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" Geothermal Resources Council, TRANSACTIONS Vol. 6, October 1962


G. N. Oku a R. T. uemura G. A. Chapman

awaiian Electric Co. Hawaiian Electric Co. The Ralph M. Parsons Co.




Appreciation of the geothermal energy poten­tial in the State begins with an understanding ofthe volcanic origins of the islands. The eightmajor islands (seven of which are populated) andthe numerous minor islands, are little more thanthe peaks of an extensive underwater volcanicmountain range. The eight major islands areshown in Figure 1 (Kahoolawe is the unpopulatedisland). Based on the volcanic process thatformed the island chain, Kauai is the oldestisland while the island of Hawaii (known as the"Big Island") is the youngest. Volcanic activ"tyon the Big Island has occurred as recently asApri 1/May, 1982.

Although significant inroads have been made onindividual islands (primarily Hawaii and Kauai) toreduce the dependency on oil. statewide use offuel-oil for electrical power generation stillremains at a greater than 90 percent level. It isevident, therefore, that work still remains toachieve the State of Hawaii's goal of electricalenergy self-sufficiency.

. The development of geothermal energy and ofan interisland underwater cable system are basicnecessities to this achievemp.nt (OPED and LBL,1981).


Using the "knowledge of the State's volcanicorigins, geothermal resource exploration drillingbegan in 1961 at one of the more promising siteson the Big Island. After several unsuccessfulattempts, the first successful well was flashed onJuly 2, 1976. Known as HGP-A (Hawaii GeothermalProject - "A" for Agatin Abbott, chainnan of thesite selection committee), this well was drilledto a depth of 6,450 feet. The bottom hole tem­perature of 676 degrees F made this geothermalwell one of the hottest in the world.

Following the discovery of this well in thePuna District of the Big Island, a 3 MW wellheadgeothermal generating plant was constructedthrough the cooperative efforts of the OOE, Stateand County. This plant, which is powered by theHGP-A well, began commercial operation onfebruary 12, 1982. Construction costs for this3 MW plant were $8.5 million ($2,833/kw). Dril­ling costs for the HGP-A well were $1.609,000.

Generating Method (percent)Oil-Fired Biomass ~~r8

55.2 32.0 .98.3 1.7 -C-

100.0 -0- -C-79.4 19.1 1.560.9 33.6 5.5

9D)" t:b ~

Power Generation Methodsng(MW)

Ttl~ State of awaii presently utilizescostly imported fu l-oil for over 90 percent ofits electrical pow r generation. With the un­certainties associ ted with the price and supplyof this oil. the S ate has set. as one of itshighest priorities. a goal of electrical energyself-sufficiency. Geothermal power, because ofits proven technol gy and apparent abundance.appears to be the ajor hope for achieving thisgoal within the i ediate future. A problemexists, however. i transporting the electricitygenerated from a tentially large resource on theIsland of Hawaii the market on the Island ofOah'J. Th;s paper discusses geothennal activitiesin Hawaii and the relationship of a deep waterpower cable demon tration program to those activi­tie'; "

Table 1 list the present methods of electri­cal power generat on on the various islands 0: theState.

The State of Hawaii is blessed with. amongmany other assets abundant indigenous renewablealternate energy esources (OPED and LBL, 1981).Continuing resear h. development and demonstration(RD &D) programs have shown the viability ofharvesting the en rgy of the earth's heat. winds.waters and plants to produce electricity. Someof these sources ave. in fact. been developed tothe extent of mak ng a significant contribution tooffsetting the am unt of costly imported fuel-oilrequired for conv ntional electrical power genera­tion.

IslandKaUaTOahuHolokaiMauiHawa i i



Okura, ~t al.



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Figure 1. Major Hawaiian Islands

This succ~ssful demonstration of a geother­mal resource generating electric power provided anadded incentive to three private geothermal re­source development organizations who responded tothe Hawaii Electric Light Company (the 8igIsland's utility) Request-for-Proposal (RFP) ·for a25 to 50 MW geothermal electric power developmentproject. The RFP covers the areas of 1) explora­tion and development of geothermal well fields,2) design and construction of geothermal powerplants, and 3) sale of the electrical en~rgy

produced to the Hawaii Electric Light Company.

The three companies are presently performingresource confirmation and development work tosatisfy not only the RFP, but, more importantly,to confirm the existence of a presently estimatedgeothermal resource of 1000 MW of electricalpower. It is interesting to note that thesecompanies have taken two diverse approaches tothe question of geothermal development.

Two organizations are actively drillingexploratory wells to confirm the resource and totest the longevity and quality of the resource.Subsequent to this activity, the~e two organiza­tions will plan the development of their respec­tive resources and secure additional permits todevelop well fields and. construct power plants.The third organization has chosen to acquire allnecessary permits/approvals for the full develop­ment of 250 MW of geothermal resources prior tothe initiation of any drilling activities. Sincethe potential geothermal resources of this latterorganization are situated on landholdings zoned

for conservation district purposes, acquisition ofthe permits/approvals is a major constraint intheir plans.

Present forecasts indicate that the 8igIsland cannot accept more than 40 to SO MW overthe next 30 to 40 years. Unless another viablemarket is found, the full potential of the BigIsland's geothermal resource will not be realized.As implied by Table 1, the largest load center ison the Island of Oahu where the additional genera­tion can be accepted into its electrical system.It is anticipated that, if a means of transportingthe electrical power to Oahu can be found, a sig­nificant block of power could be accepted for useimmediately (Okura and Chapman, 1982a}. Out ofthe need to transport the potentially huge blockof power grew the Hawaii Deep Water ElectricalTransmission Cable Demonstration (HDWC) Program.


Under most circumstances, the electricalinterconnection of the islands in the State viaan underwater cable system would be an achievabletask. For example, the electrical linking of theislands of Molokai. Maui and Lanai using pres­ently available underwater cables and cable-layingvessels has been deemed to be feasible (Hwang andYoung, 1979). Similar type cables have beenutilized to intertie islands in Japan and tointerconnect Vancouver Island with mainlandCanada. High voltage direct-current (HVDe) under­water cables have been installed in Europe to linkmany areas including Norway and Denmark. The



}I Okura, et a1.


Skagerrak Cables, as this latter system is com­monly called, are deployed to a depth of approxi­mately 1,800 feet and over a distance of about 78miles. They are e deepest and longest HVDCcables deployed t date (Hauge, et al., 1978).

As noted earlier, however, in Hawaii themajor potential s urce of alternate energy elec­trical power, spe ifically geothermal, is on theBig Island while he major marketplace is Oahu.Separating these 0 locales are the AlenuihahaChannel (between he Big Island and Maui) which isapproximately 7,0 0 feet deep and the KaiwiChannel (between lokai and Oahu) which isapproximately 2,2 0 feet deep. Further, depend­ing on the routing of the cable system, lengthsranging from 130 260 miles would be encoun­tered. Because t e depths and distances notedwill be encounter d in the establishment of aHawaiian interisland cable system, cables capa­ble of withstandi g deployment tensions of over125,000 pounds an water pressures up to 3,000 psimust be designed, tested and proven reliable andeconomici\ll)' feasible (Chapman, 1981).

The HOWC Program was therefore designed withthree major goals. First, to determine the tech­nical and economic feasibility of establishing aninter'islal')d elect ical grid system. Second, todetermine the ocean engineering problems andsolutions of depl ing, retrieving and repairing adeep water cable. And third, to develop a deepwat~r cable crite ia document that can be used forthe design, installation and main~enance of deep­water electrical ranslTIission cable systems (Okura.\I"rl Ch"pmdn, 1982 ).

The HUWC Program was initiated in 1981 withthe release of $3 0,000 of State of Hawaii fundsfor the Phase I, reliminary Definition Study,work efforts. This phase of work was completed inlate April, 1982, hen the results of the fivemajor tasks were s bmitted to the State of Hawaii'sDepartment of Pla ning and Economic Development.

The five maj r tasks consisted of two admin­istrative-type tasks and three technically-orientedtasks. The ad~inistrative tasks resulted in thepreparation of pr ram planning/management docu­ments. schedules a d costs which will be used toguide the program in future phases of work. Thetechnical tasks w re preliminary studies covering1) cable routes. ) cable designs and ~) cablevessel and handli g equipment designs (Okura andChapman,1982b). '

The prel iminary cable route survey hasresulted in the i entification and analyses ofover 40 separate utings or route segments foran electrical int rtie between the Big Island andOahu. The selecti n of a preferred a1ignme~t willdepend on additio al economic, system plann,ng,environmental and t-sea survey studies to beconducted in futu e phases. For the cable designtask, detailed an lyses of 16 candidate designswere performed an five were selected for furtherconsideration. A ditiona1 mechanical/electricalanalyses and cost benefit studies to be conductedin future ppases ill result in a preferred cable


design. This design will be the basis for manu­facture of a test length to be deployed in theAlenuihaha Channel. Finally, the cable vessel andhandling equipment task has resulted in a thoroughliterature search of presently available vesselsand equipment and a preliminary conceptual designof the vessel and equipment to be used on the HOWCProgram. Future phases of work on this task willinclude additional design and cost tradeoffstudies to determine not only the HOWC require­ments, but also the ultimate cable vessel andhandling equipment needs.

Federal and State funding support have beenrequested for the presently estimated $17 millionHOWC Program. This multi-phase program, scheduledfor completion in December, 1984, has broughttogether a multi-discipline team composed of apublic utility, a program management specialist, acable manufacturer, a cable vessel/handling equip­ment specialist, and various State organizations.It is signficant to note that, similiar to theinitial geothermal development activity, govern­ment funding support is required since none of theabove program participants could, individually,support the high risk. high technology, long-terminvestment nature of deep water cable design andmanufacture.


This pdper is a brief summation of geothermalpower development activity in the State of Hawaiiand the important rol~ to be played by the HOWCProgram in the successful development of the largepotential geothermal resource. It is clear that,without the HOWC Program, geothermal power couldnot be developed to the maximum extent practi­cable. Conversely, without the emphasis placed ongeothermal development, the HOWC Program would notbe required. Hence, both programs are proceedingconcurrently and it is acknowledged that, if onefails to meet its goals, activities on the othercould substantially decrease or stop altogether.

If, however, both programs should success­fully meet its, goals, a significant step will ~~~ebeen taken towards achieving the State of Hawa" sgod1 of electrical energy self-sufficiency.


Chapman. G. A.; 1981; Submarine TransmissionCables for Hawaii; Hawaii Integrated EnergyAssessment; Volume II Alternate Energy TeCh­nologies for Hawaii; pp. 37-50.

Department of Planning and Economic Development(OPED). State of Hawaii and Lawrence Berkeleylaboratory (LBL). University of California;June, 1981; Geothermal Energy for Hawaii;Hawaii Integrated Energy Assessment; Execu­tive Summary and Volume II Alternate EnergyTechnologies for Hawaii.

Hauge. 0., A. Berg. J. N. Johnson, G. Wettre andK. Bjorlow-Larsen; 1978; The Skagerrak HVDCCables; International Conference on LargeHigh Voltage Electric Systems; CIGRE PaperNo. 21-05.

Okura. et al.

Hwang. H. H. and B. Young; 1979; A study of theFeasibility of linking the Islands of Maui.Malokai and lanai with Submarine ElectricalPower Cables; Hawaii Natural Energy InstituteReport No. 79-02.

Okura. G. N. and Chapman. G. A.; 1982a. HawaiiDeep Water Electrical Transmission CableDemonstration Program Phase I Program Review.

Okura. G. N. and Chapman. G. A.i 1982b. HawaiiDeep Water Electrical Transmission CableDemonstration Program Phase I ExecutiveSummary.


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