Murthy vaddadi

Post on 09-Jul-2015

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b'day PPT..


Presenting The Veggie..!! Mr. Vaddadi

The real life rock star..

Whose songs make even the Gods react..

But, Murthy made her heart sing..

How it all started ???

Can I drop you home??

The childhood sweetheart.. The real life partner.. 12+ years of love story & growing stronger

But Life changes@ IIMB

His Expression in class..

…Only I am listening to you Prof

But during Adrenalin (Sigma)

Come on Girls..!! Lets game!!!

Q&A session with Murthy

CR Nik: Murthy garu, want Dharu??Murthy: No please, only MILK

CR Nik: Coming to Section party??Murthy: No, studying QM

CR Nik: Have doubt in QM??Murthy: Yes, come anytime

CR Nik: one final query, what do you think about that exchange girl??Murthy: ………………………..

Finally Murthy gives gyan to CR Nik

Brother, never go behind a girl in life!!!