Multimedia Database

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Guided By Avnish Patel MT 011

Dr. Amit GanatraSir Parth Jani MT 007

Multimedia Database(MMDB)?• Multimedia database is a collection of related multimedia

data.• MMDB stores data in the form of, text, images, graphic,

animation, audio and video. • A multimedia database is a database that include one or

more primary media file types such as .txt (documents), .jpg (images), .swf (videos), .mp3 (audio), etc.TEXT






Since existing relational and OO databases comprise the basic requirements of any database, but to store multimedia data -MMDB’s were evolved, that includes:

• long bit and byte strings • BLOBS • paths or references of images where the actual image

stored elsewhere, such as on an optical storage subsystem. • Content retrieval capabilities.

 Multimedia Database Management System 

(MMDBMS) ? • It is a framework that manages different types of data

potentially represented in a wide diversity of format on a wide array of media sources. It provides support for multimedia data types• Provide facilitate for• Creation, • Storage,• Access,• Query• Control of a multimedia database.

Contents of MMDBA

• Media data - actual data representing images, audio, video that are captured, digitized, processes, compressed and stored.

• Media format data - contains format information of the media data after it goes through the acquisition, processing, and encoding phases.

• For instance, this consists of information such as the sampling rate, resolution, frame rate, encoding scheme etc.

• Media keyword data - contains the keyword descriptions, • For example, for a video, this might include the date, time, and place

of recording , the person who recorded, the scene that is recorded, etc .This is also called as content descriptive data.

• Media feature data - contains the features derived from the media data. For example, contain information about the distribution of colors, the kinds of textures and the different shapes present in an image. This is also referred to as content dependent data.


• The last three types are called meta data as they describe several different aspects of the media data.

• The media keyword data and media feature data are used as indices for searching purpose.

• The media format data is used to present the retrieved information.

Types of multimedia data

• Text: using a standard language (HTML)

• Graphics: encoded in CGM, postscript

• Images: bitmap, JPEG, MPEG

• Video: sequenced image data at specified rates

• Audio: aural recordings in a string of bits in digitized


data types are categorized into 3 classes

• Static media • time-independent• image and graphic object

• Dynamic media• time-dependent• Audio, video and animation

Dimensional media• 3D game and Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) programs.

Characteristics of MMDM

Corresponding Storage Media Data must be stored & managed according to their specific characteristics of the storage media

Descriptive Search Methods Query must be descriptive & content oriented

View Specific & Simultaneous Data Access Same data can be accessed through different queries by different applications

Management of Large Amounts of data Real time Data Transfer

Data transfer of real time activity gets higher priority than other database activities

Large Transactions Large transactions must be done in a reliable fashion, since it take long time.

Requirements of Multimedia databases• Integration• Data items do not need to be duplicated for different programs

invocations• Data independence• Separate the database and the management from the application

programs• Concurrency control• Allows concurrent transactions

• Persistence• Data objects can be saved and re-used by different transactions

and program invocations• Privacy• Access and authorization control


• Integrity control• Ensures database consistency between transactions

• Recovery• Failures of transactions should not affect the persistent data

storage• Query support• Allows easy querying of multimedia data

Design goal of MMDB

• Manage different types of input, output, and storage devices

• Handle a variety of data compression and storage formats

• Support different computing platforms and operating systems

• Integrate different data model.-(R database , OO database)

• Offer a variety of user-friendly query systems suited to

different kinds of media.

• Handle different kinds of indices

• Provide transparent view of geographically distributed data

• Synchronize different media types while presenting to user

Multimedia DB StorageMultimedia data storage

How the multimedia data structured?

How these data can be stored?

Data Structures1) Raw Data - Uncompressed Image2) Registering Data - Size & coding details of raw data3) Descriptive Data - Textual numerical annotations

Media Raw Registering DescriptiveText Characte

rsCoding scheme (ASCII), length / end symbol

Key words, information for structuring

Images Pixels Height/ Width of picture, Mode of Compression, if JPEG, tables for quantization purpose

Pic.Date = 21/04/07Pic.Reason = BirthdayEtc

Video Pixels Frames/second, coding details, frame types…

Scene description

Audio Sample sequence

Audio coding (PCM,…) , resolution of samples

Content of audio passages in short form

MM Database Architecture

Querying MM data A DBMS permits a user to search the database by

content e.g. give the name of the student with roll number 123456 We would like to do the same with multimedia data

e.g. Consider a police investigation of a murder case. give the picture of a this person or audio files to multimedia data library( contain CCTV footage, authorized telephone wiretaps, document data ,bank transition.)

With standard data this is easy – numeric and string operators are well understood With multimedia data this is more difficult and requires some method of identifying contents of which there are two kinds:

Cont … automatic identification

an algorithm takes the data and returns a measure which can be compared – e.g. of blackness

manual identificationa person examines the data and catalogues it – e.g. in a table of pictures, there is a column for the picture and another for the painter

Housing Multimedia Data There are three kinds of DBMS that might be used for housing multimedia data. Relational DBMS store everything as First

Normal Form tables Object-oriented DBMS store everything as

classes of objects Object-relational DBMS are fundamentally

relations but are not First Normal Form

Relational DBMS• Oracle support three large object types:• BLOB(Binary Large Objects – BLOB) –• The BLOB domain type stores unstructured binary data

in the database. BLOBs can store up to four gigabytes of binary data.

• CLOB – The CLOB domain type stores up to four gigabytes of single-byte character set data• NCLOB - The NCLOB domain type stores up to four

gigabytes of fixed-width and varying width multi-byte national character set data• relational databases efficient for numeric and textual

data store, but do not conveniently support content-based searches for multimedia content.


Storing in Database

• Oracle InterMedia• Example:  

create table image_blob_table (id     number primary key,

                       image_blob        BLOB); insert into image_blob_table (id, image_blob)

values (1, “Path of image”) ;

Object-oriented DBMS• Jasmine is an Object-Oriented database that stores

the data in form of classes and objects• It comes with a number of built in classes include

four multimedia classes:• Picture -• Image –• Video –• Audio -

• These come with manipulation and compression facilities.• They also have been made to fit well with Java

Media Framework

Object-relational DBMS• The BFILE data type in Oracle provides access to BLOB

files of up to 4 gigabytes that are stored in file systems outside an Oracle database.

• The BFILE data type allows read-only support of large binary files; you cannot modify a file through Oracle. Oracle provides APIs to access file data.

Example:• CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE insert_image_file (p_id

NUMBER, p_image_name IN VARCHAR2) IS src_file BFILE; dst_file BLOB; BEGIN src_file := BFILENAME ('image_DIR', p_image_name); INSERT INTO temp_image (ID, image_name, image ) VALUES (p_id, p_image_name, EMPTY_BLOB () ) RETURNING image INTO dst_file; END insert_image_file;• Execute: EXECUTE insert_image_file(1,'test_image.jpg');

Performance Issues MMDBMSs provides good performance for real-time querying and updating. Some of the features that influence this are:• indexing - most DBs use single key access (B-trees)

whereas, MM have multidimensional indexes with two dimensional objects have X and Y co-ordinates (R-trees) • content-retrieval indexing - special indexes are required

for this. For example, the index for a video could contain the frame number of the start of each clip or scene. • query optimization - MMDBs are large and manage

many complex object providing query optimization

Databases requires• well structured data organisation

• efficient storage of large amounts of data

• Querying

• Fast retrieval of request

• transactional support for concurrent users

Issues and challenges• Multimedia data consists of a variety of media formats or file

representations including TIFF, BMP, PPT, FPX, MPEG, AVI, MID, WAV, DOC, GIF,PNG,TEC

• Because of restrictions on the conversion from one format to the other, the use of the data in a specific format has been limited as well.

• Usually, the data size of multimedia is large such as video; therefore, multimedia data often require a large storage.

• Multimedia database consume a lot of processing time, as well as bandwidth.

• multimedia data structures takes much time in retrieval than standard database structures

• multimedia data structures do not easily lend themselves to content-based searching


• Digital Libraries• Documentation and keeping Records• Knowledge distribution• Education and Training

• News-on-Demand• Advertisement

• Video-on-Demand• Entertainment

• Music database• Geographic Information System• Marketing

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