected by marketing activities• Environmental sustainability concerns have

grown steadily over past three decades.

• Trends: • Shortages of raw materials• Increased pollution• Increased government intervention


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Technological Environment

• New technologies create new markets and opportunities.• Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is

technology to track products through various points in the distribution channel.

• Government agencies investigate and ban potentially unsafe products.


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Political Environment

• Forces that influence and limit various organizations and individuals in a society• Laws, government agencies, and pressure groups

• Goals of enacting business legislation:• Protect companies from each other• Protect consumers from unfair business practices• Protect the interests of society against

unrestrained business behavior


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Major U.S. Legislation Affecting Marketing

Legislation Purpose

Sherman Antitrust Act (1890) • Prohibits monopolies and activities that restrain trade or competition in interstate commerce

Federal Food and Drug Act (1906)Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

• Forbids the manufacture or sale of adulterated or fraudulently labeled foods and drugs

Clayton Act (1914) • Prohibits types of price discrimination, exclusive dealing, and tying clauses

Federal Trade Commission Act (1914)Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

• Monitors and remedies unfair trade methods

Robinson-Patman Act (1936) • Establishes limits on quantity discounts• Forbids some brokerage allowances• Prohibits promotional allowances except

when made on proportionately equal terms


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Major U.S. Legislation Affecting Marketing

Legislation Purpose

Wheeler-Lea Act (1938) • Makes deceptive, misleading, and unfair practices illegal

• Places advertising of food and drugs under FTC jurisdiction

Lanham Trademark Act (1946) • Protects and regulates distinctive brand names and trademarks

National Traffic and Safety Act (1958)

• Provides for the creation of compulsory safety standards for automobiles and tires

Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (1966)

• Provides for the regulation of the packaging and labeling of consumer goods

• Requires that manufacturers state what the package contains, who made it, and how much it contains

Child Protection Act (1966) • Bans the sale of hazardous toys and articles• Sets standards for child-resistant packaging


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Major U.S. Legislation Affecting Marketing

Legislation Purpose

Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act (1967)

• Requires that cigarette packages contain a warning statement

National Environmental Policy Act (1969)

• Establishes a national policy on the environment

Consumer Product Safety Act (1972)Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)

• Sets safety standards for consumer products and exacts penalties for failing to uphold those standards

Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act (1975)

• Determines rules for consumer warranties • Provides consumer access to redress

Children’s Television Act (1990) • Limits the number of commercials aired during children’s programs

Nutrition Labeling and Education Act (1990)

• Requires that food product labels provide detailed nutritional information


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Major U.S. Legislation Affecting Marketing

Legislation Purpose

Telephone Consumer Protection Act (1991)

• Establishes procedures to avoid unwanted telephone solicitations

Americans with Disabilities Act (1991) • Makes discrimination against people with disabilities illegal

Children’s Online Privacy ProtectionAct (2000)

• Prohibits online collection of information from children without parental consent

• Allows parents to review information collected from their children

Do-Not-Call Implementation Act (2003) • Collects fees from telemarketers for the enforcement of a Do-Not-Call Registry

CAN-SPAM Act (2003) • Regulates the distribution and content of unsolicited commercial e-mail

Financial Reform Law (2010)Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection

• Creates and enforces rules for the marketing of financial products to consumers


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Socially Responsible Behavior

• Socially responsible companies actively seek out ways to protect the long-run interests of consumers and the environment.

• Companies develop policies, guidelines, and other responses to complex social responsibility issues.


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Cause-Related Marketing

• Used by companies to:• Exercise their social responsibility • Build more positive images

• Primary form of corporate giving• Controversy—strategy for selling more than a

strategy for giving


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Cultural Environment

• Institutions and other forces that affect society’s basic values, perceptions, preferences, and behaviors• Society shapes people’s values and beliefs.

• Cultural characteristics that affect marketing decision making:• Persistence of cultural values• Shifts in secondary cultural values


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Responding to the Marketing Environment

• Reactive firms passively accept the marketing environment and do not try to change it.

• Proactive firms develop strategies to change the environment.• They take aggressive actions to affect the publics

and forces in their marketing environment.


Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

Learning Objectives

• Describe the environmental forces that affect the company’s ability to serve its customers.

• Explain how changes in the demographic and economic environments affect marketing decisions.

• Identify the major trends in the firm’s natural and technological environments.


Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

Learning Objectives

• Explain the key changes in the political and cultural environments.

• Discuss how companies can react to the marketing environment.


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Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.