Music magazine analysis

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Masthead: The masthead is typically placed right at the top in the centre and is the biggest text on the page, along with being in bold, which draws your eyes to it instantly. In addition to this the text of the masthead ties in with the rest of the colour scheme which is green, orange and white, this allows the magazine to have a professional outcome and also means that the front cover flowers well.Main Image: The main image of the model has a strong effect, as the model is looking straight down the camera creating a direct mode of address engaging the reader. The main image is also used as the background which is in black and white allowing other text on the page to stand out. In addition to this the facial expression of the singer creates attitude, so by putting the image in black and white exaggerates the mood. Her hand is on her face, with her head tilted down but her eyes looking up, all contributing towards the mood and atmosphere.

Cover line: The magazine also includes some other cover lines which relate to other main stores like ‘Q&A Sevendust Two decades of forging metal gems’. This allows the reader to connect with what is inside the magazine without even reading inside. It draws in the target audience and makes the magazine specific and suited to them.

Audience: The audience of this magazine is anyone interested in R&B music, the front cover has been specifically designed to suit this group of audience and is something exclusive to them. If you were someone interested in rock this is something you wouldn’t even look at as it alienates any other groups.

Font/text: There is a balance of font on the page which has a constant colour of orange, white and green. The size of the font also changes depending on the importance of the story, like ‘CIARA’, this is purposely done because it makes the main stories stand out. The content of the text varies but all relates back to R&B music for example at the bottom it says ‘new releases reviewed’

Main cover line: The main cover line is the second biggest text on the page which is ‘Ciara: Sultry singer breathers new life into R&B’ which is in block capitals drawing attention to it.. This headline relates to the picture as it is the same artist so you instantly know what you are going to find inside. The fact that it is placed in the centre highlights how it is one of the main pieces of text, this is also shown because the orange cover line is placed on the models black top creating a stronger contrast.

Header and footer: There is a header and a footer on this magazine which adds sophistication to the front cover and results in it being so professional. The header has names of artists on and the foot has newly released singles, engaging the reader to want to read on. Both of these aspects are something that makes a magazine stand out and it introduces the reader to the context of the magazine.

I think this magazine is really effective and thoroughly thought through as it suits the target audience. It has been specifically designed for the audience and all the attributes of this front cover contribute towards the brand of the magazine, which is determined by the music genre.

Genre: R&B music

Genre: Rock musicMasthead: The masthead is placed in the top of the page, in the centre and is the first thing you see when you look at the page. The block capitals are in white and creates a contrast to the background which is a mix of red and black. The font is original and this is the same font they use on each issue of their magazine.

Main Image: The main image is of the artist ‘Andy Six’ who is looking straight at the camera. This creates a direct mode of address which engages the reader and draws all attention to the picture, it also creates a connection between the reader and the front cover. The genre of this magazine is rock and this is immediately illustrated from the main image as Andy Six looks like a typical rocker.

Flasher: The magazine also includes a flasher which is a big bubble of writing that stands out on the page, in this case the magazine have done it to advertise there magazine and appeal to the audience. The flasher says ‘the UK’s biggest gig guide!’ which grasps the attention and reveals what is also inside of the magazine. Another reason the magazine may have used it is because it is bold and edgy, just like rock music, allowing the magazine to create their own brand.

Audience: The audience of this front cover is obviously people who love Rock music, this is clear when you take a glance at the cover; the red, white, black and yellow colour scheme reinforces this. If you were not interested in this genre then you are excluded instantly because you wouldn’t walk past it in a shop and stop. This is because the font cover has specifically designed for the audience.Font/text: One thing that is unusual about this front cover is that all the text is in block capitals, this may be due to the genre of music because rock is known for being loud and edgy, just like the layout and text on the front cover. The main text is in white with the rest in orange, which gives the magazine a constant house style.

Main cover line: The main cover line is the second biggest text on the page and says ‘Black veil brides…’ relating to the picture of Andy Six. They have used the picture and the main cover line together to create a connection, this is one of the norms of a music magazine.

Header and footer: The magazine has both, this the header includes one of the story lines, and the footer has names of bands/artists featuring in the magazine. This is something that a lot of their issues has and it not only gives the front cover structure but it gives the front cover more content resulting in the page being pleasing to the eye.

I personally think that this magazine is well suited to the target audience and the design is specifically made to shape that audience. The colour scheme is effective as there is a house style, but it also relates to the bold genre of rock music. It is clear that this magazine is well thought out and each individual part of the page contributes to the success.

Masthead: The masthead of this magazine is bold but elegant. The fact that the Nicola Benedetti’s face is covering the masthead suggests how the audience know the magazine therefore do not need to see the full masthead. In addition to this the masthead covers the top of the page and ties in with the rest of the magazine making it professional and laid back.Main Image: The main image is of Nicola Benedetti who is a young musician, it is a picture of her smiling looking at the camera which has direct mode of address. The fact she is just smiling adds to the laid back approach of the magazine, unlike the other magazines I have analysed the models have been posing purposely to suit the genre, however this musician is simply sitting there to reflect the type of calm music.Audience: The audience for the magazine is particular due to the genre of music. Because this magazine is based around classical music, it will only interest a certain group of people. This means the magazine front cover is specified to attract this particular group and aim to make them stop. They do this through the elegant design of the front cover.Font: The font on the page is elegant and stylish which is pleasing to the eye, this goes with the calm genre of music, the font is mostly in white allowing the font cover to flow. The size of the text varies depending on the importance of the text. I think by keeping the colour of the text constant allows the front cover to maintain the elegant outcome.

Genre: Classical music

Main cover line: The main cover line is the text relating to the background photograph which says ‘Nicola Benedetti….’ this is one of the largest text on the page drawing attention to it. The fact that the main cover line relates to the image makes that connection and allows the magazine to make you want to read on.

Header and footer: The magazine has a header but not a footer, this could be to avoid making the page over-crowded. The header reveals how it is the best selling classical music magazine, this engages the reader and advertises it to the audience.

The front cover also has ‘also in this issue’ to advertise the magazine further and attract the audience to buy the magazine. This also adds sophistication to the front cover as it is something else that is appealing to the reader.

I personally think that this magazine has the most effect out of all three of the ones I have analysed because every part of the page goes together and allows the front cover to flow. The font choice has been clearly thought out and chosen to suit the genre and the layout adds elegance to the classical music.