My magazine edit 1

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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Screenshots by

Sophie McGrath

My Magazine Edit 1:

Screenshot 1:

I took a high angle mid shot image of the dog star, I wanted to feature the dog on the front of magazine cover to show that she is the main attraction in the film.

Screen shot 1: Image.

Screenshot 2:

I then added my masthead ‘Film reel’ I wanted to embed the ‘Film’ Text within the text ‘REEL’ to make it look professional like the total film magazine masthead. I think my mast head is simple but it makes the magazine look professional.

Screenshot 2: Masthead.

Screenshot 3:

I added a promotional banner at the top left hand side of the magazine to advertise that they could win a 7 day Disney cruise. This would make the parents want to buy the magazine for their children as there is a chance for them to win something worth winning.

Screenshot 3: Promotional banner.

Screen shot 4 & 5:

I wanted to add some well known films to the magazine cover to make the cover look professional. I added Monster inc and Shrek 5. Shrek 5 isn’t made yet so I used a website called Font meme, which generates text, you insert the text you want and its generates the text for you. All the website does is let you have the font of popular films etc.

Screen shot 4 & 5: Captions

Font meme process: Shrek Font

Font meme process: Adding in your text

Font meme: Generating your text.

As you saw on the previous slides, I began looking for my desired ‘Shrek’ font, I found what I wanted. I then input my text ‘Shrek 5’ changed the colour and generated the text to get……….. this.

Font meme:

Screenshot 6:

I then added a plug to make the magazine promote the free movie posters. Plug’s are designed to make the audience buy the magazine as some people collect movie posters. I also created the ‘Toy story’ logo. I wanted to make the toy story logo as most kids magazines have something written about toy story. I wanted to make a new toy story logo as I didn’t want to copy an existing one. SO I made a toy story 4 logo as toy 4 does not exist yet.

Screenshot 6: Plug.

Toy story logo: Screenshots

I started my logo by adding a red box to make the focal point for the logo. I then added the yellow text of ‘Story’ to make the logo ‘come to life’ Then I added the blue and yellow ‘Toy’ text, and finally I added the number 4 to make the logo come together.

Screenshots: toy story.

My magazine cover:The overall look of my magazine cover is very colourful as kids magazines don’t tend to have a set colour scheme. So looking at other kids magazine covers I wanted to make mine look like theirs.