M.tech.(Electrical Power Systems) Full Time 2009-10

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Govt. College of Engineering, Amravati

GOVERNMENT COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AMRAVATI(An autonomous institute of government of Maharashtra)



Department of Electrical Engineering2009-

Modified on 10-12-08

Govt. College of Engineering, Amravati


Course Code

Name of the Course

Teaching SchemeEvaluation Scheme

CreditsTheory Practical

TotalTheory Hrs /week

Tutorial Hrs/week

Practical Hrs/week

Total TA CT1 CT2 ESE Internal External

Sem IEP101 Power System Stability and Dynamics 3 1 -- 4 10 15 15 60 -- -- 100 4

EP102 Advance Power System Protection 3 1 -- 4 10 15 15 60 -- -- 100 4EP103 Advanced Digital Signal Processing 3 1 -- 4 10 15 15 60 -- -- 100 4EP104 Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3 1 -- 4 10 15 15 60 -- -- 100 4

EP105 Elective – I 3 1 -- 4 10 15 15 60 -- -- 100 4EP106 Lab Practice -I -- -- 8 8 -- -- -- -- 50 50 100 4EP107 Seminar-I -- -- 2 2 -- -- -- -- 25 -- 25 1

Total 15 5 10 30 50 150   300 75 50 625 25

Sem IIEP201 FACTS and Power Quality 3 1 -- 4 10 15 15 60 -- -- 100 4EP202 Power System Optimization 3 1 -- 4 10 15 15 60 -- -- 100 4EP203 High voltage Transmission 3 1 -- 4 10 15 15 60 -- -- 100 4

EP204 Elective – II 3 1 -- 4 10 15 15 60 -- -- 100 4EP205 Elective -III 3 1 -- 4 10 15 15 60 -- -- 100 4EP206 Lab Practice- II -- -- 8 8 -- -- -- -- 50 50 100 4

EP207 Seminar -II -- -- 2 2 -- -- -- -- 25 -- 25 1

Total 15 5 10 30 50 150   300 75 50 625 25

Sem IIIEP301 Seminar-III * & Dissertation Phase I --- --- 8 8 --- --- --- --- 100 --- 100 10

Total --- --- 8 8 --- --- --- --- 100 --- 100 10

Sem IVEP401 Dissertation Phase II --- --- 8 8 --- --- --- --- 100 200 300 30

Total --- --- 8 8 --- --- --- --- 100 200 300 30

TA :Techer Assesment CT: Class Tests ESE: End Sem.Examination

Modified on 10-12-08

Govt. College of Engineering, Amravati

* Seminar III will be introduction to Dissertation Topic

Modified on 10-12-08

Govt. College of Engineering, Amravati

EP101 POWER SYSTEM STABILITY AND DYNAMICSTeaching Scheme : 03 L + 01 T Total 04 Credit : 05

Marking Scheme: 15 CT1 + 15 CT2 +10 TA+ 60 ESE Total Marks :100Duration of ESE : 2 Hrs.30 min.

Concept of Power System Dynamics And Stability: Types of stability, stability of synchronous machine, factors affecting stability and recent trends in improving stability, tie line oscillations.Large disturbance Stability: System of one machine connected against infinite bus, classical model, and equal area criteria technique and its applications, precalculated swing curve, Evaluation and simulationSmall disturbance Stability: Two-machine system with and without losses, techniques for S.S.S.limit, effect of inertia, saliency, saturation, governor action and SCR on SS power limit.Excitation System: Effect of excitation system on generator power limit, transformation model of excitation system, dynamic stability, Routh’s criteria for dynamic stability, self excited electro-mechanical oscillations in Power System, power system stabilizerMultimachine Stability: Machine representation by classical model, voltage stability, angular stability, method of analysis of stability of power system.Prime mover controllers: Control of Voltage, frequency, SCADA for stability, tie line power flow, emergency control techniques for stability. Application of energy functions for direct stability evaluation

Books Recommended:

1. Power System stability and Control, P.Kunder , McGraw Hill, New York 20062. Power System Stability , E.W.Kimbark, Vol 1 and ,3, Dover Publications- 20043. Power System Dynamics, Stability and Control , K.R.Padiyar Interline Publishers, -2003 4. Power System Control and Stability , P.M Anderson and A.A. Fouad - McGraw Hill-20045. http://www.nptel.iitm.ac.in/ 6. www.ocw.mit.edu

Modified on 10-12-08

Govt. College of Engineering, Amravati


Teaching Scheme : 03 L + 01 T Total 04 Credit : 05Marking Scheme: 15 CT1 + 15 CT2 +10 TA+ 60 ESE Total Marks :100

Duration of ESE : 2 Hrs.30 min.

Introduction: Review of principles of power system equipments protection, basic relay elements and relay terminology, basic construction of static relays protection, Characteristic function of protective relays. Protection of Power Equipments: Protection of generators and power Transformers for various types of fault, problems in differential protection and various remedies. Transmission line and Bus-bar Protection : Bus protection, typical bus arrangements, various protective scheme for T.L. and bus systems, , distance protection for phase faults , Fault resistance and relaying Backup remote local and Breaker failure.

Protection Of Reactors, Boosters & Capacitors : Placement of reactors in power system, Types of reactors, reactor rating application and protection, booster in the power system, transformer tap changing, protection of boosters, capacitors in an interconnected power system, series, shunt, series -shunt connections , protection of capacitors.

Digital Protection : Performance and operational characteristics of Digital protection, performance of digital relay, Digital filtering in protection relays, digital data transmission, Numeric relay hardware and software considerations, relay algorithms, distance relays, direction comparison relays, differential relays, numeric relay testing, concepts of modern coordinated control system.

Over voltage Protection: Types of over voltages and various causes, criteria for protective techniques against over voltage and protective scheme design considerations.

Books Recommended:

1. Digital protection for power system , A.T.Jones asnd S.K.Salman, PHI -20032. Power System Protection and switchgear, Badri Ram Tata McgrawHill Publications -20063. Fundamentals of power systems Protection .,Y.G.Paithankar, S.R.Bhide PHI Publications -20044. Art and Science of Protective Relaying , Masons. - McgrawHill Publications -20035. http://www.nptel.iitm.ac.in/ 6. www.ocw.mit.edu

Modified on 10-12-08

Govt. College of Engineering, Amravati

EP103 ADVANCED DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSINGTeaching Scheme : 03 L + 01 T Total 04 Credit : 05Marking Scheme: 15 CT1 + 15 CT2 +10 TA+ 60 ESE Total Marks :100Duration of ESE : 2 Hrs.30 min.

Signals and Signal Processing : Characterization and classification of signals, Typical signal processing operations , Typical signal processing applications , Advantages of digital signal processing

Time Domain Representations of Signals and Systems: Discrete time signals Operations on sequences, Discrete time systems Linear time invariant discrete time systems , Characterization of LTI systems

Transform domain representation of signals and systems : The discrete time Fourier transform , The frequency response , The transfer function ,Discrete Fourier series ,Discrete Fourier transform , Computation of DFT , Linear convolution using DFT ,The z-transform , The region of convergence of z-transform

Structures for discrete time systems : Block diagram and signal flow representation of constant coefficient , linear difference equation, Basic structures for IIR systems ,Basic structures for FIR systems ,Lattice structures , Effects of coefficient quantization , Effect of round off noise in digital filters , Zero-input limit cycles

Filter Design Techniques: Design of discrete time IIR filters from continuous time filters, Design of FIR filters by windowing, Optimum approximation of FIR filters, Linear phase filters

Sampling of continuous time signals : Periodic sampling, Frequency domain representation of sampling, Reconstruction of bandlimited signal from its samples, Discrete time processing of continuous time signals, Continuous time processing of discrete time signals, Changing the sampling rate using discrete time processing

Books Recommended:

1. Digital Signal processing A computer Based Approach , S.K.Mitra; Third Edition, McGraw Hill 20072. Digital Signal Processing , Proakis and Manolakis; Third Edition ; Pearson Eduaction 20063. Analog and Digital Signal Processing , Ashok Ambardar Thomson Learning 20074. http://www.nptel.iitm.ac.in/ 5. www.ocw.mit.edu

Modified on 10-12-08

Govt. College of Engineering, Amravati

EP104 ADVANCE ENGINEERING MATHEMATICSTeaching Scheme : 03 L + 01 T Total 04 Credit : 05

Marking Scheme: 15 CT1 + 15 CT2 +10 TA+ 60 ESE Total Marks :100Duration of ESE : 2 Hrs.30 min.

Review of Linear Equations: System of linear equations, row reduction and echelon form, vector equations, solutions sets of linear systems, linear independence, linear transformation, matrix of linear transformation.

Review of Determinants And Matrix Algebra: Inverse of matrix, characterization of invertible matrices, portioned matrices, matrix factorization, iterative solution of linear systems, determinants, properties of determinants, Cramer’s rule

Vector Spaces: Vector spaces and subspaces, null spaces, column spaces and linear transformations, linearly independent sets ; bases, coordinate systems, The dimensions of vector space. Change of bases, application to difference equations.

Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors: Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, the characteristics equation, diagonalization, eigenvectors and linear transformation, complex eigenvalues, discrete dynamical systems, applications to differential equations.

Orthogonality and Least-Squares: Inner product, length and orthogonality, orthogonal sets, orthogonal projections, Gram-Schmidt process, least square problems, inner product spaces, applications of inner product spaces.Symmetric Matrices And Quadratic Forms: Diagonalization of symmetric matrices, quadratic forms, singular value decomposition, applications

Books Recommended:1. Linear algebra and its application; D.C.Lay , 3/e ; Addison Wesley; 20042. Linear Algebra with applications ; Nicholson, McGraw Hill; 20043. http://www.nptel.iitm.ac.in/ 4. www.ocw.mit.edu

Modified on 10-12-08

Govt. College of Engineering, Amravati


Teaching Scheme : 03 L + 01 T Total 04 Credit : 05Marking Scheme: 15 CT1 + 15 CT2 +10 TA+ 60 ESE Total Marks :100

Duration of ESE : 2 Hrs.30 min.

Introduction : Basic Concepts of Neural Network, brain as a NN, properties of neuron, supervised and unsupervised models, layers in a network, single layer and multilayer feed forward network, recurrent networks, learning and training, learning rules (unsupervised and supervised learning laws).

Hopfield Model: basic model, cellular neural networks, perceptron, introduction to adaptive resonance theory, network for ART-1 and ART-2, Kohoran map, training law.

Training: Training of multilayer feed-forward network by backpropagation, training aspects and variations of backpropagation method, backpropagation as stochastic approximation, counter propagation network, radial basis function networks.

Fuzzy Set Theory : fuzzy versus crisps, crisps sets, fuzzy sets – membership function, basic fuzzy set operations, properties of fuzzy sets, crisps relations, fuzzy relations.

Fuzzy Systems : crisps logic, laws and inference in propositional logic, predicate logic, interpretation of predicate logic formula, inference in predicate logic, fuzzy logic, fuzzy quantifiers, fuzzy inference, fuzzy rule based system, defuzzification method.

Fuzzy Control Systems: Introduction, simple fuzzy logic controllers with examples, special forms of fuzzy logic models, classical fuzzy control problems . inverter pendulum . Image processing . home heating system . Adaptive fuzzy systems, hybrid systems. Books Recommended:

1. Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithms – Synthesis and Applications , S. Rajasekaran & G.A. Vijayalakshmi Pai Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited.-2005

2. Neural Networks – Algorithms and Applications, M. Anand Rao & J. Srinivas Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi.-2006

3. Fundamentals of Neural Networks, Architectures, Algorithms and Applications, Laurene Fausett Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs-2005.

4. Artificial Neural Networks – Theory and Applications , Patterson Dan W Prentice Hall.-2006 5. A course in Fuzzy Systems and Control , Li-Xin Wang Prentice Hall-20046. Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Engineering , Nikola K. Kasabov, MIT press

-20067. http://www.nptel.iitm.ac.in/ 8. www.ocw.mit.edu


Modified on 10-12-08

Govt. College of Engineering, Amravati


Teaching Scheme : 03 L + 01 T Total 04 Credit : 05Marking Scheme: 15 CT1 + 15 CT2 +10 TA+ 60 ESE Total Marks :100

Duration of ESE : 2 Hrs.30 min.

FACTS Concept and General System Considerations:- Transmission Interconnections, Flow of Power in an AC System, Loading Capability, Power Flow and Dynamic Stability Considerations of a Transmission Interconnection, Relative Importance of Controllable Parameters.

Basic Types of FACTS Controllers: Brief Description and Definitions of FACTS Controllers, Benefits from FACTS Technology, HVDC vs. FACTS Static Shunt Compensators

SVC and STATCOM: Objectives of Shunt Compensation, Methods of Controllable Var Generation, Static Var Compensators: SVC and STATCOM, Comparison Between STATCOM and SVC, Static Var Systems. Static Series Compensators (GCSC, TSSC, TCSC and SSSC): Objectives of Series Compensation, Variable Impedance Type Series Compensators, Switching Converter Type Series Compensators, External (System) Control for Series Reactive Compensators, Summary of Characteristics and Features.

Static Voltage and Phase Angle Regulators: (TCVR and TCPAR): Objectives of Voltage and Phase Angle Regulators, Approaches to Thyristor-Controlled Voltage and Phase Angle Regulators (TCVRs and TCPARs), Switching Converter-Based Voltage and Phase Angle Regulators, Hybrid Phase Angle Regulators.

Combined Compensators:- Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) and Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC), Introduction, The Unified Power Flow Controller, The Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC), Generalized and Multifunctional FACTS Controllers.

Books Recommended:

1. Understanding FACTS , N.G. Hingorani IEEE Press, 19992. Flexible AC transmission systems ( FACTS ) , Yong Hua Song IEE Press, 19993. Power Electronic Control in Electrical Systems , E. Acha, V.G. Agelidis, O. Anaya-Lara, T. J.E. Miller

Newnes Power Engineering Series, Oxford, 20024. http://www.nptel.iitm.ac.in/ 5. www.ocw.mit.edu

Modified on 10-12-08

Govt. College of Engineering, Amravati


Teaching Scheme : 03 L + 01 T Total 04 Credit : 05Marking Scheme: 15 CT1 + 15 CT2 +10 TA+ 60 ESE Total Marks :100

Duration of ESE : 2 Hrs.30 min.

Introduction: Graph of a power system, incidence matrices, primitive network, formation of network matrices by singular and non singular transformation, Representation of power system for computerized analysis, mathematical model of synchronous generator for steady state and transient analysis, transformer with tap changer, transmission line, phase shifter and loads.Algorithm for formation of bus impedance matrix, modification for changes in the network. Incidence and network matrices for three phase network, transformation matrices, algorithm for formation of bus impedance matrix for three phase networks.

Short Circuit Studies: Symmetrical component, Thevenin’s theorem and short circuit analysis of multi node power systems using bus impedance matrix. Short circuit calculations for balanced and unbalanced faults.

Load Flow Analysis: Types of buses, load flow equations, power flow solution through GS and NR methods, decoupled and fast decoupled methods, sparsity.

Transient stability Analysis: including synchronous machines, system network and loads, solution of swing equation by Euler’s, Euler’s modified and RK methods.

Economic Load Scheduling : unit commitment, transmission loss, load scheduling considering transmission losses, unit commitment by dynamic programming method, start up consideration, reliability analysis, hydrothermal scheduling.

Books Recommended:

1. Computer Methods in Power System Analysis , G.W. Stagg & A.H.El-Abiad McGraw Hill 20032. Computer Aided Analysis of Sower System , Kusis, PHI-20063. Modern Power System Analysis (3rd Edn.) , Kothari & Nagrath TMH.-20044. Power System Analysis , Hadi Saadat TMH-20045. Advanced Power System Analysis and Dynamics, L. P. Singh WEL-2002.6. http://www.nptel.iitm.ac.in/ 7. www.ocw.mit.edu

Modified on 10-12-08

Govt. College of Engineering, Amravati


Teaching Scheme: 03 L + 01 T Total 04 Credit: 05Marking Scheme: 15 CT1 + 15 CT2 +10 TA+ 60 ESE Total Marks: 100Duration of ESE : 2 Hrs.30 min.

Review of Electric Drives: Classification, Comparison of AC and DC drives, Basic elements, Torque equation, Multi-quadrant operation, Equivalent values of drive parameters, components of load torque, Stability consideration, closed loop control of drives, Thermal model of motor for Heating and Cooling, Classes of Duty.

DC Drives: Half controlled, full controlled and dual converter based separately excited dc motor drives and their analysis. Effect of source and load inductance. DC-DC converter (Chopper) fed dc series motor drives and its steady state analysis.

Induction Motor Drives: Review of induction motor equivalent circuit, Effect of voltage, frequency and stator current on performance of the machine, effect of harmonics, harmonic equivalent circuit, dynamic d-q model, derivations of commonly used induction motor models, scalar control of induction motor.

Synchronous Motor Drives: Review of synchronous motor fundamentals, equivalent circuit, Dynamic d-q model, Synchronous motors variable speed drives.

Special Drives: Brushless / Commutatorless dc motor drives: Configuration, modes of operation and analysis. Switched Reluctance motor drives: Configuration, converters, modes of operation and analysis.

Special Topics: Measures of energy conservation in electrical drives.Introduction to the fundamental principles of torque controlled drives: Vector controlled, Direct torque controlled and Sensorless drives.

Books Recommended:

1. Fundamentals of Electrical Drives by G. K. Dubey Narosa Publishing House, 1995.2. Electric Drives-Concepts and Applications by V.Subrahmanyam, TMH, 1994.3. Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives by B.K.Bose Pearson Education, Asia, 20034. Power Electronics and Variable Frequency Drives by B.K.Bose Standard Pub, 2000.5. Thyristor DC Drives by P.C.Sen John Wiley & Sons, 1981.6. Power Electronic Control of AC Motors by JMD Murphy & FG Turnbull Pergamon Press,1988.7. Power Semiconductor Controlled Drives by G.K. Dubey PH Int., 19898. Electric Motor Drives: Modeling, Analysis and Control R. Krishnan Pearson Edu.,1998.9. Sensor less Vector and Direct Torque Control P. Vas Oxford Press, 1998.10.Analysis of Thyristor Power Conditioned Motors by S.K.Pilley University Press, 1992.11.http://www.nptel.iitm.ac.in/ 12.www.ocw.mit.edu

Modified on 10-12-08

Govt. College of Engineering, Amravati


Teaching Scheme : 03 L + 01 T Total 04 Credit : 05Marking Scheme: 15 CT1 + 15 CT2 +10 TA+ 60 ESE Total Marks :100

Duration of ESE : 2 Hrs.30 min.

Introduction : Basic concept and simple switching transient, Transients in electric power systems switching of RL, LC, RLC circuits, Transient analysis for 3 phase Power System-Sequence network, Sequence component for unbalanced network impedance, Analysis of unsymmetrical 3 phase faults

Traveling waves : Internal and external causes of over voltages, Lightning strokes, Mathematical model to represent lightning, Lightening stroke to tower and midspan, Traveling waves in transmission lines, Circuits with distributed constants, Wave equations, Reflection and refraction of traveling waves, Traveling waves at different line terminations, Effect of short length of cables, Shape and attenuation and distortion of traveling waves, Selection of typical wave to represent over voltages, Lattice diagram

Switching Transients: Switching transients, The circuit closing transient, The recovery transient initiated by the removal of the short circuit, Double frequency transients, Abnormal switching transients, Current suppression, Capacitance switching, Arcing, Transformer inrush current, Ferro resonance, Neutral connections, Transients in switching a three phase reactor, Three phase capacitor, The short line fault

Surges In Transformers, Motors And Generators: Step voltage, Voltage distribution in transformer winding, Winding oscillations, Traveling wave solutions, Transformer core under surge conditions, Voltage surges, Transformers, Generators and motors, Transient parameter values for transformers.

Switching Arc , Protective devices and system :The switching arc and its modeling, arc circuit interruption, origin of transient recovery voltage, transient recovery voltage for different types of faults, Basic ideas about protection, Surge diverters, Surge absorbers, Ground fault neutralizers, Protection of lines and stations by shielding, Ground wires, Counter poises, Driven rods, Modern lighting arrestors, Insulation coordination

Generation and Measurement of High Voltages And Current : Generation of high AC and DC voltage, Impulse voltage, Impulse current, Measurement using Sphere gaps peak Voltmeters , Potential dividers ,measurement set-up for transient voltage and current .

Books Recommended:

1. A statistical approach to power system transients, Dr.C.S.Indulkar ,PHI-2006 2. Transients in Power Systems –Lou Van der Sluis, John Wiley & sons -20033. Transient Phenomenon in Electrical Power System-V.A.Venikov,McMillan Publications-20054. Power System Grounding and transients:An Introduction ,A.P.Sakis Meliopoulos,Marcel Dekker-20055. http://www.nptel.iitm.ac.in/ 6. www.ocw.mit.edu

Modified on 10-12-08

Govt. College of Engineering, Amravati

EP106 LAB-ITeaching Scheme : 08 P + 00 Total 08 Credit : 04Marking Scheme: 50 Internal + 50 External Total Marks :10

Introduction to MATLAB: variables and arrays, sub arrays, special values, scalar and array operations, graphics, rational and logical operators, branching if and switch cases, loops , while loop, for loop , script files, function functions, sub function and private functions.Linear algebra with MATLAB: solution of linear differential equations, difference equations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, Fourier analysis, Laplace and z transforms with symbolic math toolbox, partial fraction expansion Introduction to Simulink : Symbolic math, control and signal processing toolboxesIt should consist of various Practical/Simulation assignments related to all Core subjects and ElectivesRepresentative List of Experiments:

1. To obtain swing equation for a synchronous machine connected to infinite bus.

2. To obtain power angle curve for one machine system before fault, during fault and after

clearance of fault using Equal Area Criteria.

3. Study of Unit Commitment and Load Scheduling.4. Transient Stability Analysis using

1) Euler’s Method

2) Euler’s Modified Method

5. Transient stability analysis using RK2 and RK4 Method.

6. Conversion of phase quantities to symmetrical quantities and symmetrical quantities to phase quantities.

7. To generate scaling function and wavelet from the ‘h’ filter.

8. Illustration of simple interpolation and decimation operations.

9. Visit Report on 220/132 KV substation, Amravati.10. Visit Report on protection scheme available in 220/132 KV substation

Modified on 10-12-08

Govt. College of Engineering, Amravati

EP107 SEMINAR ITeaching Scheme : 02 P + 00 Total 02 Credit : 01Marking Scheme: 25 Internal Total Marks :25

Seminar on any technical subject other than above syllabus

EP201 FACTS AND POWER QUALITYTeaching Scheme : 03 L + 01 T Total 04 Credit : 04Marking Scheme: 15 CT1 + 15 CT2 +10 TA+ 60 ESE Total Marks :100Duration of ESE : 2 Hrs.30 min.

Steady state and dynamics problems in AC systems, Flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS), principles of series shunt compensation, description of static var compensation (SVC),thyristor controlled series compensation (TCSC), static phase shifter (SPS),static condenser (STATCON),static synchronous series compensator (SSSC) and unified power flow controller(UPSC),modeling and analysis of FACTS controllers, control strategies to improve system stability. Power quality problems in distribution systems, Harmonics, Harmonics creating loads, modeling, Harmonics propagation, series and parallel resonance, harmonic power flow, mitigation of harmonics, filters, active filters, shunt and series hybrid filters, voltage sag and swells, voltage flicker, mitigation of power quality problems using power electronics conditioners, IEEE standards.

Books Recommended:

1. Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems., N.G. Hingorani & L. Gyugyi IEEE Press, 2000..

2. Reactive Power Control in Electric Systems , T.J.E Miller John Wiley & Sons -2005 3. Power Electronics, Ned Mohan John Wiley and Sons -20034. http://www.nptel.iitm.ac.in/ 5. www.ocw.mit.edu

Modified on 10-12-08

Govt. College of Engineering, Amravati

EP202 POWER SYSTEM OPTIMIZATIONTeaching Scheme : 03 L + 01 T Total 04 Credit : 04Marking Scheme: 15 CT1 + 15 CT2 +10 TA+ 60 ESE Total Marks :100Duration of ESE : 2 Hrs.30 min.

Introduction To Optimization And Classical Optimization Techniques: Single variable optimization, multivariable optimization without constraints, multivariable optimization with equality constraints, multivariable optimization with inequality constraints.

Linear Programming Problem: Standard form, simplex method, two phase simplex method, duality, dual simplex method, sensitivity analysis, decomposition principle, transportation problem.

Non-Linear Programming Problem: Unimodal function, elimination methods – unrestricted search, Fibonacci method, golden section method, direct search method – random and grid search methods, indirect search methods – steepest descent and conjugate gradient method.

Dynamic Programming: Multistage decision process, concept of suboptimization and principle of optimality, conversion of final value problem into an initial value problem, LP as a case of dynamic programming.

Genetic Algorithm : introduction to genetic algorithm, working principle, coding of variables, fitness function, GA operators, similarities and differences between GA and traditional methods, unconstrained and constrained optimization using GA.

Applications To Power System: economic load dispatch in thermal and hydro thermal system using GA, unit commitment problem, reactive power optimization, LPP and NLP techniques to optimal flow problems.

Books Recommended:

1. Optimization – Theory and Applications , S. S. Rao Wiley Eastern Ltd.-20072. Operations Research , Hiller and Liberman McGraw Hill Publishing.-20053. Power System Optimization, Kothari and Dhillon PHI -20044. Optimization for Engineering Design – Algorithms and Examples , Kalyanmoy Deb Prentice-Hall of India

Private Limited.-20045. Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning , D. E. Goldberg

Addison-Wesley Reading, Mass.-20046. http://www.nptel.iitm.ac.in/ 7. www.ocw.mit.edu


Modified on 10-12-08

Govt. College of Engineering, Amravati

Teaching Scheme : 03 L + 01 T Total 04 Credit : 04Marking Scheme: 15 CT1 + 15 CT2 +10 TA+ 60 ESE Total Marks :100Duration of ESE : 2 Hrs.30 min.

Extra High Voltage AC Transmission: Introduction to EHV-AC transmission, transmission line trends & preliminary aspects, standard transmission voltages-power handling capacities and line losses-mechanical aspects. Electrostatic field of EHV lines, electric shock & threshold currents, capacitance of long object, Effect of Electrostatic field on Human, Animal & Plants, Corona effects- power loss & audio noise, audible noise, radio interference, Attenuation of travelling waves due to corona loss, limits for audible noise. Over Voltages in EHV System: origin & causes, over voltage caused by switching operations, over voltage caused by interruption of low inductive current, over voltage caused by interruption of capacitive currents, ferro-resonance overvoltage Power frequency voltage control , shunt & series compensation

Lightning: Lightning strokes, Mathematical model to represent lightning, Lightening stroke to tower and mid span, Insulation coordination based on lightning.

Traveling waves in transmission lines: Circuits with distributed constants, Wave equations, Reflection and refraction of traveling waves, Traveling waves at different line terminations, Effect of short length of cables, Shape and attenuation and distortion of traveling waves, Selection of typical wave to represent over voltages, Lattice diagram

High Voltage DC Transmission: DC Power Transmission Technology: Introduction, comparison of AC & DC Transmission, application of DC transmission, Description of DC transmission systems, planning & modern trends.

Analysis of HVDC Converters : 3-pulse, 6-pulse,12-pulse converters , converters station and terminal equipment , commutation process, rectifier & inverter operation, equivalent circuit for converters , simplified analysis of Graetz circuit Control of Converters.

HVDC System Control: Firing angle control, Current and extinction angle control, starting and stopping of DC link, power control, higher level Controllers, Converter faults and protection: Introduction, Converter faults, protection against over current, over voltage in a converter station, surge arrestors. Smoothing reactor, Harmonics and filters.

Multi Terminal DC Systems: Potential applications of MTDC systems, types of system, operation & control and protection of MTDC systems.  Parallel operation of HVDC and HVAC

Books Recommended:

1. Extra High Voltage AC Transmission Engineering, Rakosh Das Begamudre, New Age International(P) Ltd. 2003

2. EHV Transmission Line Reference Book – Edison Electric Institute 3. Direct Current Transmission , Kimbark E.W ,John Wiley &sons, 20004. HVDC Transmission , K.R.Padiyar , Wiely Eastern Ltd; New Delhi,1999


Modified on 10-12-08

Govt. College of Engineering, Amravati

A) EMBEDDED SYSTEMSTeaching Scheme : 03 L + 01 T Total 04 Credit : 04Marking Scheme: 15 CT1 + 15 CT2 +10 TA+ 60 ESE Total Marks :100Duration of ESE : 2 Hrs.30 min.

Introduction to embedded systems, Background and History of Embedded Systems, definition and Classification, Programming languages for embedded systems: desirable characteristics of programming languages for embedded systems, low-level versus highlevel languages, main language implementation issues: control, typing, exception handling, modularity and multi-threading. Major programming languages for embedded systems. Embedded Systems on a Chip (SoC) and the use of VLSI designed circuits.

Processor and Memory Organization: Structural units in processor, Processor selection for an embedded system, Memory devices, Memory selection, Allocation for memory to program segments and blocks and memory map of a system, DMA, Interfacing processor. I/O Devices - Device I/O Types and Examples – Synchronous - Iso-synchronous and Asynchronous Communications from Serial Devices - Examples of Internal Serial-Communication Devices - UART and HDLC – Parallel Port Devices - Sophisticated interfacing features in Devices/Ports- Timer and Counting Device

Device Drivers and Interrupts Servicing Mechanism:Device driver , parallel port device driver in a system, serial port device driver in a system, device driver for internal programmable timing devices. Interrupt servicing (handling) Mechanism, Context and the period for context switching. Deadline and interrupt latency.

Real Time Operating Systems: RTOS Task scheduling models - Handling of task scheduling and latency and deadlines as performance metrics – Co-operative Round Robin Scheduling – Cyclic Scheduling with Time Slicing (Rate Monotonics Co-operative Scheduling) – Preemptive Scheduling Model strategy by a Scheduler – Critical Section Service by a Preemptive Scheduler – Fixed (Static)

Software Engineering Practice in the Embedded Systems: Software analysis design, implementation, testing, validation and debugging of embedded systems.

Books Recommended:

1. Embedded Systems Architecture, Design and programming , Raj Kamal Tata McGraw-Hill, 20032. Embedded Software primer by David Simon Pearson Education-20053. Programming Embedded Systems in C and C++, Michael Barr O'Reilly, USA Aug. 1999.4. http://www.nptel.iitm.ac.in/ 5. www.ocw.mit.edu


Modified on 10-12-08

Govt. College of Engineering, Amravati

B) AI TECHNIQUES IN POWER SYSTEMSTeaching Scheme : 03 L + 01 T Total 04 Credit : 04Marking Scheme: 15 CT1 + 15 CT2 +10 TA+ 60 ESE Total Marks :100Duration of ESE : 2 Hrs.30 min.

Technology of Intelligent Systems : Introduction, Fuzzy Logic and Decision Trees, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Robust Artificial Neural Network, Expert Systems, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Expert reasoning and Approximate reasoning.

Application of ANN to Short-term Load Forecasting: An ANN approach to the Diagnosis of Transformer Faults, Real-Time Frequency and Harmonic Evaluation using ANN.

Application of Artificial Intelligence to Angle Stability Studies: Introduction, Transient Stability, Critical Clearing Time(CCT), Methods of Fast Assessment of CCT . Knowledge-Based System for Direct Stability Analysis.

Application of Artificial Intelligence to Voltage Stability: Assessment and Enhancement to Electrical Power System: ANN-Based Voltage Stability Assessment, ANN-Based Voltage Enhancement, A Knowledge-Based Support System for Voltage Collapse Detection and Prevention (KBVCDP), Implementation of KBVCDP.

Evolutionary Computation: Introduction, Genetic Algorithms (GAS), Object –oriented Analysis of GAS, Object oriented GA Design, Evolutionary Programming (EP), Object oriented analysis, Design and implementation of EP.EP Approach to Reactive Power Planning, Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch using EP, Application of EP to Transmission Network Planning: Introduction, Problem formulation, EP, Numerical Results,

Books Recommended:

1. Intelligent System Applications in Power Engineering by Loi Lei Lai John Wiley Publication-20042. Electrical Systems, Dynamics, and Stability with Artificial Intelligence Application by James A. Momoh and

Mohamed E. El-Hawary Marcel Dekker, Inc Publication USA -20033. Genetic Algorithms by David E. Goldberg, Pearson Education -20034. Introduction to Neural Systems by Jacek Zurada, Jaico Publishing House -20045. http://www.nptel.iitm.ac.in/ 6. www.ocw.mit.edu


Modified on 10-12-08

Govt. College of Engineering, Amravati

C) DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSINGTeaching Scheme : 03 L + 01 T Total 04 Credit : 04Marking Scheme: 15 CT1 + 15 CT2 +10 TA+ 60 ESE Total Marks :100Duration of ESE : 2 Hrs.30 min.

Digital Image Representation: digitizing images, discrete curves, connected component, space frequency representation, multi resolution representation. Basics Tools In Image Processing: point operations (LUT), neighbor hood processing (linear filtering, rank filtering, basic morphological filtering).

Image Enhancement Techniques And Image Restoration : ad’hoc and optimal techniques; Extraction and characterization of visual cues in images : edge detection techniques (first and second derivative operations, matched filtering, optimal edge detectors), texture characterization (co – occurrence matrices, RLC, curvilinear integration, ARMA modeling), Image segmentation; fixed and adaptive histrogram thresholdind, boundary detection and extraction (edge thinning, edge following & edge closing), Region growing techniques, Split & Merge techniques, statistical image segmentation by markovian techniques; Statistical Pattern recognition techniques in images : methods, applications. Image analysis and scene description.

Books Recommended:

1. Fundamental of Digital Image Processing by Anil K.Jain Prentice Hall-2004 2. Digital Image Processing 2nd Edition by Gonzalez & Woods Prentice Hall -20053. Digital Image Processing using MATLAB Gonzalez & Woods Prentice Hall -20044. http://www.nptel.iitm.ac.in/ 5. www.ocw.mit.edu


Modified on 10-12-08

Govt. College of Engineering, Amravati

D) STATISTICAL SIGNAL PROCESSINGTeaching Scheme : 03 L + 01 T Total 04 Credit : 04Marking Scheme: 15 CT1 + 15 CT2 +10 TA+ 60 ESE Total Marks :100Duration of ESE : 2 Hrs.30 min.

Probability: Definition of set, set operations, probability introduction using sets and relative frequency, joint and conditional probability, total probability, Bayes Theorem, independent events, combined experiments, Bernoulli trials.

The Random Variable : The random variable concept, the definition of random variable, conditions for a function to be a random variable, discrete and continuous random variable, mixed random variable, distribution function , density function, properties of density function, the Gaussian random variable, other distribution and density examples, bionomial, Poission , expoenetial , Rayleigh, conditional distribution and density functions.

Multiple Random Variables: vector random variables, joint distributions and its properties, joint density and its properties, conditional distributions and density, statistical independence , central limit theorem.

Operations On Random Variables: Expectations, moments, functions that give moments, transformation of random variables, computer generation of one random variable, expected value of functin of a random variable, jointly Gaussian random variable, sampling and some limit theorems.

Random Processes :- Concept of random process, stationarity and independence, correlation functions, measurement of coorelation functions, Gaussian random process, Poisson random process, power spectral density, relation between power spectral density and autocorrelation function.

Linear Systems With Random Inputs : Linear system response to random signals, system evaluation using random noise, spectral characteristics of system response, noise bandwidth, bandpass band limited and narrow/band processes., sampling of processes, discrete time systems, modeling of noise sources, incremental modeling of noisy networks, systems that maximize signal to noise ratio, systems that minimize mean squared error, some practical applications.

Optimum Linear Systems:Systems that maximize signal-noise ratio, systems that minimize mean squared error,Weiner filters, optimization by parameter selection

Books Recommended: 1. Probability, Random variables and random signal principles 4/e, Peyton Z Peebles TMH,20012. Probability, Random Variables, and Stochastic Processes, Papoulis, A TMH , 20033. http://www.nptel.iitm.ac.in/ 4. www.ocw.mit.edu


Modified on 10-12-08

Govt. College of Engineering, Amravati

E) POWER SYSTEM RELIABILITYTeaching Scheme : 03 L + 01 T Total 04 Credit : 04Marking Scheme: 15 CT1 + 15 CT2 +10 TA+ 60 ESE Total Marks :100Duration of ESE : 2 Hrs.30 min.

Probability and Reliability: Review of probability concepts, probability distributions, applications of binomial distribution to engineering problems, probability distribution in reliability evaluation, reliability indices, network modeling and evaluation of simple and complex networks, system reliability evaluation using probability distributions, frequency and load duration techniques, key indices of power system reliability and their calculations.

Generation System Reliability Evaluation: Concept of loss of load probability (LOLP), Energy demand, E(DNS), Evaluation of these indices for isolated systems, generation system, reliability analysis using the frequency and duration techniques.

Transmission System Reliability Evaluation: Evaluation of LOLP and E(DNS), indices for an isolated transmission system, interconnected system reliability, bulk power system reliability.

Distribution System Reliability Evaluation: Reliability analysis of radial systems with perfect and imperfect switching.

Books Recommended:

1. Power System Reliability Calculatio , Billinton R TMH,20012. Power System Reliability Evaluation , Endreyni, PHI 20043. http://www.nptel.iitm.ac.in/ 4. www.ocw.mit.edu


Modified on 10-12-08

Govt. College of Engineering, Amravati

Teaching Scheme : 03 L + 01 T Total 04 Credit : 04Marking Scheme: 15 CT1 + 15 CT2 +10 TA+ 60 ESE Total Marks :100Duration of ESE : 2 Hrs.30 min.

Mechanism Of Breakdown In Gases: Classification of insulating materials. Gases as insulating media, Ionization & decay process, breakdown in gases. Townsend’s law. The streamer mechanism of spark Paschen’s law, corona discharge, electronegative gases.

Breakdown In Liquid And Solid Dielectrics : Breakdown in pure and commercial liquids, Solid Dielectrics and composite dielectrics, High Voltage bushings, Guarding, Shielding, Field Plotting.

Lightning And Switching Over Voltages And Protection: Lightning strokes to lines and towers , mechanism & characteristics. Protection of transmission lines from lightning, Lightning Arrestors. Insulation co-ordination of HV and EHV transmission line, Power system and substation.

High Voltage And Current Generation: Generation of High D.C , A.C. and Impulse voltages , Standard impulse wave shapes , Switching Surges , High Impulse Generator

High Voltage And Current Measurement: Peak voltage , Impulse voltage and High Direct current Measurement methods , Non-destructive measurement and testing , High Voltage dielectrics Loss and capacitance measurement , Radio Frequency and partial discharge measurement.

High Voltage Testing and EHV Lines Design: Basic Terminology , Testing – Insulation , Bushings , Cables , Transformers, Surge Divertors and Isolators , Electric Shock and threshold current , capacitance of long objects , electromagnetic Interference , EHV line insulation design based upon transient over voltages.

Books Recommended:

1. High Voltage Engineering , M.S. Naidu and V. Kamaraju Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Co. 2006 2. High Voltage Engineering , E. Kuffel and W.S. Zaenglo Pergamon Press -20053. EHV AC Transmission Engineering , Rokosh Das Begamudre Wiley Eastern Ltd. New Delhi.20054. SF6 and Vaccuum Insulation for High Voltages Applications, M.S.Naidu and V.N.Maller Khanna Pub. New

Delhi-2005.5. High Voltage Engineering , D.V.Razevig Khanna Pub. New Delhi -20046. http://www.nptel.iitm.ac.in/ 7. www.ocw.mit.edu


Modified on 10-12-08

Govt. College of Engineering, Amravati

Teaching Scheme : 03 L + 01 T Total 04 Credit : 04Marking Scheme: 15 CT1 + 15 CT2 +10 TA+ 60 ESE Total Marks :100Duration of ESE : 2 Hrs.30 min.

Introduction: Static and dynamic optimization. Parameter optimization.

Caculus of Variations: problems of Lagrange,. Mayer and Bolza. Euler-Language equation and transversality conditions, Lagrange multipiliers.

Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle: theory; application to minimum time, energy and control effort problems, and terminal control problem.

Dynamic Programming: Belaman’s principle of optimality, multistage decision processes. application to optimal control.

Linear Regulator Problem: matrix Riccati equation and its solution, tracking problem.

Computational Methods in Optimal Control: application of mathematical programming. singular perturbations, practical examples.

 Books Recommended:

1. Optimal Control Theory, D.E.Kirk Prentice-Hall. 1970.2. Optimum Systems Control, 2nd ED., A.P.Sage and C.C.White II Prentice-Hall, 1977.3. Optimal Control by Mathematical Programming, , D.Tabak and B.C.Kuo Prentice-Hall, 1971.4. Linear Optimal Control, B.D.O. Anderson and J.B.Moore Prentice-Hall, 1971.5. http://www.nptel.iitm.ac.in/ 6. www.ocw.mit.edu


Teaching Scheme : 03 L + 01 T Total 04 Credit : 04Marking Scheme: 15 CT1 + 15 CT2 +10 TA+ 60 ESE Total Marks :100Duration of ESE : 2 Hrs.30 min.

Fundamentals of Restructured System: History of power system restructuring, concept of power system deregulation, regulation vs. deregulation, entities in deregulated system, market architecture, ancillary services

Models of Restructuring: PoolCo and bilateral contractual models, ISO based markets models, reactive power balancing market, day ahead and hour ahead markets.

Transmission Pricing: Cost components in transmission pricing, embedded cost based transmission-pricing methods, Postage Stamp, MW-Mile, incremental cost based or location marginal pricing (LMP), Tracing of power.

Modified on 10-12-08

Govt. College of Engineering, Amravati

Transmission Open Access Issues: Available Transfer Capability (ATC)- definition and methods of determination, transmission network congestion, congestion management techniques.

Power Sector Restructuring in India: Electricity Act 2003, Evaluation of integrated, monopoly, state owned electricity boards, introduction to various institutions in Indian power sector & their role. Challenges before the Indian power sector, Planning commission CEA,NT,PFC, ministry of power, SEBS.

Books Recommended: 1. Electric Utility Planning and regulation – Edward Kahn , University of California- 20052. Various Indian Electricity Acts 1). Indian Electricity Act , 1910 2)The Electricity Supply Act , 1998 proposed

Electricity Bill 20013. Electrical Energy Utilization And Conservation :- S.C. Tripathi(TMH Pub.)-20034. http://www.nptel.iitm.ac.in/ 5. www.ocw.mit.edu


Teaching Scheme : 03 L + 01 T Total 04 Credit : 04Marking Scheme: 15 CT1 + 15 CT2 +10 TA+ 60 ESE Total Marks :100Duration of ESE : 2 Hrs.30 min.

Introduction: Robot definition, Robot classification, Robotic system components. Notations, Position definitions, Coordinate frames, Different orientation descriptions, Free vectors, Translations, rotations and relative motion, Homogeneous transformations, Spatial Descriptions and Transformations.

Manipulator Kinematics and Mechanics of Robot Motion: Link coordinate frames, Denavit-Hartenberg convention, Joint and end-effectors, Cartesian space, Forward kinematics transformations of position, Inverse kinematics of position, Translational and rotational velocities, Velocity Transformations. Manipulator Jacobian. Forward and inverse kinematics of velocity, Singularities of robot motion, Static Forces, Transformations of velocities and static forces, Joint and End Effectors force/torque transformations.

Manipulator Dynamics: Trajectory Planning, Control. Lagrangiant formulation, Model properties, Newton-Euler equations of motion, Joint-based motion planning, Cartesian-based path planning. Independent joint control, Feed-forward control, Inverse dynamics control, Robot controller architectures, Implementation problems.

Automated Manufacturing Systems: Introduction, Manufacturing systems, Performance measure, Computer controlled machines, Material handling systems, Plant layout. Flexible manufacturing system, Computer control system.

Books Recommended: 1. Introduction to Robotics: Machines and Control, John J. Craig, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall -20042. Modeling Identification & control of Robot , W.Khalil & E.Dombare , McGra Hill -20053. http://www.nptel.iitm.ac.in/

Modified on 10-12-08

Govt. College of Engineering, Amravati

4. www.ocw.mit.edu


Teaching Scheme : 03 L + 01 T Total 04 Credit : 04Marking Scheme: 15 CT1 + 15 CT2 +10 TA+ 60 ESE Total Marks :100Duration of ESE : 2 Hrs.30 min.

Energy Scenario: Primary energy resources, Commercial and Non-commercial energy, commercial energy production, final energy consumption, energy needs of growing economy, long term energy scenario, energy pricing, energy sector reforms, energy and environment.

Energy management : Definition, significance and objectives of energy management, principle of energy management , sectors of supply side management , Energy and economy, electricity tariff, load management and maximum demand control, power factor improvement, selection and location of capacitors ,optimizing the input energy requirements, fuel and energy substitution

Energy strategies and energy planning: Energy Action Planning: Key elements, force field analysis, Energy policy purpose, Energy planning flow for supply side, essential data for supply side energy planning, roles and responsibilities of energy manager,

Energy Audit: Definition, need of energy audit, types of energy audit, intermediate and comprehensive energy audit, end use of energy consumption profile, procedure of energy auditing, site testing and measurement. Energy security, bench marking, energy performance, matching energy use to requirement, maximizing system efficiencies, energy audit instruments, Energy Conservation Act-2001

Energy Conservation and Recycling: Energy conservation and its importance, Listing of energy conservation opportunities (ECOs ),Electrical ECOs, ECOs in process industry, small industries building and shopping complexes , waste management , Recycling of discarded materials and energy recycling

Energy Monitoring and Targeting: Defining monitoring and targeting, elements of monitoring and targeting, data and information-analysis, On line energy monitoring: Various aspects and techniques of on line energy monitoring, Material and Energy balance: Facility as an energy system, methods for preparing process flow, material and energy balance diagrams. Financial analysis techniques-simple pay back period, return on investment, net present value, internal rate of return, cash flows, risk and sensitivity analysis, financing options, energy performance contracts .

Books Recommended:1. Energy –Economy and prospective –Andre Gardel , Pergmann Press-20052. Introduction to energy technologies – V.A.Venikov ,E.V.Putiatin , Mir, Moskow -2006 3. Electrical Energy utilization and energy conversion –S.C.Tripathy, Tata Mc-GrawHill -20034. Conventional energy technology – S.B.Pandya, Tata Mc-GrawHill -20035. Energy and Atmosphere- I.M.Campbell, Wiley, New York -20006. Power station engineering and economy-Skortzki and Vopat , Tata Mc-GrawHill -2003

EP206 LAB-IITeaching Scheme : 08 P + 00 Total 08 Credit : 04

Modified on 10-12-08

Govt. College of Engineering, Amravati

Marking Scheme: 50 Internal + 50 External Total Marks :100

It should consist of various Practical/Simulation assignments related to all Core subjects and Electives

Representative List of Experiments:1. Program introduces the symbolic math tool box2. Program illustrates the factoring expressions and solving equation3. Program explains DEFINING , EVALUATING and PLOTTING FUNCTION4. Program of illustration of DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS5. Program illustrates DERIVATIVES6. Program illustrates multivariable calculus

EP207 SEMINAR IITeaching Scheme : 02 P + 00 Total 02 Credit : 01Marking Scheme: 25 Internal Total Marks :100

Seminar on any technical subject other than above syllabus


EP301 SEMINAR III AND DISSERTATION PHASE ITeaching Scheme : 08 P + 00 Total 08 Credit: 10Evaluation Scheme : 100 Internal Total Marks: 100

Dissertation topic selection and introductory seminar on the same

Student has to submit the report and deliver the seminar based on 25% or more work on Dissertation topic. It is to be evaluated internally by three member’s panel of examiners headed by HOD wherein guide should be one of the members of the panel. Last date of submission of report shall be two weeks before the end of semester



Modified on 10-12-08

Govt. College of Engineering, Amravati

Teaching Scheme : 08 P + 00 Total 08 Credit : 30Evaluation Scheme : 100 Internal +200 External Total Marks :300

Final dissertation and final seminar on complete work

Dissertation (Phase-II): Internal assessment of dissertation (complete work) is to be carried out by the guide for 100 Marks. External assessment of Dissertation (complete work) is to be carried out by panel of examiner consisting of internal (guide) and external examiner for 200 marks. Candidate shall present the entire work on Dissertation, followed by viva-voce. Last date of submission of dissertation will be the end of the semester. Please see Appendix-C of Rules & Regulation for Further information.

Modified on 10-12-08