My adventure

Post on 09-Mar-2016

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Telling some adventures of my life


When I was a child I didn’t use to have a lot of dreams but

suddenly everything improve

and I had the opportunity to

travel to Europe

Then I had the best experience in my

life until now, I went to Europe

during the summer by me own well not

at all because I joined to a group of Mexicans there but I wasn’t with my family, which was a big step for me to get mature

and to improve my English.

I passed 3 weeks in

England in a city called

Bournemouth, there I studied 2

hours in the morning

I went to some activities with my foreign friends, I fit very good with all the Europeans

A friend of mine and me, we were the only latin people that stayed with europeans but I think that was better because we understood how their life was in Europe.

Then we had a tour in some parts of England: London

Then we had a tour in some parts of England like London, where I entered to the London Eye.

I went to Stonehenge, a place that I

always wanted to

know because of it’s history.

After that the post

tour started we went to


I also visited the city where the Bolognese

sauge was invited, the

city of Bologna in


Then, I went to Rome, wich is a

very interesting city and I

visted «The Colisseo»

I went to the Colisseo Romano and there I discovered the interesting way of living they used to have there.

I fall in love with the italian food specially with the pizza

I made a wish in «La Fontana Di Trevi> that I can’t tell you because I really want It to come true.

And as a little girl I really enjoyed been in Euro Disney