Multimedia Exam #4

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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Someone who has made me feel comfortable this semester at Loyola is my assistant coach Dan Ficke. Ficke has helped me get adjusted to college life and went to Loyola him self not to long ago so he had been able to give me great advice on a number of topics since coming here.

Someone who makes me smile every day is my little brother. I miss him so much and have so much fun with him every time I visit home but everyday I facetime him and he tells me stories about his day which always brightens mine.

Someone who has challenged my beliefs is my roommate Andre. He has different religious beliefs than me and a couple of times we've had friendly debates about these beliefs.

One person who has helped me when I was struggling is my friend Carly. Carly is a freshman on the girls basketball team and can relate to a lot of the things I’m going through. She has always been there to talk when I needed someone to vent to.

Someone who I feel like will be a lifelong friend is my roommate Matt. He is the very first fellow Loyola student I ever met and we have a lot of things in common and always have a good time. I think our friendship will last well beyond college.

My mother has taught me very meaningful things since I've been at school. She always calls me and has helped learned lessons about growing up and taking more responsibilities.

Someone who is very different from me but I share commonalities with is my roommate Cam. Me and Cam like many different things and act differently but we both work extremely hard in basketball and academics and also share some interests in common.

Someone who I feel is a strong leader is my teammate Franz. Franz is one of the hardest workers on our team and leads by example. He is also a very encouraging leader unlike some leaders sometimes are.

Someone who I want to be more like is my dad. My dad is loving, fun, hard-working and honest. These are all traits I have problems with sometimes but he inspires me all the time to be better.

Charles Bishop

My favorite place on campus is Reitz Arena. This is where I get to do the thing I love everyday which is play basketball. Game days are also the best because of the super fans cheering you on.

My favorite place in Baltimore is obviously the inner harbor. The harbor is beautiful, there's so many things to do, and its only a 10 minute drive from campus so whenever I can get down there for a few hours I do.

A place where I feel comfortable on campus is my locker and the lounge in the locker room. This is a place I can go and relax and watch TV a lot of the times without even my teammates being in there. I go here all time to wind down a day.

The chapel is a place I go sometimes to get away from all the noise and pressures of college life. Here I can quietly think and reflect on things going on and my life and always feel refreshed and calm after leaving.

A place that has taught me something new is the city of Quebec in Canada. In Quebec we visited many historical places and learned all about Canadian history.

A place that is very different than what I am used to is my whole apartment suite. I have never lived with so many people, people who were even strangers not to long ago. This is why living in a suite is so different but also fun.

A place that inspires me is the study. I go here every day for hours and I see so many people and athletes working hard by themselves, in groups, and with tutors. This inspires me to do best academically so I can have a successful life.

This picture represents diversity to me because were all strangers of three different races but now we are the best friends and have fun all the time together.

This photo of campion tower represents community to me because campion is like its own little community of college students. I know tons of people in campion and we all have a lot of fun hanging out. Everyone on our floor regularly leaves our doors open because we trust each other so much and were always looking to talk with each other.

This photo represents service to me because it is was taken in my Multimedia class where we are working on a commercial showing off under armor gear which we hope to show to under armor in the hopes of getting clothes donations to give out to the less fortunate people of Baltimore.

This photo best sums up my first semester at Loyola because it is a picture of our whole basketball team smiling and having fun. We have been with each other a whole lot traveling to many different places and playing a lot of basketball. This is why it sums up my first semester.