Multinational Corporations-GD.docx

Post on 30-Dec-2015

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Multinational Corporations : are they devils in Disguise?

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MNCs a Devil in disguise. I particularly disagree with the statement. MNCs are not only those company that come from abroad and drain away all our country's resources but MNCs also includes companies of India going abroad creating Indian Market outside India. It makes India a global economy if if blame that companies coming from abroad are exploiting the resources here we even have to agree with the fact that Indian MNCs are exploiting the resources abroad.

Its high time in this globalised environment that we have to have a globalised approach in our views and accept the companies that are coming up in India from abroad.

Nevertheless a stringent control over these companies have to be maintained so that these MNCs can never turn into devils for our country and our people.

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Vinod Kumar Malapati said: (Mon, Aug 5, 2013 08:33:44 PM)     

I have read so many views about this topic. Now I want to explain my views regarding this topic.

MNCs are most popular companies in the world like wipro, google etc. MNCs provide good salary and good future etc. But those peoples are from NITs IITs IIITs BITs etc some other famous institutions. Here who are selected students form NITs, IITs IIITs BITs, those are studied by their correspond country government suppose here Indian government. But they served to other countries. This government provide books, food etc. But we have worked for other countries. Is this fair? What about other institutes and students. So we shouldn't encourage MNCs.

We have to work for our country.

Finally I concluded that coins has two sides. But depends on which way do we like to see? But some development will be there in respective countries by MNCs.

"We will work for our country, we will die for our country".

Thank you for your giving this opportunity.

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Ankzz said: (Mon, Aug 5, 2013 12:36:58 AM)     

Yes MNCs are devils in disguise as:

1. They take the cream students of a country and make to work for them. Taking an important and valuable asset of that country.

2. The youth which the country thought would help the country grow rather are lured by MNCs and

they work for the upliftment of other country's economy, opposing the same country which gave them education and birth.

Example: America has so many brains of India working for its growth, helping the Dollar to see an ever increasing hike leaving rupee to an ever time low.

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Aashish said: (Sun, Aug 4, 2013 10:29:07 AM)     

Right now We as a Country are going through some Difficult phase were in Rs to Dollar equation is disturbing which leads to overall macroeconomic crisis. Imports are high, Trade deficit gap is widening, Oil prices are rising so in such situation We need more and more MNCs to come and invest in our country. Hence MNCs are very vital for our growth.

There is another school of thought that says MNCs have destroyed our lifestyle (Working in Night shifts) , then change in eating habits, Increase in Work pressure but according to me it is part and parcel of development if We really want to grow above 6% (GDP) we need to give such sacrifices.

As Swami vivekananda has quoted "Greater the risk and sacrifices greater will be the profits and achievements".

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Navin said: (Tue, Jul 30, 2013 01:05:33 AM)     

As far as I think MNCs are devils in disguise but it is also a matter of fact that the government of our country is responsible behind the growing of these devils. It is true that they provide jobs, reduces unemployment, pays high tax, brings new technology. But we should not forget that our country is loosing all its talent minds which are taken by these companies and also if our government could have a better arrangement for the graduates of the country then it would not have happened. 

Our government also expends a lot of money behind the students of NITs, IITs, or other government institutions but at the end their intelligence is used by these MNCs. I am deeply concerned towards this fact and amused as well that why government of our country can't understand their policies. They should arrange for the graduates of the country so that students do not need to go to these MNCs.

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Deeksha Saxena said: (Mon, Jul 29, 2013 05:40:20 PM)     

Hello Friends.

It is always said that excess of everything is bad. That is also true with MNCs.

Yes, MNCs provide good employment, a standard life style, a good platform for exposure and make our country known at the international level, BUT, these all things are only for those who belong to IITs or NITs. What about others?

Also, they take all the profit to their country i.e. they take more then they give.

That's true that MNCs bring new technology but I think, Our country is also capable to think something creative and make itself known in the world.

There are many institutes which give many bright students with excellent mind. If they all are get hired by Indian company and get good exposure then I am sure that there is no need of MNCs to stand at the international level.

So, in my opinion, as our country is a developing country, our country as well as country's students should bring their focus to the Indian company so that our country can make its own identity in the world.

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Sheen said: (Sat, Jul 27, 2013 01:55:08 AM)     

I feel that MNC's are doing a good role in the country as they have provided jobs to the country wide and are helping to boost the Indian economy. MNC's have a brand name so they will recruit the people of iit n nits but the problem is they have made the people working in them helpless because they have long working hours and they don't get much time for other things. Moreover they are giving a tough competition to the Indian market and that is in a way a good sign so that people will try to compete with them and in a way pave way for their growth. So for a country like India mncs are must.

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Brajesh said: (Wed, Jul 24, 2013 09:20:18 PM)     

In my opinion, MNC's are boon to our country because it increases standard of life, provides employment to citizens, gives better services, creates competition in the market, helps in the better utilization of army of engineers, doctors, managers etc. In our country. But we should also consider the other phase of this like it will destroy the employees relief, take higher services, leads to corruption, and over exploitation of the natural resources etc.

My question to all of you is why we give priority to the drawbacks of these MNC's instead of recovery of our system. In my opinion we should provide a proper guidelines to these companies regarding employees physical and mental health, his family concerns, to provide better working environment, strict rules against bidding, involvement of leaders or any government servant etc. Since many efforts have been done in past like factory act 1948, 1976 but it should be revised again concerning the above facts.

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Atalmonu said: (Tue, Jul 23, 2013 02:16:11 PM)     

Every coin has two points. One is positive ant negative. The MNCs are beneficial rather then negative points. But I am against this. Because they provide the job only to the best students of India like from NITs IITs etc. What about rest population, this is difficulty 1% of the total population. Provide the costly things that can't affordable by whole India. They use the people like a machine, MNCs don't care about our health, wealth level like promotion. MNCs makes their own rules that have many restrictions. So think about.


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Satyam Kumar said: (Sat, Jul 20, 2013 09:41:39 PM)     

Hello friends,

We must understand the fact that any companies whether they are Local{like reliance, Tata etc. } or Global{Samsung etc. }they are running and expanding because they want to make profit as much as possible. They never want loss. So, we should blame the governmental institutions if they are exploiting our resources because they are not amending the rules which stop it.

So, if MNC's are seeming as devils, it's devilish intensity can be reduced by bringing some strict rules. This practice has been used many countries like China.

Otherwise, MNC's have been proved boon for India. The reasons are ::-.

1. Before liberalization in 1990, Indian economy was running at snail pace. It needed a boost which was given by these MNC's and we achieved the growth rate of 8%-9% and we are now recognized as superpower in world.

2. We can't blame them that they are preventing the growth of Indian companies. There are so many companies which have grown unprecedented after globalization like Infosys, Tata, Reliance etc.

3. Just because of MNC's, the youths of India are thinking about "Entrepreneurship" nowadays.

4. Nowadays everyone thinks globally instead of restricting themselves to local.

These are the major points, I want to raise here and rest have already been discussed by my fellow friends.

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Sonia said: (Wed, Jul 17, 2013 02:36:05 PM)     

I don't think MNCs are a devil in disguise. MNCs has a lot of benefits. MNCs provide a lot of employment opportunities with handsome salaries. The consumers are provided with a huge choice of products with competitive prices. Though MNCs give competition to the domestic companies but the fact cannot be ignored that the companies with a good strategy n consumer friendly products can easily compete with these MNCs and can survive in the market. In todays world the main theory is survival of the fittest.

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Anchal said: (Sat, Jul 13, 2013 11:46:55 AM)     

Hello friends what my view over MNC'S that they are not devils for our country. They are playing a vital role in progress of our country. Because of MNC our country is also known by different other country they used our fresh mind with it's full potential. They are the highest tax payers which also

helps us in our economy. India right now is in the glorious time of it and mnc's are the part of it's success and some where we are standing up with other countries because our product get known on the world level with the help of MNC's and our people work is appreciated on the international level.

To make our country future more good we needed the support of mnc's company. They are good for us and for our country too.

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Sainu said: (Wed, Jul 3, 2013 04:14:04 PM)     

Hello friends,

I appreciate with my all friends. According to me "MNC's are bane to our country. Because During the last "RECESSION" time, our country was protected by MNCs. So, how MNC's are devils for our country".

But Every Coin has two sides one is positive and other is negative. It depend on us how we see it. Or how we implement or take it in our life.

Positive side is:

"Because they provides lots of jobs to the freshers as well as unemployed. Also they provides proper platform for prove your self and explore your self. Best thing in MNC is they do't considering the reservations and recommendations. And they are very help to increase GDP tremendously of any country because the are Major tax payers to the country and MNC's are helps to any country for growing at recession time".

Negative side is:

"They treat a employee like a machine not as a human being. MNC's enjoying here cheap labour. According to there nation they are paying less money. They doesn't care about job security, career growth etc. ".

At last so, Many people are saying that, they are employing at cheaper rates. Whats wrong in that? I give an exmple : if we are purchasing a single thing we will compare the prices from nearby shops. For investing such a huge amount can't they (MNCs) get those benefits.

Finally I would like to conclude that MNC's are not devils, these are developing the countries economy as well as supporting the people to have a bright future.

MNc’s superior to indian companies?

Multinational company better than Indian company. Because we all know that India is developing country. MNC's provide better job, good salary, good in infrastructure suppose if MNC's plans some project in our country them most of the unemployed people get job with good salary. Indian company is said to be struggling company and mnc's company is settled company. MNC's often have monopoly power which enables than to make excess.

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Viswanath S N said: (Sat, Aug 3, 2013 09:36:54 PM)     

First of all I am an INDIAN so I should like Indian companies But the real fact is MNCs are more capable than our companies you know why.

1. MNC having huge capital and Advanced technology.

2. MNCs bring more employment opportunity.

3. MNCs which will reduce our IMPORTS.

4. MNCs are main sources of our govt income.

5. MNCs bring Culture.

6. MNCs create a good relationship between home and host country.

7. MNCs provide Quality goods at less cost.

8. Last but most important MNCs are utilizing our resources effectively.

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Indian said: (Sat, Aug 3, 2013 12:27:13 AM)     

Hi friends,

In my view MNCs are superior than Indian company because of the following reason. But I never mean to say that Indian companies are not good. Because of the budget is very for MNCs * they provide better product, * they spend lot of money on research and development, they also * provide a better salary to their employees that makes employees satisfied hence they work more for the company, they are spreaded in many country so they very less affected by the recessions. But case is reverse for Indian country. Indian economy is growing not yet matured so the companies are also not earning much.

MNCs are recruiting very highly qualified folk. But Indian companies are taking average students.

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Savitharachuri said: (Wed, Jul 31, 2013 07:16:49 PM)     

Hi friends,

I think MNCs are superior to Indian companies because the very first reason would be >India is a developing country and the Indian companies offer less salaries as compared to the MNCs because MNCs are spread worldwide and the turnover is more compared to the Indian.

> Also there are many MNCs that hire resourceful Indian employees for their benefit whereas India has just a handful of employees from other nations who work under them and most of them would be from less economically developed countries.

> Also in India there is not much contribution towards the research whereas in other developed countries they solely concentrate on research and practice which is the main reason for countries development.

> Caste based reservations also play a major role in hiring employees who have the ability to work in the company because of reservations not many resourceful employees are hired.

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Yashi said: (Sun, Jul 7, 2013 10:57:32 PM)     

Hello friends,

I will take neutral stand on this topic.

Talking about about the MNC's, MNC provide growth, better opportunities, high packages, job security and chance to work in foreign. But on other hand, India have to pay tax for it.

Talking about the Indian companies, there are many big companies like TCS, ACCENTURE, WIPRO, RELIANCE etc which are not inferior to MNC in any aspect and have vital growth. Also, there many small companies in INDIA where we can develop our skills and knowledge more as compared to big companies because less number of employees are there so max work is to be done by employees.

For eg. If You see in IT companies, in small companies developer have to analyse the requirements, coding, testing, designing himself, while in big Companies developer have to write code only.

So, I conclude both are superior but both have same positions.

Rate this:   +26       -5

Prudhvi said: (Tue, Jul 2, 2013 02:14:17 AM)     

I agree with all till posted and I believe MNC's plays a vital role in our GDP also because one have to remember that the highest tax paying comes from the MNC's. If they were generating income for only their nations then are the Social Activists of our country are sleeping?

Because of MNC's most of the citizens are getting jobs and they are able to feed their families.

Just think about us if we depend only upon the GOVT jobs.

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Chengappa M said: (Tue, Jun 25, 2013 08:13:19 PM)     

Hello everyone,

1. MNC's are naturally superior to the Indian companies when it comes to the sheer infrastructure and efficiency with which the company works.

2. Youth today look for fast growth and increase in the skills of oneself both of these aspects are seen

in the fast growing competitive MNC's.

3. The companies owned by the government though is highly developed and fully equipped, but the factors like profit, increase in skills cannot be seen.

4. Companies like L&T India's own multinational company has emerged as a winner, it has taken an Indian company to the world scenario. It has emerged as one of the best Indian multinational company.

5. L&T is the best example for the country to increase its own companies productivity and rise into being self sufficient and try to increase the manpower for profits and 100 pc productivity.

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Amit said: (Sat, Jun 22, 2013 01:35:27 PM)     

Good afternoon everyone I am amit both companies are superior if we talk about India there lots of people are not well educated then they don't take the entry in MNCs companies then I thinks Indian companies superior for Indian employee ya if we talk about todays scenario Indian students are well educated and going on MNCs and abroad.

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Karan said: (Sun, Jun 16, 2013 04:39:21 PM)     

Well I have worked with an Indian company for 3 years, although all the projects are for US clients. I started at a low salary but after 3 years today it is probably greater than the MNC. This was possible because a smaller organization means transparency and more challenging work due to less people and your talent gets focus to the topmost hierarchy in organization. So I would say smaller and Indian companies are fine to start your career but shift to MNCs after a period of time since MNCs provide better infrastructure, growth in long time, better pay in long race and job security.

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Poonam said: (Tue, Apr 30, 2013 05:13:25 AM)     

HI Friends, According to me both Indian companies and MNC'S has their pros and cons. MNC PROVIDE US HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT, GROWTH OPPORTUNITY, good packages, chance to go abroad and make people to live wealthy life. That can't be get easily in Indian companies. But due to large work pressure, job insecurity create lots of health problem in MNC. People suffers from hypertension, blood pressure, sugar, heart attack in small age are going to be common factor.

Indian companies provide job security, Pension after retirement. Relaxed job, tension free job. Growth opportunity comparatively are less as compared to MNC BUT JOB IS TENSION FREE who are the major factor of causing serious health problem.

Rate this:   +36       -10

Suhail Khan said: (Fri, Apr 26, 2013 07:37:13 AM)     

Hi friends,

I agree with all of your opinion. According to my opinion is that Indian Companies are good but MNCs are better than the Indian Companies because MNCs gives us many opportunities such as good salary and chance to going abroad and good packages also. It is all about only because Indians. Sixty five percent are Indians in MNCs approximately. Indian are the backbone of MNCs. I did n't say is that Indian Companies are not good, Indian Companies are very good. Indian Companies provides us pension after retirement. It's good for us. MNC's are very good for there country. My preordinance is both are equal and best for us.

Thank You.

Rate this:   +7       -11

Urvashi said: (Sun, Apr 14, 2013 11:10:34 AM)     

Well I think both MNCs and the Indian companies have advantages and drawbacks. With Indian companies you have job security during recession whereas mncs provide us a better environment to grow and learn, to update yourself with new technology. But above all it all depends on a person's skills and abilities what he gains out of it.

Rate this:   +15       -5

Dev said: (Mon, Apr 8, 2013 05:33:43 PM)     

According to me Indian companies are better than multinational companies because due to investment in Indian companies we increase our national income. If we are talking about the mnc they are good for only their country not for our country. MNC have a negative effect on our Indian economy. Thanks.

Rate this:   +23       -12

Dipesh Patel said: (Fri, Apr 5, 2013 12:30:19 PM)     

I thinks that MNC'S companies are better than Indian companies as they pays us not only good salaries but also the knowledge about the different skills and policies that can't be get in Indian companies. After doing the job in MNC companies our future becomes more secure to take the higher post jobs.

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Pardeep said: (Fri, Mar 22, 2013 07:48:24 PM)     

I want to say that as we done our graduation every one wants to get a job specially in MNC. Means every one knows MNC give us a nice salary package. MNC provides all the facilities that a employee dreams just employee has to do work according to the company's requirements.

India is a leading in IT sectors so TATA, ACCENTURE, INFOSYS and all others companies are increasing their web into abroad too.

But according to my view, in present time if you have skills you can earn money more than a MNC employee at home or in small organisation, it doesn't matter where you are and how do you do work just give the useful output.


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Arun said: (Thu, Mar 21, 2013 11:33:56 PM)     

MNC means multinational corporation and MNC is better than Indian companies because we all know that India is developing country so MNC put better efforts in developing the economies of developing countries. MNC provide better job, good salary, good infrastructure. Suppose if MNC plant some project in our country then most of the unemployed people get job with good salary, MNC starts race to the top rather then race to the bottom. Indian company is said to be struggling company and MNC is a settled company, you say. If MNC's goes under loss then it will surely effect the Indian market/company that is what called recession.

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Ankit Negi said: (Wed, Mar 13, 2013 09:41:56 PM)     

Hello friends. I think our Indian companies are more capable and have more potential then MNC companies both inside and outside of our country. Bharti Mittal, Reliance, Tata are just a few Indian brands which are globally recognized by the international economy. These are the fastest growing companies in the world because of its highly productive employees and cost effective policies. Due to its cheaper and quality services many foreign customers takes the services of Indian companies. On the other hand, many MNC companies are failed to even survive for a year in our Indian market. These companies are not able to understand the demand of Indian customers and thus fails to provide the best of services.

Rate this:   +25       -3

Jithin said: (Sat, Mar 9, 2013 04:08:42 PM)     

I can't agree that MNC is superior on Indian companies. Here the basis of expectation of getting more salary we just go for MNC companies. But here we forget one thing that in MNC companies also more very intelligent Indians are working. Their effort is there. Likewise we can also take the Indian companies to grow up and make it as a good company.

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Prashant said: (Tue, Mar 5, 2013 04:30:24 PM)     

According to me, we can't judge the company on basis of where is came from I meant to say that is it MNC or is it a Indian company. Both companies have their own vision, policies etc if you see the IT Indian market there is TCS leads among of them, which is Indian company.

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Manikandan.P said: (Tue, Feb 19, 2013 12:24:53 PM)     

MNC is better for all the type knowledge getting how to sell our products and working experience is valuable Indian companies, better environment to put skill on our best level. MNC company's during training period giving abroad as well as to improving knowledge.

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Venkatesh.V said: (Sun, Feb 17, 2013 08:02:22 AM)     

Yes, MNC companies is better than Indian Companies Because MNC companies paid big amount of taxes to our India government. But Indian companies are like Government companies they felt they are the king in the Indian market in earlier days, after entering the MNC companies it gives more competitiveness to the government companies. And it improves our country economic growth, updating technology, low cost with the best quality.

Can you say with out MNC companies has India give good competences to global market?

Rate this:   +28       -10

Indira Priya Dharshini said: (Tue, Feb 12, 2013 07:16:45 PM)     

Simply we cannot judge that which company is best because every company has its own vision, way of working process, facilities. And the which has best qualities it is the best company and become top company.

Rate this:   +18       -2

Mukul Kumar said: (Sun, Feb 10, 2013 01:49:52 AM)     

I agree with you all friends. As my thought MNCs is better than Indian companies. I have some factors which prove that how MNCs is better.

1 ---> MNCs provide better environment to put skill on our best level.

2 --->It provide good packages of salary as compare to Indian companies.

3 ---> It have good infrastructure.

4 ---> It provide security, policies, facilities etc.

And I want to tell you something that Indian companies may be MNCs like infosys, wipro, Tata etc. So my conclusion is MNCs is better than Indian companies.

Satyam Scandal would impact Foreign Investments in India?

ccording to me Satyam scandal have brought disgrace to our nation. But investor do not see only these scandal and ignore years of service we provide by completing their projects on time. There are many other good companies that provides best services then even their countries in their nation for e.g TCS, WIPRO etc. That is also true that investors will think a lot before investing. But I think India need to develop itself to such an extent that these corruption do not affect its economy and become independent of foreign investors and there is a long mile to cover this journey. Really we need honest employees who work not toward their benefits but for whole nation along with them.

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Poonam said: (Thu, Jul 4, 2013 11:05:55 AM)     

Hi Friends, According to me Satyam scandal will affect little bit our Economy but after few days people will forget satyam scandal. Because today's life is busy life no one has time to think about past things. Foreigners are investing and also will investing continuously in future. There are lots of Companies in India. Satyam will affect little but but foreigner can invest with other companies.

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Khan said: (Wed, May 1, 2013 05:43:52 PM)     

Hi friends, its a interesting discussion, satyam scandal has impact our economy and it is a black mark on Indian economy but the other companies are doing pretty good so still good place for investors.

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Amit said: (Sat, Apr 27, 2013 09:53:08 PM)     

Hello friend I know that Satyam Scandal has brought a lot of disappointment for the investors, but it does not mean we are getting upset, if 1 day get bad in whole 365 days then we should not look upon this, we should look only those 364 days in which our country doing well.

Rate this:   +6       -0

Palash Basu Roy said: (Sun, Dec 23, 2012 03:38:29 PM)     

Satyam s scandal had some effect on the news head lines but over all Indian economy is not effected. India is still a hot spot for foreighn investment and foreighn company knows that very well. It is a fact that for one company, s mistakes the whole sector is not giong to suffer, and facts say so like company, s like TCS, WIPRO, INFOSYS, COZNIJENT ETC BELONGING TO THE SAME SECTOR ARE DOING PRETTY WELL.

ONE MAJOR fact why India is a hot spot for investment. It is much cheaper to hire say 50 Indian trained engineers by a foreing firm in India than bringing the same number of employees from their same country.


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Manashi Bharati said: (Fri, Nov 2, 2012 07:33:30 PM)     

Hello friends.

I think friends INDIA is not a small country that if a company doing any wrong decision so that this company impact for whole Indian economy. So In my opinion yes if like Satyam scandal put a black mark on Indian economy that is effected also but not whole Indian economy. Because our India has been able to attract foreign investor.

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Chandrasekhar.Meruvu said: (Tue, Oct 30, 2012 05:50:10 PM)     

Hi! friends.

Yes I agree that satyam scandal would definitely impacts foreign investments in India. We had heard lot of sayings from our childhood those are words followed according to our fulfillment.

1) As to check the rice whether it is boiled or not we check one of it.

As per above saying satyam scandal would definitely impacts foreign investments in India.

2) It is not possible to break bundle of sticks if only one stick from a bundle is removed out.

As per above saying we will sure recover from these because remaining 99% companies are performing well.

But I am pretty sure that foreign companies thinks thousand times before investing for projects in India.

Finally I want to say that instead of depending upon foreign investment, if we (as youngsters) had to work hard to develop our country and also further we can invest our projects in other countries (I mean they must wait for our investment, not we).

Thank you.

Rate this:   +16       -8

Priya said: (Tue, Oct 16, 2012 05:52:45 AM)     

A big Hello to all my dear Friends!

This is a splendid topic to discuss upon. As far as I think, as a ocean is made up of small small rivers so it does not matter if one of the rivers has separated from others it won't affect the ocean flow.

SO no doubt that Satyam Scandal was a huge dismal for our economy but we can not judge the performance of our economy on the basis of performance of only one company.

Today we see a lot of foreign Direct Investment is being done in retail sector as government has allowed 51% FDI in retail sector recently and many other likewise measures.

So I would say at the end that Foreigners can freely come, invest and can make large profits in our economy.

Rate this:   +20       -2

Jatinder Singh said: (Fri, Oct 5, 2012 03:11:10 PM)     

Hi friends.

Yes, it is true that the Styam Scandal have a bad impact on our Indian economy. Before investing the foreign investors take a lots of time to think, because they are going to invest huge amount. The Satyam Scandal give a black mark on Indian economy. It reduces the fame of our nation.

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Ashish Yadav said: (Sat, Jun 16, 2012 09:38:07 PM)    


Hi friends ! This is a wonderful topic to discuss upon.

Yes, it's true that the Satyam Scandal has brought a lot of disgrace to our nation. Certainly, the foreign investors would think twice or thrice while investing huge money in our country.

In our childhood days we have definitely listen that a dirty apple makes the other apple dirty too under the condition that they are in same basket. Same thing applies over here, Satyam scandal hamper the image of other companies which are operating in India.

Rate this:   +35       -5

Emtiyaj said: (Tue, Jun 5, 2012 10:10:15 AM)     

In our childhood we came across this famous saying that a bad fish can make dirty the whole pond. Companies investing in our country has only one goal that is to earn profit, if they will come across these type scandal in which the employs are taking away the whole money then why they will invest in our country.

Rate this:   +6       -8

Shravan Pandey said: (Sat, May 26, 2012 09:42:33 PM)     

Hi friends.Yes scandals like satayam definitely will effect in this process.Every MNC will first check the particular area in which they want to investing India.This would lead at-least 10 percent loss of investment if such a scandal will happen in future.

Rate this:   +1       -7

Jimit said: (Wed, Feb 22, 2012 10:57:42 PM)     

Yes friends. Satyam scandal, such a stain for India. Foreign invester loose trust on idian companies cz of this satyam scandal. But according to my point of view, when ever one thing published in the news paper, the effect of that is being live in human being jst for a week. At this day, 22nd feb, 2012. No one cares about satyam scandle, even they forget the name also. So, my meaning to say is, forget the past and live in present. Yaa this thing is also for the foreginors. Indian economy is not affected by this scandal, and this true, no one cares what happend in the past.

Indian economy suggest the higest values of sensexs, gold, silver. Today sensex is 18500. What this suggest?is there a recession time?no ofcource not. So, forget satyam, focus on present. Thats it. Thnks.

Rate this:   +25       -17

Tarun Panwar said: (Sat, Feb 18, 2012 01:21:31 PM)     

Ya its true that the satyam scandal put a black mark on the Indian economy. For this the foreign investors had loose the trust on Indian software companies. And for this sake their was a great impact on our globalization. But its not a company to do so, it was their employees who will make this type of mistake, and made a big problem for other companies.

Rate this:   +4       -5

P.Karthika said: (Wed, Feb 8, 2012 09:12:10 PM)     

Yes friends I do agree with your point. India is the attractive place for FII's because of high interest rates. The satyam issue affected the economy of our country its a true one. So with the help of this issue, we can't predict that all companies are like satyam. May be one or two company may be unethical towards the Indian economy, but you can even notice that again our rupee value got to appreciate. Because of FII's investments towards Indian economy. SO if all the companies are ethical means. India will become a developed country. Its sure.

Rate this:   +4       -2

Tushar said: (Sat, Dec 31, 2011 12:33:07 AM)     

In our childhood days we have definitely listen that a dirty apple makes the other apple dirty too under the condition that they are in same basket. Same thing applies over here ,Satyam scandal hamper the image of other companies which are operating in India. But it also does not mean that other 200 companies are also corrupt.

Foreign investors would definitely think thrice before investing in an Indian company which they might do not do before this scandal. Such type of scandal hamper the image of any country. 

Rate this:   +52       -4

Vithal Vyas said: (Wed, Dec 21, 2011 07:49:17 PM)     

Hi friends,

Today world is of globilsation since indain stock market are swallow and narrow and FII plays a very important role in stock market. Since FII put so much of there money on Indian companies any fraud like satyam do craete a lasting impression on integrity of Indian accounting trancperancy and audit, though there are several fraud that also occured in others countries. But India has been trying since then to overcum from it and making our sytem more transperant and strict by intoducing company bill, revised sch iv etc.

Rate this:   +6       -0

Sowmya Shetty said: (Wed, Nov 2, 2011 05:32:42 PM)     

I definitely do not agree to the statement as it is not just 1 company could reflect the whole India and as people is the common word use to the different human form different countries as the same many companies with different ethical standards, so we should be happy that our country could able to take initiative lead and responsibility for solving the issue and bring back the company to its original existence. which shows the capability of India to take the step and solve the issue in case it happen like sathyam scam.

Rate this:   +7       -5

Beena said: (Sat, Aug 13, 2011 11:57:41 AM)     

Yes, there has a lot of change in the market from past 4 years as it is a recession time and satyam

scadanl has come front in to the media. It has effect the Indian economy. But as the mahindra concored the stayam now it is inthe better way as it is now mahindra satyam.

Rate this:   +10       -7

Kamal Kumar said: (Sun, Apr 10, 2011 07:33:17 AM)     

Yes, it's true that the Satyam Scandal has brought a lot of disgrace to our nation, but it does not mean to look backward. In 100's of companies if a company is corrupt, do not mind for it and we should move forward, because there are still more 99 companies. If we sustain there for time it will not give any gain to us, only there will be loss of time because time is very precious. So for that international companies should invest in our country.

Rate this:   +33       -10

Madhuri said: (Fri, Apr 1, 2011 08:14:02 PM)     

Considering SATYAM just happens to be a carbon copy of the Enron scandal, we have to but just wait patiently before all turns around again. Sure, Satyam had its bad position, but then again, its previously earned reputation isn't so small that it be forgotten.

Satyam happens to be one of the major stake-holding companies in the market, and in due course it will show its bounce back.

And also now that Mahindra and Mahindra have taken over, and its entire Top management Reshuffled, its only a matter of time that investors begin to believe in the company again.

and as per FDI, it will continue to flow in no matter, because, we can see through statistics that even when Enron had its moment, It did not impact the economy as much as that of the scandal itself.

Ethics In Business are just a passing fad?

Good morning to everyone.

I am pleasure to start this group discussion.

First I want to say that ethics is one of the important factor which is to be followed by company forever to develop it.

Every company has its own ethics and it should be followed. An ethical person know how to deal with critical situation.

Thank you.

Rate this:   +2       -0

Vipul said: (Sun, Aug 4, 2013 06:22:23 PM)     

In my opinion I want to SAY that ethics in business is compulsory in this young generation, because

the todays generation believe in ethics. Nowadays a businessman also follows a ethics to increase his business. Nowadays a individual person also follows a ethics for rising in his life. So it is fix that ethics in business is compulsory.

Rate this:   +0       -0

Deeksha Saxena said: (Sat, Aug 3, 2013 08:19:23 PM)     

Hello friends.

In my opinion, ethics cannot be a passing fad for the business.

In fact, I will say that ethics are essential for an organization to be succeed in its business. Because, an organization is there if the customers are there.

A customer affects the growth of an organization in many ways and each organization don't let their customer go.

So, each organization should keep ethics in its consideration as it keeps profits.

Rate this:   +0       -0

Indian said: (Wed, Jul 31, 2013 12:10:25 AM)     

In my view Ethics in Business are not just a Passing Fad, to grow a business we need to win costumer as well as employs's trust, without ethics we can't get trust of these people, as one of the previous person mentioned about how the educational institutes are demanding a very high donation money for the admissions, it is pretty sure that they are not going to flourish much.

Rate this:   +1       -0

Soniya said: (Fri, Jul 26, 2013 06:11:01 PM)     

I think ethics in business are just passing fad when the particular business became popular that time they uses the trust of customer increases rate of there product and sometimes there service to the customer is not good. This happen because they are not following there business rules and ethics. They know customer always attracted by the brand name so first develop the good brand name after that no need to follow business rule.

Rate this:   +2       -0

Sonu said: (Sun, Jul 21, 2013 10:32:37 PM)     

According to my mind, ethics in business is very essential thing to survive in the market. We know that we live in competitive world and in this competitive world if I want to grow my business at the large extent we have to careful about the the relationship with consumer, otherwise our business will collapse and our competitor get a chance to grow in the market. Hence we (company) can say that our motto is to satisfy costumer at any cost. Thank you.

Rate this:   +7       -0

Abdur Rehman said: (Mon, Jul 15, 2013 10:33:01 PM)     

I agree with the statement that "ethics in business are just a passing fad" nowadays most of the companies are following their ethics at the early stage of their organization. Once they achieved their target, they will follow the ethics that makes their business in a profitable way, they won't think about their customers, example networking companies and educational institutes. In educational institute they will be asking donations to give admissions in their respective institute. This kind of actions is not a good ethics for any business.

Rate this:   +3       -0

Guile said: (Sun, Jul 14, 2013 06:32:33 PM)     

I believe no organisation can be 100 % ethical. Its a measure of how much good is your business for the people. A lot of natural resources like iron and aluminium ores are in Maoist hit areas. If a company there is paying a chunk of its profit to do business, it is directly funding terrorism. But would a greater number of people profit if the much needed resources are utilised? Likewise, a large corporation may declare to use its profits for developing greener technology, but is it worth stripping the shareholders who were promised greater dividends, Maybe.

Its not possible to do business by being purely ethical, nor can all the stakeholders be pleased at the same time.

Also law should not be confused with ethics. Most of us can relate with the movie 'Guru' where the protagonist pointed out some legal barriers which were simply put in place to hassle businessmen. But he justified that by breaking them, the nation and his shareholders, both benefited.

Rate this:   +8       -0

Umi said: (Tue, Jul 9, 2013 10:25:37 AM)     

I completely disagree with this that Ethics in Business are just a Passing Fad, simply because in today's world every business firm understands the importance of ethics in Business. Companies are spending loads of money to get the best available managers in there companies, and I am pretty sure they know the rules of business. To have a successful business you must Follow the Ethics, moral Values, Set of rule.

Rate this:   +6       -0

Bala said: (Sun, Jul 7, 2013 11:07:59 AM)     

Business Ethics 2 simple rules.

1. The old customers should stay. They should have there own place in the company. They should be never compromised for anyone.

2. The company should attract new customers. They should be able to satisfy them.

It should always be a win-win-win (old-new-company) situation.

Customer is happy implies company is happy. Simple these ethics are the most important to be followed. In the fast moving world, no matter how much we change if these 2 simple rules are followed I would say Ethics is business are not just passing fad.

Rate this:   +14       -0

Nidhi said: (Sat, Jul 6, 2013 09:53:17 PM)     

Ethics means follow the rules and regulation and ethics is very essential in the all field like personal life, business and society. We can discuss the one example of ethics in business is TATA company. TATA company always do the work for their employee welfare and this company earn more and more profit and fame in the market.

Rate this:   +0       -4

Himabindu said: (Sat, Jun 29, 2013 10:18:47 PM)     

Hello Everyone:

I don't agree with this. For any business to be successful in long run, people on either side of the dealing should be profited in a fair manner. Without this nothing can stand long, this is the law of nature.

So, if in a company business ethics are overruled, maybe it might profit the company at present but in long run it would render devastating.

Hence I strongly oppose the jargon " business ethics are just a passing fad.

Rate this:   +7       -0

Jaya said: (Tue, Jun 25, 2013 10:22:53 PM)     

Hi friends.

In my point of view ethics in business environment is not a passing fad. A company must follows some ethical principles for the well development of company. A company that follows ethics have good name in the market.

A company must satisfy both customer and employee's. A satisfied employee will work hard for company and a satisfied customer will buy the products again and again. All these can happen only if the company has ethics.

Thank you.

Rate this:   +27       -2

Harshit Gupta said: (Tue, Jun 25, 2013 02:29:34 PM)     

Ethics means Moral principles that governs by any person or group's behavior. Business ethics is very essential for the smooth conduct of any business. Ethics in every Business needs to emphasize on the various circles such as customers, employees, environment, societies, etc (by means of providing good quality of products, Eco friendly products and considering the moral values of the society) to survive in an ever-changing competitive business world. So according to me ethics in business can never be a passing fad. A good ethics will give Triumphant to the business.

Rate this:   +16       -3

Anmol said: (Fri, Jun 21, 2013 11:34:43 PM)     

Most companies will follow the ethical principal ed down by the society. Most companies run basically on their reputation in the mind of a consumer and investors. But what would be ethical is never defined It changes with every era. Something ethical in medieval India would be unethical to us now. So if the nature of ethics changes always so how do we define what is ethical or not.

Rate this:   +2       -5

Pralad Dessai said: (Fri, Jun 21, 2013 07:58:02 PM)     

Every businessman should be loyal to his customer. Every business should provide quality product and services to the customers. A business which maintains good relationships with the customers is said to have good ethical value.

Rate this:   +1       -1

Ruchi said: (Sat, Jun 1, 2013 10:16:47 AM)     

Not only business everything in life should be in ethical manner. If anyone wants to grow he should follow a positive ethics. Every famous person or brand is famous for its ethical values followed. To increase a business one should definitely follow an ethics.

For example-the people always follow a brand not an ordinary person or thing. Most of the follow will like to follow Mr.Amitabh Bachchan and Mr.Sachin Tendulkar like person for their positive ethics. A person always wants to join in a branded company rather than a normal company because it follows some ethics so that one knows what will he earn after joining.

Rate this:   +9       -8

Veena said: (Sun, May 12, 2013 02:25:08 PM)     

Ethics and principle on the business or the company stands it forms the core of their policies. Ethics of the company affects it image in the market, employee retention, even affect the investments that company will be allowed to do in the global market.

Lets take an example of TATA group, after the 26/11 Mumbai attack, the turn over of Taj group increased, and the only reason for this increase is the ethical responsibility shown by the group towards, its customers, employees, their families. This enriched their image and increased the customer belief.

Companies along with good quality product or services having great ethical values sustain in the market on the long run.

Rate this:   +22       -3

Meenu said: (Fri, May 10, 2013 10:20:17 AM)     

Ethics refers to the code of conduct which tells us how to behave not only with the customers but also with the employees. And it must be performed by each and every member of the organization. Ethics is necessary so that the customers feel safe in terms of their right, their product and their

benefit. As we know that customer's satisfaction is the main goal of today's marketing world, and they feel satisfied only if they are satisfied in terms of product, right and benefit. 

We can gain our customer's trust if we conduct in a ethical manner. Ethics include everything ranging from providing good quality product, with proper price, customer product care, the service term, listen to their complain, feedback, safeguard of their choices, everything. And it is not limited to the customer but it also include employees. A satisfied employee act well on his part. And a satisfied customer will come to us again and again. And this in turn increase our profit.

Rate this:   +17       -1

Anonymous said: (Thu, May 9, 2013 11:33:38 PM)     

I would say that company should make the strategies or business plans that would not curb the ethics. Since, maintaining ethics is the only way in which a businessman can attract his customers. To outdo his competitors, he should not be mislead in wrong direction because of which the customer might lost trust in the business.

For Instance, Consider the Flipkart which was started by employees of Amazon. They have just maintained the trust and delivered goods on time; which was their main motive. A recent talk with its CEO in recent India Today has mentioned that he followed some ethics. And that is the reason for his success journey.

Rate this:   +2       -0

Chengappa M said: (Wed, May 8, 2013 12:07:25 PM)     

Ethics in business is never a passing fad. Ethics is important in our life and in business. Ethics brings about a definite goal in the employer and the employee. It helps unite the goal of employees and it helps in steady growth of the organization.

I believe the in life or in business we should have strong positive ethics which should be strictly followed to bring about system and order in whatever we plan to do.

The ethics of the business should be realistic and sustainable. It should be fair and equal for everyone.

Rate this:   +5       -1

Ani said: (Thu, May 2, 2013 08:13:30 PM)     

Hi everyone,

Let me say something about this topic. Here it is all about that the ethics are not valid in the business. Generally principles are very important in business life. If one follows ethics in their field, he will definitely achieve success only. He don't want to get fear of any things.

In addition to, following the rules will bring honor to a man. This is the same even in business point of view. So it should not be passing fad in business. Every business should have some ethics to follow.

Rate this:   +2       -5

Pavani said: (Tue, Apr 30, 2013 11:07:20 PM)    


In my viewpoint, ethics in business is not a passing fad. Infact, ethical consumerism which is ethics directed behaviour of consumers is picking up its wibe. The underlying reason being the changing attitudes of people towards society and the environment. The companies as well are taking care of this by practising Corporate Social Responsibility which is based on the theme that every business entity has a responsibility for the environment, for the society why contributing their bit.

Over a few years, a surge in such ethical activities on the part of corporate biggies has been seen. For instance, ITC contributes two rupees to rural education programmes on every purchase f its brand's Classmate notebooks.

In todays competitive and dynamic market, ethics has become Modus Operandi of businessmen as a marketing strategy to attract customers and create goodwill in the market.

Rate this:   +2       -2

Poonam said: (Fri, Apr 19, 2013 11:50:43 AM)     

Hi Friends, According to me Ethics in business are not the passing fad. If you want to run your business for a long time you must have some ethics through people can trust on you. We generally prefer to go to that shop for shopping whom we trust whose person has some ethics and we know that this person will not cheat us he always gave us best quality.

Rate this:   +18       -0

Puneet Kumar Singh said: (Wed, Apr 17, 2013 07:01:39 PM)     

Ethics need hard work and hard decisions so never hesitate in taking them and see that the problem of achieving the level of reputation will be eradicated easily so never loose faith in your ethics and work with the world speed and work harder and harder. These are the points for good and healthy business. Thank you. Hence I conclude that a person must have concrete faith in his or her ethics and must work hard to give healthy competition to his rivals by updating him and by developing him.

Rate this:   +2       -0

Sunil said: (Mon, Apr 15, 2013 06:35:35 PM)     

Now a days ethics is a things people used this word for other, in fact, there is no ethical things for big business man in the world. They used only for their profit. We learned ethics in school or college only, but in my opinion no one have seen ever. In our country congress party creates imagination for people and our people trust on them and there is a problem. People should change their mind who at top level in business and their should be opposed by people whenever it is happening. I think there must be guideline on ethics.

Thank you.

Rate this:   +2       -2

Vijendra said: (Sat, Apr 13, 2013 06:17:32 PM)     

Hi as per my opinion ethics have their own place in once life yes in business too but to some extent only, I think the whole sole aim of businessman is to make profit from market though he must take

notice of quality but should not be drown by morale duties if he will pay more attention to ethics then competition from other companies will definitely destroy him.

Rate this:   +0       -2

Parveen said: (Mon, Mar 25, 2013 03:20:11 PM)     

In my view ethics are the base for any organisation if it believe in long term business. Today, in cut throat era everyone want faith and valuable things whether they are employee, customer and government So its depend upon company to company, how longer sustainability they want. Its as simple as give trust and take trust.

Rate this:   +7       -1

Smrithi said: (Sun, Mar 24, 2013 09:38:02 AM)     

Hi everyone, according to my point of view, ethics is important in business but only upto a certain extend. Mostly business aims at profit and so there will be stiff competition. One who strictly follows ethics may not be able to survive in the market as the tough competitors would always run far ahead of him.

In other hand, ethics in business gives long term success to the firm and it always stand to keep up the reputation of the company. It attracts customers and their trust in the firm but the thing is one should be able to survive in the market until this reputation is achieved.

Rate this:   +29       -5

Yogesh said: (Thu, Mar 21, 2013 07:49:21 PM)     

THANKS for providing us with such a good relevant topic its my pleasure to share my views on this topic ya! ethics in business according to me are important because a customer basically is a king of the market today and 2 provide them with a good service is to be ethical in the business unethical behaviour leads to the failure of a business.

Rate this:   +2       -3

Asmi said: (Wed, Mar 20, 2013 02:09:45 PM)     

A successful businessman is the one who takes his business for long with the profit this is only possible only when he has ethics in his business because a person can get small profit for without ethics but can go no longer in his business cause once you lost the trust of someone you will never make your image up in eye of them.

Rate this:   +27       -0

Khalid said: (Sun, Mar 17, 2013 12:19:00 PM)     

Ethics. Question is do we really need it? I believe of course YES. Honesty is the best policy that's what has been told to us from our childhood, most of us take our parents as role models from the day we open our eyes in this world. I would say, the set of values we have and we get from our tradition, religion and our country is wonderful. Without ethics everything will be for a short span, till the time you don't correct your basic how can you think for a long term success. Every business should follow ethics or else it will be a complete failure in long run.

Rate this:   +3       -2

Fathima said: (Sat, Mar 16, 2013 11:07:53 AM)     

Ethics of business includes both profit as well as moral values. One should not go for a loss in business seeing only the moral ethics, also one should not give up his values and look only for profit. There are variety of business activities which are strictly based on profit like real estate constructions where selling is done seeing the standard of the consumer. But others like commercialized hospitals should be based on moral values at first then profit. What is really important to know is that making profit is not losing moral values, rather if you make profit in your business you can do several works which will enhance you as a person as well as social being. 

There are many business which degrade one's moral ethics like black marketing, smuggling etc but otherwise business is so run by certain sense of ethics. According to me ethics is the most important thing in Business. The most important thing taught to any child by his/her mother is to follow ethics where ever he/she go. SO while establishing any business we should not forget our ethics in greediness of profit. Some of my friends said that ethics in some aspects is necessary today, but friend losing your own basic (moral) value will definitely give you a jump in your profit graph but you will not succeed in the last. The profit you got will remain for some time and temporary. But it will not give you joy and peace which you should deserve after all your hard work (Eg. 2g scam) , Because your inner soul knew that what ever success you got in business is not according to morals.

Rate this:   +14       -0

Anupama M P said: (Thu, Feb 28, 2013 08:17:01 PM)     


See what ethics do we all are talking about? Business means to compete if, it means to run in battle field if you run you will survive else you will loose. There is no ethics in business, yes there are some basic rules which one needs to follow other than that business is meant to say to just grab opportunities and work hard as much as you can and win, and achieve before anyone can.

Rate this:   +5       -12

Winner said: (Wed, Feb 6, 2013 01:22:38 AM)     

Ethics are very important in all spheres of society. Ethics in business play a very important role. Had there been no ethics, there would have been no trust between the customers and businessmen, there would not have been any sense of belief and trust among the stakeholders of a business.

However, I do agree that in this era, there are people who just think ethics as a perennial entity. For them it is necessary to understand the importance of it.

The reasons for people for younger people loosing belief in ethics, faith, trust is because of the example the society has set for them. One can easily find examples of business men cheating other fellow members, government etc.

Rate this:   +20       -2

Nitya said: (Fri, Jan 25, 2013 03:13:40 PM)     

Hi I believe ethics are the basic flagstones of our culture in general. To be more specific, we have all witnessed the doom and demise of once-a-very-revered corporation "Satyam". Had it not been for the mere profits, the company wouldn't have faced the challenges its now dealing with. I guess internal audits and like some of my friends quoted "Corporate Social responsibility" groups need to be more effective and vigilant in cross verifying the details of the proceedings occurring in the company. That's what I guess shall take us all through !

Rate this:   +3       -5

Sumit Kumar said: (Wed, Jan 23, 2013 05:58:30 PM)     

In My opinion ethics and values are the base of any organization to grow day by day which also leads to a great society too.

Trust is something which you can not gain in one day but loose in one second. By ethical practices one organization can earn trust and money both in a long run. Without the ethics a person is like a body without soul.

For example:- TATA and Infosys are such organization known for their trust because they always follow ethical practices. There are many scam in recent days highlights how unethical practices destroy our trust for them.

Rate this:   +48       -3

Mayur J Pabari said: (Wed, Jan 23, 2013 02:04:12 PM)     

Hello friends.

I would like to Say that ethics is not just a passing fad. Ethics is something that works as the backbone for any organisation or company, without which organisation can not succeed in long term. But in the contrary, if the base is strong ie. If company is working ethically then it will surely pull off in the long term. For example, Take Amazon, a multinational electronic commerce company which has not profited for 25 years since its establishment. It is the investors who were investing for Amazon, as amazon was accepted by consumers. Thus it is the ethics which had helped Amazon company.

Rate this:   +9       -3

Allan Chettiar said: (Mon, Jan 14, 2013 01:12:00 PM)     

Hello everyone. Its great to hear different point of views expressed by everyone and I agree that ethics in business is not a passing fad. Ethics simply put means how you conduct yourselves and its important for every individual to conduct themselves in a rightful way to be successful and respected and since a company is nothing but a group of individuals it becomes even more important. Ethics is required for a company to not only sustain but also grow and be respected by consumers by conducting themselves properly by giving quality goods at competitive prices with excellent customer service.

Rate this:   +31       -1

Aaditya said: (Thu, Dec 27, 2012 12:00:03 AM)     

Hi all,

I think ethics is not a fad but a necessity today. Consumers are all powerful with all their social media tools, tarnishing the image of a company is a single tweet away. Let us not forget the recent revolution in Egypt was started by a single Facebook status.

Rate this:   +9       -1

Neha said: (Mon, Dec 10, 2012 05:17:55 PM)     

So far we all have discussed that ethics is important for the business and I also agree to this. But is it a passing fad?

According to me the companies have come up with a sugar coated version of being unethical. Very smartly companies have brought in a new version of bribing as incentives or margins. To attract the customer base the companies have started providing incentives to the dealers to sell their product in the market over their competitors. In this way all the companies have started doing the same.

Thus I do agree with the point that being successful a company should be ethical but due to the competition it is a passing fad.

Rate this:   +8       -5

Manikandan said: (Sun, Dec 9, 2012 01:21:09 AM)     

Hi everyone, according to my view ethics is a important for making regular profit for us organisation. In unethical business it's make only short time profit. So ethics in business is good one.

Thank you.

Rate this:   +21       -4

Sabita said: (Wed, Dec 5, 2012 03:00:20 PM)     

Hie to one and everyone, according to me ethics is the most element in business. If we do business without ethics, we can make profit but we can't win the hearts of our customer. And this profit doesn't last longer. With ethics we can make them attracted towards buying our products. And we can definitely spread our business using ethics.

Rate this:   +13       -7

Atul said: (Tue, Dec 4, 2012 04:15:14 PM)     

Hi Everyone,

I would like to state against the motion and let me say why. As many of you rightly said, Ethics alone won't make a name a brand but it is an essential element in the whole mix. Without Ethics, a company or a business won't be able to sustain itself for a longer term and will sooner than later collapse. Not that there are no unethical brands or companies in the market, but they offer some value preposition that is making them sustain and grow in the market. It's not just a passing fad, but lies at the very foundation of a long lasting brand. Thanks.

Rate this:   +9       -3

Hema said: (Sat, Dec 1, 2012 04:12:07 PM)     

As per my point of you ethics can play primary role in every organization. Organization ethical values can be reflected into company vision and mission. If take the non-profit organization like trusts/ society, the name it self shows ethics of the organization, but most of the trusts are doing unethical things which will give individual benefits. Take the example of ICFAI Institute, its cheated rural area students. Means without AICTE Certification. Thank you.

Rate this:   +8       -13

Kal'Yan said: (Fri, Nov 16, 2012 04:38:46 PM)     

Ethics in business is an important factor. But we can say that most of the manufacturers have put aside their ethics. We can find that from the quality of goods at present. If we buy a pen, it doesn't work properly or the ink in the pen may leak. Most of the pens are of this type. If we buy a shampoo, the hair ball can be seen on the bathroom floor after we wash our head. This is nothing but unethical practice of adulteration. Similarly, when we look up the costs of the products, the cost remains the same, where as the quantity is reduced and packed as two packages. So, we can definitely say that ethics in business is a passing fad.

Rate this:   +4       -15

Aksh said: (Thu, Nov 15, 2012 12:41:30 AM)     

According to me Ethics in business Are most important. If we will do business without ethics it will give us Profit but for a short period but if we do our business with ethics it may give us small share of profit but it helps us to win trust of the customers. The first and the foremost motive of business is to satisfy a customer if we satisfy our customer and win there trust we will automatically make profit. So in my point of view Ethics are the most important element in business.

Rate this:   +114       -5

Soud said: (Mon, Nov 12, 2012 04:34:29 PM)     

I think unethical practices can be done for achieving a short term goal of business, because in this competitive market a company won't survive without doing it and I believe every companies does that up to a certain extent. But a company should not make unethical practices as its base for such a long time because if they do someday it will come out in front of people and reputation can be severely hampered, as we have seen many cases in the past.

Rate this:   +3       -3

Dheeraj Singh said: (Wed, Nov 7, 2012 08:32:27 PM)     

Hello everyone,

As we know goodwill is a strong point for any business which help for long term survival in the market and it comes when others show their faith on you, and it is possible when you are ethical about those who is somewhere related to you in terms of customer, employee, partner and for yourself. So ethics is not just a passing fad while all the long term business is depend on it. So need to follow the ethics.

Thank you.

Rate this:   +9       -1

Jyoti said: (Tue, Oct 9, 2012 06:49:51 PM)     

Hello! Everyone in my point of view if any company want long term success and profit it depend only Ethics values of organisation. Mean that every member of an organisation fellow the Ethics value for the success of an organisation.

Rate this:   +22       -9

Rajnish Gupta said: (Mon, Oct 1, 2012 06:58:58 PM)     

Basically ethics is the moral principal and values which determines the path for yourself as well as society.

The main objective of any business is profit and profit can't be earn without the trust of customer toward us. May be unethical practices can provide you instant profit but can't give you long term remain. For example 2G scam, common wealth scam, satyam scam etc. Is the result of unethical practices. Without the ethics a person is like a body without soul. TATA is known for trust because he always follow ethical practices once the adoption of unethical practices can eat all your goodwill so the key element behind any organization's success is ethical practices.

Rate this:   +154       -8

Mahak Narang said: (Tue, Sep 25, 2012 12:00:04 PM)     

It is important for every business to work ethically if they want the long term profit, if they are in the market just for the survival for the short term they can earn it unethically for example satyam have opted unethical behavior after that they completely lost the market. On the other hand to build trust among consumers is important to developed through ethical practices only. There are so many examples in which companies have tried unethically practices and they all went in vain like enron, satyam etc. Ethical practices and behavior is important for long term relationships, to grab market share, maintaining goodwill, brand image, to have joint ventures, to take credits for short term in the market for all these it is important for the company to follow ethical behavior.

Rate this:   +15       -1

Anubhav said: (Mon, Sep 24, 2012 07:02:52 PM)     

Business is not just earning "MULA"(money), it is way beyond it. The management should ponder there thoughts over the ethical use of each and every resources so as to gain market recognition, as well as to each necessary profit through ethical means. Thus the loyalty factor of a various brands are also at stake.

Rate this:   +2       -4

Teja said: (Fri, Sep 21, 2012 09:34:17 PM)     

Ethics in business are not just a passing fad. For every thing we do in life there are some ethics to be followed. Like that there are ethics to be followed in business also. This gives a way for profit and

fame. A business with out fame and faith can not get succeed. So there is a way for achieving these are to follow ethics. Adding smartness to the ethics leads to constant success.

Rate this:   +9       -0

Akansh said: (Fri, Sep 14, 2012 06:03:55 PM)     

I think ethics is really important for any business to grow for a long time. As we can see present scenario Samsung has pitifully use the patents of Apple and thus have to suffer, even SATYAM has the same result while taking the path of unethically. So ethics is really important in business and one should follow it lawfully.

Rate this:   +12       -4

1305Ni said: (Fri, Sep 7, 2012 03:30:45 PM)     

It's truly said that if you want to walk quick, then walk alone. But if you want to walk far, walk together. And this togetherness is not just about persons, it's about the ideals, conscience and above all humanity. Yes, profit is the main motive of doing business, but can we be sure that profits which we will earn at the expense of exploiting, oppressing and cheating others won't come to haunt us again, may be sometimes later? The ethics followed in business will always be the most important. Why we want profits for? for fame, for family. Can we be able to say our children and wife in their face that I am clean. What will you do when your child who is made to believe in his/her childhood that honesty is the best policy and look upon you for a model? what for, then? bad practices can make quick money but it's also sure that it would be taken ever more quickly again. Great giants like harshad mehta have fallen in this trap and lost their everything. Will we be able to face ourselves then?

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Amit Kumar Rai said: (Tue, Aug 28, 2012 10:03:23 PM)     

To increase the profit is one of the primary aim of any company. Today there is heavy competition in any business activity. Therefore to survive and outpace your opponent some firms are tempted to take illicit routes. The activity of hostile acquisition or violating the patents with slight modification in existing technology have been going on for decades. Sometimes this might result in huge losses to the company. The example of Apple-Samsung case in which Samsung violated the patent law and copied the existing technology of apple to manufacture their Galaxy tablets and for which it had been 1. 05 billion USD not to mention the goodwill loss the company will have to bear shows that ethics holds a very vital value not only in social world but also in business world. Illegal practices might give you success instantly but it is not a good strategy for long term success.

Rate this:   +42       -5

Nilima said: (Sat, Aug 25, 2012 10:40:50 PM)     

Good evening to one and all. Defining the above, business is some type of occupation to earn profit and ethics are ones wise values that you garnish since childhood. Business and ethics can partially go hand in hand since business needs to adopt certain strategies and values to gain your profit at the shoulder of others. To be an active opponent and trader one always needs to work as per the system and with it. Sticking to ones values leaves us abandoned. One needs to work out of league to implement the ideas. A selfish approach is always needed but not a self centered one. As per what

the others have said, I want to add, had the satyam software not been unveiled, we would have counted it as one of the greatest company. So what I conclude is, some times to prove oneself and achieve a long term goal, one needs to adopt a practical approach to compromise and cooperate with the running system.

Rate this:   +8       -2

Ekta Baweja said: (Wed, Aug 22, 2012 10:27:24 PM)     

According to me ethics in business is very important not for the trust of customer but for own because if we do business without ethics it may give us more profit but for short term in long term its very dangerous for business.Ethics build trust and trust earn you profit and be smarter also means whats going on in the example of satyam computers.

Rate this:   +15       -3

Priyanka said: (Wed, Aug 22, 2012 08:23:24 PM)     

I don't think so ethics is just a passing fad in business it is always necessary to use ethics as well as smartness in business .Ethics or smartness alone cannot create success in business. But nowadays due to corruption it is very difficult to maintain ethics in business but still people who are maintaining their ethics in business only get longlasting success. Otherwise to get temporary success ethics is not required.But only ethics cannot maintain success in business businessman should meet requirements of consumer & should not compromise with product quality. businessman using ethics- tata motorsbusinessman not using ethics-satyam industriesyou can see the difference & understand the use of ethics in business.