Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca (Part 2) 2/T6W3/R.E... · 2020. 6. 13. · Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca,...

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Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca (Part 2)

Last week, we had an introduction to the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca, called Hajj.Today, we are going to learn even more.

If you remember, one of the first things a Muslim does when they reach Mecca is to circle

the Ka’bah seven times. But that is only the start of the activities!

Next, Muslims must walk between two mounts (small hills) called Safa and Marwa. They do

this seven times. Go to the next slide to find out more…

The history of the two mountsAccording to Islamic tradition, God ordered Abraham (pbuh) to leave his wife, Hagar, and his son, Ishmail, in the desert near ancient Mecca.

Hagar ran seven times between the two hills of Safa and Marwa to find water but was unable to find any.

She was so thirsty. But then, an angel visited and when they dug in the ground in that spot, a well appeared. Hagar could finally have a drink! This link to Abraham (pbuh) and his family is why Muslims walk between these two hills during Hajj.

These two pictures show the route between Safa and Marwa. Nowadays, a corridor has been built between the two places.

In the photo below, you can see people taking water from the well. This is thought to be the site where Hagar and Ishmail found water all those years ago, after an angel appeared in the spot.

Next, the pilgrims travel from Mecca to Mount Arafat, the place where Muhammed (pbuh) last spoke to a crowd of his followers before he died.

Many Muslims either sleep in the open air or camp in tents during this part of the pilgrimage.

Climbing Mount Arafat

Why is Mount Arafat so important?

Mount Arafat is the most important part of the Hajj because of its connections to Muhammed (pbuh). He gave his last speech here to his followers.When Muslims visit this site, they pray to Allah for forgiveness and to help them lead a good life. It helps them to feel a greater connection with Allah.

In the next part of the Hajj, the Muslims travel to a place called Mina.

Here, they collect seven small stones. They use these to throw at a

stone wall.

This is to remember that the devil tried to tempt Abraham (pbuh) to

disobey Allah when he was about to sacrifice his son. According to the

story, Abraham (pbuh) threw stones at the devil to try and scare him


The stone wall in Mina represents the devil.


Returning to MeccaFinally, the pilgrims return to Mecca to the Ka’bah and circle it seven times again.

Once the pilgrims have completed all the rituals, they are given a new title. Men are called Hajji and women are called Hajjah.

Hajj brings together and unites Muslims from all over the world.

After completing Hajj, men will often shave their heads (women only cut off the tips of their hair) to show that they wish to start again with Allah, and that they will try to be a better person.

It takes 5 or 6 daysto complete the


It is physicallyvery exhausting!

But pilgrims do it toshow their devotion

to Allah!

Please click on the link below to watch the last part of the video clip. Start at 3 minutes (where we left off last week)

I hope you have enjoyed finding out about this pilgrimage.

Your task today is to think carefully about the different parts of the Hajj. How does each part relate to a belief about Muhammed (pbuh), Abraham (pbuh) and his family or Allah?

I would like you to either draw a picture showing the main parts of the Hajj and how they relate to a belief OR make a model (out of plasticine or card) to show each stage. Please note that I am not expecting a model with lots of details about the mosque in Mecca, I am only looking to see the following features:a) The Ka’bahb) Safa and Marwa and a covered corridor between themc) Mount Arafatd) The stone wall at Mina.For each part, please do a little label explaining its importance.