Music france

Post on 01-Dec-2014

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Listen to music


What is your favorite style of musics?

Favorite style of musics.


How important is it to you that your friends listen to the same style as you ?

MUSICS…Have you filled up your hard drive with MP3 ?

Do you play a musical instrument ?


Musical Instrument : The bombarde

In our class there are a few people who play an instrument.For exemple, I play bombarde, it's a kind of flute but much louder. It's a Breton Instrument, that I started to practice when I was 7.I play it because my familiy is very engage in Celtic Music.

Musical instrument : The guitar

The guitar its for me the best instrument of the world because the guitar gives me the bet sensation whan I play it

for 5years I played the guitar and i love this instrument because the sound of guitar is unic and is very difficult to progress but when you have a good level