My Life as Herodotus

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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By Herodotus

I just recently finished my book, The Histories.

I was born in Halicarnassus in 484 BCE.










I got my information for my book primarily from what leaders and eyewitnesses could tell me.

I enjoy giving my opinion, and I will make it known in my writing if I am not certain as to whether something is a fact.

My goal in my writing is to show a humanistic view on the wars and to show how two races came into conflict.

An Overview of The Histories…

I wrote about the expansion of the Persian empire and the Persians fight against the Greeks under the kings Cyrus the Great, Cambyses, Darius the Great, and Xerxes. I finish with Xerxes’ fight against the Greeks in 480 BCE, ultimately resulting in the battle at Salamis and the battles of Plataea and Mycale.

There are 9 books in total that are each divided into 3 logoi. Each logoi translates into a 4-hour lecture and is focused on a specific topic.

I am a big fan of Athens! In 447 BCE, I went to Athens, which was the center of culture in the Greece at this time. I attained the respect of many prominent Greek men, including the statesmen Pericles.

I believe the Persians are nothing short of barbarians.

Clearly, the Persians lost the war because of their lack of morality.

The Athenians, on the other hand, are a very strong, determined group of people.

I see the world as a type of circle surrounded by water.

Here is a map that I drew of the world.

I am very tolerant of other ethnicities and cultures and hold no racial prejudices.

I also like to write about people of different ethnicities I meet along the way.


A favorite quote of mine…

The power of Athens had been great before; but, now that the tyrants [Persians] were gone, it became greater than ever.

-Book V (Terpsichore), The Histories