Muscle Morph System - Body Blueprint · Schedule 24-25 How to Naturally Skyrocket Your Levels of...

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Muscle Morph System

The definitive guide to gaining at least

5 kgs of muscle in only 12 weeks.

-By Mark Woodgate

Holistic Health Coach & Body Transformation Specialist

Body Blueprint Personal Training



Page Contents

3-4 Introduction

5 The Science of Muscle Growth

6 How Long to Rest Between Workouts

6/7 Why Body Part Training is Flawed!

8 Total Body Training

9 Time Under Tension

10 The Best Exercises for Muscle Gain & Strength

10 Is There an Ideal Repetition Range?

11 Supersets

12 Quality Not Quantity

13 Progressive Overload

13 Mind to Muscle Connection

14 Tempos/ The Power of the Pause

15 Putting it all Together

15 How Often Should You Change Your Training


16-19 Fascia Stretching

20-23 Guerilla Cardio / Recommended Weekly Training


24-25 How to Naturally Skyrocket Your Levels of Testosterone

26-27 Questions & Answers

28 Recording Your Progress

29 Personal Statistics Sheet

30 Muscle Morph System 12 Week Calendar

31-32 About the Author



Welcome to the Muscle Morph System!

You’re about to discover some of the most efficient techniques on the planet for building maximum muscle and increasing strength faster than you ever imagined. My guess is that you’re eager to start this system as soon as possible. For that reason you won’t find any “fillers” in this e-book, only practical information so that you can start getting results FAST!

In the world of muscle building, finding honest and reliable information is quite a feat. The fact is, there are a ton of conflicting theories about how to gain muscle. Fitness gurus, personal trainers, competitive bodybuilders and gym junkies all have their theories as to why their method works best. And that’s precisely the problem. Present day bodybuilding is plagued by theories and is far from being an exact science. And although some individuals obtain better results using certain training methods than others, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the best or most efficient way to gain muscle. As you’ll soon discover, there really is a science to gaining muscle and maximising strength, and all an incredibly short amount of time. It’s also a question of who you can trust. For example, can you really trust the

claims of professional bodybuilders who endorse certain brands of sports supplements, all the while using cocktails of drugs to produce their outlandish and freaky physiques? For someone who trains naturally and has average genetics, will using the same supplements and training methods result in massive lean muscle gains? Highly unlikely! A little healthy scepticism can go a long way.

Unfortunately many aspiring natural bodybuilders decide to emulate the training methods of professional bodybuilders. (The same workouts you’ll commonly find in most bodybuilding magazines.) More often than these high volume workouts result in overtraining and exhaustion. Rather than gaining muscle, muscle loss is usually the rule than the exception. Therefore it’s no wonder so many people end up totally confused, frustrated and decide to quit all together.

Why the Muscle Morph System is COMPLETELY Different

The muscle building research in this guide is truly groundbreaking. Not only do these studies reveal that conventional muscle building workouts are highly ineffective, they shatter over 40 years of bodybuilding dogma! Moreover, this research is not hypothetical - it has been demonstrated on real life

participants with amazing results. Thanks to these studies we have eliminated ALL the guesswork about what we think might work versus what actually works. This way we can definitely state the optimum number of training days per week, how long to rest between sets, how many days between workouts, how many repetitions, how fast to perform each

repetition etc.


We will destroy the myths of conventional bodybuilding and discover what it really takes to produce an outstanding body. We will also discover that when it comes to building muscle and strength, quality wins out over quantity every time. In practical terms, this means you’ll be working out a whole lot less, yet achieving at least twice the results of conventional workouts.

WARNING! Much of what you’re about to read will fly in the face of what you’ve been led to believe. However NOW is the time to be open minded, to question your existing paradigms about muscle building and be willing to try out the suggested training methods. I guarantee that when you follow the training and nutrition principles listed in this guide, you’ll notice significant gains in muscle and strength in a matter of weeks. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a seasoned bodybuilder, the methods I’m about to share with you could save you many months, if not years, of hard work and wasted effort in the gym.

Here’s to your muscle building success

-Mark Woodgate Holistic Health Coach & Body Transformation Specialist


The Science of Muscle Growth In simple terms, muscles grow when they are subjected to ever increasing workloads. This process of adaptation is known as the SAID principle, an acronym for "specific adaptation to imposed demand." Whenever a muscle contracts against a large amount of resistance, the muscle

adapts by getting bigger and stronger. Similarly, when muscles are forced to contract for long periods of time, they develop more endurance and become more resistant to fatigue. Every time you lift a weight it causes micro tears in the muscle fibres. Whenever this ‘tearing down’ process occurs, the body responds by using the building blocks of protein (amino acids) to repair and rebuild the muscle fibres to compensate and prevent future damage. Over time, these microscopic tears begin to add up, and the end result is a larger chest, wider back, thicker legs etc. Muscles don’t grow when you’re pushing weights in the gym, they grow when you’re at rest. But just how long to rest between workouts has always been a point of contention within the bodybuilding community.

There is considerable confusion about the subject, even more so since the advent of performance enhancing drugs which significantly aid protein synthesis and enhance recovery times. This is why the same set of rules does not apply to the natural bodybuilder. In fact, copying the workout routines of professional bodybuilders is a sure fire way to lose muscle and end up severely overtrained. So, just how much time should we allow between workouts to ensure maximum muscle growth?


How long to rest between workouts A study conducted by researchers at the University of Texas reported that muscle protein synthesis is elevated for up to 48 hours after a workout at which time there is a marked decline. Therefore, it was concluded that 48 hours is the

optimum timeframe between resistance training workouts. In other words, if you work out on Monday at 4pm, muscle-protein synthesis is elevated for up to 48 hours or until 4pm on Wednesday. Based on this research, if you were to wait until Thursday before working out again, you would miss out on this ‘window of opportunity’ as the biological stimulus to build new muscle has peaked the day before.

Why body part training is flawed…

Most bodybuilders divide their workouts up and select certain body parts to train on certain days. For example chest and triceps on Mon, back and biceps on Tues, legs on Thurs. However this directly contradicts the research undertaken by the University of Texas. For example, if we were to follow traditional schools of thought and train chest only once every 4 or more days, we would be missing out on the biological


stimulus to build more muscle as protein synthesis rapidly declines after 48 hours. Similarly, if we decided to train chest only once per week, (as many bodybuilding routines recommend) the muscles of the chest would only grow for 2 days out of every 7. However, if we were to train chest every 48 hours - Mon, Wed and Fri for example, the chest would spend much more time growing and we would reach our muscle building and strength goals much, much faster.

The theory of split or body part training came about because bodybuilders knew that in order to generate sufficient workout intensity (a crucial component for building muscle) it wasn’t feasible to train the whole body in a single session. This belief came about because it was assumed that a high volume of sets and reps is required for each body part. For example, most bodybuilders use sets in the vicinity of 12 sets for legs, 10 sets for chest, 10 sets for back, 8 sets for shoulders and so on. The problem is that if we were to train each muscle group every 48 hours and continue to use this high volume approach, not only would this be impractical from a time perspective, if would be next to impossible to sustain the required intensity for this marathon workout and for our muscles to recover.

Another reason why body part training is flawed...

There are functional relationships between all the muscle groups, so the notion that you can isolate a certain body part is fundamentally flawed. For example, when you perform a lat pull down, you involve the upper back

muscles, the scapula, shoulders and the biceps. When you perform a bench press you involve the pectorals, shoulders and triceps. When you perform a deadlift you’re using the gluteal muscles, the hamstrings,

quadriceps, back, forearms and many stabilising muscles. That being said, it’s important to note that you can still target certain muscle groups by using specific exercises. For example, an incline bench press can effectively target the upper pectorals. (The whole chest is working however more emphasis is placed on the upper region.) However, this is not to be confused with ‘isolation.’ Let’s be clear. Isolating a specific muscle group is impossible because of the functional and synergistic relationship between the various muscle groups. And since body part training is generally performed on consecutive days, this interferes with muscle synthesis and the recovery process. (Muscles grow when they’re resting, not when you’re subjecting them to set after set, rep after rep,

day after day at the gym) This is also the reason that conventional split training programmes, namely the 2 on 1 off, or 3 on 1 off programmes, short change muscle recovery and limit muscle growth.

Now that we’re armed with the knowledge that we need to train each major muscle group every 48 hours for maximum muscle growth, we must first establish just how much volume is really required for maximum muscle growth.

Authors note: Split training programmes can still build a degree of strength and muscle mass, however with the Muscle Morph System we are looking to use the


most efficient principles to gain as much muscle and strength in the least amount of time possible…)

Total Body Training When I first discovered these muscle building studies, the idea of training the entire body at every workout was completely contrary to everything I had been led to believe. After all, the rationale was that total body training didn’t allow you to work the various muscle groups with sufficient intensity, and therefore to stimulate muscle growth. That and the fact that if a typical back or chest workout

takes 20 minutes or more to complete, you'd have to spend several hours in the gym to train your entire body! The idea that more is better for maximum muscle growth and strength is nothing more than bodybuilding folk law, that is, it’s based on theories and not hard science.

So rather than performing the traditional 12 or more sets for back in a single session, what would happen if we split the total volume over 3 workouts for example? A study at the University of Alabama conducted a study whereby the researchers had one group of men train each muscle group once per week for 3 months. The other group performed the same number of total sets, but split them equally

among 3 total body workouts. The results were quite astounding… The participants who worked each muscle more frequently gained 9 pounds of muscle - 5 more than those who trained each muscle only once per week!

However, there is another piece to this puzzle... In a 2006 issue of Mens Health Magazine, leading fitness expert Alyn Cosgrove, reported that he had kept a detailed account and data of every single workout in


his gym since 2000. In analyzing thousands of workout logs, Cosgrove began to notice a clear correlation between workout volume and muscle growth. Based on these results, Cosgrove concluded that muscle growth occurs once a

muscle has been exposed to 90 to 120 seconds of total tension.

Time under Tension

If it takes 4 seconds to perform one repetition, one set of 10 repetitions would place your muscles under tension for 40 seconds. Therefore you would only need to perform 3 sets of a particular exercise to reach this threshold of 120 seconds

and stimulate muscle growth. Although there haven’t been any significant long term studies regarding time under tension, an interesting study was conducted in 1992. Vincent Caiozzo is a professor of orthopaedic surgery at The University of California, has been studying the properties of muscle for over 30 years.

Because some people naturally seem to gain muscle faster than others, (genetics, your disposition, commitment, nutrition and discipline all play a role) the following study was performed on…rats! Says Caiozzo, “Compared with humans, rats are a much more homogeneous species, meaning there's little variation from one to another. This allows scientists

to more accurately study the enzymes, metabolic pathways, and genes that regulate muscle growth.” In 1992, Caiozzo developed a rat-size resistance-training apparatus which looks similar to a high tech leg-curl machine. However, there was another step involved. The researchers implanted a stainless-steel wire in the gastrocnemius (calf) muscle of each rat's hind limb and ran the wire under the skin to the skull, where two small screws had been inserted using a handheld drill. By connecting a wire to the outside of the screws, the scientists were then able to stimulate the muscle manually with an electric current and causing it to contract with maximal force. This allowed them to mimic a human weight-lifting workout.


To test the device, the rats were "encouraged" to perform four sets of 10 repetitions, with each repetition lasting 2 seconds - a total tension time of 80 seconds. The result: The group didn't increase muscle size in an 8-week period. Back to the drawing board as this meant that either the machine didn't work or the volume of exercise was too low. So the researchers decided to modify the

workout. When the contractions were increased to 4 seconds in duration, thereby doubling the total tension time, the rats gained a significant amount of muscle mass, and in just 4 weeks, not 8.

Until conclusive studies are performed on humans this does not validate Cosgrove's volume-threshold and time under tension theory, however it does

provide a biological precedent that supports it. And some speculate, this data just might be ahead of its time.

The Best Exercises for Muscle Gain & Strength

To stimulate the most amount of muscle fibres and produce an anabolic hormonal response, we’ll only be selecting multiple joint, compound exercises such as the bench press, deadlift, row and chin - rather than wasting time on isolation movements such as bicep curls, tricep pushdowns and leg extensions etc.

In the pursuit of maximum muscle, free weights tend to be superior as they stimulate the maximum amount of muscle fibres including synergist and stabilising muscles. In our day to day lives, muscles work synergistically. In other words, they work in unison, not isolation. Therefore, if you want maximum return for your efforts in

the gym, multiple joint movements are the undisputed ‘king.’

Note: Don’t be worried about losing muscle size by excluding exercises such as tricep pushdowns and bicep curls. When you perform compound exercises such as deadlifts, squats and

bench presses on a regular basis, your WHOLE BODY grows!

Is there an ideal repetition range?

Bodybuilders typically train with weights that allow 8-12 repetitions as this is generally known as the muscle hypertrophy (growth) range…or is it? While it’s important to train intensely, the reality is that if you ALWAYS use the same repetition range, you won’t reach your full muscle building potential.


This is because muscle fibres grow in 3 ways.

The first is when the myofibrils (the parts of the fibre that contain the contracting proteins) increase in number and density. This type of growth leads to strength gains and can be accomplished by using heavy weights that allow only 1 to 7 repetitions.

The second type of growth occurs when your muscles are forced to contract for longer periods of time. Typically, this means using lighter loads that allow you to complete 12 to 15 repetitions. This increases the number of energy-producing structures within the muscle fibre. The end result is that you don’t get

significantly stronger, but you do put on muscle size. The third type of growth occurs when using repetitions that fall between these 2 ranges. For example, a repetition range of 8-12 results in a combination of both types of growth, but each to a lesser degree.

This is why it’s very important to use all 3 repetition ranges to target the various muscle fibres and obtain maximum muscle growth. We can accomplish this by using repetitions of 5 on Monday, (heavy weights) 15 on Wednesday, (lighter weights) and 10 on Friday (moderate to heavy weights) This is further validated by a 2002 study at Arizona State University. Researchers discovered that participants who alternated their repetition ranges in each of 3 weekly training sessions gained twice as much strength as participants who used the same repetition range!


To make your workouts even more time efficient, Alwyn Cosgrove recommends using supersets; that is, the pairing of exercises that work opposing muscle groups, thereby cutting rest periods between sets in half. For example, when you work your chest, the opposing back muscles are forced to relax. The working muscles (the ‘agonists’) are the chest, shoulders and triceps, and the non working muscles (the ‘antagonists’) are resting.

In other words, the pulling muscles of the back and biceps are resting while the pushing muscles of the chest, shoulders and triceps are working.

So, instead of waiting 2 minutes between sets of bench presses, you can perform one set of the bench press, rest for just 1 minute, and then do a seated row.


After you finish this superset, you'll rest again, then repeat the entire process until you complete the desired number of sets for both exercises. "In an average workout this technique saves at least 8 to 10 minutes without sacrificing performance," says Cosgrove.

Quality not quantity

These studies, along with many others, confirm that it is the intensity of your

workouts that really matter. In other words, it’s not about turning your exercise sessions into marathon workouts. Performing set after set in the belief that more is better will get you nowhere fast! 30-40 minutes of focused, determined effort is all it takes.

The word ‘intensity’ is very subjective, and so we need to define what that really means. In the context of muscle gain and strength, training intensely means to perform each set to muscular failure. Muscular failure is the point where you cannot perform a single repetition over and above the designated number of repetitions without compromising exercise form. If you can comfortably perform 2 or more repetitions over and above your designated 5,10 or 15 repetitions, the weight is too light. Therefore, you’ll need to adjust the weight accordingly at your next workout so that you reach muscular failure at the desired number of repetitions. Although muscular failure is crucial for your success on this programme, it can and should take one or two workouts to determine your unique strength threshold using the various exercises.

And while workout intensity is essential for rapid muscle gains, it’s equally as important to master correct exercise technique before piling on the weights.


Progressive Overload

Progressive overload is the foundation of muscle building and gains in strength.

Focus on gradually increasing your weights from week to week. True strength gains happen relatively slowly. For example, a realistic goal would be to increase your bench press by approximately 2.5 kgs per week. Over a 5 week period this would equate to an additional 12.5kgs. To allow your body to adapt to the new demands, it pays to be a little on the conservative side with your weights when you first start this programme. For example, if your workout calls for 5 repetitions on the bench press and you have difficulty completing 4 repetitions, reduce the weight by 5-10% so that you can comfortably complete 5 repetitions using good form. Within 2 weeks you should be starting to reach new strength thresholds by regularly attempting to add more weight to the bar. By week 4 you should have entered into new territory (potentially lifting weights you’ve never used before)

and you should be starting to experience significant gains in muscle and strength.

Mind to muscle connection Merely going through the motions will NOT produce massive gains in muscle and strength. Whether you’re performing a bench press, a seated row or a deadlift, it’s important to really focus on the muscles you’re working.


This means avoiding excessive momentum and always contracting or ‘squeezing’ the muscles you’re using. For example, on a seated row, try to contract your shoulder blades together and feel your back muscles contracting. Similarly, when you reach the top of a bench press, contract your pectorals as hard as possible.

Rather than merely shifting the weights from point A to point b, your goal is to get the most out of each and every repetition. As we will be using limited sets to achieve maximum muscle growth and strength, the mind to muscle connection is especially important. Click here to read more about the mind to muscle connection


As we want to keep the muscles under tension for a period of 90-120 secs for

each of your 3 workouts, I have listed the tempos to be used at each workout session.

Day Sets Reps Tempo Total Time







100 secs





120 secs





120 secs

For example, Monday’s workout calls for 5 repetitions. Using the bench press as an example, we would take 2 seconds to press the weight, pause for 1 second at the top of the movement, and take 2 seconds to lower the weight. Each repetition will take a total of 5 seconds to perform (25 seconds total) and we will perform 4 sets on each exercise. Therefore the total time under tension is 100 seconds.

On Wednesday and Friday’s workout we would take 1 second to press the weight, pause for 1 second at the top of the bench press and take 2 seconds to lower the weight. With 4 seconds per repetition the total time under tension is 120 seconds. (Nb: This tempo is MUCH slower than what most gym goers use. Don’t be tempted to use a faster tempo which will lessen the muscle contraction and potentially predispose you to injury)

Never underestimate the power of the pause The pause is the point where your muscles are at full contraction and maximum tension in the muscles is generated. In simple terms, the more tension in the


muscles, the better your results! Make the pause very deliberate and hold for a count of 1 second.

Putting it all together Based on the research…

• Total body workouts should be performed 48 hours apart to allow for maximum protein synthesis.

• Use only multiple joint, compound exercises • The various muscle groups should be subjected to a total time under

tension of 90-120 seconds • Repetitions of 5,10 and 15 should be used to stimulate the various muscle

fibres • Use a weight that is sufficiently challenging but allows you to keep good

form. Steadily increase your weights in small increments from week to week.

• Pay close attention to the tempo of each exercise (2,1,2 and 1,1,2)

• Focus on the mind to muscle connection. Pause, ‘squeeze’ and tense the muscles as hard as you can while performing the various exercises.

The weekly workout summary is as follows:

Day Sets Reps Weight Total Time







100 secs





120 secs





120 secs

How often should you change your training programme? Your body starts to adapt to an exercise routine within 4 to 5 weeks. Typically, this is also when we begin to reach our strength thresholds and maximum weights for each of the 3 workouts. This is the reason the Muscle Morph System is divided into 3 x 4 week phases. In other words, by week 4 of each phase of the programme you should have reached your strength thresholds. More precisely, it should be impossible to increase your weights over and above the prescribed number of repetitions.

Nb: Please refer to the workout spreadsheets and exercise videos for the specific exercises, rest times between sets, correct exercise technique etc.


Unleash MASSIVE Muscle Growth with Fascia Stretching!

When you think about all the possible ways to gain massive amounts of muscle fast, there’s a good chance that ‘stretching’ is not the first thing that comes to mind!

Firstly, to understand the importance of fascia stretching, a small anatomy lesson is required…

Around every muscle in your body there is a tough protective sheath known as muscle fascia.

This resilient fibrous connective tissue protects your muscles and keeps them in proper alignment, however what many would be muscle builders do not realize is that fascia may actually be limiting your muscle growth.

For example, you could be working out religiously, training intensely and eating for muscle growth, however unless your muscles have room to grow, your muscle building potential may not be realized.

Fascia is very tough, and beyond a certain point it doesn’t allow the muscle room

to expand. We can use the analogy of a hot water bottle. Once you’ve reached a certain pressure threshold you won’t be able to add any more water, that is, not without the hot water bottle bursting.

In other words, the hot water bottle is like the fascia tissue. The size of the muscle won't change if the connective tissue around your muscles is constricting the muscles within. There is no room for the muscles to grow, that is, unless we

STRETCH them on a regular basis.


An example often sited is the gastrocnemius or calf muscle. This can be a very stubborn muscle group for many bodybuilders. As the calf muscles have a large amount of fascia tissue, (due to the repetitive weight bearing they have to endure from day to day) the calves can be one of the most challenging muscle groups to build. This is where fascia stretching can play a big role in muscle growth.

What is fascia stretching?

Imagine if you were able to stretch the hot water bottle. By doing so the hot water bottle will have a greater capacity to hold more water. Similarly by stretching your muscles using fascia stretching, the connective tissue around the

muscles stretches and your muscles will have more room to grow.

Fascia stretching differs from typical stretching because it is done when the muscles are fully engorged with blood. When the muscles are ‘pumped’ the fascia around the muscles can be fully stretched resulting in more room for the muscles to grow.

The best time to do fascia stretching is on your Wednesday workout. On this day you’re using high repetitions of 15 which results in a major muscle pump.

Ideally you will use fascia stretching immediately after the last set of each exercise and you will hold each stretch for a maximum of 30 seconds.

1: To stretch your pectorals you will hold the bottom position of a dumbbell fly.

2: To stretch your back you will hold the bottom position of a dumbbell pullover.

Nb: For this stretch, select a weight that is not too heavy. (Between 10 and 15kgs is usually sufficient.)


3) For legs you will perform the quadriceps stretch and hamstring stretch for 30 seconds each.


It is very important that you gradually ease into the position until the point where you feel an intense pulling sensation through the muscles being stretched. Just be sure to use a safe range of motion, otherwise there is a risk that the muscle may tear.

The stretch should be intense, but not to the point that you feel any sharp pain.

Only one set of fascia stretching is required for each main muscle group and is set out in the Muscle Morph workout programme.

By incorporating fascia stretching into your high repetition workouts every

Wednesday you can expect to notice a marked effect in muscle size within a matter of weeks.

Fascia stretching is more rigorous than regular stretching, and just a little painful, (!) however the results are well worth it.

Fascia stretching may well give you the muscle building edge you’re looking for.


Guerilla Cardio

A Lethal Weapon in the War Against Fat Loss!

Is it possible to lose body fat and gain muscle at the same time? Absolutely, and one of the best ways to do this is with cardiovascular exercise. However, it’s also important to know that building muscle in itself is actually one of the BEST ways to burn body fat, and the reason is simple… The more muscle we have, the higher our metabolic rate and the more calories we burn - even at rest. Cardio is another tool to burn body fat, however cardio can be a two-edged sword. For example, if we do too much cardio our bodies produce a hormone called cortisol.

Cortisol (also known as the stress hormone) is catabolic. That is, it breaks down muscle tissue and in turn compromises our body’s ability to burn body fat. One of the most effective ways to burn body fat (without interfering with our muscle building efforts) is to include small amounts of interval training into our weekly training schedule. One of the most effective ways to do this is with guerilla cardio. Guerilla cardio and high intensity interval workouts are a key feature of Body Blueprint’s training programmes. Why? Because interval training WORKS! In fact, studies reveal that interval training can burn up to 9 times more body fat than conventional low intensity, steady state cardio. This is due to the

residual calorie burn which means that your metabolism stays elevated and you continue to burn calories for up to 48 hours after your workouts. (Something that conventional cardio workouts do not achieve…)


Interval training has also been shown to significantly increase cardiovascular health, our anaerobic AND aerobic thresholds. Plus these workouts just happen to be incredibly time efficient.

So what exactly is interval training? Quite simply, interval training is a cardio workout that alternates periods of high and low intensity.

You’ll be AMAZED at what you can achieve with only 2 x 20 minute Guerilla cardio workouts per week - one on Tuesday and one on Thursday.

Best Exercise Options For best results I highly recommend using machines such as the elliptical trainer, the cross trainer or rowing machine. These machines target the whole body and you’ll end up burning significantly more calories than if you were to use a bicycle or stepper as these machines only use the lower body. (and therefore burn less

total calories) As the intervals are very short – for example 20 seconds fast, 10 seconds slow, the treadmill cannot be used as the timeframes do not allow sufficient time to change speeds. However, you can do Guerilla cardio outdoors as a medium walk / fast jog or as a jog / sprint. (Which option you choose depends solely on your current level of fitness)


How to Do Guerilla Cardio

To perform Guerilla cardio, choose a cardio machine that allows you to quickly

accelerate and decelerate. For example, the crosstrainer and rowing machine are excellent choices.

Choose 2 speeds that are based on YOUR level of fitness. The first represents a 5 on the perceived exertion chart or 50% of your perceived maximum speed.

The second represents a 9 or 90% of your perceived maximum speed.

Start with a 2 minute warm up at your perceived 50% speed. For minutes 2-4 you will perform intervals of 20 seconds fast (your perceived 90%) and 10 seconds slow (your perceived 50%)

At the 4 minute mark you will take 2 minutes of recovery and return to your

original warm up speed of 50%. This 4 minute cycle is repeated 5 times to achieve a total timeframe of 20 minutes.

Here is an example of Guerilla cardio using the Crosstrainer

Minutes P.R.E

(Perceived rate of




0.00 – 2.00 5 9

2.00 – 2.20 9 19

2.20 – 2.30 5 9

2.30 – 2.50 9 19

2.50 – 3.00 5 9

3.00 – 3.20 9 19

3.20 – 3.30 5 9

3.30 – 3.50 9 19

3.50 – 4.00 5 9

Repeat this 4 minute cycle 3 or 5 times (12 or 20 minutes total)

Your goal is to make your Guerilla cardio workouts the most productive 20 minutes possible!


For further information about the amazing benefits of high intensity

interval training, please read my articles:

1) The Myth of the Fat Burning Zone

2) The Best Type of Cardio for Fat Loss

Putting it all together… Here is your recommended weekly training schedule








40 mins Resistance Training


20 min Guerilla cardio wokout

30 mins Resistance Training


20 min Guerilla cardio wokout

40 mins Resistance Training




*Total workout time is 150 minutes (2 hours & 30 mins) per week.


How to Naturally Skyrocket Your

Levels of Testosterone!

Testosterone is arguably the most important hormone in the body for anyone

trying to gain muscle and lose fat. Testosterone is responsible for bone density, fat distribution, hair patterns, voice deepening, fertility, libido, and mental, physical energy, and of course muscle growth and strength. To maximise your muscle building efforts in the gym, here are the best ways to increase your levels of testosterone naturally.

1: Lose the body fat

Carrying excess body fat contributes to a decline in testosterone production and an increase in estrogen production. This drop in circulating testosterone prevents you from burning body fat efficiently. Aim to lose body fat at a rate of no more than 0.5 to 1 kg (1-2 lbs) per week. This way you will at least maintain your muscle mass and keep your testosterone levels in check.

The advantage of keeping body fat under control is that your body naturally produces more testosterone and this means you’ll have a much easier time staying lean year round.

2: Stick with the basic exercises Compound exercises such as deadlifts, squats, bench presses, rows and lunges produce large amounts of testosterone due to the amount of muscle fibres involved at any one time. This is why multiple joint movements are a feature of the Muscle Morph System as they elicit maximal output of testosterone.

3: Keep your workouts short and intense

When workouts last longer than 45 minutes there is a steep decline in growth hormone and testosterone levels. If you work out for too long an anti-catabolic hormone called cortisol is released. The Muscle Morph System recognises this fact by limiting workout time to 30-40 minutes.

Resist the urge to rest longer between sets and / or add more sets to your workout. Get to the gym, do the work, and then go home! And while short duration workouts are crucial for increasing testosterone levels, so is the intensity at which you work out. Training to muscular failure is a necessity as this style of training dramatically increases testosterone levels.

4: Limit alcohol intake Not only does alcohol put the liver under stress and impair the fat burning process, alcohol reduces levels of testosterone.


In fact, healthy men can experience as much as a 20% reduction in their serum levels of testosterone when consuming average to moderate amounts of alcohol on a regular basis. That being said, if you enjoy the occasional glass of wine, enjoy. However, if you’re serious about losing fat and gaining as much muscle as possible, limit your

alcohol consumption to no more than 3 small servings per week.

5: Get plenty of rest Resist the urge to stay up late and be disciplined with your sleep time habits. Ideally you will aim to sleep at least 8 hours per night.

Our natural circadian rhythms point to the fact that we obtain a much deeper state of rest when we sleep between the hours of 10pm and 6am. This is also when the body releases higher than usual amounts of growth hormone and testosterone. To maximise your testosterone levels even further, try to have a 20-30 minute power nap during the day if your schedule permits. Click here for my top 10 sleep hygiene tips

6: Consume plenty of healthy fats

The most important macronutrient to consume in order to raise your levels of testosterone is fat. Dietary fat influences every hormonal process in the entire body, including the regulation, distribution and creation of testosterone.

The best fats to consume are monounsaturated fats. Not only do these healthy fats increase testosterone levels, they also provide an array of nutritional benefits. Good sources include nuts, avocados, flax seeds, virgin coconut and

olive oil as well as fish oils.

Click here to discover the truth about fat and cholesterol

7: Eat your greens

A little known fact is that vegetables are an excellent way to increase testosterone levels.

The best vegetables to boost testosterone are cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, kale, cabbage and brussel sprouts. These vegetables have a phytochemical known as “indole 3 carbinol” which is receiving attention from bodybuilders for its ability to decrease estrogen and boost testosterone levels.

8: Eat garlic

Another underestimated food. Garlic has been proven to elevate testosterone levels. Garlic contains an active ingredient called allicin and scientific studies have demonstrated that regular consumption decreases cortisol while raising



9: Additional dietary tips Foods high in zinc contribute to elevated testosterone levels and these include red and white meats, beans, spinach, mushrooms, pumpkin seeds, egg yolks and

dark chocolate.(especially cacao) Avoid caffeine as over stimulation of the adrenal glands leads to a reduction in testosterone. Fried and fatty foods and sugar can also have the same effect.

Questions and Answers

Q: I’ve noticed that you haven’t included any specific exercises for calves and core. Is there a reason?

A: Total body training includes exercises such as deadlifts, cleans, squats etc. These exercises stimulate the entire core and the legs from top to bottom. However, if you wish to add some specific calf and abdominal work, the best days to do this (without interfering with recovery times of the major workouts) would be on Tues and Thurs with your Guerilla cardio workouts. I suggest keeping the total number of sets for core and calves to a maximum of 4 or 5 and include the same repetition scheme and time under tension principles as your muscle building workouts on Mon, Wed and Fri. Here is a sample ab workout: Exercise: Incline leg raises (Increase the incline on each set)

Set 1: 15 reps Set 2: 10 reps Set 3: 5 reps Followed by 1 set of 15-20 reps of stability ball crunches.

Rest 30 seconds between sets. Here is a sample calf workout: Exercise: Standing calf raises (Increase the weight on each set) Set 1: 15 reps

Set 2: 10 reps Set 3: 5 reps Followed by 1 set of 15-20 reps on the seated calf raise. Rest 30 seconds between sets.

Q: Can I add more exercises, sets, reps etc?

A: If you’ve adopted a high volume approach to your workouts, one of the biggest challenges you’ll face is the temptation to add more sets, reps and exercises. My suggestion? DON’T!


By adding more volume to your workouts you’ll compromise your recovery ability and this will limit your gains in muscle and strength. Stay with the proven principles of the Muscle Morph System and you’ll be amazed at how much faster you’ll progress by spending LESS time at the gym. Adopt the muscle building mantra, ‘Stimulate, don’t annihilate!’

Q: How much cardio should I do? This varies from person to person, however when you’re trying to build maximum muscle avoid excess amounts of cardio as this can interfere with the muscle building process.

For someone who wants to lose 2-5 kgs of body fat I recommend no more than 2 x 20 minute Guerilla cardio workouts per week. For someone who wants to lose upwards of 5 kgs of body fat you could include some steady state cardio. For example, you could include a 30 to 40 minute brisk walk on Saturday or Sunday.

Q: Should I take a week off once in a while? A: After you’ve completed the 3 phases of the programme (12 weeks total), take a complete week off. As the Muscle Morph System is very intense it is important to give the

nervous system a complete rest and allow the body to recharge. By giving your body a well deserved rest you’ll prevent the onset of fatigue that can typically manifest after 10-12 weeks of intense training. An additional benefit is that after a week off you’ll return to your workouts

with a renewed sense of vigor, optimism and motivation. Click here to find out when & why to take a break from exercise

Q: After I’ve completed the 12 week programme, then what? Return to phase 1 of the programme, however since you’re likely to be much stronger, you may need to use weights that are 10 to 20% heavier than when you first began. By the time you reach week 4 of your programme, I guarantee you’ll have surpassed your previous best weights and therefore continue to add more muscle and increase your strength.

As long as you include the occasional week off or ‘deload’ week, there’s no reason you can’t continue with this style of programme indefinitely. *If you need any advice or have further questions about the Muscle Morph System, please feel free to contact me at: )



One of the best ways to establish that you’re making consistent progress

is to have your girth measurements and body fat percentage recorded every 4 weeks by personal trainer. This also serves as an excellent

motivational tool.


Within the first 4 weeks of starting the Muscle Morph System, you should

notice some substantial changes in terms of increased muscle size and strength.

However, don’t be surprised if your bodyweight does not change

significantly in the first few weeks. When you build muscle, your body

burns fat more efficiently, therefore it’s not uncommon to lose body fat and gain muscle without any significant change to your scale weight.

However, as muscle takes up significantly less room than body fat, you’re

overall appearance will be more pleasing to the eye - for example, a smaller waistline, broader shoulders, a larger chest and thicker legs.


It’s not uncommon for bodyweight to vary as much as 1 to 2 pounds in a

single day. It depends on what time of the day it is, how much food and

drink you’ve consumed etc. Therefore only weigh yourself once per week on the same day at the same time.

You may also wish to have some photos taken on a regular basis to serve

as a visual reminder of your progress.

If you would like a personal trainer to document your progress, the

following statistics sheet can be used for this purpose.


Muscle Morph System

Name ………………………………

Personal Statistics











Right Bicep Right Tricep Sub-scapular Super-iliac TOTAL mm Body fat Percent Bodyfat kg’s Lean mass kg’s



Body Blueprint Personal Training


Muscle Morph System 12 Week Calendar

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3






























Cardio Option

DAY 10


DAY 11

Cardio Option

DAY 12


DAY 13




DAY 15


DAY 16

Cardio Option

DAY 17


DAY 18

Cardio Option

DAY 19




DAY 21


DAY 22



DAY 23



DAY 24



DAY 25



DAY 26



DAY 27


DAY 28


DAY 29


DAY 30

Cardio Option

DAY 31


DAY 32

Cardio Option

DAY 33


DAY 34


DAY 35


DAY 36



DAY 37



DAY 38



DAY 39



DAY 40



DAY 41


DAY 42


DAY 43



DAY 44



DAY 45



DAY 46



DAY 47



DAY 48


DAY 49


DAY 50



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DAY 52



DAY 53



DAY 54



DAY 55


DAY 56


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DAY 59



DAY 60



DAY 61



DAY 62


DAY 63


DAY 64



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DAY 67



DAY 68



DAY 69


DAY 70


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DAY 74



DAY 75



DAY 76


DAY 77


DAY 78



DAY 79



DAY 80



DAY 81



DAY 82



DAY 83


DAY 84



Mark Woodgate – Holistic Health Coach & Body Transformation Specialist Mark Woodgate is the fitness director of Body Blueprint, a leading personal training company which he founded in 1995. With a background in natural therapies, Mark takes a holistic approach to health and fitness to help you achieve the best possible results.

Originally based out of Les Mills World of Fitness in Hamilton, Mark was the first personal trainer in New Zealand to create a specialised personal training package for the Body for Life Challenge. He quickly became known as a top body transformation specialist and in 2001 he created his own body transformation programme, the Body Blueprint 12 Week Challenge. Since 1999 Mark has transformed more than 10,000 people thanks to his revolutionary quality versus quantity training principles. 5 of his clients have placed in the top 2000 in the world for their remarkable body transformations. (International Body for Life Challenge) Mark provides a range of services including one on one personal training, boxing, kettlebell training and specialised strength and cardio programmes. He trains a

variety of clients - from those wanting to transform their bodies to elite swimmers and strongmen. Mark is the creator of the Biggest Loser 12 Week Challenge, the 5 Week LEAN Programme, the Muscle Morph 12 Week Challenge, 30 Minute Express Workouts and 3 Day Holiday Detox, all available as downloadable programmes from his

website. Visit Mark’s website at: Join Mark on Facebook at:


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Plus when you sign up you’ll also receive my FREE report, “Body Transformation Secrets Revealed!”


Editors Note

The author of this document is not responsible or liable to any person or entity for

any errors contained in this document, or for any special, incidental, or consequential damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the

information contained within.

All material is Copyright Mark Woodgate,

Body Blueprint Personal Training

All Rights Reserved

Body Blueprint Personal Training