My daily program

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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My daily program

I can tell you about my daily program

Every morning I wake upat about 9 o`clock. I have a warm shower, brush my teeth and comb my hair.

I also have breakfast every morning. After it, I go to the bus and then to the train.

Since 12 o`clock I study at the institute and after it I return home.

I often feel line doing tidy up the room. I can to iron clothes of my family, to dust, and sometimes to darn old clothes.

All weekends I spend with my friends. We have a night out and have a good time.

For example, we can play volleyball, board game and darts. We also like doing to the cinema.

Recently, we watched the film called «Marsianin» and it has made a huge impression on us.

This summer we were in Egypt all together in the luxury hotel. We have a lot of dance halls and one health center.

The health center is very good for our health.

My friend and I got up early, because an early bird catches the worm.

We also travelled around the city in our spare time, did scubadiving and both photographies of ancient sightseeties.