Music video analysis

Post on 22-Mar-2016

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analysis on music videos


Music Video Analysis

By Nathan Billingham

As you can see in this screen shot there is no real link with the visual and the lyrics they are focusing more on style over substance where the video on its own is interesting and will grab the audience. Red hot Chilli peppers has there own brand and style which is repeated in there videos. The songs tempo and rhythm keep with the video very up beat and fast moving but this is the only real link with the video, lyrics and music

In this screen grab its been animated so there is no link with the audience and they cant really relate with. The audience knows they are watching a music video.

This video is quick from one random shot to the other there is no narrative and doesn’t need to make sense this is part of there own style and brand image.

There are a lot of close up of the main artists as they have to be a big part so they are well recognised and people will link and relate to them.

Jamie T does try and link in with his video with the lyrics but he does not tell a story with the video he is narrating it. As he sings he keep eye contact with the audience like he is telling a story of him self and in few clips he is acting what he is describing in the lyrics.

The music is up to speed with the video they are both upbeat and quick but how it is filmed relates to part of the narrative in the lyrics he mentions ‘lightweight’ and being drunk and the camera angels are not still or straight they are mostly hand held camera shots and are slumbering over each shot.

Jamie t has his own image and brand he is a laddish guy with you can tell from his music and the image. You can see this clearly in this video vandalising things drinking smoking and general foolish behaviour.

The video conforms to a lot of close up of the main artist as he is telling the story, this makes him well relatable to and well known.

He has conformed to his stage image and given himself a recognisable youth group and sticks to it through out is videos and in live performance.