Mudras Updated

Post on 10-Feb-2018

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  • 7/22/2019 Mudras Updated



    A Mudra (Sanskrit word meaning sign or seal) is a gesture or position, usually of the hands, that locks

    and guides energy flow and reflexes to the brain. By curling, crossing, stretching and touching the fingers

    and hands, we can "talk" to the body and mind as each area of the hand corresponds to a certain part of

    the mind or body.

    From the little finger to the thumb: each finger represents earth, metal, fire, wood, and water,

    respectively. The entire universe lies within your ten fingers and it is also said that there is an infinite

    number of Mudras even though we only have 10 fingers. Mudras can be used both for meditation

    and/or healing.


    Mudras are easy to do and when used with Reiki you can usually feel the energy flow strongly. Start

    each Mudra session by "washing" your hands (rub your hands against each other about 10 times, hold

    hands before your Navel Chakra) this will help energy to flow in your hands. If you have Reiki II you can

    draw the Power symbol and the Mental/Emotional symbol over your hands (or any other symbol that

    you prefer). Sit with your back straight, either with legs crossed or on a straight backed chair. Put yourfingers together as described in the Mudras below. In each Mudra, exert enough pressure to feel the

    flow of energy but not enough to whiten fingertips.

    General Guidelines for Mudra Practicing

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    One should practice mudras in sitting postures either in meditation pose or sitting on chair keeping the

    back straight.

    One should not practice Mudra full stomach.

    One should discontinue the Mudra in case of uneasiness or pain in any part of the body.

    It is important to know the benefits & contraindications of the Mudra before you adopt it.

    It is very important to press the right points when taking the hand in Mudra. For e.g. in

    Gyan Mudra one should press the thumb with the index finger at the point when pulsation like the

    heartbeat is felt and in case of Varun Mudra press the triangular tip of the little finger with the triangular

    tip of the thumb (as shown in fig.). If pressed near the nail it lead to dehydration else it helps in

    balancing and activating the water element in the body.

    For optimum benefits practice Mudra with both hands.

    It is important to be regular and consistent in practicing to yield permanent results


    Do not continue practicing the same Mudra after achieving results.

    One should practice spiritual & healing mudras for 45 minutes to have victory over the Mudra or one

    may practice in many times a day prolonging the time period of holding every time.

    Heart disease has been dubbed as a life-style disease which occurs especially in city people, who (due tolack of time as well as will power) do not exercise at all, do no physical work, eat junk food very often,

    sleep very late at night, eat dinner also very late-often after 9 or 10 p.m., eat very heavily at night and

    then go to sleep.Lakhs of people are suffering from heart disease these days. In people aged 50 years, it

    has become very common, but even in younger ages of 25 years onwards especially among males, the

    prevalence of heart problems is rapidly increasing. The commonest heart problem is hypertension

    (called high B.P. in common parlance) and raised blood cholesterol levels. Almost one third to one half

    of the urban male population in urban areas, particularly in metro cities suffer from these twin

    problems. And as age advances, blood pressure and cholesterol levels rise, leading to arteriosclerosis

    (hardening of arteries) and to sudden heart attacks. Women are naturally protected from heart disease

    during pre-menopausal age due to their estrogen hormone, but once they cross menopause age, the

    estrogen levels drop very sharply which deprives them from natural protection, and they also become

    prone to heart ailments. Nevertheless, heart attack is a pre-dominantly male disease. And when it

    occurs in age-groups upto age 60 to 65, it leaves a bitter tale behind.

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    Heart attack comes suddenly without any warning, though symptoms of heart disease start appearing

    much earlier. Suddenly, there is severe pain in chest, sweating and pain in left arm; blood supply to

    heart is obstructed by a clot, and life is in danger. Any delay in medical response to heart attack

    increases the risk of death very sharply.

    Unfortunately, in a majority of cases the attack comes in morning-particularly during 2 to 6 am, when

    the whole world is asleep. Doctors are also sleeping at that time. And the patient has to be rushed to

    hospital. Suddenly, there is panic all around. Doctors advise that in case of heart attack a Sorbitrate

    tablet should be placed below the tongue of the patient before rushing him to the hospital, so as to

    avoid damage to the heart muscles. And even then, the patient must be rushed to hospital in shortest

    possible time.

    Heart disease has been dubbed as a life-style disease which occurs especially in city people, who (due to

    lack of time as well as will power) do not exercise at all, do no physical work, eat junk food very often,sleep very late at night, eat dinner also very late-often after 9 or 10 pm, eat very heavily at night and

    then go to sleep. Since, it is a life style disease, it can obviously be regressed if we start caring for our life

    style. But, alas, the modern young generation, though aware of the harmful effects of a sedentary life

    style and eating of junk food and also aware of health benefits of exercise, does not care. They have no

    time to exercise, to eat properly and are subjected to anxiety and pressure all the time. Given this

    situation, I am suggesting a Very Easy and Sure Way, firstly to keep your blood pressure and cholesterol

    under check, and secondly, to avoid complications like heart attack. In Yoga, we have developed a

    number of Mudras to avoid various diseases and to mitigate their effects. These Mudras are made by

    manipulating the fingers of our hands. They have wonderful effect on body and mind. I am describing

    here Apan Vayu Mudra, which mitigates heart disease, and is highly effective even in case of heartattack. This Mudra can be made in this manner fold the index finger of your hand, and press it to the

    base of the thumb. Next, touch the finger tips of the middle finger and the ring finger together with the

    tip of the thumb, and keep the little finger straight. Mudra has to be made by both the hands. Its effect

    is magical in case of heart attack; it works like a Sorbitrate tablet, and serves better than even a

    powerful injection. It will not cause damage to the heart, and one can safely go to a hospital in this

    Mudra, without any panic.

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    Benefits of Apan vayu mudra :

    If done regularly for 45 minutes daily in three stretches of 15 minutes each in morning, afternoon and

    evening, it is capable of solving many problems of heart disease. When air element increases in the

    body, it causes constriction of heart arteries; they become hard and narrow. Doing this Mudra will

    relieve arteriosclerosis of the heart, and thus strengthens the heart muscles and remove blockages in


    It relieves angina immediately;

    It normalizes blood pressure and thus saves us from both high as well as low blood pressure, as it

    stimulates the circulatory system.

    In case of palpitations or weak pulse, this Mudra will normalize the pulse rate immediately.

    It also reduces nervousness, as it quietens / calms the nervous system.

    It helps in relieving acidity, gas formation, eructation, belching, and strengthens the digestive system.

    It solves all diseases of the intestines, colic, colitis, etc;

    It is highly effective in respiratory diseases like asthma. This Mudra, by cleansing the blood circulatory

    system, helps the lungs also in their functioning. People who suffer from difficult breathing while

    climbing stairs or walking fast should do this Mudra for about 10 minutes before climbing stairs; theywill feel much better.

    Similarly, people suffering from osteoarthritis and pain in knees can do this Mudra for 10 minutes

    before climbing upstairs; they will feel relieved of pain.

    It is also highly effective in curing migraine. Migraine or headache is primarily due to weak digestion or

    excited nerves. As already mentioned, this Mudra quietens the nervous system and strengthens

    digestive system; thus, leaving no cause for migraine.

    By soothing the nervous system, it induces sleep and cures insomnia.

    The Mudra relieves toothache also; and cures hiccough.

    In Indian culture, a sudden blinking of left eye in males and right eye in females is considered

    inauspicious. Apan Vayu Mudra will stop unwanted blinking of eyes.

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    According to Ayurveda, any imbalance in the three doshas Vata, Pitta and Kafa causes diseases.

    Apan Vayu Mudra restores balance in these three doshas. Apan Vayu Mudra stimulates and

    strengthens the blood circulatory system digestive system, respiratory system, excretory system and

    the nervous system.

    It removes all negative emotions from the mind, and all negative pressure of the body.

    It is helpful in arthritis also

    It is also helpful in polio cases. Apan Vayu Mudra is thus a very helpful mudra in our daily lives and also

    in emergencies like heart attack. It should be practiced for 45 minutes a day in 3 phases of 15 minutes

    each. If practiced regularly over a long period of time, it is capable of curing all heart ailments.


    Before I conclude, I must tell you about the symptoms of heart attack, because, more often than not, we

    do not know what are the symptoms of a heart attack. The heart is in the centre of the chest, not in the

    left, as we usually believe. The most common symptom of a heart attack is discomfort in the centre. This

    is not normally a sharp pain, but a sense of pressure, fullness, squeezing or aching. It is caused by a lack

    of oxygen in the heart muscle, and may be mild, moderate or severe. The discomfort may or may not

    radiate through the whole chest. It may subside in a few minutes or a few hours. It can return hours,

    days or weeks later. Do Not Be Falsely Reassured by temporary stopping of pain.

    Discomfort may extend into one or both arms, or may appear in arms alone and not in the chest. Chestpain will not be aggravated by raising your arms. If it is aggravated in this way, it is not heart attack. Pain

    may radiate to neck and jaws on one or both sides and in front or back. Turning the head or bending the

    neck will not aggravate chest pain; if it aggravates, it is not heart attack- it may be cervical pain.

    Pain or discomfort may not occur in chest; it may occur in upper abdomen below the diaphragm; it may

    be fullness or pressure and is often mistaken for indigestion or acidity. It usually spreads to ribs of the

    lower chest. Nausea and vomiting may also occur with this pain.

    Pain may also occur in the back located, nor in lumbar region, or cervical region, but between the

    shoulder blades; often mistaken for pressure from over-exertion.

    Thus, pain can occur only in the chest, or only between shoulder blades or only in the arms or in the

    upper abdomen or may occur simultaneously in all these areas or may occur in various combinations.

    Shortness of breath, suffocation or cold sweating may occur with heart pain or may not. Pain in the left

    side centering around nipple is generally not a sign of heart attack.

    Whether it is heart attack or not (i.e. you are not sure what is happening), do Apan Vayu Mudra

    immediately; it will relieve pain and other symptoms immediately. As already mentioned, this Mudra

    will ameliorate not only heart pain but also gastric pain, acidity, heart burn, dyspoena (shortness of

    breathing with pain), headache, rapid palpitation of heart, etc, and it will not cause any side effects or

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    other complications. Even a perfectly healthy person can do this Mudra, without any side effects. Also

    remember, heart pain is usually worse by lying down. So, if you get chest pain or heart attack, do not lie

    down, just sit up. Very often, we just suffer a momentary stab-like pain in the chest for a few seconds

    only. This may also be an heart attack and we may suffer such minor heart attack, very often, without

    being aware of it. To avoid such condition, we must adopt a healthy life-style- take meals on time; take

    dinner always before 8 p.m., take home cooked food; avoid heavy dinner, go for a walk regularly or do

    yogasanas or pranayam as suggested by a Yoga teacher. Prevention is always better than cure. But, if

    you have any problem with your heart, do Apan Vayu Mudra daily till your heart functions normally.


    Our body is made up of five elements namely, Fire, Air, Space, Earth and Water. In logic parlance, they

    are Agni, Vayu, Akash, Prithvi and Jal. The five fingers of our hands represent these five elements. The

    thumb indicates fire, index finger denotes air, middle finger denotes space, the ring finger denotes

    earth, and the little finger denotes water. Yoga believes that as long as these five elements are balanced,

    they create harmony and health. Any imbalance in these five elements leads to disease. For example-

    increase of fire element in body will increase heat in body, increase in air element leads various pains in

    body, increase of space will lead to many ear problems, increase in cholesteorol, etc-while increase in

    water element creates as cites (i.e. fills our body parts with water and bloats them). Similarly, any

    decrease in these elements will lead to other kind of diseases. By using these five fingers in many

    possible ways, we can restore the balance between these five elements and can thus keep ourselves

    disease free.

    When we do Apan Vayu Mudra, we have done four things. By folding the index finger, we have reduced

    air element which immediately relieves pain in the heart. By touching the finger tips of thumb, middlefinger and ring fingers, we have increased fire element (heat), space and earth elements. By increasing

    heat in the body, the impurities in the blood are being removed, by increasing space element, we supply

    more oxygen to heart arteries, and by increasing earth element, we have increased the muscle power of

    the heart. That is, by a very simple manipulation of our fingers, we have simultaneously made a four-

    pronged mechanism to save from the rigours of a heart attack. The patient can easily be transported to

    a hospital, without causing any damage to heart.

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    How & when: One should sit in Padmasan or Sukhasan and perform this Mudra empty stomach. To form

    this Mudra fold the first or the pointing finger at the base of the thumb and join the tips of middle and

    ring finger with the thumb pressing the first finger with the thumb simultaneously. Rest the hands on

    the knees keeping the elbow straight. Keep the little finger straight. Perform it with both hands toreceive more benefit. It should be done for 45 mts daily.


    a) The regular practice of this Mudra helps prevent heart attacks and also their recurrence.

    b) It is an antidote to heart attack and acts like a savior in case. This is the reason it is called

    Mritsanjeevani Mudra mean one which brings back life out of death. It works like a miracle if practiced

    by the person experiencing the attack.

    c) It also helps in cases of palpitation, depression, slow heart beat, heart sinking feeling, angina etc.

    d) As the name suggests it is a combination of Apana Mudra and Vaayu Mudra. It also balances and tri

    doshas in the body: vata, pitta and kapha. It also rekindles the digestive fire and increases the lung


    3. Samaan Vaayu Mudra

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    How & When: Sitting comfortably on Sukhasan one may perform this Mudra at the time of eating food.

    It is done by joining the entire finger tips with thumb tip to balance the Samaan Vaayu in the body. One

    may perform it for 10-15 minutes otherwise daily before or after meals.


    a) Helps in digesting the food properly

    b) Reduces the formation of gases and acids in the body.

    c) Balances the Panch Vaayu.

    d) Cures the liver dysfunction.

    4. Udaan Vaayu Mudra

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    How & When: Join the tips of forefinger, middle and ring finger with the tip of thumb, while the little

    finger is separate. This forms the Udaan Mudra. One must perform this Mudra in a seated pose whether

    on chair or on ground..


    a) Develops the flow of energy and Chetna (alertness) in all the parts of body. This is one of the main

    functions of this Mudra.

    b) Cures many kinds of problems of the chest and navel area.

    c) A person who thinks he is weak, by practice of this Mudra can generate new vitality in his body.

    d) Practice of this Mudra helps in developing the natural glow of the skin; and also overcomes various

    other skin problems.

    e) If the power of speech has been lost or has become defective, this Mudra will help a lot.

    5. Apana Mudra

    How & When: Sitting comfortably in Sukhasan or on chair perform this Mudra by joining the tip of

    middle two fingers i.e. longest finger and the ring finger with the thumb by keeping the rest of the two

    fingers straight. Perform it empty stomach and keep the Mudra for a total for 45 minutes in a day at a

    stretch or in breaks. One can perform this Mudra in combination with other mudras like Apana Vaayu



    a) For the purification of the body to release the negative pressure.

    b) Excellent for purifying the blood and also beneficial in case of scanty flow during menstruation.

    c) Helps release all the excess and unwanted fluid out of the body like water retention and urine


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    d) Helps increasing the sweating in case of blockage of pores of skin or hypo activity of sweat glands.

    e) Should not be practiced during diarrhea and vomiting.

    f) It will not help much in prostrate gland and kidney stones.

    g) It is also excellent in charging the body with prana

    6. Vyayan Vaayu Mudra

    How & When: Sit comfortably in Sukhasan or on chair with back straight and join the tip of the index and

    the middle finger with the tip of the thumb, keeping the other two fingers straight for 20-30 minutes,

    three times daily, after regular interval of time say a break of 6-8 hours. It should be done empty

    stomach daily till one receives the results, with both hands.


    a) Normalizes high blood pressure or hypertension.

    b) Relaxes the mental nerves and calms the mind.

    c) Regularizes the thrust of water along with a proper diet.

    d) Strengthens the whole nervous system and veins in such way that they become healthy and an actual

    bliss of mind and heart is achieved.

    e) It helps the mind by blessing it with new energy, making it so fertile that a new way of thinking is


    f) It helps in eyesight problems, and if this Mudra is performed with the Pran Mudra then the

    improvement is very fast.

    g) If the heat energy decreases in the body and the person becomes senseless, practice of this Mudra

    helps regain that lost vital energy.

    h) This Mudra is totally harmless, and can be performed with all mudras.

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    1. Vaayu Mudra

    How & When: One can perform this Mudra in any pose sitting, standing, lying down or walking. To do,

    fold the index finger at the base of the thumb and press the back of second phalange with the thumb.

    Keep the other three fingers as straight as possible. One can perform it any time of the day irrespective

    of empty or full stomach.

    Caution: The only caution is this Mudra works in peaks and valleys. So, care should be taken to release

    the Mudra at once after being helped though it.


    a) Releases extra wind form the stomach and the body thereby taking care of pains and aches as a first


    b) Helps in rheumatic pains. Gout, paralysis, Parkinsons disease, chest pains etc or any pain the reason

    for which is excess wind in the system or in other words is due to imbalance of air element.

    2. Agni Mudra

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    How & When: One should practice this Mudra empty stomach by folding the ring finger at the base of

    thumb and pressing it with the thumb at the second phalange. Keep the rest of the three fingers straight

    and perform it in sitting position only. Keep it for at least 15 minutes at a stretch and 2-3 times daily to

    observe the results. One must discontinue performing this mudra in case of acidity, heart burn,


    Caution: One must not perform it full stomach, only perform it empty stomach.


    a) Helps dissolving extra fat of the body by balancing the metabolic rate, prevents and controls obesity.

    b) Burns the excess phlegm.

    c) Compensates for sluggish digestion.

    d) Helps to increase body strength.

    e) Reduces tension

    f) Very effective in reducing increased cholesterol levels

    g) Provides heat and energy to the body, so excellent to do in winters.

    h) Decreases earth element in the body.

    3. Prithivi Mudra

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    How & When: Touch the tip of the thumb and the tip of the ring finger together, keeping the rest of the

    three fingers straight. Make sure you do not force the fingers to be straight, only try to keep them so.

    This Mudra is preferably done in the morning, but could be done any time of the day otherwise and for

    any duration. This Mudra is required to be done when one feels lack of energy, enthusiasm andmotivation in life. All seems dull and lifeless. One may perform this Mudra with both the hands by sitting

    in Sukhasan or Padmasan, and keeping the back of the palms on the knee, keeping the elbows straight.


    a) Helps boost the blood circulation in the body.

    b) Increases tolerance and patience.

    c) Helps in meditation.

    d) Since this Mudra is an association of the earth element with the powerful Sun, it brings solidity to the


    e) It also helps the person to gain weight in case of weak and lean bodies.

    f) Helps to restore the balance of the body, when required i.e. restore body equilibrium.

    g) It wards off the weakness, fatigue, dullness and invokes prana in the body.

    h) It also brings and adds to the aura or the halo and also brightness to it.

    i) It also activates the thinking power and helps to broaden the orthodox/ conservative thinking pattern.

    j) It compensates the lack of Rajasic Gunas.

    4. Varun Mudra

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    How & When: One may perform this Mudra any time of the day by joining the little finger tip with the

    tip of the thumb, keeping the rest of the three fingers straight. One may perform this Mudra in sitting,

    lying down or standing pose. Though, the best pose is still the sitting cross legged pose.

    Caution: Make sure you do not press the tip of the little finger near the nail as it causes dehydrationrather than moisturizing the system.


    a) As the name suggests, this Mudra is an association of water element with the fire, Varun is the name

    of Water God The Indra, so it balances the water element in the body.

    b) Since it moisturizes the body, it is also a thirst quenching Mudra which activates the salivary glands

    ooze out saliva.

    c) It is a Mudra for relieving dehydration and stomach infection.

    d) It activates the kidney malfunctioning and promotes urination.

    e) It activates the fluid circulation in the body.

    f) It is excellent for skin disorders, wrinkles, skin infections, skin dryness etc.

    g) It purifies the blood and takes care of many blood disorders.

    h) It brings lots of lustier and glows to the body and especially face.

    i) It compensates for the shortage of water in body.

    j) Helps release constipation.

    5. Aakash Mudra / Vyom Mudra

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    How & When: Join the tip of the middle finger with the tip of the thumb, keeping the rest of the three

    fingers straight. One may perform this Mudra anytime of the day for any duration. The best time for

    practicing this Mudra is either morning time by sitting in Sukhasan or Padmasan. One must try to keep

    this Mudra intact for 45 minutes, though one may start with a shorter time period as per convenience

    and capacity.


    a) As the name suggests this Mudra is a combination of ether element with the sun and thus come the

    powers to any ailment pertaining to sound. It is excellent to increase the sensitivity to hear sounds. Thus

    for those hard of hearing it is a boon in combination with Shoonya Mudra.

    b) This Mudra activates the calcium and phosphorus absorption form the diet and also their formation,

    which makes it a very good Mudra which those having weakness of bone like osteoporosis.

    c) Due to its inherent quality to release tensions, keeping the mind calm and serene it is also used during

    meditation, to calm the mind.

    d) This Mudra is very successful in taking care of the lockjaw experienced at times during yawning or

    during mental tension or over exertion.

    e) Practicing this Mudra regularly calms and clarifies the thought process.


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    How & When: Perform this Mudra by interlocking the fingers of both the hands in such way so that the

    little finger of the left hand is the down most and the right hand thumb stands straight up, envelope the

    right hand thumb with the left hand index finger and thumb to join the tips at the back of the right hand

    palm. Hold the palms together tightly. One should perform this Mudra by keeping the back straight

    either in Padmasan or Sukhasan. One may also sit on the chair in case of difficulties. Hold the hands infront of the chest with hands exerting a little pressure against each other. One may perform this Mudra

    as a therapy daily for time duration one feels comfortable. One should not perform it full stomach.

    Caution: One must discontinue the Mudra in case of dizziness, uneasiness or nausea. People with acidity

    must observe the reaction and if feels more heart burning, they should discontinue doing it. One must

    not practice this Mudra any longer after you get the result you are seeking. .


    a) It is an excellent Mudra to break the phlegm and relieve a person of frequent coughs and colds.

    b) It also works great when the temperature suddenly falls down and one shivers of cold. Practicing this

    Mudra will generate heat in the body and will provide the necessary warmth.

    c) It also relieves the bronchial spasms and calms down the breath.

    d) It is also fruitful if practiced by person suffering from bronchitis, lung cancer or asthma.

    e) It activates the digestive fire by activating the AGNI which in turn boosts the metabolic rate of the

    body in case of sluggish digestion.

    f) It also helps in case of low blood pressure and mild paralytic attack, sinusitis etc.


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    a) It helps in relieving the urine retention.

    b) It allows the easy passing of the urine.

    c) It also helps on the purification of body of the toxic fluids.


    How & When: For performing this Mudra, Face both hands to each other and join the finger tipstogether, leaving thethumbs free as few inches apart. Now join the index finger of the right hand with

    the middle finger of the left hand and similarly index finger of the left hand with the middle finger of the

    right hand. Now join the ring finger of the left hand to the little finger of the right hand and vice a versa.

    When one points the fingers down in such a Mudra it looks like the udders of a cow and so is the name.

    One can perform this Mudra anytime of the day avoiding just after the meals. One must perform this

    Mudra at least for 5 minutes to start benefiting out of it and slowly increase the duration form 5

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    minutes to 45 minutes. If this seems to be not possible then one may do it in 3 sittings of 15 minutes

    each. One must perform this Mudra and its variations in Sukhasan, Vajrasana or Utkatasana (sitting on

    the toe tips on a chair position)

    1) Vaayu Surbhi Mudra

    To form this Mudra one must first form the basic Surbhi Mudra and then join the tip of right handthumb to the root of the right hand index finger and the tip of the left hand thumb to the root of the left

    hand index finger. This Mudra helps relieving the wind related ailments and also balances the Air

    element in the system.

    2) Shoonya Surbhi Mudra

    To form this Mudra one must first form the basic Surbhi Mudra and then join the tip of right hand

    thumb to the root of the right hand middle finger and the tip of the left hand thumb to the root of the

    left hand middle finger. This Mudra not only balances the ethereal element but also bestows the

    practitioner with the miraculous power to hear the unheard or to be able to hear the sounds not audible

    to the commons. It helps the sadhaka to hear the Anahata sounds. An atmosphere of tranquility isnaturally created to the sadhaka to enjoy and reap the benefits of sadhna.

    3) Prithivi Surbhi Mudra

    To form this Mudra one must first form the basic Surbhi Mudra and then join the tip of right hand

    thumb to the root of the right hand ring finger and the tip of the left hand thumb to the root of the left

    hand ring finger. The Prithivi Mudra alleviates diseases related to abdomen even the chronic digestion

    related ailments and keeps the digestive system in order. This Mudra makes the body powerful and

    removes inertia thereby imparting energy and vitality.

    4) Jal Surbhi MudraTo form this Mudra one must first form the basic Surbhi Mudra and then join the tip of right hand

    thumb to the root of the right hand little finger and the tip of the left hand thumb to the root of the left

    hand little finger.

    This Mudra helps in making kidneys healthy and it rectifies urinary disorders by rectifying all diseases

    related to bile and assists in easy passing of urine. It is useful for persons with bilious temperament and

    also helps to relieve constipation and also increases appetite.


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    How & When: To perform this Mudra fist the thumb of the left hand by keeping it at the centre of the

    palm of the right hand with the fingers and then join the thumb of the right hand with the remaining

    fingers of the left hand at the tips. Thus it forms the shape of a conch or shankha. This Mudra can be

    performed any time of the day except after the meals. One can perform this Mudra in Sukhasan or

    Vajrasana and should perform for at least 10 minutes at a stretch to gain the benefit out of it. Slowlyincrease the time limit to 45 minutes. One can also perform it in 3 sittings of 15 minutes each.

    Caution: One must not perform it full stomach, only perform it empty stomach.


    a) Removes speech disorders like stammering and stuttering. Gives sweetness to voice and renders it an

    attractive quality.

    b) Disorders related to tonsil and throat gets removed. It also balances the thyroid gland thereby

    bringing hormonal balance.

    c) It keeps navel center in order, making person healthy and thus affect to keep the nervous system

    healthy and active.

    d) Alleviates abdomen disorders. Improves the digestive system.


    If during the practice of this Mudra one starts getting weaker or fatter day by day then one must avoid

    its practice as this Mudra affect the thyroid glands and due to unreasonable practice of this Mudra may

    hypo or hyper activate the thyroid glands.


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    How & When: To perform this Mudra make a fist with both the hands, fingers really digging into the

    center of the palm.Now open up the index, little finger and the thumb, keeping them reasonably

    straight. Rest the hands on the knee facing up by keeping the elbow straight. One must perform this

    Mudra in Sukhasan or Padmasan. One can also sit on the chair in case of uneasiness or discomfort. One

    should perform this Mudra daily at regular basis for at least 30 minutes. One may choose to completethis time period in 3 sittings of 10 minutes each. But preferably reach the phase where you ma practice

    it uninterrupted for 30 minutes.


    The basic benefit of this Mudra is to bring a balance of high and low blood pressure i.e. to maintain an

    optimum blood pressure.


    How & When: To perform this Mudra fold the middle finger at the sun mount below the thumb and

    then press the second phalange (joint) of this finger with the thumb. Keep the rest of the three fingers

    straight. Perform it with both the hands and rest them on the knee facing up for at least 15-20 minutes

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    at a stretch. One must perform this Mudra daily for at least 45 minutes at regular intervals. One may sit

    in Sukhasan or Padmasan or also sitting with straight back on chair (seniors).

    Caution: One must not perform it full stomach, only perform it empty stomach.


    a) One of the most important benefits of this Mudra is in relieving ear ache. Almost any kind of earache

    can be easily relieved by performing this Mudra for 2-5 minutes.

    b) This Mudra helps in neutralizing the air pressure which builds up during the flight in ears. It also

    relieves the uneasiness, pain, dizziness related to travel in air. One can continue doing it as long as one

    feels uncomfortable or at least during take off and landing.

    c) This Mudra is considered almost a sure shot answer to the hard of hearing or deafness. One may

    achieve results in couple of months of regular practice and must discontinue performing it after

    achieving desired results.

    Spiritual or Meditative Mudra

    1. Gyan Mudra

    How & When: The most important and most known Spiritual Mudra is Gyan Mudra. Even a layman is

    well versed

    with this hand gesture adopted by even Gods and Gurus like Buddha, Christ, Guru Nanak Dev ji, and

    Swami Mahavirji etc. There are many variations of this Mudra as will be discussed later in this part.

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    To perform this Mudra one joins the tip of the index finger with the tip of the thumb of the same hand,

    keeping the rest of the three fingers straight. The hand is then kept on the knee facing up with elbows

    straight and body seated in Sukhasan, Padmasan, and Vajrasan or may be on chair with straight back.

    One can keep this Mudra for as long as comfortable and possible. One can perform this Mudra as any

    point of time. There are no diet restrictions for this Mudra.

    One should preferably perform this Mudra while meditating to get maximum benefit out of it. Mornings

    and evenings are supposed to be the best time for it.


    a) This Mudra bestows the practitioner with innate wisdom.

    b) It helps boosting the cell activity in grey matter of brain.

    c) It helps in meditation and naturally calms down the breath.

    d) It brings peace within and lets one connect with self.

    e) It brings the realization of rising beyond Trigunas.

    2. Poorna Gyan Mudra

    How & When: The hand position is the same as Gyan Mudra for this Spiritual Mudra, except for the

    position of hands. The right hand is kept close to the chest with palm facing forward in Gyan Mudra and

    the left hand which is also in Gyan Mudra is kept on the left knee with palm facing up. The best time forthis Mudra is during meditation.


    a) This Mudra improves memory to a great extent

    b) It relaxes the nervous system and calms the irritable temperaments

    c) The Mudra bestows intelligence and wisdom. This Mudra was generally performed by Seers and Yogis

    as the time of giving blessings to the disciples and students.

    d) It causes electrical changes in the electromagnetic activity of the brain leading to increased clarity andunderstanding

    e) This Mudra also adds to the Aura and Prana of the practitioner.

    3. Cup/Chalice Mudra

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    How & When: This is a two hand Mudra. To perform this Mudra keep the right hand in the lap facing up

    and then keep the left hand over the right hand with the thumbs joined together pointing up(one may

    also do it alternatively by keeping one set of fingers over the other set of fingers facing up and the

    thumbs joined pointing up ) to form a cup with the hands. The order is to match the yoga asana. You

    would place the right hand on top of the left hand if the right leg is on top of the left leg and vice-versa.


    a) This Mudra focuses on helping you balance your right-left energies. It promotes balance of the male-

    female energies.

    b) This Mudra immediately lets u connect to self and also activates and balances the Sacral Chakra and

    Root Chakra.

    4. Abhay Mudra

    How & When: "Abhay" means "fearless". Abhay Mudra represents protection, courage, and dispelling of

    fear. It acts like a shield for the practitioner. The Mudra is kept naturally with fingers joint, thumb close

    to fingers by the side of the head facing forward. One often sees Lord Buddha Meditating in this hand



    a) Mind becomes fearless.

    b) Gives a feeling of courage and strength.

    c) It gives one the will power to take challenges and face them bravely.

    d) This Mudra, which initially appears to be a natural gesture, was probably used from prehistoric times

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    as a sign of good intentions - the hand raised and unarmed proposes friendship, or at least peace; since

    antiquity, it was a plain way of showing that you meant no harm since you did not carry any weapon

    5. Dhyana Mudra

    How & When: The Dhyana Mudra is generally performed by both hands. According to tradition, this

    Mudra derives from the one assumed by the Buddha when meditating under the Peepal tree before his

    Enlightenment The hands are generally held at the level of the stomach or on the thighs or to be more

    precise in the lap. The right hand is placed above the left, with the palms facing upwards, and the fingers

    extended. In some cases the thumbs of the two hands may touch at the tips, thus forming a mystic

    triangle. The esoteric sects obviously attribute to this triangle a multitude of meanings, the most

    important being the identification with the mystic fire that consumes all impurities.


    a) The Dhyana Mudra is the Mudra of meditation and of concentration and of the attainment of spiritual


    b) It is generally prescribed to students to increase focusing ability as concentration exercise. It indicates

    the perfect balance of thought, rest of the senses, and tranquility.

    c) The Dhyana Mudra helps mortals achieve this transformation.


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    a) It helps in relieving the urine retention.

    b) It allows the easy passing of the urine.

    c) It also helps on the purification of body of the toxic fluids.

    Panchtattva Mudras

    1. Vaayu Mudra

    How & When: One can perform this Mudra in any pose sitting, standing, lying down or

    walking. To do, fold the index finger at the base of the thumb

    and press the back of second phalange with the thumb. Keep the other three fingers as

    straight as possible. One can perform it any time of the day irrespective of empty or full


    Caution: The only caution is this Mudra works in peaks and valleys. So, care should be taken

    to release the Mudra at once after being helped though it.


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    a) Releases extra wind form the stomach and the body thereby taking care of pains and aches

    as a first aid.

    b) Helps in rheumatic pains. Gout, paralysis, Parkinsons disease, chest pains etc or any pain

    the reason for which is excess wind in the system or in other words is due to imbalance of air


    2. Agni Mudra

    How & When: One should practice this Mudra empty stomach by folding the ring finger at the

    base of thumb and pressing it with the thumb at the second

    phalange. Keep the rest of the three fingers straight and perform it in sitting position only.

    Keep it for at least 15 minutes at a stretch and 2-3 times daily to observe the results. One

    must discontinue performing this mudra in case of acidity, heart burn, indigestion.

    Caution: One must not perform it full stomach, only perform it empty stomach.


    a) Helps dissolving extra fat of the body by balancing the metabolic rate, prevents and

    controls obesity.

    b) Burns the excess phlegm.

    c) Compensates for sluggish digestion.

    d) Helps to increase body strength.

    e) Reduces tension

    f) Very effective in reducing increased cholesterol levels

    g) Provides heat and energy to the body, so excellent to do in winters.

    h) Decreases earth element in the body.

    3. Prithivi Mudra

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    How & When: Touch the tip of the thumb and the tip of the

    ring finger together, keeping the rest of the three fingers straight. Make sure you do not force

    the fingers to be straight, only try to keep them so.

    This Mudra is preferably done in the morning, but could be done any time of the day

    otherwise and for any duration. This Mudra is required to be done when one feels lack of

    energy, enthusiasm and motivation in life. All seems dull and lifeless. One may perform thisMudra with both the hands by sitting in Sukhasan or Padmasan, and keeping the back of the

    palms on the knee, keeping the elbows straight.


    a) Helps boost the blood circulation in the body.

    b) Increases tolerance and patience.

    c) Helps in meditation.

    d) Since this Mudra is an association of the earth element with the powerful Sun, it brings

    solidity to the body.

    e) It also helps the person to gain weight in case of weak and lean bodies.

    f) Helps to restore the balance of the body, when required i.e. restore body equilibrium.

    g) It wards off the weakness, fatigue, dullness and invokes prana in the body.

    h) It also brings and adds to the aura or the halo and also brightness to it.

    i) It also activates the thinking power and helps to broaden the orthodox/ conservative

    thinking pattern.

    j) It compensates the lack of Rajasic Gunas.

    4. Varun Mudra

    How & When: One may perform this Mudra any time of the day by joining the little finger tip

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    with the tip of the thumb, keeping the rest of the three fingers

    straight. One may perform this Mudra in sitting, lying down or standing pose. Though, the

    best pose is still the sitting cross legged pose.

    Caution: Make sure you do not press the tip of the little finger near the nail as it causes

    dehydration rather than moisturizing the system.


    a) As the name suggests, this Mudra is an association of water element with the fire, Varun is

    the name of Water God The Indra, so it balances the water element in the body.

    b) Since it moisturizes the body, it is also a thirst quenching Mudra which activates the

    salivary glands ooze out saliva.

    c) It is a Mudra for relieving dehydration and stomach infection.

    d) It activates the kidney malfunctioning and promotes urination.

    e) It activates the fluid circulation in the body.

    f) It is excellent for skin disorders, wrinkles, skin infections, skin dryness etc.

    g) It purifies the blood and takes care of many blood disorders.

    h) It brings lots of lustier and glows to the body and especially face.

    i) It compensates for the shortage of water in body.

    j) Helps release constipation.

    5. Aakash Mudra / Vyom Mudra

    How & When: Join the tip of the middle finger with the tip of

    the thumb, keeping the rest of the three fingers straight. One may perform this Mudra

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    anytime of the day for any duration. The best time for practicing this Mudra is either morning

    time by sitting in Sukhasan or Padmasan. One must try to keep this Mudra intact for 45

    minutes, though one may start with a shorter time period as per convenience and capacity.


    a) As the name suggests this Mudra is a combination of ether element with the sun and thuscome the powers to any ailment pertaining to sound. It is excellent to increase the sensitivity

    to hear sounds. Thus for those hard of hearing it is a boon in combination with Shoonya


    b) This Mudra activates the calcium and phosphorus absorption form the diet and also their

    formation, which makes it a very good Mudra which those having weakness of bone like


    c) Due to its inherent quality to release tensions, keeping the mind calm and serene it is also

    used during meditation, to calm the mind.

    d) This Mudra is very successful in taking care of the lockjaw experienced at times during

    yawning or during mental tension or over exertion.

    e) Practicing this Mudra regularly calms and clarifies the thought process.


    How & When: Perform this Mudra by interlocking the fingers of both the hands in such way so

    that the little finger of the left hand is the down most and the

    right hand thumb stands straight up, envelope the right hand thumb with the left hand index

    finger and thumb to join the tips at the back of the right hand palm. Hold the palms together

    tightly. One should perform this Mudra by keeping the back straight either in Padmasan or

    Sukhasan. One may also sit on the chair in case of difficulties. Hold the hands in front of the

    chest with hands exerting a little pressure against each other. One may perform this Mudra as

    a therapy daily for time duration one feels comfortable. One should not perform it fullstomach.

    Caution: One must discontinue the Mudra in case of dizziness, uneasiness or nausea. People

    with acidity must observe the reaction and if feels more heart burning, they should

    discontinue doing it. One must not practice this Mudra any longer after you get the result you

    are seeking.

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    a) It is an excellent Mudra to break the phlegm and relieve a person of frequent coughs and


    b) It also works great when the temperature suddenly falls down and one shivers of cold.

    Practicing this Mudra will generate heat in the body and will provide the necessary warmth.c) It also relieves the bronchial spasms and calms down the breath.

    d) It is also fruitful if practiced by person suffering from bronchitis, lung cancer or asthma.

    e) It activates the digestive fire by activating the AGNI which in turn boosts the metabolic

    rate of the body in case of sluggish digestion.

    f) It also helps in case of low blood pressure and mild paralytic attack, sinusitis etc.


    How & When: Perform this Mudra by raising the little finger up

    and straight while folding the rest of the three fingers and pressing them with the thumb. On

    may perform it any time of the day in nay body position like sitting, standing. Lying down etc

    One may practice it for 5-10 minutes.


    a) It helps in relieving the urine retention.

    b) It allows the easy passing of the urine.

    c) It also helps on the purification of body of the toxic fluids.


    How & When: For performing this Mudra, Face both hands to each other and join the finger

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    tips together, leaving the thumbs free as few inches apart.

    Now join the index finger of the right hand with the middle finger of the left hand and

    similarly index finger of the left hand with the middle finger of the right hand. Now join the

    ring finger of the left hand to the little finger of the right hand and vice a versa. When one

    points the fingers down in such a Mudra it looks like the udders of a cow and so is the name.

    One can perform this Mudra anytime of the day avoiding just after the meals. One must

    perform this Mudra at least for 5 minutes to start benefiting out of it and slowly increase theduration form 5 minutes to 45 minutes. If this seems to be not possible then one may do it in

    3 sittings of 15 minutes each. One must perform this Mudra and its variations in Sukhasan,

    Vajrasana or Utkatasana (sitting on the toe tips on a chair position)


    a) Navel center becomes healthy. It activates and strengthens the Manipur Chakra or the Solar

    Plexus and thus strengthens the digestive system.

    b) Helps in yoga practice by releasing the impurities of the mind and rendering calmness.

    c) Pacifies urinary diseases and activates the excretory system by improving the circulation of

    fluids and their filtration process.

    d) Makes body healthy and strong by balancing the Panch Tattvas i.e. Fire, Air, Water, Earth

    and Ether.

    e) Cures abdomen-related diseases like Gas, Flatulence, and Acidity etc.

    f) Strikes balance in flows of gland system thereby creating Hormonal balance.

    Precautions: There are many variations of this Mudra which is called the Wish Fulfilling

    Mudra. By the innate power of this Mudra one can strike a balance of any element which is

    out of balance. So, one must choose to practice the variations of this Mudra under the

    guidance of a known practitioner or Guru or Teacher. As performing the wrong variation can

    increase or decrease the element against the requirement of the body.


    1) Vaayu Surbhi Mudra

    To form this Mudra one must first form the basic Surbhi Mudra and then join the tip of right

    hand thumb to the root of the right hand index finger and the tip of the left hand thumb to

    the root of the left hand index finger.

    This Mudra helps relieving the wind related ailments and also balances the Air element in the

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    2) Shoonya Surbhi Mudra

    To form this Mudra one must first form the basic Surbhi Mudra and then join the tip of right

    hand thumb to the root of the right hand middle finger and the tip of the left hand thumb to

    the root of the left hand middle finger.This Mudra not only balances the ethereal element but also bestows the practitioner with the

    miraculous power to hear the unheard or to be able to hear the sounds not audible to the

    commons. It helps the sadhaka to hear the Anahata sounds. An atmosphere of tranquility is

    naturally created to the sadhaka to enjoy and reap the benefits of sadhna.

    3) Prithivi Surbhi Mudra

    To form this Mudra one must first form the basic Surbhi Mudra and then join the tip of right

    hand thumb to the root of the right hand ring finger and the tip of the left hand thumb to the

    root of the left hand ring finger.

    The Prithivi Mudra alleviates diseases related to abdomen even the chronic digestion related

    ailments and keeps the digestive system in order. This Mudra makes the body powerful and

    removes inertia thereby imparting energy and vitality.

    4) Jal Surbhi Mudra

    To form this Mudra one must first form the basic Surbhi Mudra and then join the tip of right

    hand thumb to the root of the right hand little finger and the tip of the left hand thumb to

    the root of the left hand little finger.

    This Mudra helps in making kidneys healthy and it rectifies urinary disorders by rectifying all

    diseases related to bile and assists in easy passing of urine. It is useful for persons with bilious

    temperament and also helps to relieve constipation and also increases appetite.


    How & When: To perform this Mudra fist the thumb of the left

    hand by keeping it at the centre of the palm of the right hand with the fingers and then join

    the thumb of the right hand with the remaining fingers of the left hand at the tips. Thus it

    forms the shape of a conch or shankha. This Mudra can be performed any time of the day

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    except after the meals. One can perform this Mudra in Sukhasan or Vajrasana and should

    perform for at least 10 minutes at a stretch to gain the benefit out of it. Slowly increase the

    time limit to 45 minutes. One can also perform it in 3 sittings of 15 minutes each.


    a) Removes speech disorders like stammering and stuttering. Gives sweetness to voice andrenders it an attractive quality.

    b) Disorders related to tonsil and throat gets removed. It also balances the thyroid gland

    thereby bringing hormonal balance.

    c) It keeps navel center in order, making person healthy and thus affect to keep the nervous

    system healthy and active.

    d) Alleviates abdomen disorders. Improves the digestive system.


    If during the practice of this Mudra one starts getting weaker or fatter day by day then one

    must avoid its practice as this Mudra affect the thyroid glands and due to unreasonable

    practice of this Mudra may hypo or hyper activate the thyroid glands.


    How & When: To perform this Mudra make a fist with both the hands, fingers really digging

    into the center of the palm. Now open up the index, little

    finger and the thumb, keeping them reasonably straight. Rest the hands on the knee facing up

    by keeping the elbow straight. One must perform this Mudra in Sukhasan or Padmasan. One

    can also sit on the chair in case of uneasiness or discomfort. One should perform this Mudra

    daily at regular basis for at least 30 minutes. One may choose to complete this time period in

    3 sittings of 10 minutes each. But preferably reach the phase where you ma practice it

    uninterrupted for 30 minutes.


    The basic benefit of this Mudra is to bring a balance of high and low blood pressure i.e. to

    maintain an optimum blood pressure.

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    How & When: To perform this Mudra fold the middle finger at

    the sun mount below the thumb and then press the second phalange (joint) of this finger with

    the thumb. Keep the rest of the three fingers straight. Perform it with both the hands and

    rest them on the knee facing up for at least 15-20 minutes at a stretch. One must performthis Mudra daily for at least 45 minutes at regular intervals. One may sit in Sukhasan or

    Padmasan or also sitting with straight back on chair (seniors).


    a) One of the most important benefits of this Mudra is in relieving ear ache. Almost any kind

    of earache can be easily relieved by performing this Mudra for 2-5 minutes.

    b) This Mudra helps in neutralizing the air pressure which builds up during the flight in ears. It

    also relieves the uneasiness, pain, dizziness related to travel in air. One can continue doing it

    as long as one feels uncomfortable or at least during take off and landing.

    c) This Mudra is considered almost a sure shot answer to the hard of hearing or deafness. One

    may achieve results in couple of months of regular practice and must discontinue performing

    it after achieving desired results.


    Mudra is an ancient Yogic art and science of gesturing and sealing vital pranicenergies in the human body for health, well being and spiritual evolution.
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    The physical body is made up of five elements namely - Air, Water, Fire, Earth andSky and each finger represents one element. Mudras can help cure breathingproblems, digestion problems, help boost the immunity, balance the metabolism,and strengthen the nervous system and bones.

    It helps in Cardiac Problems, Kidney issues, Migraines, Arthritis, to name a few,apart from revitalizing and generating spiritual energy and unveiling koshas.Mudras are employed along with Yogic Meditation to energize the Chakras and calmthe mind apart from healing the physical body. Gestures for the Head, Neck andFace are very important for releasing the tensions and knots in the Face, Neck andHead. They not only release the physical tensions but all release the blockedemotions. They are very simple to perform and can easily become apart of yourdaily life.Mudra Therapy in many ways:

    Mudra therapy Consultation

    Mudra Therapy Session Mudra Yoga Therapy Session

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    Mudras are easy to perform at anytime, although sitting in the lotus position andfocusing on the healing can be an advantage. Although mudrascan be used for healing certain ailments, regular practise of mudraswill contribute to your overall good health and can be used as a preventive measure.

    Continuous practice of the mudras will create minute changes in your body using pulsecentres on parts of your hands, which trigger certain healing processes within the

    corresponding body part.

    Mudras are to be performed with both hands at the same time, unless otherwisespecified.

    Start with 10 minutes at a time and increase up to 3/4 hour for best results. Fingers should remain comfortable during the procedure and not held stiffly or tight.


    Gyan Mudra

    Description: The thumb and index finger are brought together gentlywhile all the other fingers remain upright.

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    Uses include:Mental PeaceConcentrationSharp MemorySpiritualityInsomniaMental DisordersStressDepressionDrowsinessDevelops telepathic ablilitiesDevelopes clairvoyant and extra-sensory ablilitiesApan Vayu Mudra

    Description: Fold the forefinger to touch the mound of the

    thumb. The little finger should be held erect. Then place tips of middlefinger and ring finger together on tip of thumb all touching each other.(BOTH HANDS)Uses include:Strengthens heartEmergency first aid for severe heart attack if administered within 2 seconds.Self ConfidenceNormalises blood pressureVomitingMenstruation related problemsPurifies the entire body

    Rudra Mudra

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    Description: Place tips of index finger and ring finger together on topof the tip of thumb, with other fingers extended comfortably. (BOTHHANDS)Uses include:DizzinessImproves blood circulationBrings clarity in thought.Low blood pressureImproves eyesightImproves breathingControls eating habitsBlocked VeinsImproves concentration

    Apan Mudra

    Description: Place tips of thumb, middle finger and ring fingertogether in each hand. (BOTH HANDS)Uses include:LiverGall BladderRemoves wastes products

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    Toxic releaseBladder problemsBalances mindSelf confidencePatienceSerenityInner HarmonyPrithvi Mudra

    Description: Place the tip of the ring finger on top of the tip of thethumb. Extend all the other fingers and keep them comfortably straightas possible.(BOTH HANDS)Uses include:LiverInner stablitySelf AssuranceStomachStrengthens body and mindGlowing skinIncreases energy

    Shankha Mudra

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    Description: The left thumb should be held in the right fist and then theleft index finger should touch the right thumb. Put light pressure withthe remaining fingers of the left hand onto the closed fist fo the righthand. Swap over sides.Uses include:Thyroid Glands.ThroatBlood VesselsMuscular SystemDigestionGood for actors and singers for voice enhancementVaruna Mudra

    Description: Place thumb down on little finger and keep all remainingthree fingers comfortably straight.Uses include:To enhance beautyRemoves impurities from the bloodRestores moisture to skinPainful cramps

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    Shunya Mudra

    Description: Place thumb down on middle finger and keep allremaining three fingers comfortably straight.Uses include:EaracheDeafnessVertigoNumbness in the bodyVayu Mudra

    Description: Place thumb down on index finger and keep all

    remaining three fingers comfortably straight.

    Uses include:RheumatismSciaticaStiff NeckKnee PainGoutJoint Pain in hands and feet

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    ParalysisHysteriaLinga Mudra

    Description:Join your palms in front of your chest and lock the facingfingers together keeping your thumbs upright. Hold for 3 minutes,release and repeat twice.Uses include:Weight ReductionColds and CoughsStrengthens lungsDigestionMake sure you drink plenty of water as Linga Mudra generates heat in your body.Varuna Mudra

    Description: Join your little finger to the tip of your thumb. Keepother fingers comfortably straight.Uses include:Dry skinBlood problems

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    Restores moisture to the bodyRelaxes muscles ~ crampDiarrhea and dehydrationTo enhance beauty

    Shankha Mudra

    Description: The left thumb should be held in the right fist and thenthe left index finger should touch the right thumb.Uses include:DigestionThyroid GlandsThroatEnhances quality of voiceSurabhi Mudra

    Description:Join the little finger and ring finger, then join the middlefinger and index finger together. This pose can also be called "cow

    posture" as the mudra makes cloven hooves of your hands,Uses include:Rheumatic inflammationSharpens your intellect

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    Surahi Mudra

    Description:Join the little finger of one hand with the ring finger of theother and vice versa. Similarly, join the forefinger with the middlefinger of the other hand and vice versa. Leave your thumbs free.Uses include:Rheumatic inflammationColdsSharpens your intellect

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    Therapeutic Mudra Index

    Use the following index to find mudras that can be helpful for specific physical ailments and emotional



    -Shivalingam Mudra


    -Kaleswara Mudra


    -Bhramara Mudra


    -Adhi Mudra

    -Adho Merudanda Mudra

    -Anjali Mudra

    -Bhairava Mudra

    -Ganesha Mudra

    -Jnana Mudra

    -Vajrapradama Mudra

    -Vayu Mudra


    -Marma Mudra

    -Prithivi Mudra

    -Surabhi Mudra

    -Vayu Mudra


    -Bronchial Mudra

    -Mushti Mudra

    -Uttabodhi Mudra


    -Anjali Mudra

    -Bhairava Mudra


    -Paschima Mudra


    -Ganesha Mudra

    -Mandala Mudra

    -Padma Mudra

    -Pushan Mudra


    -Medha Prana Kriya

    -Mandala Mudra


    -Dharmachakra Mudra


    -Merudanda Mudra

    -Prana Mudra


    -Adhi Mudra

    -Abhyasa Mudra

    -Bhairava Mudra

    -Jnana Mudra

    -Vaikhara Mudra

    -Vajrapradama Mudra

    -Vayu Mudra


    -Yoni Mudra(women)

    -Merudanda Mudra


    -Pushan Mudra

    -Vayu Mudra


    -Mahasirs Mudra


    -Kundalini Mudra

    -Vayu Mudra


    -Merudanda Mudra


    -Adho Merudanda Mudra-Palli Mudra

    -Vajrapradama Mudra


    -Brahma Mudra

    -Surya Mudra

    -Shakti Mudra


    -Yoni Mudra

    -Shakti Mudra

    MONKEY MIND (circular


    -Jnana Mudra

    -Kurma Mudra

    -Mahasirs Mudra


    -Pushan Mudra


    -Kali Mudra

    -Dharmachakra Mudra


    -Prithivi Mudra
  • 7/22/2019 Mudras Updated



    -Varuna Mudra


    -Ushas Mudra-Uttarbodhi Mudra


    -Prana Mudra

    -Shakti Mudra


    -Linga Mudra


    -Adho Merudanda Mudra

    -Apana Mudra

    -Prithivi Mudra

    -Maha Sacral Mudra


    -Adho Merudanda Mudra

    -Urdhva Merudanda Mudra

    -Shivalingam Mudra

    -Prana Mudra

    -Kapota Mudra-Kubera Mudra

    -Makara Mudra

    -Shakti Mudra


    -Adho Merudanda Mudra\


    -Kaleswara Mudra


    -Anjali Mudra

    -Apanavayu Mudra

    -Bhairava Mudra

    -Mushti Mudra-Purna Hridaya


    -Adhi Mudra


    -Shanka Mudra


    -Prana Mudra

    -Visuddha Mudra


    -Marma Mudra

    -Maha Sacral Mudra

    -Varuna Mudra


    -Dhyana Mudra

    -Kubera Mudra

    -Makara Mudra-Matangi Mudra

    -Merudanda Mudra

    -Palli Mudra

    -Shivalingam Mudra

    -Surya Mudra

    -Uttabodhi Mudra

    -Vajrapradama Mudra


    -Apana Mudra

    -Pushan Mudra

    -Merudanda Mudra


    -Maha Sacral Mudra


    -Hasa Mudra


    -Kapota Mudra


    -Kundalini Mudra


    -Mahasirs Mudra


    -Kapota Mudra

    -Visuddha Mudra


    -Naga Mudra


    -Jnana Mudra

    -Prithivi Mudra

    -Pushan Mudra

