My Life

Post on 12-Mar-2016

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My life is the best


ì MY LIFE PROJECT Valentina Barbosa C. 1BT1

About me

ì  My name is Valentina Barbosa, I am 16 years old. I am a strong temperament, cranky and I get stressed easily. I'm envious, capricious, impatient. I am also very lazy, irrational, handler and odious.

ì  I am creative, I am aware of the important things, help nature or when things are bad, and so on. I am collaborator on the things, I am a good friend, I dreamer. I smiling, I laugh easily, I like to laugh. I am responsible with the important things. I am supportive and humanitarian.

Likes and dislikes ì  I love electronic music, some of its subgenres like

house, tech house, electro swing, deep house, etc. I like rap. I like rock music because my mother’s family always put this genre and I got older with this genre. I love art, photography. The movies also really like. I love the "body painting". I like sweets do not care if I get fat or not. I love animals, my favorites animals are horses and lions. I love singing and reading, although I do it not read often, and I do not sing well, but they are ways to relax.

ì  I dislike the smell cigarette or that smoke in the face. I dislike the drunks not know how to control. I dislike much people want to believe that much, or mature, or bad, rude. I dislike negative people. I don't like people who don't value anything.

My Dad ì  My dad is the person who I love most in

the wor ld , I have a very good relationship with him, with whom I speak more, with whom I share most things, with my dad I don’t discuss a lot, there have been very few times I've discussed with my dad, with my dad I have confidence and he always supports me, I look over at my dad's personality.

My Mom

ì  My mom, I have a good relationship with her, but many times we fight a lot, b e c a u s e w e a r e v e r y different, I have confidence with my mom, but I do not tell many things to her and my mom did not talk much about just me or her, but what I know is that she is completly unconditional with me.

My sister

ì  My sister, we are completly opposite, we are so different in personality and therefore we discuss a lot, but she is the person I spend more time with, I know I can always count on her, share many tastes and those we joins, we are very closed when we need and that I can rely on it as she trusts me.

My little bother

ì  My little brother, although he is only 3 years old, I have a good relationship with him, but he disturbs me a lot and he fights for anything, I love him and I will always be taking care of him and will guide him for when he grows up to be a good man, from my brother I have learned a lot, like to be responsible.

My family ì  I have three uncles and four aunts by my mom side, the

youngest is 21 years and the oldest is 49 years, I have a very good relationship with them, we are always a very close family, and I have grown up with them, I have four cousins two older than me and two younger than me, I have very good relationship with them, I grown up with my younger aunts and uncles, always do lunch outings, movies, ATVs, karts, amusement park, camping, or just going where my grandmother, who I love, for me is a great and wonderful woman. From my family I have learned a lot, I know I can count on them for anything, always have fun and are very “rumberos”.

ì  By Dad, I have six uncles and four aunts, I have a really good relationship with them, we are very close, we celebrate important dates together, we travel together, we try to be together as much as possible, any things I need I can count on them. I have about 40 cousins , some older than I, and others younger than me, most are older, very few of my age, but I enjoy them a lot and share a lot, we all very close, but I spend more with my age. It's a big family but always manages to be close as possible and always looking for ways to travel, to hold things together.

My Friends

ì  Milena Rojas, is my best friend, I meet her since 6 years ago, she is the person who knows the most about myself, who I can tell about everything and I know she will not criticize me, we listen each other, we give advice and support each o t h e r, w e d o n ’ t f i g h t because of men, neither money. She shares the madness with me, she understands me most of times and she always is able to help me .

My friends

ì  Laura Rojas, I meet her a year ago, I does not know her so much, I know I can rely her, she was going to scold when something is doing it wrong, she is going to listen when you need it, and she will a give advice. Nor fought by men or money, or for silly things. Although only know her a year ago I shared many things with her, we have experienced many things, and I trust her a lot and I can tell my things and I like to know that she trusts me to tell her things, their problems.

My friends ì  My friends from Medellin, it

was just a passed year with them, I learned a lot from them, in a single year I spent many moments with them, too many laughs shared, problems, fights and tears, are some of the incredible people I've met, already three years since the know.


ì  With my career I would like to give another vision of art and culture in our country, I would like to use it in a different way has as it has been, like that in our country began to take greater account of the art.

ì   A problematic I pose is drug trafficking and as the media focus on this and violence. I would use my studies to do something different in this country, to create a different view of our country through art and film, to encourage people Colombian culturalizarse through film.

ì  I'm not living in Colombia for a few years while I finish all my study, then if live here and make my life here, and some years I can go to live in other countries, because my career gives more opportunities in other countries and not here, one of my options is Milan, because there is a city where design is important.