Must Know Characteristics of a Good Elementary School in NYC

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Relationship between Teacher and Student is Essential

■ Elementary school teachers make young children feel secure, cared for and loved.

■ Elementary school teachers know the strength and weaknesses of kids.

■ Taking care of their interests, along with academic and emotional needs.

Importance of Words in Private Elementary Schools

■ During the elementary school years, a child learn many words.

■ Classrooms are well stocked with books for children to read and learn from.

■ Kids are taken to the library regularly and habit of reading is inculcated from a very young age.

Math is Highly Essential

■ Like reading, children are acquainted with the concepts of math from a very early age.

■ Teachers teach math to children using state-of-the-art tools and techniques.

■ Such teachers are encouraging towards kids who don’t perform as good as the others.

Focus should not be on Standardized Test Scores

■ Test scores are not indicative of how good an elementary school is.

■ This is because test scores only measure a fraction of the curriculum which is taught.

■ If the teachings of elementary schools focus on just test material, it means the kids are missing out on a lot.

Elementary Schools have a Fixed Time for Recess

■ Kids in elementary schools take part in aerobic exercises during recess, which helps in developing their cognitive abilities.

■ Elementary schools have playgrounds and recess for the benefit of kids.

■ Kids get a break from their daily learning routines as it gives them the time to ponder upon what they’ve learned so far.