Music video Narrative storyboard

Post on 22-May-2015

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Close up of boys face, we see him holding something

Over-shoulder shot of photo, see boy and girl together in photo

Flashback to girl – long shot of her stood at cliff edge

Closeup of her crying face Birds eye view of waves below

Longshot of girl going to throw herself off cliff – flash to same

scene with no girl

Close up of grief on boys face

Midshot of boy standing and leaving the room, as he walks past camera zoom in on photo

Tracking shot of boy walking down the street

Midshot of boy sat in woods contemplating. Something

catches his eye and he looks up Over-shoulder shot of women

stood in woodsCloseup of womens face, smiling

in a sad and haunting way

Mid-shot of boy stopping, he bows down with his head in his

hands as he panicsExtreme close-up of him kicking a


After he kicks the tree he turns around and slides down it with his head in his hands – Pan and


Close-up of boys face calming down and contemplating what he

has seenMid-shot of him standing up and

wiping his clothesClose-up of determination on his


Close-up of boys waiting face, he turns his head to the side as he

sees her returnHigh angle shot of the both of

them facing each other Close-up of love and grief on girls


Close-up of sadness on boys faceMid-shot of girl pointing to

somethingTwo-shot to show she is pointing

to his pocket

Mid-shot of man reaching into pocket and pulling out a letter, he

raises it to look at it

Close-up of shock on boys face – he has never seen the letter – he

looks at the girlOver shoulder shot shows girl has


Close-up of boys face as he looks back at letter

Over-shoulder shot of letter being opened – we see some of the letter before it is turned over

Low-shot of boy reading letter – zoom in as face shows grief

Mid-shot of boy standing up – a look of understanding on his face

as he stares up at the sky.

Cuts to close-up of his face as he stops looking at the sky and

prepares to leave, walking out of the frame

Long-shot of him walking down path

Close-up of face as he removes his hood

Cut back to him walking down path as shot fades

Mid-shot of boy walking to cliffs – he has different clothes on and

looks happy

Long-shot of boy stood on cliff Over-shoulder shot of seaClose-up of face looking out to


Mid-shot as he looks out to sea

Same shot pans to showHim rising and looking out to sea

before he turns and leaves the frame

Long-shot of him walking away – cut to shot of cliff, close up and

pan to sea