MUNCH, Edvard, Featured Paintings in Detail (2)

Post on 21-Apr-2017

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MUNCH, Edvard The dance of life 1899 - 1900 oil on canvas, 129 × 191 cmThe National Gallery, Oslo

MUNCH, Edvard The dance of life (detail)1899 - 1900 oil on canvas, 129 × 191 cmThe National Gallery, Oslo

MUNCH, Edvard The dance of life (detail)1899 - 1900 oil on canvas, 129 × 191 cmThe National Gallery, Oslo

MUNCH, Edvard The dance of life (detail)1899 - 1900 oil on canvas, 129 × 191 cmThe National Gallery, Oslo

MUNCH, Edvard The dance of life (detail)1899 - 1900 oil on canvas, 129 × 191 cmThe National Gallery, Oslo

MUNCH, Edvard The dance of life (detail)1899 - 1900 oil on canvas, 129 × 191 cmThe National Gallery, Oslo

MUNCH, Edvard

Featured Paintings in Detail


MUNCH, Edvard Ashes1894 Oil on canvas, 141 x 120.5 cm The National Gallery, Oslo

MUNCH, Edvard Ashes (detail)1894 Oil on canvas, 141 x 120.5 cm The National Gallery, Oslo

MUNCH, Edvard Ashes (detail)1894 Oil on canvas, 141 x 120.5 cm The National Gallery, Oslo

MUNCH, Edvard Ashes (detail)1894 Oil on canvas, 141 x 120.5 cm The National Gallery, Oslo

MUNCH, Edvard Jealousy1895 Oil on canvas, 100 x 67 cm Rasmus Meyer Collection, Berge

MUNCH, Edvard Jealousy (detail)1895 Oil on canvas, 100 x 67 cm Rasmus Meyer Collection, Berge

MUNCH, Edvard Jealousy (detail)1895 Oil on canvas, 100 x 67 cm Rasmus Meyer Collection, Berge

MUNCH, Edvard Jealousy (detail)1895 Oil on canvas, 100 x 67 cm Rasmus Meyer Collection, Berge

MUNCH, Edvard Jealousy1907 Oil on canvas, 75x98 cm The Munch Museum, Oslo

MUNCH, Edvard Jealousy (detail)1907 Oil on canvas, 75x98 cm The Munch Museum, Oslo

MUNCH, Edvard Jealousy (detail)1907 Oil on canvas, 75x98 cm The Munch Museum, Oslo

MUNCH, Edvard Jealousy (detail)1907 Oil on canvas, 75x98 cm The Munch Museum, Oslo

MUNCH, Edvard Jealousy (detail)1907 Oil on canvas, 75x98 cm The Munch Museum, Oslo

MUNCH, Edvard Separation 1896 Oil on canvas, 96x127 cm The Munch Museum, Oslo

MUNCH, Edvard Separation (detail)1896 Oil on canvas, 96x127 cm The Munch Museum, Oslo

MUNCH, Edvard Separation (detail)1896 Oil on canvas, 96x127 cm The Munch Museum, Oslo

MUNCH, Edvard Separation (detail)1896 Oil on canvas, 96x127 cm The Munch Museum, Oslo

MUNCH, Edvard Separation (detail)1896 Oil on canvas, 96x127 cm The Munch Museum, Oslo

MUNCH, Edvard Separation (detail)1896 Oil on canvas, 96x127 cm The Munch Museum, Oslo

MUNCH, Edvard Separation (detail)1896 Oil on canvas, 96x127 cm The Munch Museum, Oslo

MUNCH, Edvard Starry Night1922–24 Oil on canvas,  119 x 140 cm Munch Museum, Oslo

MUNCH, Edvard Starry Night (detail)1922–24 Oil on canvas,  119 x 140 cm Munch Museum, Oslo

MUNCH, Edvard Starry Night (detail)1922–24 Oil on canvas,  119 x 140 cm Munch Museum, Oslo

MUNCH, Edvard Starry Night (detail)1922–24 Oil on canvas,  119 x 140 cm Munch Museum, Oslo

MUNCH, Edvard Starry Night (detail)1922–24 Oil on canvas,  119 x 140 cm Munch Museum, Oslo

MUNCH, Edvard Starry Night (detail)1922–24 Oil on canvas,  119 x 140 cm Munch Museum, Oslo

cast MUNCH, Edvard Featured Paintings in Detail (2)

images and text credit   www. Music wav.       created olga.e.

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Right: Van Gogh, Starry Night Over the Rhone, 1888. Left: Munch, Starry Night, 1922–1924

Vincent & Edvard :Universal Emotions

Van Gogh wrote that he had ‘a tremendous need for, shall I say the word — for religion — so I got outside at night to paint the stars.’ It was essential for him to experience and paint the night sky above him. He

also depicted his surroundings: the waterside in Arles, the river and a couple out for a stroll, insignificant underneath the majestic sky. The surroundings also play a role in Munch’s Starry Night,

where human forms may be present among the shadows in the foreground. Like starts that meet in the darkness of the universe, as Munch wrote in a poem.

MUNCH, Edvard

Edvard Munch is a Norwegian Symbolist-Expressionism painter, whose intense, evocative treatment of psychological and emotional themes was a major influence on the development of

Expressionism in the early 20th century.

Munch is acclaimed to be the greatest artist of Norway and a father of Expressionism. Munch's art is now considered a significant force in modern art. His art is simple, direct, and vigorous in

style, yet powerful in essence and in subject matter. Munch's art works penetrate beyond external appearances to the inner conditions of the subjects he painted. Munch's subject matter

is symbolist in content, depicting a state of mind rather than an external reality.

The purpose of Expressionism and Symbolism is to show emotions that the artist feels in hopes that the viewer will be stirred and feel them as well. The artist is not concerned with

reality as it appears but with its inner nature and with the emotions aroused by the subject. To achieve these ends, the subject is frequently exaggerated, distorted, or otherwise altered in

order to stress the emotional experience in its most intense and concentrated form. Interested in portraying not a random slice of reality, but situations with emotional content and expressive

energy, Munch carefully calculated his compositions to create a tense atmosphere.