Mrs. Allen. My goal is to be able to do 10 kipping (chin above bar) pull-ups by the end of 4 weeks.

Post on 23-Dec-2015

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Mrs. Allen

My goal is to be able to do 10 kipping (chin above bar) pull-ups by the end of

4 weeks.

I will reach my goal by increasing the number of pull-ups I do each week until I get to 10.

I will also do other exercises to strengthen and build my arm and core muscles and endurance.

Zach Allen-My husband will do parts of the workout with me which will encourage me to complete them. It will also challenge me to do them to the best of my ability as we are a competitive couple.

Dustin Wheelock-My brother will ask me how my goal is going so that I am accountable for keeping up with it.

My rewards for completing this goal will be:◦ 1. Feeling physically stronger◦ 2. Feeling mentally accomplished◦ 3. Creating a stronger bond with my husband and

brother◦ 4. My husband taking me to my favorite fancy

restaurant: The Melting Pot!






Friday Saturday

-Tennis 20 mins

-Pull-ups (3)

-Sit ups (10)

-Play Catch 30 mins

-Rollerblade 2 miles

-Yoga 30 mins

-Tennis 20 mins

-Pull-ups (3)

-Sit ups (10)

-Play Catch 30 mins

-Volleyball 20 mins

-Yoga 30 mins

-Tennis 20 mins

-Pull-ups (3)

-Sit ups (10)

-Play Catch 30 mins

-Tennis 20 mins

-Shoot baskets 20 mins

-Push-ups (3)

-Sit ups (10)

35 minutes 1 hour 20 minutes

35 minutes 1 hour 20 minutes

35 minutes 30 minutes 55 minutes






Friday Saturday

-Tennis 22 mins

-Pull-ups (5)

-Sit-ups (13)

-Play Catch 32 mins

-Rollerblade 2.5 miles

-Yoga 30 mins-Wall Arm Stretches

-Tennis 22 mins

-Pull-ups (5)

-Sit-ups (13)

-Play Catch 32 mins

-Volleyball 22 mins

-Yoga 30 mins-Wall Arm Stretches

-Tennis 22 mins

-Pull-ups (5)

-Sit-ups (13)

-Play Catch 32 mins

-Tennis 22 mins

-Shoot baskets 22 mins

-Pull-ups (5)

-Sit-ups (13)

37 minutes 1 hour 22 minutes

37 minutes 1 hour 22 minutes

37 minutes 32 minutes 57 minutes






Friday Saturday

-Swim20 mins

-Pull-ups (8)

-Sit-ups (15)

-Play Catch 35 mins

-Rollerblade 2.75 miles

-Yoga 30 mins-Wall Arm Stretches-Behind back arms

-Swim20 mins

-Pull-ups (8)

-Sit-ups (15)

-Play Catch 35 mins

-Volleyball 25 mins

-Yoga 30 mins-Wall Arm Stretches-Behind back arm stretches

-Tennis25 mins

-Pull-ups (8)

-Sit-ups (15)

-Play Catch 35 mins

-Tennis25 mins

-Shoot baskets 25 mins

-Pull-ups (8)

-Sit-ups (15)

35 minutes 1 hour 25 minutes

37 minutes 1 hour 25 minutes

40 minutes 35 minutes 1 hour5 minutes






Friday Saturday

-Swimming20 mins-Tread water5 minutes

-Pull-ups (9)

-Sit-ups (17)

-Play Catch 37 mins

-Rollerblade 3 miles

-Yoga 30 mins-Wall Arm Stretches-Behind back arms-Across chest stretch

-Tennis27 mins

-Pull-ups (9)

-Sit-ups (17)

-Play Catch 37 mins

-Volleyball 30 mins

-Yoga 30 mins-Wall Arm Stretches-Behind back arm stretches-Across chest stretch

-Tennis 27 mins

-Pull-ups (10)

-Sit-ups (17)

-Play Catch 37 mins

-Tennis27 mins

-Shoot baskets 30 mins

-Pull-ups (10)

45 minutes 1 hour 30 minutes

40 minutes 1 hour 30 minutes

45 minutes 37 minutes 1 hour10 minutes

I will keep a video diary of each day that I work out. I will say what I did and how I feel on camera. I will add clips of my workout.

While completing this project, I learned _________ and _________. I will use this in my life when I _______________. My goal is important to me because _________. This project relates to real world experiences because __________. One thing that went really well when I was working on this project was ______. One thing that I will do better on next time is _________. Teenagers could use this information when they ________.