Ms. Macky Mitma

Post on 09-Jan-2016

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Ms. Macky Mitma. * María Cristina Castro Conroy de Mitma (Macky). Nuestra misión es ofrecer a nuestros alumnos las herramientas necesarias para que persistan en su pasión por el aprendizaje , sean íntegros y tengan la capacidad de crear soluciones socialmente responsables. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Ms. Macky Mitma

* María Cristina Castro Conroy de Mitma (Macky)

IB Profile- Inquires - Investigadores- Thinker - Pensadores- Communicators – Buenos comunicadores- Risk-takers - Audaces- Knowledgeable - Informados- Principled – Con principios- Caring - Solidarios- Open-minded – De mente abierta- Well-balanced - Equilibrados- Reflective - Reflexivos

PYP Attitudes- Appreciation – Apreciación- Commitment - Compromiso- Confidence - Confianza- Cooperation - Cooperación- Creativity - Creatividad- Curiosity - Curiosidad- Empathy - Empatía- Enthusiasm - Entusiasmo- Independence - Independencia- Integrity - Integridad- Respect - Respeto- Tolerance - Tolerancia

Class Time: 40 minutes

Hora Lun Mar Miérc Juev Vier

8:05 – 8:45 3ro 4to 2do 3ro 4to

8:50 – 9:30 2do 5to 3ro 3ro

9:35 – 10:15 5to

9:55 – 10:35 1ro

10:40 – 11:20 4to 2do 5to 4to 5to

11:25 – 12:05 1ro 3ro 4to 1ro 1ro

12:55- 1:35

1:40 – 2:20 5to 1ro 2do 2do

Homework:10 a 15´

Spanish10 a 15´

English20 – 30`



For homework to be completed, it must be brought to class.

If homework is not done:

1) Oral warning Warning2) Green slip Parents need to sign3) Yellow slip E-mail to parents4) Red slip Meeting with parents

Reading Club

Listening and Speaking Communicate on a basic level with native speakers. Comprehend and follow directions involved with, and participate in

conversations related to:

- Parts of the body - Shapes- Colors - Numbers- Clothing - Family (tío, tía, primos, etc)- Home and furniture - Community helpers and place of work- Toys and games - Foods- Weather and seasons - Classroom objects- Animals (zoo, farm and pets) - Occupations- Holidays - Shopping- Stores - Personal grooming - Telling time (me baño, me lavo, me visto, etc.)- Transportation

Initiate and respond to oral commands and simple questions. Speak in complete sentences.

Reading Read vocabulary words and Spanish sentences that

have been learned orally.  These are often associated with pictures.

Read simple narrative and conversational material. Comprehend short stories based on vocabulary and

picture clues. Identify characters and facts. Establish proper sequence of a story.

Writing Write most of the vocabulary that can be produced

orally. Write sentences based on the oral content. Learn to use correctly Spanish syllable sounds. Learn to use correctly Spanish consonants. Write short compositions about familiar topics, likes

and dislikes simple descriptions.

Grammar Apply grammar concepts to written and spoken

language. Learn simple sentence structure. Use the correct form of article and noun agreement,

noun and adjective agreement, subject and verb agreement.

Use appropriate simple present tense verbs.

Cultural Awareness Understand difference among cultures: Food, weather, holidays, and games. Learn to adapt to a new environment.

Learn songs in Spanish.

We work in coordination with homeroom teachers to reinforce

the PYP Program.


We use:

•Positive:•Good job•On task•Participation•Effort•Negative•Talks in English•Did not bring his/her homework•Not on task•Disrespectful

•Reading from a-z books•Information about projects•Etc.

Thematic year:

Expectations Bring all materials to class. Behavior If the student did not finish classwork,

he/she will take it home to finish it. Homework – games

Little Secrets Communication with parents is extremely important. Have a dictionary at home (inglés - español) Invite friends (Spanish speakers) over to your house. Practice is the key to success.

Doubts or questions