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Work from September to December 2011


M. S. O

Meera Shakti Osborne


September to December

. A boat

. Calvino

. Thick Light

. Artist Statement

. Index

A Boat


Thick Light

I am interested in the space around my pieces of work, what effects do they have on their setting and what effects has my hands had on them.

The initial stage of production in my art is vital; it requires capturing the source of my inspiration. After I have discovered the essence of my work-to-be, I like to go through a process of recreation until I reach a conclusion – my final piece should contain the fundamental nature of my original idea, albeit entirely personal.

The aim for my artwork is to create a dialectical response, I want the process of my works to stay my own, thus allowing the viewer to question what they see and perhaps question themselves at the same time.


A boat.

For the past two years I have travelled only by land. Through this decision I have gained a great appreciation for distance connecting to time.

Arriving in Barcelona is my identity. I came here with the need to build, to use my hands and work physically. I wanted to start straight away so, as I don’t fly I decided to build a boat.

As my boat grew I realised that she no longer had to float. So instead I wanted to make her heavy so she would sink, a sort of oxymoron, as actually she would fly. I cast my boat in cement, a heavy industrial material that is wonderfully tactile to use. The process of making without preconceived ideas about the finished piece has been completely consuming, and for me the finished piece holds little importance to the project as a whole.


Marcovaldo is a character in a novel by Italo Calvino. He lives in the city. He is overcome with a desire to be im-mersed not with concrete and artificial light, but with the night’s sky, with green and with the growth from the earth.

In this work I want to convey Marcovaldo’s desperation for finding the little bits of nature that come up through the cracks in the city streets. This piece is rapid and intermittent, creating the rhythm of the ever-changing growth of a city.

Thick Light.

I started by making circles, using my finger directly on to paper. The relationship with my body and my work has been central in this project.

I wanted my piece to physically touch the viewer, thus it becoming about your body too, and light touches you all over.

Light projected through latex, an almost skin like medium, gives a weight to something normally weightless. I want my piece to have the essence of a motionless theatre, a theatre of light.

Meera Shakti Osborne
