My Social Media Portfolio

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Hi, I’m Anderson Serrant Here’s my story

Let’s Start Here 1...... My Story 2...... My Work

3...... My Writing 4....... My Contact

I was born on the quaint island of

Guadeloupe, but I was raised in Brooklyn

I graduated from the City College of New York, with a Bachelor of Arts with a focus on

Advertising. As the first person in my family to do so, it was one of

the proudest moments of my life.

Graduating was only part of my

journey. In the past I

thought the best way to tell a story

was either through written words or...

...Music. Yes, that’s me.

From an early age I saw how music and storytelling could


Naturally, I took a big interest in the

story telling potential of traditional

Advertising. So I put together a pitch

video to premiere the launch of the

new Jordan’s

As interesting as Advertising was, I kept looking for

more ways to help brands share their stories in new and interesting ways, which led me to

social media. I then helped Vice

Magazine launch of their new website.

My curiosity led me further down the proverbial

rabbit hole, and I continued my work into the

world of Social Media.

Case Studies

The Problem : Relaunch the

Jordan brand to coincide with the

arrival of the 23rd sneaker.

Solution : Launch a viral

campaign across popular media

channels harping on the “Greatness” of Michael Jordan

as a player.

The Problem : Find a way to

translate “Priceless Culture” into a conversation


Solution : Created content that resonated

with the community by

leveraging “priceless” moments.

The Problem : Connect the

various Holiday Shops at Bryant

Park to an increasingly digital


Solution : Connecting with

the owners I counted down to

Christmas by featuring 12

holiday shops for each day. I also created a video

series highlighting four specific shops.

The Problem : Develop a digital

solution to connect families with their meals, in a time

where less people are eating

together at home.

Solution : Leveraging the

McCormick mythos to create an app that would connect families to one another while

disconnecting them with the outside world.

Here are some of the brands stories that I’ve told...

Here are some stories I’ve told

I also love tell stories with pictures

Content Samples

Writing Samples

Contest Pitch Letter

Shortness of breath, stiffness creeping up your body, numbness, fear! Can you imagine this happening to you? Those were just some of the things our member, Kenneth Thorpe, had experienced in Feb of 2003. He had sustained a mild stroke or a TIA to be medically correct. Thankfully, Kenneth affectionately known to us as "Uncle Ken" had a different perspective on life, as he felt he had been given a second chance. Everything was going great with Uncle Ken and his health seemed relevantly up to par, until tragedy struck again. On Saturday, December 6th 2003, Uncle Ken felt the wave of numbness flow over half of his body again like deja vu. He knew instantaneously what was happening and so Uncle Ken was now in a precarious state. He was immediately rushed to the Hospital only to be diagnosed as having a severe stroke. His blood pressure was extremely high and as the doctor reported; who knows what would have happened if he had waited a little while longer to get medical assistance. After he was stabilized, Laos sought to comfort our beloved Uncle Ken in his hour of need. We prayed diligently and our mantra was that all things are possible with God. The battle had already been won because of Jesus Christ. After having undergone this life altering situations, Uncle Ken started living a healthier lifestyle, took things a little easier, and his quest for spiritual growth still remains priority in his life. Today, Uncle Ken is in better health. He is still our highly spirited, determined, and joyous Uncle Ken we all know and love. When Uncle Ken was in his moments of despair and despondency, we were right alongside him as we felt his pain. This experience has only drawn us closer together as a ministry and to God. Being the MOST POWERFUL VOICE for Stroke victims emulates our mission to better our community, and ourselves as we educate others of this disease. It kills! But, Laos as a group can help save lives, like the life of Kenneth Thorpe. We have learned so much from research and from the doctors who supervised Kenneth with the knowledge of how to treat a person who is experiencing the likelihood of a stroke. Our wish is to continue to spread the knowledge we have gained through this tragic experience. Thank you for an opportunity of a lifetime and we hope that you will consider us in your decision. Allow us to introduce you to the man that saved Uncle Ken and is the power behind our ministry. Let me introduce you to the man, who is, was and is to come. Let me introduce you to the man, who can save us, claim the victory over war with sickness, problems, and all negative obstacles even before it begins. Let me introduce you to God, the only way to salvation.

Sample Blog Post

We love Brooklyn! This week we are opening our third location in Canarsie, Brooklyn. To celebrate this momentous occasion we invited Brooklyn’s first basketball team, the Brooklyn Nets. Along side the Brooklyn Nets we shared our newest flavor, Island Citrus with hundreds of our fans. “Wings and good food, how can you go wrong”; Deron Williams, point guard of the Nets. “Being from Trinidad, we love to cook and we love to share, Super Wings is the best place for both”, said Colette Burnett owner of Super Wings. We kicked off the night with a wing-eating contest. The contestants faced off against two Brooklyn Nets stars with a battle of the wings. The winner brought home a free Super Wings party tray, as well as unlimited wings for the year. At the end of the night, we had a great time, and we want to thanks to the Brooklyn Nets for coming out and showing us love, and more importantly a huge thanks to our friends and supporters who came out. We look forward to sharing more events with you all this year. What was your favorite part? Share with us in the comments below.

I HEART Social Media

I love SocMede or as everyone else calls it social media. Why you ask!? Because. That’s why. Social media needs no introduction it just exists as an entity unto itself. It allows for the seamless sharing of ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and experiences. Isn’t that what being a human is all about? However great, granular, and perfect that may seem I have several “friends”, in real life, who abhor it. They look at social media as some sort of plaque and would rather spend their time doing mundane things like, go to the park, actually remember people birthday, and make vhs sideshows of their vacation. OK I’m kidding on those, but seriously, as humans we are built to connect with people, to be social, and to grow. SocMede has provided the perfect platform for that, though I understand that it, in and of itself, SocMede is far from perfect. It has its share of issues, however, to the naysayers get with it or get lost. I’m over those folks (many of whom are my close friends) denying the convenience, influence, and potential this new means of communication brings. Honestly, I would have never thought that text messaging was going to catch on, matter a fact, I would’ve guessed 6 years ago that video calling would be a lot more popular. That’s the beauty of technology it’s always changing and there are always surprises. So get with it friends, because my brain can’t remember your birthday wishes without a facebook reminder.

Contact Me

Phone: 347-432-1637 Email: andersonserrant@gmail(dot)com Twitter: @diaryofadude LinkedIn: Instagram: Flickr: Facebook: