Munchausen marta latvia

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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Munchausen’s forest trail

My favorite field trip was to Munchausen’s forest trail. We were able to experience many of Munchausen’s adventures – we hiked the trail and saw different kinds of wooden sculptures. Most of all I enjoyed hiking together with my classmates and also taking pictures together.

I was very pleasantly surprised when we suddenly came out on the sea shore. We had a picnic right by the sea and then we played some games. I was only upset about the strong wind by the sea because all of us were cold really soon.

The most interesting part of the trail was the very end of it. In the end there is a huge wooden ship where all my friends could run around, go on slides, tubes, swings or crawl through some tunnels. I loved that we were able to buy some souvenirs. I hope that the next field trip is as interesting as this was!

Marta Skuja, grade 2.a