My Personal IQ Profile

Post on 28-Apr-2015

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Full-scale IQ test improvement via multiple attempts... from a very good score to the top.



My personal IQ profile

(according to the Cambridge Brain Science Inc)

Marco Ripà (sPIqr Society Founder & President)

The test I took can be found here and is absolutely free:

At the beginning of March 2013, I took part in the IQ challenge and my aggregate scores are as





This means that the Short-Term Memory and the Verbal Intelligence are above the +4 SD ceiling,

while the Reasoning Ability is around +3.8 SD from the mean.

This result is given by twelve scores on specific subtest. A few of them are not so exceptional as

expected, e.g. the Hampshire Tree Task (raw score = 50, just above the +2 SD cut-off).

So a possible question could be: is the training useful for someone with such an high aggregate

score? If it is, how much you could improve the scores with a 3-4 hours training?

Answer: You could improve it “very much”! My scores (before and after the 3-4 hours playing) are

as follows.

N.B. I tried again the single subtest from 0 to 7 times (using the touchpad of a notebook).



IQ Challenge score: 19, Top-score: 19, Last score: 19, Total number of attempts

(including the IQ Challenge): 4.


The test above is a new subtest, not included into the IQ Challenge I took. Just two

attempts for a 13 raw score/top score (the first submission was interrupted due to a

phone call).


IQ Challenge score: 18, Top-score: 18, Last score: 18, Total number of attempts

(including the IQ Challenge): 1.

Not included into the IQ Challenge. Top-score: 13, Last score: 13, Total number of

attempts (including the IQ Challenge): 2.



IQ Challenge score: 24, Top-score: 31, Last score: 31, Total number of attempts

(including the IQ Challenge): 6.

My English is not good/fast as my Italian is, so the score is not at the top of my range.


IQ Challenge score: 69, Top-score: 69, Last score: 69, Total number of attempts

(including the IQ Challenge one): 1.

Not included into the IQ Challenge. Top-score:79, Last score: 79, Total number of

attempts (including the IQ Challenge): 3.


IQ Challenge score: 17, Top-score:18, Last score: 18, Total number of attempts

(including the IQ Challenge): 2.



IQ Challenge score: 184, Top-score: 318, Last score: 318, Total number of attempts

(including the IQ Challenge one): 7.


IQ Challenge score: 210, Top-score: 236, Last score: 236, Total number of attempts

(including the IQ Challenge one): 8.

IQ Challenge score: 95, Top-score: 120, Last score: 120, Total number of attempts

(including the IQ Challenge one): 3.



IQ Challenge score: 16, Top-score: 16, Last score: 16, Total number of attempts

(including the IQ Challenge one): 1.


IQ Challenge score: 50, Top-score: 86, Last score: 86, Total number of attempts

(including the IQ Challenge one): 7.


Not included into the IQ Challenge. Top-score: 120, Last score: 120, Total number of

attempts (including the IQ Challenge): 7.

Tests included in the IQ Challenge only: Spatial Chunking (raw score: 24) and

Moving Flanker Task (raw score: 24).

The data above represent strong evidence that it is possible to achieve a better score

on most famous supervised IQ tests through a good targeted (brain) training.

You can find further details about me and my supervised/unsupervised (HRT) IQ

scores following the link below:



This is my second attempt at the full IQ Challenge (after the specific training):



Short-Term Memory: 96 → 116 (IQM > +4SD from the mean);

Reasoning Ability: 62 → 79 (IQR > +4SD from the mean);

Verbal Intelligence: 79 → 81 (IQV > +4SD from the mean).

Subtests (raw) scores

Monkey Ladder: 18;

Grammatical Reasoning: 27 (not a good match);

Double Trouble: 68;

Odd One Out: 18;

Spatial Search: 16;

Rotations: 282;

Feature Match: 226;

Digit Span: 18;

Hampshire Tree Task: 92 (New top-score);

Polygons: 131 (New top-score);


Spatial Chunking: 25 (New top-score, achieved memorizing the 4-5 moves at the

beginning plus an array of numbers - from 11 to 55);

Moving Flanker Task: 24 (I don’t mind this subtest).