MSLGROUP People's Lab: Crowdsourcing Insights & Innovation

Post on 09-May-2015

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People’s Lab is MSLGROUP’s proprietary crowdsourcing platform and approach that helps clients tap into people’s insight for innovation, storytelling and change. For more, see:


Peopleʼs Lab: Crowdsourcing Insights & Innovation"

Peopleʼs Lab: Crowdsourcing Insights & Innovation"Peopleʼs Lab is MSLGROUPʼs proprietary crowdsourcing platform and approach that helps organizations tap into peopleʼs insight for innovation, storytelling and change."

Why crowdsource insights and innovation?"

We know that peopleʼs insights are important"

Source: PwC Global CEO Survey 2011, 1200+ business leaders across 69 countries. "Photo from r-butler on Flickr"

As per the recent PwC CEO Survey of 1200+ business leaders across 69 countries, business leaders believe that crowdsourcing peopleʼs insights are one of the main drivers for leading innovation and change."

We know how to tap into peopleʼs insights"

We have a significant body of knowledge on crowdsourcing: including business rationale, application areas, best practices and case studies."

We have seen crowdsourcing in action"

Source: Innocentive, OpenIDEO, CrowdSpring, Kiva"

We have seen dedicated third-party crowdsourcing platforms in action for almost a decade and learned from their successes and failures."

We have seen corporations embrace crowdsourcing"

Source: GE Ecomagination Challenge, My Starbucks Idea, Dell Ideastorm, Mahindra Rise"

We have seen diverse Fortune 500 corporations design dedicated large-scale platforms to crowdsource insights and innovation across business functions."

Why use the Peopleʼs Lab crowdsourcing platform?"

Why Peopleʼs Lab?"

MSLGROUPʼs Peopleʼs Lab crowdsourcing platform comes with pre-configured applications and modes, powerful engagement features and full end-to-end support. !

Pre-configured applications""Expertise Request, Innovation Challenge, Research & Insights, Contest & Activation."

Pre-configured modes""Web/ mobile, public/ private and hosted/ white label modes for all four applications."

Engagement features""Powerful community and game thinking features and full email integration."

End-to-end support!"Custom design and development, community management and content creation."

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Four pre-configured applications"

The Peopleʼs Lab crowdsourcing platform comes with four pre-configured crowdsourcing applications, each with its own theme. "

Expertise Request!Network"Community members post requests for expertise and respond to othersʼ request by contacting them, or sharing an insight. The most popular open requests are showcased."

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Innovation Challenge Network"Moderators post innovation challenges and community members post their insights and comment/ vote on othersʼ insights. The most popular insights are showcased."

Research & Insights Network"Moderators post scenarios and community members post their stories and comment/ vote on othersʼ stories. The most popular story themes are showcased."

Contest & Activation Network"Community members post multimedia content and comment/ vote on othersʼ content. The most popular content is showcased."


Web/ mobile, public/ private and hosted/ white label modes"

The Peopleʼs Lab platform comes with pre-configured web/ mobile, public/ private and hosted/ white label modes for all four applications. "

Expertise Request !Network""Default mode can be public or private, hosted or white label. Mobile mode with email support is typically used for time-critical requests."

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Innovation Challenge Network""Default mode can be public or private, hosted or white label. Mobile mode is typically used for commenting/ voting."

Research & Insights Network""Default mode is private and hosted. Mobile mode with photo support is typically used for sharing stories on the go."

Contest & Activation!Network""Default mode is public and white label. Mobile mode is typically used for commenting/ voting."


Community features"

Photo from eelssej_ on Flickr ""

The Peopleʼs Lab platform comes pre-configured with powerful community features to enable you to engage your community members by tapping into their intrinsic social behaviors. "

Rich profiles with social integration""Community members can create rich profiles and link them to their social network profiles."

Personal and network activity streams""Community members can see their own and othersʼ actions in activity streams."

Up to four levels of participation""Community members can create scenarios, share insights, and comment/ vote on them."

Rich multimedia content!"Community members can use rich text, YouTube video embeds, image uploads and file uploads."

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Game thinking features"

Photo from ngmmemuda on Flickr""

The Peopleʼs Lab platform comes pre-configured with powerful game thinking features to enable you to engage your community members by tapping into their intrinsic motivations. "

Action points""Assign points to all actions by community members."

Leaderboards""Feature the most popular community members or content on leaderboards automatically."

Manual featuring""Feature important community members or content manually."

Coming Soon: Badges!"Reward community members with badges. "

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Administrator dashboard"

Photo from xavitalleda on Flickr""

The Peopleʼs Lab platform comes with a powerful administrator dashboard to enable you to engage your community members effortlessly."

Configure application and mode""Choose one of the four applications and the public/ private mode."

Configure design""Choose logo, banner, colours and fonts."

Configure access""Add community members and choose moderators."

Configure analytics!"Add Google Analytics tracking code. "

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Email integration"

Photo from zitona on Flickr"

The Peopleʼs Lab platform comes pre-configured with powerful email integration, to enable you to engage your community members even if they donʼt log into your community."

Daily email summaries""Admins can send daily email summaries to all community members."

Email newsletters""Admins can send blog posts or custom messages as email newsletters. "

Contact by email""Community members can contact each other privately via email."

Coming Soon: Post by email!"Community members will be able to post content by email."

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Additional optional services"

Photo from luchilu on Flickr""

The Peopleʼs Lab team offers additional optional services to provide an end-to-end crowdsourcing solution to you."

Basic setup""Set up a new network, customize design from admin dashboard, upload content and add members."

Custom design and development""Add custom themes, widgets or features to a white label network."

Community management""Moderate insights or comments and feature important community members or content manually."

Content creation!"Create original content or curate social web content to stimulate participation from community members."

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Peopleʼs Lab case studies"

Contest & Activation Network: Dell Go Green Challenge"

Source: "

In 2010, Dell India used an early version of the Peopleʼs Lab platform to create a challenge for design students and others to share ideas on how to redesign, reuse and recycle gadgets to make them go green. "

Innovation Challenge Network: MSLGROUP Innovation Catalysts Network"MSLGROUP Innovation Catalysts Network consists of 150+ MSLGROUP agency leaders, practice leaders and client leaders, who share insights with each other to co-create innovative client offerings."

Research & Insights Network: MSLGROUP Insights Network"MSLGROUP Insights Network consists of 50+ MSLGROUP thinkers and planners, who share and discuss inspiring projects on corporate citizenship, crowdsourcing and storytelling."

Expertise Request Network: MSLGROUP Crisis Network"

Source: "

MSLGROUP Crisis Network consists of 50+ MSLGROUP crisis experts across industries and geographies, who tap into each othersʼ insights in real time to help clients plan for and respond to crisis situations."

How to use the Insights Network? (Only for MSLGROUP employees)"

Step 1: Log into Peopleʼs Lab"

Note: The Innovation Catalysts Network is only open to MSLGROUP employees."

Log into the Peopleʼs Lab network by clicking on the “Login (For Members)” link at If you have forgotten your password, rest it by clicking on the “forgot password” link."

Step 2: Explore the Innovation Catalysts Network"

Note: The Innovation Catalysts Network is only open to MSLGROUP employees."

You can share insights in response to “scenarios” created by the moderators, to co-create new and innovative client offerings. You can also vote and comment on othersʼ insights."

1. Go to the public Peopleʼs Lab website."2. Go to the homepage of the private Peopleʼs Lab network."3. Read community manager blog."4. Explore most popular people and insights."5. Explore other people on the network."6.Select your network from the dropdown menu."7. Explore everyoneʼs activity on the network."8. Explore and edit your own profile.""

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Step 3: Share your own insights"

Note: The Innovation Catalysts Network is only open to MSLGROUP employees."

All Peopleʼs Lab networks have a Tumblr-like rich input interface which allows you to add your insight as text, photo, video, or link, without screenshots or embed codes."

1. Add an insight as rich text."2. Upload an image. "3. Add a YouTube link and the video is automatically embedded."4. Upload a file. "5. Add a link and the screenshot is automatically captured."

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Step 4: Vote or comment on othersʼ insights"

Note: The Innovation Catalysts Network is only open to MSLGROUP employees."

Vote or comment on othersʼ insights. These show up on the network activity stream on the homepage and the dashboard. You get points for each action. The leaderboards are compiled based on points. "

How to use the Innovation Catalysts Network? (Only for MSLGROUP employees)"

Step 1: Log into Peopleʼs Lab"

Note: The Insights Network is only open to MSLGROUP employees at this stage."

Log into the Peopleʼs Lab network by clicking on the “Login (For Members)” link at If you have forgotten your password, rest it by clicking on the “forgot password” link."

Step 2: Explore the Insights Network"

Note: The Insights Network is only open to MSLGROUP employees at this stage."

You can post “insights” on three “topics”: corporate citizenship, crowdsourcing and storytelling. You can also vote and comment on othersʼ insights."

1. Go to the public Peopleʼs Lab website."2. Go to the homepage of the private Peopleʼs Lab network."3. Read community manager blog."4. Explore most popular people and insights."5. Explore other people on the network."6.Select your network from the dropdown menu."7. Explore everyoneʼs activity on the network."8. Explore and edit your own profile."

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Step 3: Share your own insights"

Note: The Insights Network is only open to MSLGROUP employees at this stage."

All Peopleʼs Lab networks have a Tumblr-like rich input interface which allows you to add your insight as text, photo, video, or link, without screenshots or embed codes."

1. Add an insight as rich text."2. Upload an image. "3. Add a YouTube link and the video is automatically embedded."4. Upload a file. "5. Add a link and the screenshot is automatically captured."6. Attach the insight with a specific topic."

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Step 4: Vote or comment on othersʼ insights"

Note: The Insights Network is only open to MSLGROUP employees at this stage."

Vote or comment on othersʼ insights. These show up on the network activity stream on the homepage and the dashboard. You get points for each action. The leaderboards are compiled based on points. "

How to use the Crisis Network? (Only for MSLGROUP employees)"

Step 1: Log into Peopleʼs Lab"

Note: The Crisis Network is only open to MSLGROUP employees at this stage.""

Log into the Peopleʼs Lab network by clicking on the “Login (For Members)” link at If you have forgotten your password, rest it by clicking on the “forgot password” link."

Step 2: Explore the Crisis Network"

Note: The Crisis Network is only open to MSLGROUP employees at this stage."

You can post expertise “requests” related to crisis planning and response for clients, without revealing client confidential information. You can also respond to other membersʼ requests."

1. Go to the public Peopleʼs Lab website."2. Go to the homepage of the private Peopleʼs Lab network."3. Add a new expertise request."4. Read community manager blog."5. Explore most popular people and insights."6. Explore other people on the network."7.Select your network from the dropdown menu."8. Explore everyoneʼs activity on the network."9. Explore and edit your own profile.""

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Step 3: Add your own requests"

Note: The Crisis Network is only open to MSLGROUP employees at this stage."

Add your own request without revealing client confidential information, and add a location and expiration date to it. Other members can share their insights publicly, or contact you privately via email."

Step 4: Share your own insights"

Note: The Crisis Network is only open to MSLGROUP employees at this stage."

All Peopleʼs Lab networks have a Tumblr-like rich input interface which allows you to add your insight as text, photo, video, or link, without screenshots or embed codes."

1. Add an insight as rich text."2. Upload an image. "3. Add a YouTube link and the video is automatically embedded."4. Upload a file. "5. Add a link and the screenshot is automatically captured."

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Step 5: Vote or comment on othersʼ insights"

Note: The Crisis Network is only open to MSLGROUP employees at this stage."

Vote or comment on othersʼ insights. These show up on the network activity stream on the homepage and the dashboard. You get points for each action. The leaderboards are compiled based on points. "

Peopleʼs Lab insights and foresights approach "

Peopleʼs Lab insights and foresights approach "

Photo from novecentino on Flickr""

The Peopleʼs Lab crowdsourcing platform also enables our distinctive approach for distilling insights and foresight from conversations and communities."

Organic conversation analysis!"To identify themes from social web conversations."

MSLGROUPʼs own insight communities!"To track important trends over time."

Custom insight communities!""To create insights to solve a specific problem."

Deep dive ethnographic research ""To tie together insights via immersion into communities."

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Read Peopleʼs Lab insights and foresights"

Source: "

The Peopleʼs Lab team shares insights and foresights from the MSLGROUP Insights Network on the Peopleʼs Insights weekly blog and the Peopleʼs Lab Quarterly magazine."

MSLGROUP Insights Network" 50+ MSLGROUP planners share and discuss inspiring projects on corporate citizenship, crowdsourcing and storytelling."

Peopleʼs Insights weekly blog" We do a deep dive into conversations around one project -- on the MSLGROUP Insights Network itself but also on the broader social web -- to distill insights and foresights. "

Peopleʼs Lab Quarterly magazine""Every quarter, we will compile the best insights from the network and the blog in the iPad-friendly magazine, as a showcase of our capabilities."

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For more, see: "