My Hometown Estrella - June 2009

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Our mission for this My Hometown Estrella™ magazine is to connect residents both to each other and to key resources with the goal of building community in Estrella and the greater Goodyear area.


westar elementary school hosts car wash

red wagon food Drive

when a couple decides to become a

family, there is usually some prepara-

tion time, at least nine months, which

incorporates baby showers, birthing

classes and labor pains. But some-

times, for medical reasons, mother

nature isn’t cooperative to the natural

conception family plan. adoption

might follow as an alternative. that

is the case of christopher and lorine


page 4

chris and lorine’s dreams of a family come true...

aryana chystine lovett has quickly become “Daddy’s little girl!”

eight year old mckenzie macon and her red wagon food drive

vOlume 3. numBer 6

june 2009www.myhometownestrel la .com

my hometown

led by westar elementary principal and assistant auto-washer,

David richardson, local elementary school students, faculty, par-

ents and community volunteers rallied together to raise money

for the garnica family to help with medical expenses incurred

from their recent involvement in a tragic automobile accident.

page 5

mckenzie macon is an eight year

old who attends westar elementary

school. she recently learned at

school that the westside food Bank

would need food donations over the

summer months and became con-

cerned that some people wouldn’t

have enough to eat in the upcom-

ing months if she didn’t contribute.

page 7

Proud to live in Goodyear, one of America’s Most Livable Cities

my hometown: page 3www.myhometownestrel la .com

community news

On YOur DOOrstep news & events happening in anD arOunD estrella 4

hOa events & Bulletin BOarD YOur hOa is harD at wOrk with these fun resiDent events 8

cluBs, classes, meetings starpOinte resiDents cluB prOgrams & cOmmunitY calenDar 11

people in your neighborhood

the Burgess familY neighBOrs anD frienDs that YOu’D like tO meet 12

estrella BaBies meet BaBY mackenzie & evan 12

garden & landscaping

water management BY Dlc resOurces, inc. 13


retirement plan DistriButiOns BY DaviD lesnick, cfp, resiDent Of estrella, sOunD aDvice financial planning 15


father’s DaY grilling BY kim OnstOtt, resiDent Of estrella,

YOur place gOurmet—persOnal chef service 18

business spotlight

OutDOOrs: estrella mOuntain BmX 19

vOlume 3. numBer 6

june 2009

this month...

Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form, in whole or part, without written permission is prohib-ited. The Fountain is a monthly publication highlighting house, home and community building. The Fountain accepts freelance contributions, though there is no guarantee that unsolicited material will be returned. The Fountain is not responsible for the views of contributing writers and assumes no responsibility for errors appearing within. Opinions expressed are those of the writers and not necessarily those of the Publisher or advertisers. We reserve the right to restrict all advertisements to their proper classification and to edit or reject any copy.

Our mission for My Hometown Estrella is to connect Estrella residents to each other and to key resources with the goal of build-ing community in Estrella and the greater Goodyear area.

My Hometown Estrella is a great example of what can happen when neighbors build strong relationships and get busy putting their ideas and skills together for the good of the community.

We hope you find this community publica-tion reflective of our excitement to be in Estrella and our desire to build something that brings us all closer together. We invite you to join in the fun and get involved.

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publications that build community

my hometown

Over the course of the past month, I saw a com-munity that rose above their own agendas in the midst of a tragedy that has forever severely impacted a family. I saw trays of comforting foods taken from cars lining an otherwise quiet neighborhood street. I saw teddy bears, flowers, pictures, and people step over the thresh-old of a front door, entering the changed atmosphere of broken lives, to offer their condolences. Witnessing this out-pouring of generous compassion helped me realize the importance of community support, as life dosed out a piercing reality check.

Thankfully, the past month didn’t slip by so quickly that I missed seeing evidence of happiness and celebra-tion of life all around me in everyday living, too. I’m grateful for the precious faces of the giggling children who stood beneath a blue bucket of cool water as it toppled onto their heads during opening day at the WaterPark. I saw canine companions walking with their humans - tails wagging with stops at every light post along the pathway of North Lake celebrating

evening walks. I saw awards handed to deserving stu-dents, honoring their athletic and academic achievements before leaving school for summer vacations. And, I haven’t missed the opportunity to share a special story with you in this issue uniting a toddler and her new family, entitled “Daddy’s Little Girl.”

This month, I encourage you to join me in honoring fathers everywhere. A special thanks to them for all of the sacrifices made so that our own lives might be more complete. We’ve supplied some resourceful maintenance tips in this issue with “Mr.-Fix-It” specifically in mind.

A friend recently inspired me with a memorable quote, “There is a time to be ahead, a time to be behind, there is a time to move and a time to be still.” I have been all of those things recently. I have witnessed, from my own doorstep, evidence that we, as a community, have the power to change things - to make the world a better place. The power lies within each of us and begins one person, one family and one community at a time.

I Saw It From My Doorstep… kim alvaraDO

editor’s corner

page 4 : my hometown www.myhometownestrel la .com


on your doorstep

When a couple decides to become a family, there is usually some preparation time, at least nine months, which incorporates baby showers, birthing classes and labor pains. But sometimes, for medical reasons, Mother Nature isn’t coop-erative to the natural conception family plan. Adoption might follow as an alternative. That is the case of Christopher and Lorine Lovett.

After marriage and a job change in 2003, the Lovetts settled as a married couple into their new home in Estrella with dreams, like many newly married couples, of someday becoming parents. After failed medical assistance to conceive and years of an empty nest, the adoption process came to the rescue and awarded Christopher and Lorine a precious daughter, Aryana Chystine Lovett, who has quickly become “Daddy’s little girl!”

The Lovetts considered international adoption at first, but as they researched all of their options, Chris commented to Lorine, “There are so many children in our own country that need a loving home.” The Lovetts agreed that contacting local assistance through Catholic Charities was the optimum resource to help them find the perfect match; a child of their own.

Although the Lovetts fast-forwarded through the sleepless nights of infancy, they have endured some pretty strict requirements throughout the adoption selection process, which the couple describes as an emotional roll-

ercoaster. Mountains of paperwork and counseling sessions and then the nine month process for foster child care requirements, which included making safety modifications around their home. At times the process was agonizing; Chris and Lorine would be prepared to receive a child and then told, at last minute’s notice, that they weren’t a perfect match. But the emotional tugs, the safety requirements, and the involvement of Catholic Charities, Child Protective Services and the Adoption Counselors from the Department of Economic Security have all been beneficial in helping Christopher, Lorine

and Aryana reach their goal to become a family.Aryana was first placed with the Lovetts on November 21, 2007

(Thanksgiving Day). It was a day that the couple had much to be thankful for. And finally, after numerous court hearings, Aryana Chrystine Lovett officially became part of the Lovett Family on January 28, 2009. Together, the three are having a great time building memories as a family.

Recently, the Lovetts have been enjoying trips to the Phoenix Zoo and have acquired a desire to watch Disney movies unlimited! Chris was excited to fly a kite recently with Aryana, something he hadn’t done since childhood. “Adopting a child has helped us stay young and has allowed us to explore more of our surroundings,” says Lorine.

Happy Father’s Day to Chris and to the many other fathers throughout our community!

Daddy’s Little Girl Aranya Chrystine Lovett settles into her new home

Photo: sammie and rylie cool off in the pool, after a morning of soccer games…..

saturday, May 9, marked the opening celebration day at the starpointe’s

WaterPark. Festivities began at the door’s opening at 11 am and included

Celestial Nights playing music favorites from the past and present, while

swirls Café served up some delicious food favorites, including a rib plate,

hamburger plate and hot dog plate, all being offered at special resident

rates. the Octo ring toss, sponge Pass relay and Croc Wrestling were

excellent games offered to keep cool on the triple digit day.

WaterPark Opening

my hometown: page 5www.myhometownestrel la .com


on your doorstep

westar elementary school hosts car wash

Led by Westar Elementary Principal and Assistant Auto-Washer, David Richardson, local elementary school students, faculty, parents and community volunteers rallied together to raise money for the Garnica family to help with medical expenses incurred from their recent involvement in a tragic automobile accident.

Eighth-grade teacher, Amanda Hicks, was on-site on Saturday, May 2, assisting the eighth-grade students with car washes and overseeing a great group of sixth-eighth grade student volunteers, who sold snacks, grilled hot dogs and helped sell raffle tickets. “The kids came up with the idea of wanting to help,” said Ms. Hicks. She and Eileen Roberts, both eighth grade

teachers, wholeheart-edly supported the idea to hold a car wash. The car wash benefit was scheduled from 9 am to 2 pm on Saturday, May 2, but spilled well over into the 3 o’clock hour, col-lecting in excess of six thousand dollars. The donations will directly

help the Garnica family, our neighbors, who lives were shattered in a recent auto accident.

School families and community members overwhelmingly contributed food donations for this fundraiser. Auto Zone donated all of the buckets, sponges and washing materials for the day’s event; WorldNet Soccer was on-site, compiling a scrapbook with hearts and memos of well-wishes for the Garnica family. A package of four Diamondback Baseball game tickets (valued at $125) was raffled for $5 per entry. “One family drove up from Tolleson to support the event,” reported Ms. Hicks. “They don’t have chil-dren at the school, or even know the family affected, but they wanted to help, after reading about the tragedy.”

Community Outreach Coordinator, Janene Van Leeuwen, also attended the event and was enlightened to see the overwhelming community support for a family whose three children attend Westar Elementary School.

If you would like to help the Garnica family, consider a donation to the Garnica family memorial account set up at the Bank of America or visit to sign up on the meal schedule. Meal organizer, Julie Rewerts, can be reached at 623-328-0888.

actiOn is looking for healthy families

Goodyear In ACTION is a brand new organi-zation in Goodyear that focuses on the health and wellness of Goodyear residents. The group is look-ing for healthy moms who would like to contribute to the “moms blog” about how to get their kids and families to eat healthy and live well. If you are - or know of - a fitness minded mom who can share her thoughts, please contact

Also, the Goodyear In ACTION Day has been moved to September 26, 2009. This will allow our community more time to think about and orga-nize fun fitness events. Goodyear In ACTION Day encourages everyone in the city to get up a move for 30 minutes between 11 am and 1 pm. Prizes may be awarded to the top groups of kids, seniors and corporations who have a fun and creative time showing us their 30 minutes of heart pumping movement. Check out for more information.

Banner estrella and goodyear fire aim to save lives

submitted by Banner estrella medical center

a heart attack occurs about every 20 seconds in the united states, with a heart attack death about every minute. so when you’re having a heart attack, like avondale resident robert calhoun—minutes matter. Banner estrella medical center in west phoenix has developed a process called code stemi to help patients experiencing a heart attack to get treatment in the cardiac catheterization lab as quickly as possible.

“i don’t remember much,” calhoun, 59, said. “i remember i was in a lot of pain and the firemen showed up, hooked me up to the ekg and immediately said, ‘we’re not waiting, we are taking him now.’ and i truly believe that their decision and professionalism is the reason why i am here today.”

evidence shows that when a patient receives cath lab level care that begins within 90 minutes of symptom onset—the standard set by the american heart association—the damage to the patient’s heart muscle is substantially decreased. through partnerships with local fire departments, paramedics are able to fax electrocardiograms, or ekgs, to Banner estrella’s emergency department from the field using Bluetooth technology, a fax machine, and a cell phone. if a heart attack is diagnosed, code stemi is activated, and the on-call cardiologist and specially-trained cardiac cath-eterization team are called-in for emergency treatment. faxing the ekg gives the team at the hospital the ability to diagnose the patient before the patient even arrives. an ekg can detect signs of poor blood flow, heart muscle damage, abnormal heartbeats and other heart problems.

code stemi (segment elevation myocardial infarction) is a process that “allows the emergency and cardiology departments at Banner estrella to diagnose and treat patients showing symptoms of a heart attack within the first hour of arriving in the emergency department,” said kristine green, rn, senior clinical manager of interventional cardiology at the hospital. a myocardial infarction, or a heart attack, occurs when the heart muscle is deprived of oxygen from the lack of blood flow to that particular area of the heart due to narrowed or blocked arteries.

so far this year, Banner estrella has successfully treated five patients using code stemi under the 90-minute standard. this attack was calhoun’s second experience, and he suffered the heart attack in his home. his door-to-balloon (surgery) time was 56 minutes. “from the time that i got [to the hospital] until i checked out, the staff took really good care of me,” he said.

treating patients who are having a heart attack in a timely manner saves heart muscle, reduces permanent damage to the heart muscle, and saves lives. code stemi combined with Bluetooth technology helps hospitals like Banner estrella respond quickly to a cardiac event, but, this is only effective if community members recognize symptoms in heart attack as a medical emergency.


last month we featured personal trainer, renee Berg, in our Business spotlight section. it was brought to our attention that the contact tele-phone number printed is incorrect. the correct number is 623-565-2494. Our staff apologizes for the error.

district champs!congratulations to the girl’s softball team at westar elementary, who went undefeated and won the District championship for the third year in a row! what awesome athletes!

weight watchersa new 10-week series will begin for weight watchers here in estrella starting wednesday, June 24 at 6 pm. the cost is $130. for more information, con-tact kim Onstott at or 602-495-8000.

page 6 : my hometown www.myhometownestrel la .com


on your doorstep

improve Your indoor air Quality during summer months

It’s that time of year again - the heat is on! As a guest editorial, Goettl Air Conditioning offers the following tips on improving indoor air qual-ity. Research shows that indoor heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems can be two to five times more polluted than any outside air! Since the average family will spend up to 90 percent of their time indoors this summer, Goettl offers a few solutions that go beyond changing a home’s air filter.

Ten Tips To Improve Indoor Air Quality

• Schedule seasonal maintenance for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning equipment to ensure all systems are working efficiently and performing properly.

• Check air filters monthly and replace at least every six months.

• Choose HVI-Certified ventilation products for your home to guar-antee maximum airflow, sound and energy performance. The HVI Certification label ensures that the product will live up to its perfor-mance claims.

• Control humidity. Activate the bathroom exhaust fans while bath-ing to limit moisture buildup and odors. Operate the fan at least 15 minutes after using the shower until a majority of the moisture has been removed.

• Use “spot” ventilation. Increase ventilation rates during busy times in your home by turning on localized exhaust fans such as bathroom or range hood fans, which have been proven to be more effective than opening a window.

• Don’t smoke indoors. Particle levels in homes with smoking are higher than outdoor levels.

• Confirm your clothes dryer’s exhaust ducts, filters and hoods are clean for maximum air flow and energy efficiency. Also, make sure the duct flows directly outdoors.

• Clean your home. Vacuum once a week to prevent dust, dirt and pet hair accumulation. Use high-quality vacuum bags and empty regu-larly.

• Buy machine-washable bedding and change sheets and pillow-cases every 10 days, washing them regularly in hot water to kill dust mites.

• Use environmentally friendly cleaning products that are water-based and biodegradable. Avoid products that use words such as “danger,” “caution” or “flammable.”

are you in “hot water?” – Dealing with our water systems

The City of Goodyear’s drinking water is supplied 100% by ground-water. The city has production wells, storage facilities and pressure booster stations in abundance, located strategically throughout the City. But besides drinking water, some of our home appliances utilize water. Unfortunately, the chemicals added to our water encourage rapid corro-sion; this could lead to unforeseen replacement charges. The following maintenance tips could save replacement costs.

Did you know that the chemicals in our water cause corrosion to appliances, namely our hot water heaters at a rapid rate? Typically, hot water heaters carry a 6, 9 or 12-year warranty; still some Estrella residents have experienced the loss of hot water heaters due to corrosion recently. Replacement costs can be costly. Although a corroded, leaking tank isn’t salvageable, a leaky drain valve or pressure relief valve or a worn out heat-ing element can be replaced.

Heating water will naturally make water more aggressive or corrosive. Maintaining your hot water heater once per year could help eliminate water quality problems. There are a few important precautionary steps you can take to prolong the life of your hot water heater, as reported by the City of Goodyear at

• Check your water heater daily for leaks.

• When installing a water heater, make sure the installation includes a pan under the heater to catch leaking water.

• Flush your water heater on a routine basis. First turn off the heating or pilot system by turning off the gas or electricity to the unit and letting the unit stand for 20 minutes to cool down the elements, then attach a garden hose to the spigot located near the bottom of the tank. Open the spigot and drain the tank to an open area. Close the drain valve after drainage is complete. Allow the water heater to fill completely before starting the heating system. (Follow your manufacturers’ instructions, if different from those above.).

Consumer Reports indicates that the average costs of hot water heat-ers, with installation can be in excess of $600. Maintenance checks on your unit can save you money.

helpful Pool service tips

It’s swim season in Arizona! Be sure that your backyard pool’s entire operational system is in proper working order for a worry-free summer swimming season. “Even if you have a professional pool service maintain-ing your pool on a weekly basis, you should still take the following steps to insure that your pool is always looking and operating at its best,” reports Handyman Xpress & Pool Service Owner, Patrick Pace.

Remember....chemistry, chemistry, chemistry. To avoid a green pool, super-chlorinating (shocking) your pool after swimming or after any storm activity is always recommended. Properly balanced pool chemicals (PH, Alkalinity and Chlorine) are essential to avoid algae and eye and skin irritation.

Keep your skimmer and pump filter baskets clean and free of debris, especially after wind and monsoon storms. This will prolong the life of your filtering system.

Properly maintaining a floor cleaning system is important for the overall appearance and the operation of your pool equipment. Prompt repairs can help avoid costly replacement of equipment.

Patrick Pace is an Estrella resident and the Owner of Handyman Xpress & Pool Service. He can be reached at 623-853-6859 or


my hometown: page 7www.myhometownestrel la .com

mckenzie macon is an eight year old who attends westar elementary school. she recently learned at school that the westside food Bank would need food donations over the summer months and became concerned that some people wouldn’t have enough to eat in the upcoming months if she didn’t contribute. with her mother’s support, mckenzie and her five year old sister, samantha, put together a plan to help. mckenzie created a flyer and dropped it off to houses in her neighborhood, the fairways, announcing a date that she would return for donation pick-ups. the three volunteers polished up their transportation, which came in the form of a red wagon and visited contributing gracious neighbors before school one morning, collecting a total of one-hundred three items for the food bank. volunteers at the westside food Bank were very appreciative of mckenzie’s kindness and explained to the eight year old that she had helped children her own age through her contributions. “i learned it was an easy, quick trip to drop off food. it took less than 30 minutes to help out those who need it,” said mckenzie’s mother, carrie macon. as you might imagine, mckenzie’s mother is beaming with pride over her daugh-ter’s actions. “she put a plan together and stuck to it, to its completion.” this red wagon team plans to drop off fresh food every other week during the summer months as the food bank shelves get low.


on your doorstep

efhs varsity softball team earns 3a west regional championship

Head Softball Coach, Rick Brungardt, brought an outstanding group of young girls to the 3A West Regional Championship celebration, secur-ing the title after a 12-2 win over Chino Valley in late April. Coach “B” remarked that Chino Valley was a team that could pull out some unexpected wins and there was no room in the title deciding game to be one of them. The biggest obstacle that the Wolves had to overcome for the game against Chino Valley was the loss of the number two batter, Danielle Silverstein, who fractured her leg in the previous game against River Valley. Aside from winning the regional title, the lady Wolves biggest accomplishment of the season was the success that the team displayed during play during two tour-naments; winning the Buckeye tournament with an undefeated record over some good 4A and 5A schools and continuing to play very competitively in Payson, losing only one game to 4A Queen Creek. The season wasn’t flawless, however, as the girls suffered an upset in Wickenburg, losing 2-1 in 8 innings of play. “That was a reminder to us that we always need to be prepared mentally and physically to play our best softball,” reported Coach Brungardt. Congratulations on an outstanding season lady Wolves!

At the time this issue went to press, the girls varsity softball team had completed their second playoff win in the state championship tournament, beating Santa Cruz 7-3, by pulling out a nail biting lead finish in the sev-enth inning.

efhs athletic summer camps

Estrella Foothills High School Athletic Department is offering sever-al athletic camps in June for a variety of age groups. Build your techniques, learn new skills or learn the fundamentals of a new sport. Camps include baseball, football, girls/boys basketball, soccer, softball and volleyball. To obtain information specific for individual camp requirements, equipment recommendations and costs, visit Registration forms are available online and at the EFHS front office.

liberty district names their five “teachers of the Year”

Each year Westside Impact requests West Valley School Districts to name one teacher from each school as ‘Teacher of the Year’. With over 250 hard working and dedicated teachers in the District, the choice is not always easy. All five schools turned to their teachers to nominate and vote on the individual who deserved ‘Teacher of the Year’.

Liberty Elementary School District proudly recognizes the following five teachers who have demonstrated determination and dedication in and out of the classroom.

* Lynn Patton, Estrella Mountin Elementary* Sallie Yanez, Freedom Elementary* Kendra Goodere, Liberty Elementary* Karyn Hill , Rainbow Valley Elementary* Dena Schafer, Westar Elementary

These highly qualified teachers have demonstrated outstanding com-mitment to their students, staff and educational community. They were recognized for their efforts at a breakfast hosted by the Westside Impact in May as we well at the May 4th Board Meeting. The Liberty District appreciates the entire faculty and staff who are committed to ensuring student success!

westar elementary school teacher appreciation week

The Westar PTO would like to thank all the parents and students that participated in Teacher Appreciation Week at Westar Elementary School. The teachers had a wonderful week that would not have been possible without all of you. We also would like to acknowledge Carolyn Schlobolm, who was the Chairperson for the event, and committee members Deborah Padgett and Allyson Fox for all of their hard work. We would also like to give special thanks to Bashas’ located on Pebble Creek Parkway for donating a beautiful fruit basket for the week-long event.

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Red Wagon Food Drive – 8 yr old Mckenzie Macon

page 8 : my hometown www.myhometownestrel la .com


hOa events

friDaY – June 12 wii tournamentfriday, June 12, reg 5 pm

grab your team of four and sign up at starpointe for a ton of fun at a wii Bowling tournament!

cost is $5 per person and includes dinner. all ages wel-come. prizes will be awarded to the winners! we are limited to a number of teams so sign up at starpointe to insure your team’s spot! registration begins at 5 pm with Bowling at 6 pm.

thursDaY – June 25 “Keeping chicks safe” breakfast for dinnerthursday, June 25, 6:30 pm

the estrella safety awareness team would like to invite you to a free self Defense Demonstration on thursday, June 25 at 6:30 pm at the starpointe residents club. Officers with the goodyear police Department will be pro-viding valuable safety tips and empowering women on what potential victims should do in situations of safety compro-mise. what’s the conn-egg-tion? hickman’s family farms have been literally “keeping chicks safe in arizona for 65 years!” Breakfast for dinner is on the menu. come join hickman’s family farms and the goodyear police Department for an excit-ing evening. this one’s for the “chicks” in estrella. please rsvp to

or at the starpointe.

friDaY – JulY 17 lego building competitionfriday, July 17, 6:30 pm

creative think-ers and builders, bring your legos and cOme On DOwn! On July 17, we will be hosting the first estrella lego Build Off at starpointe. this event is open to all ages and will be $2 per per-son. categories will be set up by the number of legos brought and built. individuals or teams, no more than four per team, can join. prizes will be awarded for the different categories.

saturDaY, JulY 4

estrella 4th of July Parade & waterPark bash saturday, July 4, 9 am

Do you enjoy life,

liberty and the

pursuit of happi-

ness right in your

own backyard? if

so, then join the

fun this 4th of July

at starpointe. get

out your flags,

crepe paper, gar-

land, and anything

red, white, and blue! it’s time to decorate your strollers, wagons,

and yourselves! we will celebrate the 4th as we ride scooters, bikes,

roller blades, or walk around north lake! let’s show our families the

fun of a good ol’ fashioned hometown parade! spectators are wel-

come! the parade will begin and end at starpointe residents club.

Be ready to go at 9 am, followed by the waterpark Bash at 11 am and

finish the night at the city of goodyear’s star spangled 4th located

at the new cleveland indians Ballfield complex starting at 6 pm.

visit for more information.

friDaY – June 5 texas hold ‘emfriday, June 5, 7 pm

put ‘em up partner! texas hold ‘em is back and aiming at you! Join us on friday, June 5 from 7 pm to 10 pm at the starpointe for the newest edition of texas hold ‘em. cost is $15 per per-son; bring your own water/soda & dinner as the cost does not include dinner or drinks. prizes will be cash prizes and winning amounts are based upon the number of participants. space is limited. sign up at starpointe. see you there!

cOming in august actors and actresses for murder mystery dinnerwe will be hosting a murder mystery Dinner on august 28. we are looking for a few resi-dents to assist us in making this a phenomenal event. if you have acting talent that you would like to share with the rest of your community, please call Beth at 623-386-1949.

lOg On! check out the groups on the community website. from the estrella car club to coyote fifty there is a group for every-one. there are also scrapbook-ing, painting, and support groups. if you don’t see one that interests you, then start your own. Your neighbor may like the same thing. here’s what to do…

1) log on to

2) highlight the groups tab

3) You will see “search groups” and “request new groups”. make your selection.

4) t o “request new groups” please fill in the required areas and submit.

You can add pictures, links, and contact information. it is all up to you! Join a group today!

Estrella Mountain Church

GCE_MyHmTwn_final.indd 1 5/8/08 12:07:25 PM


Rate per person includes 18 holes of golf with cart & practice balls. Tee times may be made 3 days in

advance of play. Offer valid for residents of Estrella and

up to 3 guests. Resident must present Estrella ID

card upon check in. Expires 6/30/09



You are invited to

Estrella Mountain Church

Sunday Worship Services

9:00 and 10:45 the Worship Center

We are a Community Church that embraces:

* Loving God * Loving Others * Making Disciples

“Turning Neighbors into forever Friends”

10485 S. Estrella Parkway, Goodyear, AZ 85338

Church Office Hours: Mon. –Thurs. 9:00 – 4:00 p.m. Fri. 9:00 – 3:00 p.m.Church 623-386-0300 Fax 623-393-0328Website: www.emcaz.org10485 S. Estrella Parkway, Goodyear, AZ 85338

Preschool Office Hours:Tues – Thurs. 9:00 – 1:00 p.m. Preschool 623-476-5578Website:

Summer Vacation Bible School Truth Quest Flight School – Faithfully Living in God’s Holy Truth!

Monday - Friday, June 15th -19th

9:00-11:30 a.m. - Age 3 with a parent, Ages 4 - Kindergarten without

6:30 – 9:00 p.m. – Entering Grades 1st – 6th

Registration in the courtyard between services or contact Dena Schafer VBS director at 327-0174 or Susan Young Children’s Director at 793-4418 or email

my hometown: page 9www.myhometownestrel la .com


hOa bulletin board

community services Office hours:

Mon.–Fri. 8am–5pmSaturday 8am-3pm

Tel: 623-386-1112 | Fax: 623-386-5788

starpointe residents club

17665 West Elliot Rd, Goodyear, AZ 85338, 623-386-1949

Operating Hours:

Mon.–Th. 5:30am–9pm, Fri. 5:30am–8pm

Sat. 8am–8pm, Sun. 10am–8pm

community Patrol’s Phone number


estrella managementEstrella is professionally managed by Capital Consultant Mgmt. Corp. (CCMC)

Estrella Management TeamCommunity Manager: Patty Garman, CMCA, CAAM

Club Director: Beth Huerta, CMCA

Facilities Director: Scott McVay

Admin Coordinator: Sharon Thunstedt

Administrative Associate: Tammy Campbell

Covenants Coordinator: Jodi Matlock & Kathy Milne

Communications Coordinator: Dawn Waterfield

Design Review Coordinator: Jodi Matlock

Entry Coordinator: Lisa Sowada

Event Coordinator: Pam McMiller

Maintenance Coordinator: Brent McDonald

Yacht Club Coordinator: Ryan Chonka

assessment billing address:

Payment Processing Center

c/o CCMC-Western Region

PO Box 105260

Atlanta, GA 30348-5260 or pay online at

community association board members:

Estrella Joint Committee (EJC)Developer Appointed Board Members: Alper Adli, David Prescott, Pete Tieche, and Lesle Sweeney

Estrella Community Association (ECA)Developer Appointed Board Members:Alper Adli, Lesle Sweeney, David Prescott

Resident Elected Board Members:Freeda Seltzer and Raquel Llivina

Villages at EMR Community Association (VCA)Developer Appointed Board Members:Alper Adli, Pete Teiche

Resident Elected Board Member:Charles Marshall

Meet The VCA Candidates…later this month your voting member will

receive his/her ballot for election of the next two resident members of the vca Board of Directors. there are four can-didates running for the two positions. Below is a condensed version of biographical information provided by the candidates:

dennis brungardt: Dennis has been an estrella resident since 2005. as a retiree with considerable business experience, he is seeking a variety of voluntary positions that will allow him to give back to the community. he currently serves on the covenants review committee and is the 2009 voting member for arroyo vista.

Jeremy Krueger: Jeremy would like to get involved and serve in this wonderful community that he has lived in for almost 5 years. Jeremy also offers his expertise as a financial planner to help in any way.

scott mccarthy: scott has 10 years retail management experience. his vision is to make estrella a place where families can both enjoy an active lifestyle or enjoy the peace and quiet that estrella provides. he believes the Board should make decisions in part based on the eco-nomic situations the people they represent are in.

rob tofil: continuity - estrella resident for over nine years. community – wife and three kids and active in the eYs program. entrepreneur/executive – experienced manager.

YOUR VOTE COUNTS at next month’s annual resident meetings for the eca and vca,

your voting member is responsible for representing your interest. each of you had the opportunity to volunteer for this position and to cast a vote for the person representing your neighborhood. now is the time to share your interest with them and to ensure they represent your vote at the meeting. for the residents in the vca, your voting member will be casting your ballot for the election of the next two resident board members of the Board of Directors.

to find the name of your voting member, log on to voting members are listed on the voting members page. click on the association tab and then click on the link to the voting

member page.

hOa contactCollecting Dues

You will be receiving your homeowners assessments this month in the mail. please remember to pay them in a timely manner. any unpaid assessments may have an affect on your ability to have access to the starpointe residents club. to pay online, visit or and click on the association tab then select to “pay Online” under the ccmc logo. to pay by mail, send your payment to the

payment processing center

c/O ccmc-western region

pO Box 105260

atlanta, ga 30348-5260

Landscape Recognition

in the next couple of months, the covenant review committees (crc) will start reviewing homeowner’s front yard landscaping in a positive way. the committees will fol-low the community handbook Design guidelines to choose the most recognized front yard landscaping. to insure all neigh-borhoods within the eca/vca are recognized in the program, they will be reviewing neighbor-hoods during one of the four quarters of each year. two prop-erties will be recognized by the covenant review committees (crc) and presented to the Board of Directors for approval. these properties will receive rec-ognition at the Board meetings,, and my hometown estrella newspaper.

Need a Mailbox Key?

have you moved or lost your mailbox key? if your mailbox is a plain grey mailbox, please con-tact the goodyear post Office at 623-882-9143 for a replacement. however, if your mailbox has a decorative border, then the community services Office can change the locks for you. the cost to replace your keys is $35. Just provide us with your name, address, and phone number and you will have new keys in less than 3-7 business days. for questions, call 623-386-1112.

Annual Meeting Reminder

the annual meeting is only a month away. plan to attend the annual meeting held on wednesday, July 22 (vca) or thursday, July 23 (eca) at the estrella foothills high school performing arts Building starting at 7 pm. this meeting will provide a recap of the year’s activi-ties, financials, and allow for a Q&a session. the vca will also elect their two new resident members of the Board of Directors.

Sunrise Speedy Plumbing - Brad Harper

Speedy Plumbing & Rooter Service

Sunrise Speedy Plumbing - Brad Harper

Prices that won’t send you down the drain

(623) 556-8182LIC. ROC 110682

Speedy Plumbing & Rooter Service

Sunrise Speedy Plumbing - Brad HarperSunrise Speedy Plumbing - Brad Harper

(623) 556-8182(623) 556-8182

Prices that won’t send you down the drain

my hometown: page 11www.myhometownestrel la .com

June 2009

classes, clubs, meetings

m O n D aY t u e s D aY w e D n e s D aY t h u r s D aY f r i D aY s at u r D aY

8:30–9:20am Powerball (Kim Hopkins)

9:30-10:30am Fun Taekwondo 8:30–9:20am

Powerball (Kim Hopkins)

9:30-10:30am Fun Taekwondo

9:00–10:20am Yoga (Linda Jojola)

8:30–9:20amPilates (Carla Walters)

9:30–10:30am Cardio Splash (Kim Hopkins)

3:30–4:20pm Karate 4–7 (Kevin Bench)

9:30–10:20am Yoga (Linda Jojola)

9:30–10:20am Music Together (Mary Wilkening)

9:30–10:30am Cardio Splash (Kim Hopkins)

10:30–11:20am Pre-Ballet I; 3–4 (Linda Purdy)

5:00–5:50pm Taekwondo (Barton Gonzales)

4:30–5:20pm Karate 7–12 (Kevin Bench)

9:30–10:30am Cardio Splash (Kim Hopkins)

3:30–4:20pm Karate 4–7 (Kevin Bench)

5:00–5:50pm Taekwondo (Barton Gonzales)

11:30am–12:20pm Pre-Ballet I; 5–6 (Linda Purdy)

6:00–6:50pm Mixed Muscle Arts (Michael Parham)

6:00–6:50pm Yoga (Linda Jojola)

6:30–7:20pm Cardio Splash (Kim Hopkins)

4:30–5:20pm Karate 7–12 (Kevin Bench)

12:30–1:20pm Ballet Beginning Pointe (Linda Purdy)

6:30–7:20pm Cardio Splash (Kim Hopkins)

7:00–7:50pm Pilates (Carla Walters)

7:00–7:50pm Muscle Pump (Linda Jojola)

6:00–6:50pm Yoga (Linda Jojola)

1:30–2:20pm Pointe (Linda Purdy)

7:00–7:50pm Step & Pump (Linda Jojola)

8:00-8:50pmBallet II (Linda Purdy)

starpointe residents club program

s u n D aY m O n D aY t u e s D aY w e D n e s D aY t h u r s D aY f r i D aY s at u r D aY

weeklY events

men’s Basketball, 8 am

estrella elementary

weeklY events

men’s Basketball 7:15pm

estrella mountain elementary school,

leroy Baca at 623-388-4047

Bridge, 1–4pm

contact carl Deierling

623-386-6641 or cookie wallis 623-398-8695

weeklY events

nothing this week

weeklY events

playgroup, 9:30–11:30am

contact nicole Yontz


poker/games, 1pm contact al wolfson


Bridge class for

Beginners, 6:30pm contact carl Deierling

at 623-386-6641

weeklY events

games, games,

games 6:30–8pm

men’s Basketball, 7 pm

estrella elementary

weeklY events

resident coffee

social 8:30–10am

weeklY events

adult golf clinic, 8am

golf club of estrella 623-386-2600


scrapbooking 10am


social committee

mtg 6pm



teen council

meeting 4pm


camera club 7pm

5coffee social with

camera club


texas hold’em 5pm


7 8

Youth guitar

Orchestra 6:30pm


Quiddler card

group 1pm

10voting members


11 12wii tournament


13classic car club


vit 10am

14 15 16 17camera club


18craft & stuff


camera club


19 20


scrapbooking 10am

22Bunco 6pm

23Board of Director’s

meeting 6:30pm

24weight watchers

new series Begins 6pm

25craft & stuff


keeping chicks safe 6:30pm

26 27

28 29 30

please nOte: events take place at starpointe residents club unless otherwise noted. for all starpointe events, please call 623-386-1949. please see for a comprehensive calendar of events and to be included in reminders/changes related to upcoming events.

page 12 : my hometown www.myhometownestrel la .com

whO are the

people in your neighborhood

Paul and Jennifer lived in San Jose, California before coming to Arizona for col-lege. The couple met at West Valley College in Saratoga, California and then finished their academic careers in Arizona. Jennifer graduated from ASU with a degree in nursing and Paul, a fire-fighter, received his degree

in Fire Science. The couple has been married for 12 years and they have two children Jenna (5) and Shea (2). Jenna participates in a variety of sports with Estrella Youth Sports. She also takes karate lessons at the Starpointe Residents Club and tumbles around in gymnastics, too. Jenna and her younger brother, Shea, love swimming at the WaterPark. They visit the pool often during the summer months when they’re not utilizing the one in their own backyard. During the cooler months, the Burgess family might be seen biking the pathways of the community or hiking the winding trails.

The Burgess’ love utilizing all the activities offered in and around Estrella and appreciate the isolation of the master planned community, just far enough from the city. Both Jennifer and Paul agree that the community has an abundance of friendly people and offers a safe place to raise their

the burgess family

children. Paul and Jennifer are particularly grateful for their neighbors, the Nighs, who are always ready to help. “Whether it’s watching the house while we are out of town or last minute babysitting needs or just having daily con-versations,” says Jennifer. “Our neighbors are great.”

Paul is currently designing a new type of fitness plan for residents in our community. His motivation derives from his personal story of being at both ends of the fitness spectrum. “As a child and teenager, I had a love for sports and played baseball up through college. When I became a firefighter, as an adult, I wanted more strength and focused on heavy weight-lifting.” He admits that age and joint injuries caused a substantial decrease in his cardio endurance. He changed his focus to cardiovascular fitness and dropped 40 pounds, but had no muscle strength. He was then introduced to CrossFit by a co-worker and significantly increased his strength in just three months, seeing a decrease in body fat as well. Paul admits that he now performs bet-ter at his job and feels better than he ever has. He is hoping to spark interest in the community to help others adapt to a lifestyle of exceptional functional fitness.

You might bump into the Burgess family at a youth sporting event for one of the kids, swimming at the WaterPark, biking the pathways along the Estrella neighborhoods, or visiting with neighbors in their front yard. The Burgess family members certainly stay active and physically fit by utilizing the great amenities around this great community.

Mackenzie Carol Lick

February 19, 2009

6 lbs. 8 oz., 19 inches

Proud Parents are Cassandra Hicks and

Patrick Lick

Welcome Estrella Babies

Evan Jeffrey Webster

March 29, 2009

7 lbs. 10 oz., 21 inches

Proud parents are David and Lacey Webster



Estrella Family Medical is extremely proud to introduce Dr. Raj S. Patelas a new addition to our Pediatric and Family Practice Group.

Raj S. Patel, M.D.Pediatrician

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Estrella Family Medical750 N. Estrella Pkwy., Ste. 20

Goodyear AZ 85338623-298-4642

Dr. Raj S. Patel is an experienced board eligible Pediatrician skilled in pediatrics and urgent care. Over the past five years Dr. Patel has gained a following of highly satisfied patients and families as a pediatrician at Good Night Pediatrics Urgent Care in Avondale and Cornerstone Pediatrics Urgent Care in Gilbert AZ.

Litchfield Park, AZ1400 N. Litchfield Road

Goodyear, AZ 85338


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Fun, nurturing environment for children and parents.

Bring this ad for $10 off membership - new members only

Evan Jeffrey Webster

March 29, 2009

7 lbs. 10 oz., 21 inches

Proud parents are David and Lacey Webster

my hometown: page 13www.myhometownestrel la .com

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BY Dlc resOurces, inc.

cOmmunitY lifestYle: landscaPing

With warm temperatures settling in around the Valley, it is time to turn your irriga-

tion system back on from its winter break. Before turning your system on for the spring and summer months, you need to test it to make sure your plants are being watered effectively and water is not being wasted. This not only results in water savings, but money saved as well. Here are some helpful tips to assist you in achieving a successful start up of your irrigation system:

First, inspect your irrigation system by turn-ing the system on and walking around your yard; you can turn your irrigation system on manually from your controller or your valve box. Make sure water is only being used to water plants and not creating wet spots where plants are not. If you see water leaving the system where no plant is present, you may be able to solve the problem by plugging the ¼” irrigation drip tube that is commonly used. The appropriate plugs are available at any hardware store. Also, check the location of drip emitters, as these can easily be moved by pets and yard maintenance activities. Position emitters to supply water to the entire root zone, which is typically about 50% larger than the top of the plant. If plants are on a slope, make sure to position the emitter on the high side of the root ball to take advantage of the water flowing downhill.

Tips for Water ManagementIf you have turf, make sure sprinkler heads

pop-up and are not stuck in the ground. You should also check to see that heads are pointed in the right direction and are spraying the intended pattern. Nozzles can become clogged by sand, rocks or other debris which you may be able to clean out with a screwdriver or pocketknife. If you cannot unclog the nozzle, replacement is necessary.

Once you have checked that the water delivery system is functioning correctly, move on to your irrigation controller. Sometimes, power failures or other factors can cause the

controller to return to a default schedule, which may not be appropriate for the current weather conditions. If needed, reset the controller and enter a schedule appropriate for the needs of your landscape. You can use the inter-active tools at to determine how often and how long the various stations on your controller should run.

Finally, do a reality check. You want to make sure moisture from your irrigation system is actually reaching the root zone of your plants. To test the depth the water is reaching, use a long screwdriver, piece of rebar or pur-chase a soil probe. A screwdriver will move easily through most soil when it is wet, but will stop when it reaches dry soil. The roots of most shrubs are not more than 6” to 18” deep and even a large tree will have most of its roots within the first 24” of soil. For turf, getting moisture to a depth of 6” should be sufficient.

As the weather and other factors change, you will need to adjust your watering frequency, days and run time. It is important to adjust your water-ing schedule monthly to account for temperature and moisture changes in the environment. After it rains, turn your irrigation system off completely. Monitor soil moisture and carefully observe the condition of your plants and turf before turning the system on again.

There are also a number of resources on the internet that can help you find information on how to maintain your plants and irrigation system. The Weather Channel ( has an excellent website with water-ing information. If you have other questions regarding your own landscape, a great reference is available through the University of Arizona, Cooperative Extension website at

take advantage of rainfall. turn clocks off after periods of rain; monitor soil moisture and plant condition to determine when more water is needed.



Untitled-1 1 3/11/08 9:47:27 AM

Market Volatility andYour Finances

Jeremy Krueger offers securities and investment advisory services through AXA Advisors, LLC (NY, NY 212-314-4600), member FINRA, SIPC, and offers insurance and annuity products through an affiliate, AXA Network, LLC andits subsidiaries. AXA Advisors and AXA Network do not provide tax or legal advice. GE-46646(NG) (10/08)

AXA Advisors, LLC14851 N. Scottsdale Road, Suite 103

Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Tel. (480) 444-3722

Please call (623) 523-9473 by Thursday, June 25,for questions and reservations.

Lunch and Refreshments will be served.

Seating is limited!

Starpointe Residents ClubSaturday, June 27, 2009

10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

AXA Speaker

Jeremy KruegerFinancial Professional

AXA Advisors, LLC“Market Volatility andYour Finances”

Fellow Resident of Estrella


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Offi ce: (623) 925-2060Offi ce: (623) 925-2060Offi ce: (623) 925-2060Offi ce: (623) 925-2060






my hometown: page 15www.myhometownestrel la .com

BY DaviD lesnick, cfp, resiDent Of estrella, sOunD aDvice financial planning, sOunDaDvice.pfYfn.cOm

cOmmunitY lifestYle: mOneY

Retirement Plan Distributions

When it comes to receiving the fruits of your labor — the money accumulated in your employer-sponsored retirement plan — you

are faced with a few broad options. Should you take the payout as system-atic payments, a lifetime annuity, or a lump sum?

Systematic WithdrawalsSome retirement plans may allow you to take systematic withdrawals:

either a fixed dollar amount on a regular schedule, a specific percentage of the account value on a regular schedule, or the total value of the account in equal distributions over a specified period of time.

The Lifetime Annuity OptionYour retirement plan may allow you to take payouts as a lifetime

annuity, which converts your account balance into guaranteed monthly payments based on your life expectancy. If you live longer than expected, the payments continue anyway.

There are several advantages associated with this payout method. It helps you avoid the temptation to spend a significant amount of your assets at one time and the pressure to invest a large sum of money that might not last for the rest of your life. Also, there is no large initial tax bill on your entire nest egg; each monthly payment is taxed incrementally as ordinary income.

If you are married, you may have the option to elect a joint and sur-vivor annuity. This would result in a lower monthly retirement payment than the single annuity option, but your spouse would continue to receive a portion of your retirement income after your death. If you do not elect an annuity with a survivor option, your monthly payments end with your death.

The main disadvantage of the annuity option lies in the poten-tial reduction of spending power over time. Annuity payments are not indexed for inflation. If we experienced a 4% annual inflation rate, the purchasing power of the fixed monthly payment would be halved in 18 years.

Lump-Sum DistributionIf you elect to take the money from your employer-sponsored retire-

ment plan as a single lump sum, you would receive the entire vested account balance in one payment, which you can invest and use as you see fit. You would retain control of the principal and could use it whenever and however you wish.

Of course, if you choose a lump sum, you will have to pay ordinary income taxes on the total amount of the distribution in one year. A large distribution could easily move you into a higher tax bracket. Another consideration is the 20% withholding rule: Employers issuing a check for a lump-sum distribution are required to withhold 20% toward federal income taxes. Thus, you would receive only 80% of your account balance, not 100%. Distributions taken prior to age 59½ are also subject to a 10% federal income tax penalty.

To avoid some of these problems, you might choose to take a partial lump-sum distribution and roll the balance of the funds directly to an IRA or other qualified retirement plan in order to maintain the tax-deferred status of the funds. An IRA rollover might provide you with more options, not only in how you choose to invest the funds but also in how you access the funds over time.

Remember that after you reach age 70½, you must begin taking required minimum distributions from traditional IRAs and most employer-spon-sored retirement plans. (The Worker, Retiree, and Employer Recovery Act of 2008 suspends required minimum distributions for the 2009 tax year) These distributions are taxed as ordinary income.

Before you take any action on retirement plan distributions, it would be prudent to consult with a Financial Professional regarding your particular situation. Choose carefully, because your decision and the consequences will remain with you for life.

The information in this article is not intended to be tax or legal advice, and it may not be relied on for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties. You are encouraged to seek tax or legal advice from an independent professional advisor. We are as close as your telephone. David Lesnick, CFP 623-412-9602

my hometown

new turn page technology makes reading the newspaper online simple and fun. nothing to download or install,

just click on the “current issue” icon at

read my hometown estrella Online!

at the beginning of each month, we send out an email showcasing some of the fun events and

activities happening right in estrella. if you haven’t signed-up yet, make sure you visit our website to sign-up.

my hometown estrella emails!

page 16 : my hometown www.myhometownestrel la .com

business directOrY


790 N. Estrella Parkway, Suite B

Goodyear, AZ 85338

Hair Salon and EstheticsHair Salon and Esthetics

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Avondale Cooler Supplysome a/c motors and master

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1375 N. Litchfield Rd #103 • Goodyear, AZ 85395

• Hair stylist and color specialist

• Eyebrow, lip waxing

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Renee BergPersonal Trainer

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renbn@cox.netCPR Certified

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Jennifer L. HawkinsPresident/Owner

Teri McCallumIndependent Beauty Consultant

Goodyear, AZ 85338623-474-6345 or

my hometown: page 17www.myhometownestrel la .com

Business DireCtory

Beauty & healthDéjà Vu Med spa

We are a full service Med Spa located in Goodyear ~ 14411 W McDowell Road, Suite C-102 ~ Goodyear, Arizona 85395. Call 623-242-9910 or visit

Personal trainerRenee Berg, will sculpt a "new you" with customized training sessions at the Starpointe Fitness Center or in the privacy of your own home. Call 623-565-2494.

Bikeestrella Mountain BMX

Estrella Mountain BMX Racing offers family fun and entertainment for all ages. Call 623-826-0241 or visit Racing location is 15660 W. Roser off Estrella Parkway.

BusiNess OPPOrtuNitiesBe Happy and Healthy

Be Happy, Healthy and Help people save the environ-ment while building a business with Shaklee. Go to to find out !!!

ChildCare & PresChOOls

reach For your star PreschoolDoes your child seem to need: interaction with other chil-dren, independence, a structured environment, to be a little more challenged while also learning and having fun? You might want to consider a preschool program that fo-cuses on all of the above. To learn more or to schedule an interview please contact Norma at 623-327-0888.

Deanna’s Christian Childcare6wks to 4yrs, references, calm environment 623-533-9502

Discovery DaysA creatively designed program that goes a step beyond. All ages, Monday-Saturday, flexible hours. 20+ years experience working with kids. I strive to meet your individual needs. Call 623-693-9600 or

Grace’s Day Care servicesGRACE’S responsible and loving home care for in-fants. Full-time/part-time. Well established reputation in Estrella Mountain Ranch. Newborns to 30 months old. 623-693-3343.

the Little GymMotor skill development and gymnastics classes that will help your child grow physically, socially and emotion-ally in a warm, safe, nurturing environment. Building confidence, one roll at a time. Call 623-535-5222 or visit

Little Butterfly’s PreschoolIt’s time for your child to spread their wings and fly…. Little Butterfly’s Preschool is now enrolling for the 2009/10 School Year & Summer Adventure Camp Ages 2 -8, or call 623-882-3757.

CleaNiNG serViCeseMr Carpet Pros

Steam Extraction Carpet Cleaning. Tile and Grout Clean-ing. EMR resident. Call 602-621-6723.

COMPuter serViCesMurphy’s Law Computer services

“Your Home and Small Business I.T. Department!” Troubleshooting, Repair and solutions for Backups, Security, and Optimization. Offering “The BUSS Program” - Backed Up Secure System. CALL John Murphy Story 623-340-1847 or

deNtalGoodyear smiles Dentistry

Paul Gebhart DDS & Associates. 781 S. Cotton Lane, Ste. 100, Goodyear. Call 623-882-3636 or visit

Hilgers Pediatric DentistryKelly K. Hilgers, D.D.S., M.S. Board Certified Specialist in Pediatric Dentistry 623-536-0079.

hOMe iMPrOVeMeNt (CONt)

speedy Plumbing & rooter servicePrices that wont send you down the drain. LIC. ROC 110682, LIC. ROC 110681. Call 623-556-8182

your Household HandymanQuality Tile Installation. Minor Electrical Work. Kitchen & Bath. Doors & Windows. Lite Landscape. 623-670-2642.

iNsuraNCeAmerican Family insurance—

Kathi roberts AgencyAuto, Home, Business and Life - All Your Protection Under One Roof. Estrella Professional Center, 15565 W Roosevelt St, #101, Goodyear, AZ 85338 Office: 623-877-8700 Fax: 623-877-8800 or Multi-line discounts available on both home and auto *** Hablamos Espanol***

laNdsCaPe serViCesHawkeye Landscape , inc.

Specializing in NEW landscape installation and renovations. Water Features, Barbeques, Fireplaces, Firepits, Lawns, Irrigation Systems and Pavers/Con-crete. Licensed, Bonded and Insured. Call 623-582-1122

Gemstone Landscape L.L.C.EMR resident creating extended living areas for all to enjoy. Renovations, design, new installations. Need service? We can be there in hours not days. LIcensed, Bonded, Insured. Call Wayne 623-695-5338 or

Quality yard Work by robertoLandscape installation and maintenance, professional yard clean up, sprinkler repair, weed removal and control, tree and shrub trimming and more. Call 623-255-7724 or e-mail at

leGal serViCesyour neighborhood Attorneys

We help people solve problems at a reasonable cost. We are personal,efficient, timely, dependable & caring. Let us help you. EMR resident. Emphasis in Criminal and Family law. Hudson & Associates 602-279-3699.

DiVorCe, CustoDyAll areas of Family Law. Law Offices of Laura Gillis. EMR Resident. Low, flat rates for EMR residents, free confidential consultations. Call 602-277-4736 (day), 623-455-8108 (nights/weekends).

MusiC lessONsGuitar Lessons

Professional Guitarist in Estrella taking on new students. Experience the fun and pleasure that comes with playing the guitar. Bob 623-703-8693.

PersONal CheFyour Place Gourmet

Personal Chef serviceEnjoy healthy, delicious meals at home without all the time-consuming planning, shopping, cooking, and clean-up. What’s your time worth? Save time and money with a personal chef! Call 602-495-8000

PersONal deVelOPMeNtDrawing Lessons

Summer drawing lessons for all ages. Now being of-fered from Lora Barnhiser, a certified Art teacher. For more information please contact

POOl & sPa serViCesimperial Pools & spa

Family owned business; Excellent service. Quality repair and complete pool care. 602-320-6517.

Poolguy AZComplete weekly pool care. Superior service. I am happy to come to your home and meet with you per-sonally. Please call me Today! Scott “The Poolguy” 623-986-1530.

deNtal (CONt)

Hilgers orthodonticsMichael J. Hilgers, D.D.S., M.S. Board Certified Specialist in Orthodontics. 623-935-3908.

Dr. Joshua Hong, DDsSmile Artist, Dr. Joshua Hong. We create smiles with confidence! 750 N. Estrella Parkway, #10 Goodyear, AZ. Enjoy a true five-star experience right here in your own town. Call Karen at 623-925-8822 to sched-ule your complimentary consultation today!

eNGraViNGestrella engraving & Awards

For all of your trophy, plaque, medal and award needs: sports, business, corporate, religious, service, academics and customized gifts of all kinds. 623-670-3524, EMR Resident. FREE DELIVERY.

FiNaNCial serViCesMoney Matters

Affordable life, health, disability and long-term care insurance. For a custom quote, call Kevin Pantenberg, CFP 623 386-1924 or email

sound Advice Financial PlanningI help business owners, professionals, retirees & widows create a steady stream of tax advantaged in-come they will not outlive. 7 year EMR resident. David Lesnick, CFP 623-412-9602,

GiFt WraPPiNG serViCethat’s a Wrap

Professional gift wrapping and custom gift baskets. All occasions: Birthdays, weddings, Christmas. EMR resident. Call LaVonne Diemer 602 373-9922 or email

GOlFGolf Club of estrella

11800 S. Golf Club Dr. | Goodyear | AZ | 85338 | 623-386-2600 Managed by Troon Golf®, the leader in upscale golf course management.

hOMe deCOr & desiGNPossibilities redesign LLC

Don't replace your furniture re-place it. Have your home redecorated using your furniture in one day. Real Estate Staging. Marie Risheill Interior Redesign Specialist. 623-594-6419

hOMe iMPrOVeMeNtAAA Hardwood Floors- your flooring specialist

Commercial and Residential. Carpet, Tile, Hardwood, Laminate, Resilient. Lic, Bonded, Insured ROC231647 1-888-970-9889.

DeCorAtiVe PAintinG~

Hand painted Wall Murals, Decorative Accents, Trompe L’oeil, Faux, Custom Paint finishes, Painted Furniture & Accessories, Venetian Plaster, Stone Effects. Email or call 623-696-5693 or 602-741-2663.

estrella ironCustom iron work, gates, fencing and railing. Call Ian Gould, owner (623)451-0908. Licensed and bonded.

Desired HandymanEstrella Mountain Ranch Resident. All types of home repairs and maintenance including electrical, plumb-ing, drywall, concrete, painting, lawn maintenance, pigeon control, roofing, etc. Free estimates. Refer-ences available. 623-910-5183.

elite shutters & BlindsYour one-stop shop for all your home improvement needs. 5251 N. Robson Blvd. Suite #3, Eloy AZ 85231. Call 480-203-8425 or visit

Kerr Quality Air Air Conditioning and Heating Services. Service, Sales and Installation. Your West Valley Residential Special-ist. Licensed, Bonded and Insured. Call 623-386-4291 or 623-229-7701.

Crystal Blue Pool ServiceService & Repair

480-232-8207$75.00 Full Service and$40.00 Chemical Service

Jim PrivetteOwner

11039 Palomino LaneGoodyear, AZ 85338



FOr reNtroom for rent

Looking for professional/working/straight female to share in living in my 3 bed/2 bath home in Estrella Mountain Ranch. $450 monthly plus deposit plus utili-ties. Please call 623-910-2202 for details.

real estateGreg Marthaler - Coldwell Banker

residential BrokerageReal Estate Specialist in The Phoenix West Valley, Goodyear & Estrella Mountain Ranch. Call 623-760-6434, email or visit

stacia Meeker & Gilbert Jaramillo RE/MAX Preferred Choice 623-693-0214,

shOPPiNGsHArP! Jewelry & Bags

Estrella resident! Come see us at the Goodyear Mar-ket Place—Booth 64, 66, 68 17605 W. McDowell, call 623-451-9107 or email us at

sPiritualestrella Mountain Church

“Turning Neighbors Into Forever Friends” with Sunday Worship Services - 9am and 10:45am weekly. Where: 10485 S. Estrella Parkway, Goodyear, AZ. 623-386-0300.

stOraGeBudget Mini storage

Excellence! Our customers deserve nothing less. Brand new state-of-the-art facility. Complete ground level access. Month to Month lease. Estrella Resident Special: Free Truck Rental with a Move In. 623-925-2060.

Goodyear self storage & rV—u-Haul Dealer

“Best Price in Town,” New State-of-the-art facility, RV Parking, Air Conditioned Units available, Moving/Pack-ing Supplies, On-site Managers MC 85 & Litchfield Open 7 Days. Call 623-535-1811.

Palm Gate rV & self storageWhere the customer comes 1ST. Air conditioned self storage with drive in bays. Covered RV parking with 24 hour access & amenities. Wine Storage, UPS Store on site. Moving Supplies & Notary Service. 14050 W. Van Buren, 623-535-9676,

sWiMMiNG lessONsswim Club

Aqua-Tots Swim Club meets once a week for one hour. The program is designed for kids who enjoy swimming and want to continue to enhance their stroke skills and/or learn other strokes beside free-style. Call 480-726-5264 or visit

Aqua-tots swim schoolsFlexible schedules. Group, semi-private and private lessons at our pool. In-home lessons available. Small class sizes. Certified & experienced swim instructors. Call 480-726-5264 or visit

tutOriNGClub Z tutoring

Invest in Your Child’s Future. One-On-One Tutoring in your Home. All Grades and All Subjects. Flexible Schedules and Qualified Teachers. Affordable Rates. Contact Club Z! In-Home Tutoring 623-533-6831.

page 18 : my hometown www.myhometownestrel la .com

BY kim OnstOtt, resiDent Of estrella, YOur place gOurmet—persOnal chef service,


cOmmunitY lifestYle: fOOd

Father’s Day GrillingGrilling and dads naturally go together so it is fitting that many families

like to cook out on Father’s Day. While some still prefer traditional charcoal grilling, today’s gas grills can have dinner on the table quickly and the temperature can be regulated just like an oven or range. Enjoy these grill recipes this Father’s Day or anytime you don’t want to heat up your kitchen.

1-1/2 pounds salmon fillets

1/3 cup soy sauce (reduced


1/3 cup orange juice

1/4 cup honey

1 teaspoon garlic powder

1 teaspoon ground ginger

1 green onion, chopped

combine everything except the

salmon in a large, zip-topped plastic

bag and mix well. add salmon in

bag and zip closed. turn bag to dis-

tribute marinade around salmon.

refrigerate from 10 – 30 minutes,

depending on how strong you’d like

the flavor; turn bag occasionally.

preheat grill to medium heat and

lightly grease rack.

remove salmon from marinade;

reserve marinade. grill the salmon

10-15 minutes per each inch of thick-

ness, or until fish flakes easily with a

fork. Brush with reserved marinade

during cooking. Discard leftover


father’s day steaks

4 steaks, your favorite cut, each

about 1-1/2” thick

6 cloves garlic, chopped

4 tablespoons Worcestershire


4 tablespoons soy sauce

4 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

4 teaspoons Dijon mustard

1/2-2/3 cup olive oil (or veg-

etable oil or canola oil)

Fresh ground black pepper, as

much as you want

grilled garlic


12 servings

12 ears sweet corn, shucked and


12 tablespoons butter, cut into


1/4 cup garlic powder

12 squares of aluminum foil,

about 12”x12”

set each ear of corn on a foil square.

top each ear of corn with 1 table-

spoon of butter and then sprinkle with

garlic powder. wrap corn tightly with

the foil.

grill over medium heat (or in a 350

degree oven) for 20-30 minutes, turn-

ing halfway through cooking time.

grilled cinnamon Pineapple

8 servings

1 fresh pineapple; peeled, cored,

sliced into rings

1/2 cup cinnamon sugar

1/4 cup coconut milk (light is fine)

preheat grill to medium and lightly oil

the rack.

pour coconut milk into a shallow bowl.

pour cinnamon sugar onto a small plate.

Dip pineapple rings in coconut milk,

then in cinnamon sugar to coat.

grill rings for 5 minutes on each side.

serve immediately.

honey ginger salmon 4 servings

Now Offering Swim Lessons in Estrella!

combine all ingredients except steaks

in a glass or plastic bowl. pour over

steaks in either a large baking dish

or an extra large, zip-top plastic bag.

cover/seal and refrigerate overnight, or

up to 24 hours.

remove steaks from refrigerator and

let them set out until they warm to

room temperature.

remove steaks from marinade and

season with salt or steak seasoning, if


grill steaks to desired doneness.

4 servings

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my hometown: page 19www.myhometownestrel la .com


business spotlight

estrella mountain bmXJustin Hill, Director

623-826-0241 ,

Introducing the bicycle track designed for riders, by riders -- Estrella Mountain BMX. Track Director, Justin Hill, and his wife, Lynette, haven’t given up their day jobs running a construction business and studying to be a teacher, respectively, but the Goodyear couple took over operations of the BMX track to enable community members to have a safe place to ride and make friends. In fact, Justin and Lynette are constantly trying to make improvements on the track, upholding maintenance, improvements and offering clinics hosted by professional riders. They are also working to bring permanent lighting to the facility.

The Estrella Mountain BMX track is located at 15660 W. Roser Rd., just west of Estrella Parkway, right behind the Goodyear Dog Park. It is the only track in the state sanctioned by the National Bicycle League (NBL). Riders of all ages and riding abilities are encouraged to test and improve their skills with options for competition, if desired. Membership options range from a 30-day Trial Membership to full National Bicycle League membership, which includes a free first race and monthly subscription to BMX Today magazine. Track membership benefits include options to enter the trophy buy-back program to earn extra cash for unwanted trophies and the “Bring a Buddy” program where your name is entered in a drawing with a chance to win cool prizes. The current schedule is Wednesday Open prac-

tice from 6:30-8:30 pm and Saturday night practices and sign-ups from 6:30-8:30 pm with 8 pm racing.

If you’re thinking about coming over to test your own riding skills or bringing the kids over to Goodyear’s local BMX track, there are a few requirements that you’ll need to know. First, the bicycles designed for the track should be BMX style or mountain bikes. They must be free of all chain guards, pegs, kickstands or reflectors. The bike should also have a hand or coaster brake and a full faced helmet is definitely recommended. Proper clothing is also required - no shorts are permitted and riders should wear long-sleeved shirts for added protection against cuts and scrapes.

Want riding tips from a professional rider? Consider signing up for a clinic held at the Estrella Mountain BMX track with names like Bubba Harris and Greg Hill. These professionals provide riding tips and teach new riding techniques in exciting training clinic sessions. See the track’s website at for upcoming events.

To learn about NBL yearly membership and for more information about the Estrella Mountain BMX track, please contact the track’s Director, Justin Hill, at 623-826-0241 or email

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Monday through Thursday: 7:00 am to 6:00 pm Friday: 7:00 am to 4:00 pmWalk-In Appointments Available Most Major Insurance Plans Accepted

This month marks the 21st birthday of Estrella!

In early June of 1988, Estrella celebrated its grand

opening! Visitors flocked to the three-day event, which

included lakeside activities and a concert by the

Phoenix Symphony – the first of many lakeside events

to come to Estrella. In September of that same year,

Estrella opened its own K-8 school, Estrella Mountain

Elementary School.

Since 1988, Estrella has grown by leaps and bounds.

In 1990, construction was completed on the I-10 freeway,

allowing Estrella residents greater accessibility to

employment opportunities and entertainment. In 1999,

Estrella’s 18-hole, par 72, Nicklaus Design golf course

opened. In 2001, Estrella Foothills High School opened

and a large expanse of the Sonoran Desert, including

the land comprising Estrella, was declared a national

monument by President Bill Clinton. Westar Elementary

followed suit in 2003, the same year that Goodyear’s

Estrella Public Safety Facility was established on Estrella

Parkway to better serve the fire and police protection

needs of the expanding community.

Newland Communities purchased Estrella in 2005

and began planning its buildout over several decades. In

2007, the Estrella community of Montecito celebrated

its grand opening and the neighborhood network,, debuted online. In 2008, Mountain

Ranch Marketplace, Estrella’s first retail center, broke

ground and the Cotton Lane Bridge was completed,

providing an alternate route to Estrella.

This year, Estrella launched a re-designed website and

a Facebook page, allowing Estrella residents and visitors

a more efficient way to receive information about the

community and keep in touch with each other. 2009

also marked the opening of the Goodyear Ballpark,

which brought sports entertainment to the community.

In the fall, Mountain Ranch Marketplace is scheduled

to open, which will provide Estrella residents with more

convenient shopping options.

2 0 0 9 C A L E N DA R O F E V E N T S

ONGOING EVENTS:Every Friday is Coffee Social

JUNE5th – Texas Hold 'Em,*

Starpointe Residents Club, 7 pm – 10 pm

12th – Wii Bowling Tournament*

Starpointe Residents Club, 6 pm – 9 pm

25th – Keep Our Chicks Safe Self Defense Class*

Starpointe Residents Club, 6:30 pm

JULY4th – Fourth of July Parade and WaterPark Bash*

Starpointe Residents Club, 8 am – 1 pm

17th – Lego Building Competition*

Starpointe Residents Club, 6:30 pm – 9 pm

AUGUST8th – Back to School WaterPark Bash*

StarSplash WaterPark, 11 am – 3 pm

22nd – Ice Cream Social*

Starpointe Residents Club, 6 pm – 8 pm

28th – Murder Mystery Dinner*

Starpointe Residents Club, 6:30 pm

*Event open to Estrella residents only.

Contact InformationInformation Center: (623) 386-1000

Starpointe Residents Club: (623) 386-1949Yacht Club: (623) 386-3411

Golf Club of Estrella: (623)

EstrellaTM Celebrates Its 21st Birthday!

Newland Communities is a privately owned company that creates residential and urban mixed-use communities in 14 states from coast to coast. We believe it is our responsibility to create enduring, healthier communities for people to live life in ways that matter most to them.

Construction is underway on Mountain Ranch

Marketplace. Located at the main entrance of Estrella

on the northwest corner of Estrella Parkway and

Elliot Road, the 22-acre shopping center will be the

master-planned community’s first retail center. It

will provide 165,000 square feet of grocery and retail

space when completed. The first phase will contain

approximately 109,000 square feet.

Anchored by a 49,343-square-foot Bashas’

Supermarket, which is scheduled to open in

November, the shopping center is a joint venture

between Kitchell Development and Newland

Communities. In addition to Bashas’, a number

of other retailers are locating in Mountain Ranch

Marketplace, including Mini-Skool Early Learning

Centers, Chase Bank, Walgreens, Papa John’s Pizza,

Great Clips, The UPS Store, Rolf ’s Family Dentistry

and several others.

Mountain Ranch Marketplace Construction Update

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