Mt Roskill (Puketapapa) Historical Society newsletter (June 2016)

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Issue 3 Volume 5 June 2016

MT ROSKILL (Puketapapa)HISTORICAL SOCIETY NewsletterFrom the Editor:In the next few issues we will look at Rev Percy Scott Smallfield and his involvementwith the Pah Homestead and the surrounding area. It is he that we must thank for he!hare "uilding at the Pah Homestead. #uring $ay there were real concerns that this"uilding may have "een demolished "ut thanks to efforts "y the Puketa%a%a &ocal'oard the "uilding will ho%efully "e restored. his will involve the esta"lishment of atrust to fundraise and oversee the work similar to what ha%%ened with the old(nehunga School "uilding.

From the President!hat a great month $ay was. !e co)hosted* with +vondale,!aterview* the - HistoryFederation conference / +0$* at +l"erton. Everyone who attended said it was one ofthe "est they had "een to. I would %articularly like to thank $argaret and Ro"ert ingand +nneli orrance for the wonderful 1o" they did in making sure everyone were wellfed.'y far our "iggest success in $ay was the "attle to %rotect he !hare at the Pah Homestead. It haslong "een our goal to see this "uilding restored and "ecome %art of an historic three "uilding %recinctincluding the Pah Homestead and the Sta"les. !e look forward to "eing involved in this wonderful%ro1ect.!ork continues on entering data on to the Roskill2s Peo%le #ata"ase with the num"erof references to 3456)3756 residents %assing 89*666 entries. his is a long term %ro1ectthat will %rovide a wonderful local resource for %eo%le doing historical and genealogicalresearch.

CATCH UP WITH US ON SOCIAL MEDIAPlease !"#t$#ue t" !%e!k "ut t%e &a!e'""k pa e *eta$ls 'el"w+

O# Tw$tter " t" www+tw$tter,R"sk$llHer$ta eO# &a!e'""k " t" %ttps-,,www+.a!e'""k+!"/,R"sk$lls Pe"ple01230424

HISTORICAL SOCIETY &I5+vondale,!aterview Historical Society,$t Roskill Puketa%a%a; Historical Society+t St -inians* St 0eorge2s Road o%%osite the Hollywood <inema.;Combined Avondale-Waterview HS/Mt Roskill (Puketapapa) HS talks:June 4 2pm —Dinah Holman, “A History of Crime” Dinah will be talking about her histori al no!elthat is all about "homas #ussell $%ah &arm owner' an( his powerful asso iates) *ingling timelessthemes of misun(erstan(ing an( betrayal, A History of Crime interwea!es real an( fi tional rimes in+ th entury -.) "his talk is one not to be misse( by *t #oskill $%uketapapa' members)Aug *eeting (etails will be forwar(e( by email prior to meeting)

+ll $t Roskill Puketa%a%a; Historical mem"ers are encouraged to attend the #inah

Holman talk as it is %articularly relevant to our history..

Re6+ Per!7 S!"tt SMALL&IELD

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HE <=<&(PE#I+ (F -E! E+&+-# >+?<@&+-# PR(AI-<I+& #IS RI< B

/f anyone has (ri!en through the ol( "hree 0ings 1state near Count(own you woul( ha!e

tra!elle( (own mallfiel( treet) Just how (i( this street get its name3 /f you li!e( in #oskillin the + 5s an( then from + 52 for the ne6t thirty years the name mallfiel( woul( ha!e been !ery familiar to you) %er y ott mallfiel( playe( a !ery prominent part in the affairsof our ommunity)

"he e6tra t below from The Cyclopedia of -ew .ealan( re!eals (etails for him 7ust prior tohis arri!al at the %ah Homestea( in + 52)

Tutor of St. John's Theological College and Head Master of St. John's School for Boys, wasorn at Auc!land in "#$#, eing the eldest son of Mr. %cta&ius Smallfield of that city. The

re&erend gentleman was educated at the Church of ngland (rammar School, )arnell, andat St. John's College, Tama!i, where he was a *oundation Scholar. He then started teachingunder the Auc!land Board of ducation and ecame head master at Mt. den district school,where he remained three years. Afterwards he entered the ministry of the Church of ngland,and was ordained deacon in "##+ and priest in "## , y the present primate. -n "##+, he wasappointed curate at Bom ay and held that cure until "## . He afterwards ecame curate of

llerslie/cum/ psom, and later at St. Al ans, Mt. 0os!ill. -n "#1", Mr. Smallfield ecamehead master of the school for oys at St. John's College, and in "#1 , tutor of St. John'sTheological College.

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/n + 5+ #e!) %er y *A88&/18D lease( the %ah Homestea( an( establishe( t John9s Collegiatehool) He brought with him from t John9s College, *ea(owbank the buil(ing known as "he :hare

whi h still stan(s ne6t to the %ah Homestea() /n + +2 the lease was not renewe( an( t John9Collegiate amalgamate( with 0ing9s College)

E#?<+ I(-+& )") J;H-< C;881=/A"1 CH;;8 >"H1 %AH> ?$-ear ;nehunga'

A @;A#D/-= A-D DA CH;;8 &;# @; )Hea(master) "H1 #1B) %) *A88&/18D)&irst Assistant *aster) #) 8) * /8#; ) *)A), -).) ni!ersity,

e on( Assistant *aster #) 1) HA88 @)A), -).) ni!ersity)

"hir( Assistant *aster H) H) @1D&;#D, -).) ni!ersityBisiting *asters&or %iano #) 81 8/1 8 -"&or Biolin A) 8) 0#1 ".1#

&or ket hing 01--1"H :A"0/-&or =ymnasti s :) *) CA##;88;A %1C/A8 @ runs morning an( e!ening, onne ting with the ;nehunga "ram for the

on!enien e of Day %upils) %rospe tuses may be ba( at the Dio esan ;ffi e, hortlan(Estreet, at the@ooksellers or on appli ation to the Hea(master) Auckland Star C Danuary 376

St Dohn2s <ollegiate Staff

NZ Graphic , 21 November 1903, Sir George G rey S pecial Collections, Auckland Libraries

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NZ Graphic , 21 November 1903, Sir George G rey S pecial Collections, Auckland Libraries

/n the ne6t isuue we will learn more about the life of %er y ott mallfiel()

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE- HIS (R= FE#ER+ I(- e @otahitanga o nga Hitori o +otearoa;."he &e(eration Conferen e an( A=* pro!e( to be !ery su essful) :e began the weeken(, on &ri(ay

night at 0in(er House in %arnell) John :ebster ga!e an e6 ellent talk on the history of the property)"he ne6t (ay we mo!e( to Alberton for the A=* followe( by the onferen e) @oth 8isa an( =arth presente( informati!e papers) ;n the atur(ay night we ha( (inner followe( by a mo!ie at #y(er9s"heatre in A!on(ale an( the weeken( on lu(e( un(ay morning at the Cerami *useum in -ew8ynn) =arth was please( his resolution to in lu(e a *aori translation of the name was a(opte() "henew name is printe( abo!e)

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HISTORICAL SOCIETY CONTACT DETAILSJOINING INFORMATION One year subscription: $10Mt Roskill (Puketapapa) Historical SocietyMembership Officer arth Houltham1! Mc"lroy # enue% Hillsborou&h% #ucklan' 10 * COMMITTEE DETAILS

Presi'ent+,reasurer+Membership arth Houltham-ice.Presi'ent: /isa ,ruttmanMinutes Secretary: Mar&aret ,in&

e sletter: arth Houltham*

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2ommittee: 3oanne ra es% 3ohn #'am% /eonie /eman% Peter Mc2onnellan' #nneli ,orrance

If anyone knows people who might be interesting in joining our Society please forward this newsletter on to them by email or forward their details to our

Membership Officer.