My experience in Germany I February 2014

Post on 08-Jul-2015

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We traveled to Germany last February 9 We were ready to pass an incredible and unforgettable experience

The economy of Germany is really different from that of our country. We can notice it in

different aspects, from the college to which we visit where there was multitude of computers and school material of high qualification up to in the street where there were many works and

projects to make

In our trip we have practised very much the English, we have communicated perfectly with our friends and the rest of the people. We have verified that we know more that we were think, we can travel where we want because we have total freedom for communicate with anyone. 

We have improved the language and increase our consciousness. 

We had to adapt to the custom of Germany. We change the schedule of foods, of exits, and of activities. We learnt to be punctual and not to play with the patience of the teachers. The climate also influenced us very much, it was very cold but not so much as the people said to us. A short coat and ready!

The people there were very silent in comparison with us. They were pleasant, nice, out of the image that we have of the people of Germany.

We have verified that we love be with friends, to enjoy and to learn each of the rest. We learn to respect, and to know new cultures as that of our friend Hasna. Hasta was Moslem.

We have noticed very much the economic difference of Germany in comparasion with Spain. To them the crisis doesn't affect and they have big technologies.